Warhammer: Return of the Dragon

Chapter 782 The So-Called Brother


Two humans as teachers to the Prince of Caledor?

Alishara's first reaction was that it was impossible. Everyone knew that Draknir's teacher was the Supreme Mage Belannar.

Only an extremely talented and famous archmage like Beranal is qualified to be the instructor of the Dragon Prince. It has nothing to do with the strength of Mishan and Iron Wolf. This is a symbol of qualification.

While smiling, Alyssa looked at Drachnir calmly and discovered something surprising.

She cannot sense the slightest emotion from her brother. Like Mishan and Tie Lang, the color that symbolizes emotion is gray.

Draconir slapped the arm locked around his neck and pulled hard, reminding the Iron Wolf not to make such a fuss in front of Alishara.

Iron Wolf was very amused, following Dracnir's somewhat embarrassed look, he stared at Alishara,
  "I always do this in front of Adila, and she doesn't have much opinion. Do I need to change my attitude in front of your sister?"

The blushing Draconir hesitated again and again and said hesitantly,

"Alyssa is different from my mother... In short, let go quickly and don't expose your bad habits in front of my sister."

Iron Wolf shrugged and let go of his arms. This was nothing more than a small test for the brat to see whether he really regarded Alisala as a relative. It seemed that the result was not unexpected, and there was still a gap between the brother and sister.

After regaining his breath, Draconir pushed the iron wolf away, then changed his face to look like his ideal brother, and asked his sister very gently,
  "I'm sorry for Iron Wolf's behavior. My father respects him very much. He is used to freedom and cares little about the rules of the palace."

Alyssa said it didn't matter. If she was someone whom her father respected, she would naturally need to respect him too. She hoped to forgive her for any offense she had made before.

The two of them exchanged polite words about Iron Wolf's behavior. Draconir naturally mentioned the most important thing and chose to go directly to the topic.

"Then why are you looking for me? If you need help, I will naturally fulfill my brother's duties."

Alisara was very hesitant. The purpose of coming here was just to see the heir of Caledor, but when she actually saw him, she found that he was no different from an Asur walking on the roadside.

It was difficult for her to see her father's bone-deep arrogance in her brother. On the contrary, Draknir was very approachable and his conversations were extremely sincere.

Not admitting defeat is an attitude. Adira's son and Alarili's daughter seem to have continued the subtle grudge between their mothers, always trying to regain face in some way.

After thinking about it for a while, she thought of a good wording, stretched out her right hand, mobilized the magical wind wandering in the air, and condensed a trace of green in the palm of her hand.

"My brother has received the true inheritance of Lord Beranal, which makes me very envious. Although Avalon's magic education is outstanding, it is difficult to match the inheritance of the Supreme Mage. In fact, I came to Young Dragon Bay just to learn some magic with my brother. Experience.”

Iron Wolf, who was watching, snorted. This is an excuse for ghosts. If you really want to learn magic, tell Imrik and you will be guaranteed to be taught by Lord Slann who specializes in the life system. Why bother looking for a young Asur? .

Even though the prince's skills are superb, he doesn't have any teaching experience. How can he teach life spells that he is not good at. Draconir had no doubts about this, and asked his sister seriously what level of magic she had, whether she could connect to the earth's spiritual energy, and how sensitive she was to the magical wind flowing in the air.

After getting a definite answer, I already understood that my sister's magic level is quite outstanding, and she can be regarded as a qualified junior mage of the life system.

After displaying a piece of earth blood magic, Alisara looked pale and made a small request.

"Avalon's magic consultant said that I have the talent to learn the wind of Argil, but she knows very little about the mysterious wind of heaven. My mother also hopes that I will master the wind of life first before considering learning the wind of heaven. Wind. Brother, what you are mainly learning now should be the Wind of Aksha."

Caledor specializes in the wind of Aksha. This is common knowledge. There are very few dragon mages who are not of the flame type. On the one hand, it is due to the geographical environment, and on the other hand, it is the worship of flames.

Unexpectedly, Draknir quickly shook his head to indicate that this was not the case.

"What I mainly studied before was actually the Wind of Argyle. My study of the Wind of Aksha happened recently. Iron Wolf was my mentor in learning the Wind of Aksha."

Belannar specializes in the eight winds, but when it comes to special mastery, Drachnir has a better mentor candidate. As the heir, he has received his father's hard work regardless of the cost.

Learn the wind of heaven from Minas Nir in the Dragon Backbone Mountains Temple, learn the wind of flames from Iron Wolf in Young Dragon Bay, and the next study of the wind of metal is also put on the agenda. Perhaps in less than a hundred years, the prince's magical attainments will be revealed. Then he can surpass his teacher Berannar.

After hearing this, Alisara thought to herself, no wonder her brother's temperament is very peaceful, which is completely different from the violent drunkard Luo Ning he visited before. Mage who learns the wind of Aksha often explodes at the first touch, which is both psychological and physical. of explosion.

Draconir thought to himself that he would certainly not be able to teach his sister, as he did not have the self-confidence, but if he really wanted to learn the style of Argyle, there would be a good dragon choice, and Minasnir would not mind.

"My teacher of the Wind of Argil, whom you should have met in the court, is Minas Nir. His expertise in the Wind of Heaven puts even Teacher Beranal to shame. If you want to learn If so, he should be happy to teach.”

The prince's sincere eyes made Alisala feel a little ashamed. If she revealed the fact that she couldn't even understand Dragon Language, how could she take over the care of her father's family? This was just the minimum requirement of the Dragon Tamer family, but she couldn't. Reach.

After returning to Avalon, she must find a dragon language teacher. Alisara made up her mind to put understanding dragon language at the top of her agenda.

"This matter... is still a bit premature. Even though I am very curious about the wind of Argil, due to my identity, I must accept the teachings of Priest Aisha and specialize in the wind of life."

Draconir, who received a fruitless answer, didn't take it seriously. He had no requirements for his sister. If he wanted to get something, he would naturally try his best to satisfy it.

What's more, the identity of the little queen is indeed such that she can no longer specialize in the wind of life and think about studying other magic.

Stopping the serious exchange, Alisala curiously asked her brother why he stayed in Young Dragon Bay as a small town guard. At this age, Asul shouldn't be full of passion and adventure around the world.

With Mi Shan and Tie Lang taking care of him, nothing will happen to him. (End of chapter)

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