Warhammer: Return of the Dragon

Chapter 947 The choice between truth and reality

Baldwin knelt down for the second time, staring silently at the ground without saying a word.

When more than ten people knelt down, the Green Knight took out the Sword of Suffering and responded to Erd's inquiry with action.

The sword of suffering that made countless monsters wail was finally aimed at the Bretonnians. This time it was no longer a trial and challenge, but a complete annihilation.

Gilles needs to keep the kingdom going. He is not Sigma, and Lilith is definitely not Ulric. Bretonnia does not allow a second influential person to appear, no matter how he is worshiped and respected in life and death.

But compared to Sigmar and Myrmidia, who ascended to the throne as gods of men, when they knelt down in the lake during their escape, whether Bretonnia could continue could only depend on Lilith's will.

Erd felt the sword wind, but did not stand up to resist. He just grinned and laughed like a maniac.

What a ridiculous thing. The guardian of all secrets finally points his sword at those who seek the truth, swings his sword at the people, and swings his sword at the knights of honor.

When the Sword of Suffering reached the hair on his neck, Erd vaguely heard a young man lamenting to himself.

"I don't pray for your understanding, but that is my only choice. A lie needs another lie to cover it up, but the meaning of Bretonnia's existence is to turn lies into truth..."

Baldwin stood up quickly. He had already gotten the answer from the Green Knight. It was true that the Lady in the Lake was a deity, but a goddess with pointed ears was also a deity whose job was lies and dreams!
The Holy Grail Knight's eyes were red, and clear tears streaked down his cheeks. When he faced the Green Knight again, he no longer had any awe in his heart.

If everything is true, no, it's all false!
The shining golden blade of blessing knocked away the wailing sword of suffering. In questioning his faith, Baldwin broke through the Green Knight's attack in one fell swoop and protected Erd who revealed the truth.

Baldwin's sword pointed at the silent Green Knight, and he questioned loudly with sobs: "Could it be that the knight has been nothing more than the plaything of an elf god for thousands of years? The brave knight who sacrificed himself on the front line of the holy war, with his blood and pious soul, finally... The result is nothing more than turning into an abomination..."

He increased his tone to show the anger in his heart, "The devil's nourishment, the knight who died on the road of seeking, has been chasing lies from the beginning!"

The Green Knight fell silent, slowly shook his head and moved away, giving the lady the position of communication.

The familiar golden light emerged, and the lady who appeared in a dignified posture was as holy as every knight drinking the water from the Holy Grail. Her long hair like golden sand was spread around her waist, her azure eyes were full of inviolable sanctity, and she was covered by a thin white gauze robe. Body.

When the lady landed, some of the Holy Grail Knights who had doubts were strengthened in their hearts.

"Let me give you an answer, Count Baldwin On Anker. Thousands of years ago, your ancestors were hunted down and expelled by greenskins, beastmen, and northern barbarians, just like wild dogs wandering in the ruins of elven colonies.

None of the gods, including Ulric, Tal, Myrmidia, and Mannann, responded to Gilles's prayers. Only I, the Elven God who couldn't bear the slaughter of humans, responded to your ancestors' helplessness. Divine power is selflessly bestowed upon you, allowing you to build a country and multiply in a vast and boundless land.

I have protected Bretonnia for thousands of years. The power that every Holy Grail Knight pursues is part of my divine power and my blood!

I gave you the virtues of knights and made Bretonnia a knightly kingdom that could compete with the empire. However, after you heard a question, you pointed your sword at the founding king and questioned the foundation of Bretonnia for thousands of years. Talk about knights! "

"I...I..." Baldwin was speechless. What was the basis for the founding of Bretonnia? If the Holy Grail Knights lost their power, they might not even be able to resist the northern barbarians. Seeing that the verbal offensive was effective, the lady emphasized her tone, "Od is right, I am indeed the Moon Girl Lilith, but I am also the Lady of the Lake in Bretonnia, a god who has selflessly protected Bretonnia for thousands of years. Don't Looking at gods with your shallow thinking will only make everything worse."

Baldwin knelt down again. He gave in. Even if this lie continued, as long as Bretonnia could continue, it seemed that everything was worth it...

Erd watched everything with cold eyes. When the lady turned her gaze towards him and a golden light flashed in her hand, as if she wanted to deal with the troublemaker directly, she clenched her palm.

"Oh, what a touching speech, Lilith."

This unfamiliar but very fearful voice made Lilith turn her head and look towards the deep forest filled with hoofbeats.

An elf, an elf she had calculated against several times, but failed every time.

Imrik clapped his hands and cheered for Lilith, but the elf responded only with streaks of golden light.

The elf's legs were very unreal, and there was no biological breath when walking, which made Lilith immediately judge that it was a phantom.

But shouldn't he be in a bad place? Why is he here? !
Imric, who was smiling, felt that the golden light was a bit dazzling and waved his hand to disperse it.

Under Lilith's confused and even wary gaze, the Dragon Prince smiled helplessly.

"Since the Great Holy War, you have tried countless times to enter my dreams disguised as the ancestral dragon tamer and repeat meaningless lies. So this should be the first official meeting between you and me, Lilith."

"You are..." Lilith observed for a long time and came to a surprising conclusion with doubt in her tone. "Old Sage?"

Imrik shrugged and did not answer Lilith's question. He pressed his fingers on his temples as if thinking hard about something.

"Let me think about it, what you just said does make some sense. After all, for a kingdom, what is more important than continuation, even if this continuation means believing lies, but if I are placed with Ji In the same situation as Les, I would make the same choice for Caledo."

"But..." Imric observed with interest the Grail Knights who were kneeling on one knee, as well as the silent Erd. He put down the fingers pressing his temples and aimed at the Green Knight behind Lilith. .

"Can you please explain for a moment where those dead Holy Grail Knights went? I believe that Morr does not like the Bretonnian nobles. Your light is too dazzling. The Garden of Silence cannot tolerate a group of restless people."

The most devout guard of the Holy Grail roared in a deep voice, "An elf has no right to express his opinion!"

"But the god you believe in is an elf like me. Maybe I will understand her nature better than you." Imrik said in a weird tone, pointing the finger at Lilith.

"Are you right, the lady of the lake who obtained the power of the victims in the name of jihad?" (End of this chapter)

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