Chapter 481 Night of One Hundred Ghosts
After a while, the transaction between Shimama and the villagers ended in failure because the villagers had nothing good and could not afford the goods she had on hand.

On the other side, Guo Dazhu was both excited and disgraced, as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden and deeply felt her own poverty.

Just kidding, their entire village couldn't afford a rune rifle unless they sold the village's sacred items!

As a result, Lord Turtle was kind enough to give him a rifle.

Of course, there are only 10 rune bullets. Are they used up?

This really made him feel as if he was constipated. He wanted to try it but was reluctant to waste bullets.

The old village chief Guo said tremblingly: "Let's bury this Mr. Zhang under the big bluestone. This big bluestone is a sacred object in the village. It has the effect of suppressing hundreds of ghosts and suppressing disasters... Without the big bluestone, we would Long dead."

There are reasons for these villagers to do this. On the one hand, this little white turtle looks really auspicious. People rely on their clothes, and the same goes for turtles. A beautiful turtle is equivalent to favorability.

And the rune rifles they gave away have good combat effectiveness and can indeed defend the village.

On the other hand, the big blue stone can also suppress hundreds of ghosts. If a person with evil intentions is buried near the big blue stone, it may be difficult to wake up; but if he has merit and is affected by the big blue stone, the probability of waking up will be greater. Some.

[The people in Qingshi Village are quite nice. Are they compatriots from Zhongshan? 】The gourd is very happy.

"Where do such good morals come from? You are overthinking." Shimama snorted a few words. Unruly people come out of poor mountains and rivers. In a poor environment, where do high morals come from? It is their spiritual will that has been affected by Da Qingshi. Influence!
There is no greater influence of a god than this. Even if he dies, his spiritual will can be passed down for a long time.

"Lao Zhang, you have no objections, so I'll just bury you here!"

Zhang Ming said nothing and seemed to have no objection. After a long time, two words came out of his throat: "Human..."

The legendary hungry ghost in lust is nothing more than this.


In this way, Zhang Ming and his party stayed briefly in this quiet village.

Zhang Ming's body was buried near the big bluestone and covered by a lot of soul-burial grass. Every day, children came over to watch the so-called "big master".

The "corpse" that can't speak is not interesting, but there is a very interesting Miss Calabash who can tell any story and make delicious food for them.

Then I will definitely come every day!
And the magical little white turtle invited them to play games and watch movies!

So a group of children were fascinated by video games. Even if they were good at playing, they would only go home after being scolded every day.

Immediately afterwards, the computer was occupied by more adults!

They discovered the joy of games, and their barren spirits suddenly seemed to be illuminated by an unprecedented light. How could they endure it?In the past, nightlife could only be spent in bed with your partner, but now it’s about playing games!

As a result, those minors were forcibly kicked out of the temporary Internet cafe!
Next, more villagers knew about this, and in the name of experiencing "ancient technology", a group of men and women happily stayed up all night.

The hostess has a nice voice, a kind heart, and provides high-quality food service; the male host is buried on the ground, and although he has the aura of a strong man, he is silent and motionless.

The scene was once very chaotic!
The village chief, Old Man Guo, was very worried.

There is danger in this world at night. When you play games until dark, are you risking your life?
No more farming, will you drink the northwest wind next year?If your wife doesn't accompany you anymore, aren't you afraid that Hongxing will cheat on you?
So an emergency village meeting was held, asking Ms. Calabash to put those things away and no longer give them free use to everyone, and this time the turmoil was calmed down.

"Everyone, Mr. Turtle has spoken. You go there every day to cause trouble and make their patients miserable. What you are doing is wrong. The Turtle will not let you go."

How is it possible? Mr. Turtle is having a great time himself, so how could he not let us go?

The villagers are noisy.

"So they donated these... machines and put them under the unified custody of the ancestral hall!!" The veins on Guo Village Chief's forehead popped out, looking quite majestic.

It's just a few computers. To Zhang Ming and his party, they are not really much property.

In order to withstand harsh environments, these computers have slow computing speeds, average screens, and can only play the simplest games.

But for the local villagers, it is simply a god-level wealth!

Unfortunately, they didn't even have stable electricity, so in the end they had to get electricity from the steamship's furnace perpetual motion machine.

In this way, Zhang Ming and his colleagues lived happily in Qingshi Village.

Their arrival brought subtle changes to the closed Qingshi Village.

They have many stories that deeply attract children's attention. Even if you don't have to play with the computer, you can always come over and listen to the stories, right?Just go back before the sun goes down.

Master Shimama is naturally happy to tell about her experiences, and the children will pass the stories to their parents.

Even some adults were surprised that their stories were indeed very interesting.

Zhang Ming and his party brought a lot of wealth with them. Miss Calabash has stored a large amount of materials, more than 2 sea coins, which is a resource that requires a medium-level civilization to accumulate 500 years, and there are many of them. Food, so he simply opened a "big rice bucket restaurant" to cook late night snacks for the night watchmen.

So Old Man Guo became anxious again, could you please stop spreading stories? In this world, curiosity can kill people!
But I have to admit, these stories are very interesting and fascinating.

Even the village chief himself sometimes couldn't help but be curious and wanted to hear it, so the old village chief was in a state of Schrödinger's contradiction all day long.

"What's the outside world like?"

"Where is the Sea of ​​Demonic Gods?"

"Besides our burial world, there are more worlds..."

In the past, all the information the villagers received was that "there is an endless ocean outside" and "there is still an ocean on the other side of the ocean."

As a result, there is still civilization outside?
The children ran here after school, drinking delicious "broken bone soup" and wanting to hear "stories from outside."

"Today I will tell you a story about the Monkey King."

"Don't know too much, that's the rule!"

Old Man Guo's roar could be heard in the small village from time to time, and the old man rushed over with his crutch.

Rules, rules, rules are so important!
We really have no right to break the rules!
The village chief became increasingly nervous and a little regretful for bringing this boatload of strange creatures into the village.

However, the strange creatures on this ship are very friendly and often impart some knowledge, whether it is astronomy, geography, medicine or agriculture, they know almost everything, and they are also very rich, well, really rich.

Over time, old man Guo was really unwilling to drive them out of the village.

"Master Turtle, you cannot teach history! No history can be taught...including the outside world...the history of the outside world cannot be taught, otherwise..."

"Master Turtle, anatomy must not be taught! It is taboo! It will kill people!"

"Medical care... as long as you have simple medical common sense, life and death are determined by destiny, wealth is in the sky. Just make some nutritious soup, we don't want to know the principle." Old man Guo was anxious to death, the turtle was quite easy to talk to, but The ancestors of the turtles are too difficult to negotiate. You are not afraid of death, we are!
"What are you afraid of, old man!" The ancestor of the Divine Turtle became increasingly dissatisfied. How could there be such a strange world? There are rules here and there, can you still live?


So time passed slowly day by day, and two months of peaceful life passed by quietly like running water.

The life of pastoral seclusion makes people almost forget the existence of time.

This breath of fireworks made Zhang Ming very peaceful while lying underground. He didn't even talk in his sleep, he just lay quietly and let the Soul Burying Grass on his body absorb the power of the curse.

On this day, in the large ancestral hall, Xiaobai, Shimama and Teacher Hulu were teaching children arithmetic.

"What a stupid thing, 0.5*0.8, actually equals 0.04? What kind of brain do you have?" Shimama's shocking roar spread far and wide, and the little kids were stunned by it.

Master Shimama is really broken. She used to run the Great Academy of Sciences, and those genius humans were so smart that she was under great pressure and suspicious.

But now, these villagers are also stupid enough to make them doubt Guisheng! !

Well, this is the average level of intelligent life. At least half of the population on earth cannot determine whether 0.5*0.8 is equal to 0.4 or 0.04 without the help of a computer!

"Give me a thousand squats!" It violently punished these students.


The bell from the ancestral hall rang, which was the bell that reminded the sun to set, which meant that at the end of the day, all the working villagers should go home to rest.

Qingshi Village looks small, but it is well-equipped. In addition to the production team, militia group, and trade group, there are also some educational institutions. There are only about seven teachers, but they have to manage five to six hundred children, which is impossible to manage. Come.

So there are three more very wealthy teachers, and others are happy and relaxed.

Although there are all kinds of rules in this damn place, you can always learn math, right?Mathematics is really not within the scope of rules. Without mathematics, civilization would not be possible.

In addition, the management system here is actually quite advanced!

The public ownership system is combined with the private ownership system.Places such as schools and ancestral halls are all publicly owned, and there is also some internal currency circulation.

Teachers, militiamen and other positions can receive a certain level of remuneration.

[get out of class is over. See you tomorrow, classmates. 】

"Goodbye, Mr. Calabash!"

[Students, I remind you that there will be a small gift for students with good grades in the exam tomorrow.Remember to go over the knowledge points in your mind before going to bed at night. 】

Teacher Calabash is really gentle, has a nice voice, and is very rich!
No matter how naughty the male classmate is, he likes Teacher Calabash very much and is extremely afraid of the crazy Teacher Shimama.

At least in the eyes of children, that little gift was extremely anticipated, and they strongly suspected that there was a fairy in the gourd.

Gourd glanced at the scientific instruments placed in the classroom again, which recorded Zhang Ming's various indicators, and felt extremely happy: [The Soul Burial Grass is growing very well and has been absorbing Mr. Zhang's soul curse. 】

Come to the right place!

When she is in a good mood, she wants to spread her wealth.

She believes that "merit" may be a real thing. Otherwise, why would she be so lucky to meet a village of kind-hearted people?
[Students, the teacher is in a good mood today.In the evening I will cook a pot of eight-treasure porridge that is very good for the body. Come and pick it up early tomorrow. Everyone has a share! 】

[Those of you who are being can leave too. 】

"Yeah!" Those children who were physically punished by Shimama jumped away like frogs. These naughty boys were waiting for Miss Calabash to speak for them.

"Miss Calabash is such a kind person."

"I hope Mr. Zhang wakes up soon!" As dusk came, the children dispersed and returned to their homes with the news.

The village was not big to begin with, but after a while, it became quiet, and no one dared to move around anymore.

There are only a patrol team of about 30 people, distributed in every corner of the village.

During the long night, when I was bored, I could only chat about the village and pass the time.

In the past two months, what everyone has discussed the most is naturally the travelers who have settled in the village.

"What good can we eat tomorrow? What kind of eight-treasure porridge? Do we have a share?" A young militiaman showed off the biceps on his arms. "I have eaten well in the past two months and I feel strong. It’s all gotten bigger.”

"I can guarantee that this is a very powerful traveling team!" The older militiaman, Captain Guo Dazhu, lit the cigarette, took a few puffs, and blew out turbid smoke rings.

"It would be great if they could stay here for a long time. The Night of One Hundred Ghosts is coming. Alas, I don't know if our village can survive this disaster."

On the Night of One Hundred Ghosts, as soon as I heard this term, the happiness of "there will be extra food tomorrow" was greatly reduced. Everyone stopped talking and fell into deep thought.

"We have followed the rules very well these years, and we will definitely get through it!" The younger militiaman clenched his fists and said nervously.

"Hey, that's not necessarily the case."

Guo Dazhu puffed out a smoke ring and deliberately teased the young people: "Those big cities may not be able to survive even if they have top-notch local gods to protect them. What's more, we, a local god, are neurotic... You know what's going on over there?" How powerful is Tuhuang?"

"Like the mountain-bearing turtle, it's bigger than the mountains!"

"Even if it is in front of you, you can't even notice it and mistakenly think it is a raised plateau. When you step on that earth god, it will not pay attention to you and just sleep on its own. Do you dare to imagine that strange Scene?"

The young man was stunned and said: "The turtle carrying the mountain..."

"Of course, I have seen with my own eyes that anything can happen, right? There are even beings more powerful than the Mountain-bearing Turtle."

The burial world is really vast.

I can't even walk from one end to the other in a lifetime.

You can't imagine how big this continent is.

With such a huge scale, many megacities have naturally appeared.

However, even such a city, with such a powerful guardian, would be wiped out overnight.

That’s the Night of One Hundred Demons!
When the two moons in the sky coincide with each other, the Night of One Hundred Ghosts will begin.

No one knows what destroyed these cities, as if they disappeared in one night.

There are even many times when the city buildings are intact, but the creatures inside disappear and become a ghost town.

As a result, this empty city became an ancient ruin, waiting for future generations to excavate.

The so-called "super-ancient ruins" and "ancient ruins" are formed in this way.

You can gain wealth through risk, but you also have to risk death.

"The more ancient relics there are, the more treasures can be found. In the north, there is a super city with a population of tens of millions! 1000 million people, that is really a huge crowd. Our village only has 4000 people, and it will be very lively when we hold a meeting Yes, haha."

"However, as the Night of Hundred Ghosts continued, civilization declined, and each generation became worse than the last. By our generation, we have become villages, struggling to survive here." Guo Dazhu said with emotion, "We were also very powerful before. But, we If you want to survive, you have to surrender to the rules.”

The young man said: "In that case, the exceptions, travelers, and caravans are all great?"

"You said they are doing it for profit or for dreams." Guo Dazhu said, "Their existence does allow us to still experience the prosperity of the past, right..."

He pointed to the light on in the ancestral hall.


Xiaobai was stunned for a while, "Night of a Hundred Ghosts, what is it?"
Ancient ruins?


The two people who were keeping vigil in the ancestral hall were still talking loudly from all over the world.

"Uncle Guo, can only dead creatures grow infinitely?" The young man took a sip of water and was a little curious.

He is only 14 years old. In this world, he is already an adult and can go out and make a living in the world.

After all, there is no point in learning too much advanced knowledge.

"Well, it seems like this. We living creatures have limits, but when we die, we have no limits. Isn't it strange?"

"Why is that?"

Guo Dazhu shook his head: "We can't pursue it any further... This is the rule, don't continue to ask why."

"Life is only a moment, and death is eternity. From a time scale, death is more powerful than survival. Isn't it natural?"

The young man's body trembled, as if he heard the subtext.

Finally, he sighed dejectedly.

The middle-aged man added: "If you must investigate why, then go travel, but after you see more and more ruins and discover some small truths, will you still have the courage to investigate? Never again With this kind of courage, you will feel that living is the most important thing, give birth to several offspring, and then live a mediocre life."

He picked up a bottle of wine and started drinking, murmuring: "If you have wine today, you will be drunk today, and you will be worried tomorrow!"

"Who has the courage to seek the truth? Who has the power to revive the past?"

Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, as if he could tell that this middle-aged man seemed to have some stories.

However, the other party refused to say anything, and it seemed a bit abrupt that he came to the door unexpectedly.

On the contrary, Shimama was a little serious and whispered: "The Night of One Hundred Ghosts, I want to see what it is."

[Mr. Shimama, this is not really the world of mountains and seas, is it? 】

[Are we back to the old mythological era? 】

"Theoretically it shouldn't be, but I don't know why, but it always feels familiar."

"Where did Zhong Shan leave us?"

It is really confusing, but due to the lack of information, it is really impossible to tell.


(End of this chapter)

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