Chapter 574: Ten Long Years
The world scars.

The city of megaliths.

This city is the scar of the entire world, or the largest city in the entire Infinite Sea.

It was expanded from the original Boulder City.

When the anti-demon wall was in danger and demons were attacking in large numbers, expansion began.

Since then, a large number of resources from all over the world have come here.

Increasing resources and population, coupled with the pressure caused by the front line, made this stone city grow bigger and bigger.In the end, several adjacent cities on the side were completely integrated into one, becoming the largest city in the entire Infinite Sea.

With the expansion, more than twenty years have passed since the devil launched a large-scale attack.

"This city is too big, right?"

A brand new ship rowed across the ocean and was slowly approaching.

The docking port that spreads across the entire coastline is something that the members of the ship have never seen in their lives.

This ship is just an ordinary ghost ship, and the name of the ship can be seen on the side of the ship.

Golden Ocean.

It's a very normal name, very in line with the style of this world. It's unobtrusive but very easy to remember.

You can see that the bow of this ship looks like a very normal woman holding up a sea pearl.

But on the side of the ship, you can see golden crowns of wheat surrounded by ears, which looks a bit like a Notre Dame church-style ship.

"Is this island a scar on the world?" A young man on the boat couldn't help but said while looking at the island.

A crew member next to him nodded.

"Yes, this should be the Scar of the World. What we see now, the docking port that spreads across the entire coastline, is this city of giant rocks."

Argus, the captain, is a middle-aged man in his late 40s.

"After sailing in this boundless sea for so long, I finally arrived here. It's not easy."

"Okay, don't sigh here, let's think about how to dock first."

After some quick guidance, they finally docked the ship at a berth, stepped off the ship, and stood on the floor of the city.

"So many people are so prosperous. I have been sailing in the boundless sea for so long, and I have never seen such a prosperous city."

"Of course, there are goods from all over the world here, as well as people from all over the world."

But the overall atmosphere of the city seemed less serious, and much more relaxed than the military-controlled city they imagined.

It's different from what they thought.

After settling in.

They came to the center of the entire city.

"Are these 12 towers the legendary trial towers?"

"It can't be said to be a legend. After all, we only heard about it more than ten years ago."

There were more than ten or twenty crew members on their entire ship, but only the captain and deputy captain owned one treasure.

Only these two members have reached the fourth stage of their respective strength.

If they get here on this trip, they will naturally be tested.

You can see people constantly standing on the teleportation platform entering the Tower of Trial, and people constantly coming out of the Tower of Trial.

Either happy or frustrated, the expressions vary.

The two men, the captain and the deputy captain, went directly to the registration office.

After a short queue.

"The first time?"

The two nodded.

"Then I must remind you that this is wartime. If you don't want to provide support on the front line, you are not allowed to use the Trial Tower for the time being."

This was a standard put forward in the second year after the Tower of Trials was formed.

After all, when the Tower of Trial was first searched, these forces were willing to help because it could improve the quality of the frontline troops and enable them to better resist demons.

But as the second year began, people from all over the world began to compete for the positions of these soldiers. This was completely unacceptable.

Because the Trial Tower can be regarded as a reward for the sacrifice of frontline soldiers, and it is a kind of guarantee.

Obviously the two of them had already made plans, and they nodded and signed a contract.

They only need one year of support before they can use the Tower of Trials.

If you successfully pass the trial and obtain the treasure, you will receive another year of support.

Of course, these people will not really be used as cannon fodder. This obviously does not exist.

And on the edge of these 12 towers.

Several people are looking at these 12 trial towers.

"Are we acting too leisurely?" Jason and the others suddenly said as they were wandering around the city.

Hear this.

Ululius next to him looked at Jason and rolled his eyes.

At this time, Urulius' body shape and appearance no longer looked like the girl she once was, but more like a 27-year-old young woman.

Become more mature.

"Well, if you feel sorry for yourself, you can be as busy as them." Juanlu said next to him.

"No, no." Jason smiled and waved his hand.

At this time, these people are Jason, Urulius, Juanlu and Materissa.

Jason said next to him: "Although I am a god, I don't want to be busy at all."

Jason and Ululius ascended to the throne of God a long time ago.

Become a rare one god and two persons.

The core point of enlightenment is naturally hope.

However, in the system of gods, the two of them are considered the weakest, because they can only barely achieve godhood.

Their duty is naturally to bring hope and save the world.

They are doing various things in the scar world, even if they are saving the world.

If they want to truly gain powerful authority and improve their strength in the divine system, they must wait until a real counterattack can be achieved.

It is precisely this kind of strange thing that can only work at critical moments, the so-called hope.

Although the two of them became gods, they were not as busy as others.

"Crown-level treasures... are really hard to obtain." Juanlu said as he walked beside and touched his forehead.

Jason nodded: "Without Alka's help, the difficulty of treasure hunting has indeed increased a lot."

"And we have to defend the World Scar, and the area we can defend is getting narrower and narrower. There is nothing we can do about it." Materissa said next to her.

Urulius hugged one of Matresa's arms and asked, "Aren't you always helping Pororo? Why are you so free to go shopping with us today?"

Hear this.

Materissa supported her cheek with some sadness, supported her cheek with one hand, and said melancholy: "That's because Pororo went to fight with Poseidon again a few days ago, and obviously he didn't fight.

But he suffered an injury that was not too serious. After I helped him take care of it, I naturally had to let him rest for a few days. "

Everyone understood after hearing this.

It's a normal thing, you hear it basically every year.It seems that Poseidon promised Pororo to challenge him once a year.

to be frank.

Jason seriously suspected that Poseidon actually wanted to stretch his muscles.

Just be very willing to take on Pororo's challenge.

When Pororo was injured, Xiu Xiu would naturally put down his work temporarily.And Materissa didn't need to be there to help, so she naturally had time to go shopping leisurely and relax.

Jason shrugged beside him and said with some confusion: "You said that Julia, as the voice of nature, needs to use her voice to harmonize and repair the harmony of nature. I can understand that she will be very busy.

As the God of Mechanical Progress, Simon preaches and builds teaching materials every day. I can understand that he is very busy.

As the god of disaster, what does Pororo do all day long?Are you busy causing disasters on the sea?This is not good. "

Since almost 10 years ago, the three of them have obtained three crown-level treasures from three gods.

With the help of Libra, each obtained their own divinity.

Just as they had initially predicted, what emerged was a certain personality that suited them and urgently needed their busy work.

As a result, when they started to ascend to the gods later, they were extremely busy, and they took advantage of the opportunity to ascend to the gods while being busy.

After becoming a god, he naturally becomes busier and busier.The original team of 9 people, now only a few of them still often get together to stay in World Scar.

The rest of the people can only gather from time to time, there is no other way.Before the world is repaired, every activity of these new gods can add a touch of order to the world, which can be used to suppress the scars and even cracks in the world.

They are using their own methods to fulfill the promises they made.

Even though he said that, Jason still couldn't understand what Pororo was up to.

Hearing Jason's words, Materissa glanced at him.

Urulius lashed out with his tail.

Juanlu said from the side: "I went to see him before. It seems that although he is the god of disaster, he is actually working hard to repair order from this aspect."

"What? Tell me." Jason said curiously, rubbing his beaten calf.

"Let me tell you." Materissa said helplessly.

"Although Pororo is the god of disasters, you have to understand the chaotic situation, so that all disasters in this world do not follow the laws of nature.

It is a wrong, disaster that should not occur, and Pororo must first restore the chaotic order, and then transform the once chaotic disaster into a natural disaster. "

"Oh, I see. Wait, doesn't that coincide with Julia's?"

Because of the sequence of becoming gods.

The delicate work of repairing and restoring order made Pororo unbearable, which led to him becoming a god five years ago.

Julia has been repairing the environment and maintaining the laws of nature.So she quickly integrated into the work, and she became a god probably in the second year after obtaining the complete treasure.

It's about three or four years faster than Pororo.

So at that time, Jason had helped Julia complete some preliminary preparations and had a good understanding of her.

It also uses some kind of natural sounds to repair the environment, which doesn't sound much different from Pororo's function.

Materissa nodded.

“So the two of them often collaborated, and since they were both marine creatures before, they were able to tinker with it easily.

It's relatively efficient. "

A few people came to the coast unknowingly and came to the side that was not the port.

Looking at the endless sea and the ships circling above.

"So the first thing they must repair is the surrounding environment?" Juanlu said.

Due to the "sacrifice" of Alka on the front line, the pressure on the front line has dropped sharply, which is why the city has seemed less stressful in recent years.

Therefore, the devil will focus more on breakthroughs at sea.

This also led to Jason Juanlu and the others often fighting on the sea.

Therefore, it is very sensitive to changes in the surrounding environment.

Materissa nodded.

Indeed, initially they were tinkering with the surroundings.

"Oh, it's the temple of Pororo." Jason suddenly seemed to see something and said with some surprise.

On the coast there is this building that looks like a fisherman's hut, half in the sea.

But compared to the so-called fisherman's hut, it must be wider and sturdier.

But it looks very simple.

The reason why Jason saw it at a glance was because there was a wild statue of a shark fishman.

There is no doubt that it is the temple used to worship Pororo.

Everyone walked by the hut and looked at it carefully.

Some believers can be seen fishing through small wooden boards extending to the sea.

They didn't go in. After all, it was too troublesome to go in with their identities and be greeted with all kinds of greetings and respectful attitudes.

after all.

Who does not know that they are friends of the gods.

And not one god, but friends of several new gods.

"Why is there no temple to worship me?"

After Jason and the others walked through the temple, Jason looked at Ululius and asked.

Urulius rolled his eyes when he heard this.

"Which god do you see flying around above your head every day, no matter what?"

Because of the stereotype of gods, although Jason became a god, he attacked demons on the front line and along the coastline. He looked like a very powerful warrior, not a god.

In addition, no one is promoting it, so naturally no one regards him as a god yet.

However, Juanlu curled his lips in disdain at Jason's words.

"Yes, you don't have a temple, but you definitely have believers, so stop pretending."

"Don't those people in your Crystal Knights know that you are a god? I don't believe it."

"Haha." Jason laughed at this.

Everyone continued to move forward.

It was a rare break, so they walked slowly and slowly.

Suddenly, the sky was covered by a curtain and quickly dimmed, but what followed was a bright full moon.

The moon is as bright and clean as a mirror, surrounded by stars.

Materissa looked at the sky.

"Sure enough, no matter how you look at it, Xia Daiti looks like a god."

Urulius also nodded in agreement.

This is true.

Then they came to the Temple of the Moon during their night walk.

This temple can be said to be the largest church in the entire world besides the four scars.

It is located on a crescent mountain.

Located on the top of the mountain, it is the scar of the entire world and the place closest to the moon.

For this temple, everyone is more willing to enter.

Because they are relatively familiar with each other and the members inside are all their comrades, they will not be overly respectful towards them.

Make it easier for them to accept.

Looking at Jason and others walking over.

The warriors and knights wearing silver-gray or bright silver moon armor next to them just nodded slightly.

The most special feature of the temple building in front is the huge round mirror on the top.

Through a special structure, it can receive the moon's light and reflect it.

So you can see this temple from a distance, because it will have a white beam of light reaching into the sky, and although it is not bright, it is very conspicuous.

Several people walked and chatted as they entered the interior of the temple.

Because night has been coming for a while.

The evening prayers have also ended.

But what's interesting is that Xia Daiti is not the only statue in the temple, Alka can also be seen next to it.

Everyone was under Alka's statue with complicated expressions.

As everyone becomes gods, they may be able to understand that Alka's sacrifice may represent some kind of conspiracy against the devil.

But it is true.

They haven't seen Alka in 10 years.

I haven't had any conversation with Alka in 10 years.

The statue of Alka in the Temple of the Moon was erected here spontaneously by these believers.

At night, believers of the moon will come here to worship Xia Daiti.

During the day, those who were grateful for Alka's sacrifice would come here to thank Alka.

"Let's go to the front line and have a look." Juanlu said suddenly.

Jason also nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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