I established Kua Kua Cult in Naruto.

Chapter 460 I am fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.

Chapter 460 I am fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.

In the next period of time, the entire ninja world was in chaos. Diplomatic letters from the four countries of fire, wind, earth, and thunder were flying everywhere. In the shadow building of the ninja village, the fax machine was almost smoking.

Many staff lamented that the ink cartridges of the fax machine would eventually run out. In the past, only one or two ninjas could operate the fax machine. During this period, countless ninjas were trained urgently to send or receive diplomatic messages at any time.

Not only that, these four countries also began to show off their muscles. More than [-] Iwagakure were gathered in Iwagakure Village, and they were constantly operating on the border, blowing up a mountain or building a peak from time to time.

Kumogakure Village was no exception. The Daimyo of the Land of Thunder announced an increase in war funding, and replaced all Kumo-nins in Kumogakure Village with the latest equipment. They also began to imitate Iwagakure Village and began to hold military exercises at the border.

Sunagakure Village, which had just repaid its financial loan, once again asked the Daimyo of the Country of Wind for a loan. This time, the Daimyo of the Country of Wind was quite generous. He did not mention the loan and directly provided funding support.

The Sandaime Kazekage negotiated with the Sandaime Tsuchikage many times to discuss a peaceful solution, but neither party seemed to be satisfied. There were smashing sounds every day in the Tsuchikage Building and the newly restored Kazekage Building.

In comparison, the behavior of the Fire Nation appeared to be much more gentle. Konoha announced that it was entering a state of war reserve, and the shinobi villages were working at full capacity, working towards the KPI set by Hiruzen Sarutobi to increase the production of war readiness supplies by 200%.

As for personnel mobilization, Konoha was not as radical as Iwagakure and Kumogakure. It only increased the deployment of border border ninjas, and at the same time swallowed up the commission orders interrupted by the other three ninja villages.

From the current point of view, Konoha's economy has not been affected by the war crisis. Even if the war suspicion hangs over the shinobi world for one more day, Konoha can receive a large amount of commission money.

Konoha's act of taking advantage of the situation has undoubtedly aroused the dissatisfaction of the other three ninja villages, but until the jinchūriki problem is resolved, they have no energy to pursue Konoha in actual actions, and can only send more diplomatic letters.

In Konoha Village, Tatsuma, who has already started the Anbu retirement review process, is currently in the Hokage's office, processing documents, most of which are responses to foreign letters. He handles them very skillfully.

In addition to being the captain of the ANBU who is about to retire, he is also a member of Konoha's administrative department. Although everyone else is processing documents in their own offices, he is in the Hokage's office, but no one says a word.

Everyone could tell that the Yondaime Hokage's seat had been cleaned and he was waiting for Tatsuma to change his clothes and sit on it. Coming to the Hokage's office to work was a way to adapt to his working environment in advance.

By the window of the Hokage's office, Hiruzen Sarutobi was looking out into the distance. The recent events that had happened one after another made him feel a little too excited as a Hokage.

From the handling of Lao Zi and Han, to various responses and preparatory measures, Tatsuma was actually making the decisions. Sarutobi Hiruzen worked hard to be a bystander during this period.

He wanted to see how Tatsuma would deal with it, but every step of Tatsuma's treatment touched on his sensitive points.

As a matter of hoping for peace in the ninja world, Tatsuma's decision was really hard for Sarutobi Hiruzen to bear. Every decision Tatsuma made seemed to deliberately stir up the flames of war.

But judging from past experience, those who stir up war will never end well, but in this short period of time, Konoha does have hope for further development under Tatsuma's operation.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had always been a peacemaker, suddenly had the extravagant desire to make the suspicion of the war even tighter. After all, Konoha's huge income during this period made him even try to imagine that the Fire Country was the only one. Beautiful view.

If Konoha is given another period of time, and Konoha locks in the customer base that has transferred in during this period, and allows them to transform from temporary entrustment to long-term entrustment, then Konoha's income will far exceed that of other major ninja villages, by more than one level.

When this money is used back to Konoha's education, medical care, and ninja-derived industries, in ten or 20 years, there may not be five major countries in the ninja world, but one superpower, four major countries, and a bunch of small countries.

Because he had imagined this kind of scene, during this period, no matter how unbelievable Tatsuma's decision was, Sarutobi Hiruzen gritted his teeth and passed it.

Hearing the sound of stopping writing behind him, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not look back, but continued to look at the streets of Konoha, and said with emotion: "I have been here, looking at the same scenery for decades, and I only discovered Konoha today. It also has such a fresh style.”

"With the same subject matter, no two painters will paint the same painting unless they are copying, right?"

Tatsuma was replying while sorting out the reply in his hand. Hiruzen Sarutobi patted the window edge and said with a smile: "You are right. Besides, those who can only copy are called painters, not painters."

Tatsuma nodded. Although he knew that Hiruzen Sarutobi did not look back at him, he also knew that Hiruzen Sarutobi would catch his movements. Tatsuma asked: "Hokage-sama, do you want to review it again?" ?”

"No, you can just arrange it directly."

After this period of time, Sarutobi Hiruzen has become very trusting in Tatsuma's decision-making based on his own will, not to mention that he doesn't dare to look at it.

Because every glance was a huge test for his heart that had been beating for more than fifty years. Instead of resisting the urge to refute after looking at it, it was better to just let go and let Chenma do the operation.Seeing that Sarutobi Hiruzen was so relieved, Tatsuma waved to Shinnosuke in the darkness. Shinnosuke appeared immediately and saluted directly to Tatsuma, as if he already regarded Tatsuma as his immediate boss.

"Mandrill, send these to Mr. Lu Yuan and ask him to check them. If there are no problems, send them directly."


Shinnosuke hurriedly stepped forward, took the document handed over by Tatsuma with both hands, and hurriedly turned around and left. Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at his son's aggressive appearance and didn't know whether he should be proud or disappointed.

Shaking his head, Sarutobi Hiruzen walked to the desk, sat on the seat Tatsuma had just given up, and began to take out his pipe and tobacco, and began to smoke happily.

Sure enough, the first puff of cigarette after work was particularly mellow, even though he did not actually participate in the work, the taste was still beautiful.

This time it was Tatsuma who came to the window. Although the second-hand smoke would not cause any harm to his body, he didn't like it just because he didn't like it. There was no need to endure it.

Hiruzen Sarutobi smoked a cigarette and asked: "Tatsuma, I actually have a question that I have been thinking about for several days and I can't figure it out. Can you answer it for me?"

"Lord Hokage, please speak."

"Are you really not afraid that our recent radical behavior in Konoha, which has harmed other ninja villages, has forced them to start a war?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Tatsuma. He knew that Tatsuma must know this, but why wasn't Tatsuma worried?
Tatsuma shrugged and said calmly: "Actually, causing a war is my purpose."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression changed, and he almost wanted to question him, but he still endured it and continued to look at Tatsuma, who also explained:
"Humanity's desire for war is actually like water in a reservoir. With the high and low water periods, the water surface keeps floating up and down in the reservoir, which seems to be very controllable.

But one of the laws of nature is that there are no laws. An unexpected typhoon and heavy rain may cause the water surface in the reservoir to rise to the danger zone.

The solution is nothing more than building a high dam or opening floodgates to release floods, both of which have advantages and disadvantages.

Building a higher dam will allow the water surface to have more room to rise and prevent it from overflowing, but there will be more and more water. Once it pours, it will be more powerful and even destroy the entire downstream.

Opening gates to release floods will bring some threats to the downstream in a short period of time, but these threats are controllable and keep the water level within a safe range.

I don’t like the feeling of being in debt, and the same goes for war. My ability is only enough to handle the water in the original reservoir. Once the dam is raised and more water accumulates, I will not be able to solve it, so I would also avoid this situation. "

After Tatsuma finished speaking, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded. However, after Tatsuma explained this, he suddenly felt that his previous ideas seemed wrong.

After all, he is the type of person who advocates building high dams. As long as there is no war at the moment, even a compromise seems not unacceptable, but when did he come up with this idea?
It seems that the self ten years ago was not like this. The self ten years ago was also like Tatsuma, and had the intention to initiate war. Was ten years enough for him to become old?
Suddenly thinking about this, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly felt that Tatsuma's decision-making during this period was not so difficult to understand. Although he was more radical than his younger self, Tatsuma today was already in Konoha. It also gives him the confidence to be more radical.

"What you said makes sense. Conflicts among the countries in the ninja world are increasing day by day. Perhaps it would be a better choice to start the war early and let the ninja villages in each country start and end before they have completed full preparations for war."

Rarely, Sarutobi Hiruzen agreed with Tatsuma's radical idea, but he still consoled him: "But there is no need to let others know about our conversation today."

"I understand, Hokage-sama, but I don't need to hold anything back or hide anything from you, right?"

Tatsuma smiled and said, Sarutobi Hiruzen is also showing off his appearance. Preference is very unfair to others, but perhaps only preference can gain Tatsuma's current trust.

Not a loss.

Tatsuma also learned from Sarutobi Hiruzen to look from afar, but what he was thinking was different from what Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking when he stood in this position. Sarutobi Hiruzen was looking at the changes in Konoha, while Tatsuma was. Look at the future of the ninja world.

There is no way to avoid the Third Ninja War, and the sooner the fuse that triggers the war is lit, the better. If Scorpion can't light the fuse, Tatsuma wonders if he needs to be the arsonist himself.

(End of this chapter)

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