I established Kua Kua Cult in Naruto.

Chapter 574: If time is long enough, will there be another me typing the same line of words?

Chapter 574 If time goes on long enough, will another me type the same line?
After completing the seal, Tatsuma gently pressed his hand on Fenfu's forehead. He didn't dare to use force, fearing that he would fall if he exerted force. At the moment of contact, he also implanted a wood escape seed into Fenfu. Fu body.

Tatsuma took two steps back, Shukaku tried his best to open his green bean eyes, and soon, Fenfu's body changed.

Strands of roots emerged from his body and penetrated into the ground. At the same time, new shoots sprouted from the forehead where Chenma pressed his hand, and the tender green leaves stretched gently, as if absorbing nutrients from the sun.

Seeing this scene, Shukaku opened his mouth wide, as if he wanted to say something, but closed it after all. It couldn't change Tatsuma's actions anyway.

This smelly old man may be turned into plant nutrients, and that's acceptable, right?
As expected by Shukaku, as the young seedling stretched, Fenfu's already skinny body became thinner, and even the height and width were slightly reduced.

All the useful nutrients in the body were extracted by the wood and turned into catalysts for growth. Young leaves appeared one after another, but the buds did not grow. But at this time, there were no nutrients that could be extracted from Fenfu's body.

A layer of dull, dry and cracked skin covered a body of hard bones, but that face still made Shukaku extremely familiar.


But as Shukaku watched, Fenfu's body suddenly ignited with faint blue flames. The flames burned Fenfu, and his clothes instantly caught fire, followed by Fenfu's eyebrows and skin.
The seedling also grew rapidly during this process. The roots and flower stems seemed not to be affected by the flames and were still growing. More and more roots were intertwined and covered with blessings.

At this time, a small bud was revealed at the top of the seedling.

As the temperature dropped, the bud finally bloomed and turned into a sunflower. It wasn't pretty, but it was full of life.


A gust of wind blows, and the flowers sway, lower their heads and raise their heads. The golden pollen is also scattered in the process, and is blown by the wind towards the distant sea.

"This is the last ray of blessing."

Tatsuma said suddenly, and Shukaku's gaze unconsciously followed the guidance of Tatsuma's words and looked at the pollen floating far away, emitting golden light.

"There is a saying."

Tatsuma also looked at the distant pollen and said: "The ocean is the cradle of life. All life originates from here. The life of sharing blessings can be regarded as returning to the beginning."

"If you're dead, you're dead. It's useless to say anything."

Shukaku's tone was very low, but Tatsuma said: "In fact, everything in this world may be repeated over and over again, and everything that makes up the blessing may also happen in an unknown number of years.

In a coincidence, his figure will be re-formed, so he will not really die, he will just bid farewell to the stage for a while. "

"Nonsense, I have lived for a thousand years and I have never seen another weird old man."

Shukaku did not believe what Tatsuma said, and Tatsuma was not angry, but said: "In the long river of time, 1000 years may not be much different from a year, a month, a day or even a second.

The reason why it feels long is because of the different reference objects. The lifespans you see, whether they are humans or animals, are pitifully shorter than a thousand years, so you feel that 1000 years is very long.

In fact, the passage of time is also a certain sense of "I think, therefore I am". When "I" is thinking, time will become longer. When "I" is not thinking, time will pass very quickly.

As soon as the eyes are closed and opened, the whole night passes by. Compared with the waking time, the sleeping time is so short that it is not worth mentioning. "

"How do I know whether what you said is true or false? I haven't slept, and that weird old man Fenfu doesn't sleep either, and doesn't let me experience the feeling of sleeping."

Shukaku muttered, "People say that it will run out while the jinchuriki is sleeping. Of course, this is true."

But at that time, it hated Fenfu, so as soon as Fenfu showed signs of falling asleep, it would come out and cause trouble. Moreover, the sealing technique used by Sunagakure Village on the jinchuriki was related to the spirit of the jinchuriki.

Therefore, when sleeping, the seal is at its weakest. At that time, seven dissatisfied and eight dissatisfied Shukakus will of course come out to cause trouble.

After just a few times, Fenfu stopped sleeping. Even during the period before Fenfu's death, Shukaku himself stopped making noises, but Fenfu still didn't sleep, as if he had forgotten how to fall asleep.

Shukaku had never experienced what it was like to fall asleep. In fact, he had the opportunity, but he just missed it.


Tatsuma nodded and said, "Let me put it another way, that is, your mind wanders. When your mind wanders, time will pass very quickly."

"How long has that weird old man been dead?"

"One day and two nights."

"Seems to be"

Shukaku thought thoughtfully. In his impression, Fenfu seemed to have just died. It took Fenfu away and ran all night. It arrived here at dawn. Then, it was not long before dawn when Tatsuma came.

However, he didn't expect that after a whole day, he thought Tatsuma had followed him here.

"Why are we talking about this?"

Shukaku couldn't remember why the topic came up here. Tatsuma didn't answer directly, but just said: "Not so much why, we just talked about it. After all, it is too difficult to find a topic to talk about when communicating with you tailed beasts. There are It’s good if we have to talk.”

"Why are you talking about something I'm not interested in?"

"How about we talk about what interests you?"

"Hmph! I don't want to chat with you, a bastard. If that weird old man hadn't finished flying, I would have left long ago."

"Let's talk about your prejudice against me. This is your tailed beast's misunderstanding of me. I talked it over with Kyuubi, and it no longer misunderstands me."

Tatsuma's tone was relaxed, Shukaku's features wrinkled, and then he said: "Then I have even more reason to hate you. Who made your relationship with that Kyuubi guy better?!"

"When I had a bad relationship with him, you didn't have a good attitude toward me." "Let's talk about how you deceived that bastard Kyuubi!"

Shukaku changed the topic. He found that in this area of ​​argument, he was no match for Tatsuma. He didn't want to be violent today, so let's chat for a while if we need to.

"You mistakenly thought I was the Ten-Tails, but I'm not, so you misunderstood me."

Tatsuma's explanation was unusually brief, not even as long as the previous topic. Shukaku curled his lips and said, "That guy just believed your nonsense?"

"I beat it so hard that it almost became a fool, and then I cured it and it believed me."


Shukaku responded "calmly", but his lips kept twitching and he pursed his lips hard.


In the end, it laughed so much that it rolled on the sand and said, "That guy will also be beaten violently one day, hahaha~ I'm laughing so hard!"

On the ground, the yellow sand turned into other parts of Shukaku's body was also jumping around, as if he was jumping happily.

Tatsuma waited for it to stop laughing, and then said: "So, do you just believe it, or do I beat you up too?"


Shukaku's laughter stopped suddenly, and he looked at Tatsuma with a pair of green bean eyes, as if he was judging whether Tatsuma was joking.

Tatsuma looked too calm. There was no playfulness in his eyes when he was joking, nor was there any ferocity in his eyes when he said harsh words. It was as if he was just discussing whether to add an omelette to lunch.

After looking at it for a long time, Shukaku still couldn't come up with an answer, but when he answered, his voice seemed a little weak.

"So what if you believe it, so what if you don't believe it. Is there anyone in the ninja world who can stop you now? That Kyuubi guy is your tailed beast of Konoha, so you have to clear up the so-called misunderstanding.

And I wonder if you want to kidnap me to Konoha?I'm warning you, if I go to Konoha, I will bully the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki every day! "

Tatsuma could see Shukaku's fierce look and inner embarrassment at a glance, and said with a smile: "I had no such plan at first, but now I suddenly want to see who is stronger between you and the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki."

Shukaku felt that Tatsuma's smile was malicious, and instinctively wanted to shrink his neck, but he was so fat that he had no neck.

Looking at its dull look, Tatsuma smiled even more happily. Since he raised Dingchun, although he often feels unhappy with Dingchun, he does know how to appreciate the cuteness of small animals.

"You are actually quite smart, and you can actually understand my intention to reconcile with Kyuubi, but I do plan to reconcile with you now."

Tatsuma's smile faded a little, but he still kept his smile. Shukaku rolled his eyes and turned his head and said: "I won't do anything for you, just give up."

"It's not for me. When you were in Fenfu's body, you should also be aware of the outside world, right? Then you should know that Luo Sha has a political enemy named Ye Cang. I hope you can serve as Ye Cang's friend in a short time. Help.”

"Why, you can't?"

"Watch your words, what do you mean I can't do it?"

Suddenly, Shukaku felt that he was enveloped in murderous intent. The yellow sand on the ground trembled and made a sound, like a frightened rattlesnake. It even explained in a panic:

"I mean you should have the ability to help her defeat Luosha, right? You could even do it that night."

"I don't intend for her to defeat Rasa. I hope that she and Rasa will be evenly matched, at least for a while, but I don't have that much time to spend here, so...are you willing to be my partner, um, tailed beast?"

For some reason, Shukaku was very dissatisfied with Tatsuma's last change of words. When other humans occasionally addressed him, they would inadvertently use "human" to refer to him. He was very dissatisfied with this and felt that putting him together with humans was a violation of his will. humiliation.

But Tatsuma gave Shukaku the impression that he was a dignified Shukaku and was not worthy of being lumped in with humans!
"I won't do such boring things!"

Shukaku said dissatisfied, Tatsuma shrugged and said, "I can give you some benefits."

"What's the benefit?"

"Give you a chance to ask me for help."

"I need help?! If you don't take action, who can let me ask other people for help?!"

Shukaku was furious, but Tatsuma ignored it, just approached it, then raised his fist and said: "Only once."

"Hmph! Anyway, I've been quite bored recently."

Shukaku reluctantly raised his fist and touched Tatsuma's fist. The tailed beast's unique chakra allowed one person and one tailed beast to establish a special connection.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet another partner."


Shukaku snorted, and the yellow sand on the ground gathered and turned into a mountain-like shape. Tatsuma jumped on top of it. Just when Shukaku wanted to shake his head in dissatisfaction, Tatsuma said:

"Golden Shukaku, he must be very majestic, right?"

Hearing this, Shukaku calmed down and let Tatsuma stand above him. Then, looking at the placer gold covering his body, Shukaku couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Majestic indeed!

(End of this chapter)

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