Warhammer: Return of the Dragon

Chapter 642: Nanny or bodyguard?

Chapter 642: Nanny or bodyguard?
After a brief thought and passing the resolution of the parliament, Imrik sent Mazov, who had already adjusted his condition, to the new world. This change of racial and political identity could not be determined in a short time.

Both parties need to explore various details to find a balance point that is acceptable to both parties.

What the palace can do is to determine the general direction after the parliament submits the plan on behalf of public opinion, and then waits for a submission that has been revised many times to finally decide whether to pass it.

Feeling that nothing would happen in the past few months, he returned the regent to the busy Randy. Imric patted his butt and left the palace with Adira on horseback.

As for the brat?Then leave it to Mishan to take care of it.


Miyama, who had just said goodbye to his wife, felt very depressed, and his annoyed look could be clearly seen even by his entourage.

"Captain Mishan, don't you have a happy wedding? Do you need us to take you to Lothern for some excitement." The dragon halberd guard soldier had a wicked smile on his face, teasing the commander he hadn't seen for several years.

Mi Shan, who was riding on the war horse, was not angry and kicked him in the air.
"I've been married for almost seven years, and I'm not even newly married. And the brothels in Lothern don't accept humans at all. Don't tell me that the junk in the trading area is all broken cars that have been fucked countless times. , it all smells bad.”

After scolding him, he became sad.

"You said it's so hard to have a child. I've been working hard for so long, but nothing has happened. It's really sad."

The guard thought about it. He had known Mishan more than ten years ago and thought he was a standard human being. Apart from being able to fight and having good character, there seemed to be nothing special about him.

But after hearing what Mishan said, he suddenly noticed the captain's face. It still had the familiar beard, high nose bridge and deep eye sockets. Except for his eyes being a little more concerned than before, there was no change at all.

"Perhaps there is reproductive isolation between you and Mrs. Kislev. You have a sub-human face but you are an immortal species. More than ten years have passed and you have not even changed the length of your beard."

"Bullshit, I'm just a human being." Miyama retorted at first, but it was really strange to think about it. Could it be that the difference between the shelter and here is so big that the same race could have reproductive isolation.

The more he thought about it, the more strange he became. Mishan simply stopped thinking about it and asked the guard who was watching the seaside scenery,

"Tell me what kind of nonsense you want me to do. Aren't there a group of amazing little golden spirits in the palace?"

The guard shrugged and still looked at the seaside scenery. There was some conflict of responsibilities between the Flame Knight and the Dragon Halberd Guard. Especially after some veterans obtained noble titles, this conflict increased day by day.

According to the thinking of the newly promoted nobles, with their abilities, they can naturally protect the prince and his little highness, and there is no need for a group of dragon princes to intervene who are too troublesome to stand guard.

After the golden-armored grandpas could no longer stand in the quiet palace, the guards estimated that Mishan would be transferred back to the prince again in the near future.

"Your Highness is going to visit the Val Anvil. The prince has asked me to follow you."

"You don't have any objections to those little golden spirits?" Mishan was naturally not afraid of the flame knights. On the contrary, he felt that it was a lot easier with them, and he still had a few years of wedding vacation.

However, this made his brothers complain a little. They often went to the manor in Xiaolong Bay to drink and complain, thinking that as long as he returned to his job and was reinstated, the Dragon Prince and his grandfather would all have to run away.

"It's not a small opinion, but it's useless." The guard pointed at a few Asurs holding announcement boards not far away, and motioned Mishan to look over, "And their attention is on the newly established Dragon Tomb Monastery. I don't care about His Highness's affairs." "Dragon Tomb Monastery?" This was the first time Mishan heard this word. After listening to his old subordinate's related ideas, he rubbed his bearded chin.

"So they're ready to run away."

The guard nodded in agreement, "That's probably true. Chief Creon's guard has not been in the palace these days. The pressure they bear is much heavier than expected. The Flame Knights that the palace spent huge sums of money to form have never shown the ability they should have. I think they are planning to participate in the operation to regain the Dragon Bone Wasteland."

"You don't want to go?" Mishan felt even more strange. His impression of Caledo had always been one of honor, and everyone should participate in such an important event.

"Of course I want to go." The guard sighed and turned his gaze from the seaside back to the front, "But there are some problems with the organizational form of the Dragon Tomb Order. The top one is definitely the Dragon Prince, followed by the retinue. You heard it, humans He will also serve as a retinue, although the status of the two is very different. But the most important thing is that the palace does not take the lead, it is the parliament that does this."

Saying this, Mishan became even more curious.

"How to say."

"What else can I say? The nobles received unparalleled honors, while we commoners could only follow behind and eat ashes. In the end, we got some gold leaf coins as comfort. In the end, what people remember is just the Dragon Prince riding on the dragon. ." The guard nonchalantly talked about his experiences over the past thousand years, and then turned to why he mentioned the palace.

"The prince has given us an opportunity to look forward to the future. We may not be able to have a dragon partner, but our status as a noble is certain. The parliament cannot bring us a practical improvement in status. Only the prince can. It also depends on the war. The timing is right, the honor running through your fingers is not enough to fill your teeth."

"For example, Oliveira was transferred to the old world after killing a Blade Lord. The brothers all thought that someone was worried that he would kill the Witch King next time and the common people would overshadow the nobles."

The guard smiled disdainfully, but soon sighed deeply. The degree of class consolidation in Ulthuan was unimaginable. Although the rise of the civil class has brought many benefits to civilians, it still cannot satisfy the soldiers who are eager to gain social status.

Who can say whether it is right or wrong? It is just to protect the interests of the class where it belongs.

Mishan nodded thoughtfully and did not want to ask too much about this issue. Although the noble status promised by Edgar did fall on his head, he did not think that this meant that he could participate in the internal affairs of the elves.

Strength is what counts. I hope those dragon princes will not be backlashed by their arrogance.

They continued to exchange experiences along the way, and finally in the early hours of the morning, Mishan met His Highness, whom he had not seen for a long time, at the city gate of Vaal Anvil.

But why did he actually enjoy having his head touched by an unknown woman? Is this really Imrik's son?

Mishan, who didn't quite understand, pushed his old subordinate with his elbow and whispered,
"What is my task, a nanny or a bodyguard?"

Mishan still knows the difference between the two. The nanny arranges the whole process, but should try to avoid direct contact, while the bodyguard is a personal defense who dare not wear a piece of clothing.

The guard turned his head and whispered,

"Bodyguard, you only need to follow behind to avoid being discovered. We will arrange the rest."

(End of this chapter)

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