Treasure Hunters, Sail the Blue Sea

Chapter 196 Simulated Silver Filament

Chapter 196 Simulated Silver Filament
"Ah oh!"

"Is this hair? I'm sorry haha, I pulled it out wrong." Lucilia smiled apologetically, and then continued to reach out.

Xia Detti was sitting on the edge of the small garden in the middle of the deck, and Lucilia was separating the silver strands from her head with Zero.

Xia Daiti's hair color is bright silver, so coincidentally, this silk thread is also bright silver.

When she was attacking the ball-shaped monster just now, she used her fists to blow them up.

Many of the silver threads flying all over the sky were stuck to her hair, so two small puppet girls could only help clean it up.

Lucilia separated the last silver thread from Xia Daiti's hair, and then exhaled.

"nailed it."

Hearing this, Xia Daiti lowered his head, shook his hair, and found that there was indeed no silver thread falling down.

"Thank you Lucilia." Then he turned his head and thanked the other puppet girl Zero on his shoulder: "Thank you too."

Zero raised his head to look at her, and nodded slightly stiffly: "You're welcome, this is the master's order."

Then the two handed over the hair they had collected to Alka.

Alka took these silver threads, bundled them neatly, and put them into a special small box.

The specially made small box can keep the spell materials inside intact, so as to avoid the magic power dissipating with the passage of time.

However, Alka felt that these boxes were no longer necessary, mainly because the concentration of magic power around them had already increased.

Unless it is a high-energy material or item, it is difficult for the magic to dissipate over time.

Some low-magic materials may also strengthen over time, all of which benefit from the high concentration of magic power in the outside world.

"The monster just now looks really strange. Is it special or there are many such strange creatures in the outside world?"

Jason asked lying on the deck with his hands propped back.

Alka turned his head and squinted at him, then said quietly: "Crow's mouth, stop talking."

Hearing Alka's words, Jason became excited.

"What crow's mouth, don't talk nonsense. It was just a coincidence before. I just mentioned the possible situation. What does it have to do with me?"

Jason quibbled, but everyone looked at him with disbelief.

Looking at the eyes of everyone, Jason wanted to continue to argue.

"Okay, Crow's Mouth, go up and be vigilant, it's your turn." Pororo patted Jason on the shoulder, and without waiting for him to speak, he lifted him up and threw him upwards.

"I've said it all, I'm not a crow's mouth!"

As Jason said, he held the flying cable in mid-air and climbed into the observation room.

But he didn't continue to quibble, after all, it was just too coincidental.

But time will prove his innocence.

He firmly believes so.

"It's so late, I'll cook in a while, it's so late, let's simply make fried rice."

As Hu Anlu spoke, everyone nodded in agreement, and he quickly ran towards the kitchen.

Arka looked up at the sky.

At this time, the sky had already darkened, only a faint light could be seen on the horizon.

After passing through the stormy sea area in the afternoon, and then experienced the chasing of sea beasts, it was already evening when we relaxed.

An overly fulfilling day.

While waiting for the meal, everyone sat on the open deck, chatting casually.

"It's really dangerous outside. Any sea beast is so strong." Lucilia couldn't help but said when she thought of the sea beast before.

Hearing this, Alka suddenly smiled, and then a mirror appeared on his face.

What was reflected on the mirror was the figure of the sea beast on the sea from before.

Looking at the picture on his mask, several people couldn't help standing up.

Alka didn't choose to simulate his head this time, the mirror-like solution wrapped his palm, and then spread to his entire arms.

The special effect of shattering the mirror appeared, and Alka's hands turned into countless spreading silver threads.

Arka, who was wearing a mirror, looked at his hands.

"This feeling is so strange."

The habit of controlling the human body cannot control these silk threads in the hands at all, and each silk thread can be controlled independently, and the human brain is simply not enough to perform such an operation.

Alka could only control it in such a disorderly way, watching the countless lines of his arms waving and spreading around wantonly.

"Oh! Put me down!"

A few silk threads spread over, directly tied up Lucilia next to her, and fell in mid-air.

Lucilia flapped the silk thread, stared at Alka and said loudly.

Alka coughed in embarrassment: "Ahem, I'm sorry, I can't control these silk threads now."

After finishing speaking, Alka canceled the simulation, and the effect of the shattered mirror appeared on both arms again, and the countless silk threads that spread out gathered back into Alka's arms.

Lucilia also fell, somersaulted in mid-air and landed firmly.

"Can you imitate that monster?" Xia Daiti asked curiously.

The main reason is that I didn't expect Alka to be able to perform such a simulation just by seeing the appearance.

Alka nodded, and said: "Those silver threads coming out are equivalent to hands and feet when compared to humans, and I only observed the silver threads wrapped around this monster, and the attacking methods of these silver threads. Scenes."

To put it simply, Alka can only simulate changes in the hands and legs, as for other parts.

He has not seen the corresponding part, and there is no possibility of simulation.

"But it's a bit too tasteless. The sense of controlling those silk threads is too different from the sense of controlling the hand, so I can't control it at all."

Controlling the hand is just controlling the two arms, and each silk thread is equivalent to controlling the arms.

There are at least a few hundred silk threads turned into by both arms, and the densely packed long string is simply uncontrollable.

"You don't have to completely simulate your hands, didn't you say that? Those silk threads are analogous to human limbs, and you can only simulate a range like a finger or a palm."

Lucilia next to her thought for a while and suggested.

Hearing such a suggestion, Alka just thought about it, and felt that the possibility was quite high, and said, "Okay, I'll try."

After speaking, he stretched out the index finger of his right hand, and the index finger was covered with a fluid mirror and turned into a pinch of silver threads with special effects.

Looking at the silver thread emerging from the joint of the palm, Arka tried his best to control it.

Sure enough, if it's just the amount of silk thread on one finger, it's really much easier to control.

But even if it is much easier to control, only Alka can control the overall silk thread, swinging up and down from side to side.

This handful of silk threads counted at least dozens of them, and Alka didn't know how long it would take to practice to perfectly control such a handful of silk threads.

But once you have practiced the control of these silk threads, there are so many things you can do, it is worth spending some time on training.

"Can these silk threads be divided and wound into several strands, and it may be easier to control only a few strands."

Julia leaned on the mast, looking at the silk thread proposal in A-Ka's hand.

"You can try."

Everyone just looked at the thread on Alka's palm and put forward various ideas and suggestions.

Alka also conducts experiments on site.

While training, it is also to find out more possibilities.

It wasn't until the brass bell for dinner rang that Alka retracted the mirror and went to the restaurant with everyone.

After a simple meal, it was already late at night. After chatting for a while, everyone returned to their rooms to rest.

Arkad had to be on duty in the observation room in the second half of the night, so he had to rest early.

Lie in bed and sink into dreamland.

Waking up from the dream bubble.

He directly passed through the membrane of his dream bubble and came to the outside world.

As usual, he began to inspect the dream bubbles of everyone around him.

Maybe it was because he went to bed too early today, but he was the only bubble around, and no one else fell asleep.

I had to explore in the dreamland.

Even after coming to the sea of ​​sentient beings, it didn't become lively. Except for the unique colorful mist and distorted light and shadow in the dream world, there were only some small and thin dream bubbles left.

These dream bubbles are all covered by the blue of sea water, indicating that the dreamers inside are fishes in the deep sea.

I'm getting used to it.

As Alka wandered, he began to look for creatures with or without dreams.

In this desolate area, what Alka found the most were arms made of light and shadow, birds, and monsters with the same eyes.

He discovered another one-eyed monster some time ago, and this time he conducted a more detailed observation, organized it, and wrote it into the monster illustrated book.

Among the monsters in the dream, Alka has yet to find any that can be dissected. They are all strange creatures that will shatter immediately once they are eliminated.

Then he harvested another eye spar and filled it into his dream world.


Suddenly discovering something, Alka couldn't help being a little surprised, and stopped in place.

A huge bubble appeared in front of it, and the size of the bubble was already more than half the size of Alka Bubble.

Because Alka's soul is stronger than others, and his mental power is also more tenacious than others, so Alka's bubbles have always been bigger than others.

It is 1/3 bigger than Julia, who has the biggest bubble among them.

The bubbles in the dream can basically reflect a person's strength.

For example, Juanlu's bubbles and Julia's bubbles have obvious size differences.

Based on the size of the bubble in front of him, it is probably stronger than Hu Anlu and weaker than others.

However, the color of the bubble is still blue, indicating that it is a marine creature.

Whose will it be?
Alka poked his head in curiously.

... It's really a narrow road to enemies.

Inside the bubble is a huge silver thread-like monster, and the silk threads that fly out are flying around in the sea water.

I don't know what it was dreaming about in the dream.

However, the strength of this sea beast should be stronger than that of Julia. The reason why the bubble is so small should be that the creature's intelligence is not strong enough.

The strength of the soul may be fine, but the spirit and wisdom are much weaker than humans.

Relying on the strength of the pure soul to make the bubble so big is enough to prove that Alka guessed its strength correctly.

Watch the weird sea beast inside the bubble.

Speaking of which, now is a rare opportunity, after all, I can observe this sea beast in my dream.

At that time, we will be able to better simulate its changes, and it would be great if we can observe more.

Thinking of this, Alka poked his head in at the border of the bubble, quietly observing the sea beast inside.

Fortunately, this sea beast was in a dream, it seemed that it was dreaming that it was preying, so it acted very violently.

Let Alka be able to observe many things.

But Alka didn't let Alka observe the bubble for a long time, probably more than 4 hours.

burst open.

The sea beast woke up.

Seeing the dream bubble disappearing in front of him, Alka blinked his mouth, somewhat regretful.

However, he still observed something interesting.

A mirror surface emerged and covered his face, and the figure of the silver-threaded sea beast appeared in the mirror.

Alka's index finger turned into silver threads and squirmed out, and these threads were still difficult to control.

Alka controlled her magic power and poured into these silk threads. These silk threads were equivalent to Alka's limbs, and the magic power was transmitted very smoothly in it.

Then the silver thread lit up with white light, and Arka waved it casually.

The silk thread on the index finger unexpectedly extended by half a meter, and when it swung out, there was a sound of piercing through the air.

This is what Arka observed in the sea beast dream just now.

When Arca's mirror simulates other creatures, the more you know, the more you can show.

Even though Alka knew that the silver thread could transmit magic power, but he didn't observe it enough, or even dissected it, so he couldn't achieve such an effect by simulating it.

It was as if he saw the action of the sea beast throwing the small blob monster, but he couldn't simulate such an attack.

Because he didn't dissect the sea beast, he didn't know how this small team battle monster came from, and he didn't know where it was thrown out.

Even if it is simulated, he can't do it.

The requirements for simulating foreign objects are extremely demanding.

If Alka simulated a monster with an arm capable of firing laser cannons, he would have seen it and simulated that arm.

But when he actually used it, he couldn't fire the laser cannon, because he didn't understand enough, he only observed the surface.

Even if it was simulated, he still had to think about whether the firing of the light cannon was caused by the linkage of other parts of the monster's body.

If that's the case, he can't do it either.

Because he can't simulate all of them, he can only simulate a part of these creatures corresponding to human beings.

As for what specific parts correspond to which parts of the human body, it has to be simulated to know.

Alka retracted the mirror again, and the changes on her body disappeared.

Being able to observe more, he is already very satisfied.

Go back to your own dream bubble according to the original path. At this time, the dream bubbles of the surrounding teammates have appeared except Jason who is on guard.

Alka began to patrol outside the dream bubbles of his teammates, to see if there were any dream creatures without eyes?

After walking around, he really found it.

It was actually a nail-like monster that had never been seen before.

This monster is about two meters high, very small, with a nail-like dome on top.

At this time, he was hitting Hu Anlu's bubble film with the sharp side below him, and the attack was not strong.

The bubble film outside Hu Anlu only caused faint ripples, and there was no movement other than that.

Alka observed for a while, then tried to simulate it, and found that this dream monster had no simulation value.

The dream catcher appeared in his palm, and the pink mist spread out.

Instantly wrapped the nail-like dream monster, and with Arka's palm clenched his fist, crushed and compressed it fiercely.

The pink foggy ball floated into Arka's palm and spread out, revealing the spoils given by the dream monster inside.

A long piece of metal, about the size of a palm, is light gray in color, with strange vertical lines on it.

Looking at the trophy in his hand, Alka's mind had a brief information about the trophy.

Probably a metal used for manufacturing, which can give the manufactured objects better magical conductivity, and this metal has spiritual related effects.

Putting it into a weapon can probably hurt the enemy's spirit while attacking.

Into a defensive shield, it may be able to withstand some spiritual attacks.

When making protective items against mental attacks, adding them should have a better effect.

A very nice raw material.

Alka looked at the material with a satisfied smile on his face.

Finally gave something useful.

Of course, he can also turn it into the energy of the dream, and melt it into his own dream bubble.

(End of this chapter)

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