Warhammer: Return of the Dragon

Chapter 451 When you were born, the entire mountain range of Caledon was calling your name

Chapter 451 When you were born, the entire mountain range of Caledor was calling your name...

Three years have passed since the end of the Lustrian Holy War, and the first thing for everyone who returned to Caledor was not to celebrate the victory, but to choose a person to replace the dragon lord as the leader of the expedition to Naggaroth.

Imrik, who was not present, heard that the noble council had already fought. From military exploits to tactics, marching route to personnel distribution, reconnaissance direction and surprise response, everyone with qualifications expressed their opinions in the large council hall.

In the end, it turned into a military classroom, with the subject of how to quickly and effectively destroy Krakalond.The final winner was Masnow, whose status as a champion warrior added a lot of points to him, and with his background status as a nobleman of Tal Kared, Randy supported him as a conductor.

Others can only sign up on the expedition list in desperation. Although there is no way to get the greatest honor, killing a few Druzzi is not bad.

Only Imrik, who was relieved of his military duties, was full of satisfaction, lying in the prince's palace in Qingyan Port, looking at Etila, who was still processing documents while sitting on an office chair.

Looking at Etila, who could no longer hide the outline of her stomach in a long skirt, she suddenly thought of a sentence, and said it involuntarily,

"My son, when you were born, all the mountains of Caledor called your name:..."

"What are you muttering about? Lay down when you have time, don't you know come over and get some documents!"

Hearing her husband's words, Etila clenched the quill in her hand, and several thin veins appeared on the back of her hand.

At that time, she also enthusiastically signed up to participate in the military expedition to Naggaroth. After all, Imrik had returned and was relieved of military duties. She must find an overseer to go with her to show that the royal family attached great importance to this operation.

But I didn't expect to be sternly rejected by the parliament. On the surface, it was said that it was incapable of protecting the wife, but it was implicitly expressed, and there was only one meaning, to quickly find an heir.

This pissed Attila a little, although a child was soon to be born, and she was a little happy to be a mother soon.

It can be seen that the husband is wearing a robe, lazily leaning on the chair, and there is still wine on the table next to him. He takes a sip from time to time, and his heart is inexplicably angry.

"Imrik! Are you the prince or I am the prince? It doesn't matter because of your health a few years ago, and the affairs of the southern Dalinhai. Why do you still let me do these government affairs now?"

But Imrik just pinched his nostrils and paid no attention to what his wife said,
"My Princess Attila, now who knows that looking for you is more useful than looking for me. Those Kislev diplomats who came to ask for money a while ago didn't look for me, but directly found you."

"My prince is already a display. Apart from a bunch of old guys in the country, and the matter of the Phoenix Royal Court, I still need to come forward. You are more suitable than me to establish an image of being close to the people."

The quill was thrown out quickly and flew towards Imrik's forehead at an extremely fast speed, like an arrow flying in the air.

"Oh, you murdered your husband, right?"

A scream came from Imrik's mouth. In order to show the authenticity of this incident, he pretended to rub his forehead with his hands.

Etila sneered, pretending that he asked for it, but soon couldn't help it, and burst out laughing.

The husband has become more and more life-oriented, and no longer only knows about war and the country in his mind.Throwing it out in this state, if there are no guards, people who don't know it may only think that it is a noble youth.

Looking at the documents on the table, Etila suddenly felt that power seemed to be like this. She capped the ink bottle, smoothed the slightly wrinkled long skirt with her hands, and said to her husband who was still pretending,
"Suddenly I don't want to do it anymore. Follow me for a walk on the street. Remember to bring some gold coins. You won't make me pay for it."

Imrik, who has a deep understanding of women's ability to go shopping, covered his forehead. This time, he really had a headache, not just pretending.

"With a big belly, aren't you afraid of being assassinated?"

Taking off the tulle shawl from the hanger, Etila frowned, wondering,
"That's why the dragon lord doesn't even have the confidence to protect his wife and unborn son. He needs the flame knight to be by his side to feel safe."

"In other words, I have to order Mi Shan, who is on her wedding holiday in Chulong Bay, to come back quickly, otherwise she won't even dare to leave the door."

Imrik, who was stimulated, stood up immediately, hung the dragon fire sword on his waist from the weapon rack at the back, walked up to Etila, bent his left elbow,
"Your knights will definitely kill all the young people, no one dares to look dirty at the noble princess."

Etila covered her mouth and chuckled for a moment, stretched out her hand to hold his strong arm,

"If you, a knight, knew a little more about poetry, you might look a little better."

Imrik immediately wanted to speak out the poems he had learned before, but was quickly stopped by Etila who knew what was in his mind.

A beautiful white eye appeared on his wife's face, and what he said made Imrik feel a little embarrassed.

"Stop talking about your dragon-calling song. Do you know how I answered when other people asked me what touching words the Dragon Prince said to you when I went back to Terrenlock?"

"Ahem, I believe they are afraid to ask this question, you must have made it up."

In order to hide his embarrassment, Imrik could only choose to answer like this. Who would have thought that the Dragon Prince would know other poems besides the Dragon Calling Song. Even if there are some relevant poems in court education, they will be forgotten in a blink of an eye.

"I say……"

Facing Imrik's curious gaze, Etila chose to end the conversation, and pulled him forward,
"you guess."

"So let me guess, or let the person who asks guess."

"I don't know, don't ask me."

"Well, as long as you are happy, whoever dares to continue to ask about this matter, I promise to teach him a lesson that he will never forget."

The two chatted for a while, then slowly walked out of the palace office, which was only used as a place for rest and work, adhering to the usual frugal style, not as grand as the dragon hall.

In addition to the indispensable dragon-shaped decorations, only two statues of Minasnil and Indragnir are placed here, in addition to a squad of flame-born knights, and the personal servant Etila The elves of the palace, all the servants of the palace were Madame Kisley.

A delicate-looking Kislev woman stepped forward, put her hand on her plump chest, lowered her head and asked,

"His Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness, Madam, do you need to prepare a carriage?"

"How to say?"

For this kind of problem, Imrik chose to leave the decision to Attila.

Etila looked at Imrik's reaction quite satisfactorily. Her husband didn't even look at this exquisite woman at all. Aside from his status as a prince, he was actually quite conscientious.

"Need not."


Attila, who remembered something, squeezed her husband's arm and reminded,
"By the way, let the flame-born knight stay away. Don't you forget that last time, the two of us went out for a walk, but there was no one on the street?"

She has no right to order these pretentious dragon princes. Except for some key orders, they will follow their own opinions, and they will only listen to Imrik.

After being reminded, Imrik waved his hand to signal to the flame-born knights what to do. Although his physical condition was unable to maintain a high-intensity battle, it was more than enough to deal with some thieves.

Don't look at Etila's big belly, she might be more vicious than these thieves in a fight.

Strolling towards the outside of the palace, Lustria's unique flowers and trees are planted on both sides of the wide road. When the red flowers are in full bloom, they emit bursts of gorgeous fragrance.

Several elves in overalls were cutting Milan flowers. These plants, which are loved by the wife, cannot be managed by humans. Carelessness will turn the blooming flowers into an unsightly dross.

"What do you think our son should be called?"

While Imrik was paying attention to any notable threats around her, Etila obviously noticed her husband's eyes, and her thin lips were slightly raised, feeling a little helpless while being moved.

He obviously cared a lot about his own safety, but this kind of subconscious behavior was a bit redundant for a prince.

More a warrior than a ruler, he is always on the lookout for threats around him, even in his own quarters.

"I haven't figured it out yet, why not call me Madresnir?"

Out of consideration for her husband's habits, Etila, who only had a preliminary understanding of the dragon language, chose to recall the family history of the dragon tamers, and soon realized who this dragon language name symbolized—the dragon of King Caledor I the Conqueror partner.

"Why do you even have to match your son's name with that of the ancestor King Conqueror? Wouldn't it be strange to put a dragon language name on an elf?"

"No, my name is the name of the first dragon who fought with the elves. It's strange why no one sees it. If it wasn't for the dead dog of Malekith who was still alive, I would still be named Indraguni Er, by his very existence, stains the honor of his father Aenarion."

The action of covering her forehead appeared on Etila. She still couldn't understand Caledonian's feelings for the dragon. If she had a choice in her next life, most of them would choose to become a dragon.

"Aren't you afraid that Minasnil will be angry? This is his father's name."

Imrik was shocked by these words, and stared at Attila,
"How could it be angry, wouldn't it be a good thing for it to have one more toy?"

Forget it, stop arguing with him, and let him think what he wants.

"How are you going to find a dragon partner for your son? Now there is only Ingersthos, a awakened dragon, and its character, I think it's better not to look for it, so as not to be spoiled."

As a mother, Attila has already planned to plan a giant dragon for her unborn son, otherwise, with Imrik's attitude of possibly treating her son as a toy, maybe by the time he is two hundred years old, he will only be born in Minasnil. I stayed on my back.

"Find him a dragon egg. I remember that there are already two in the Dragon's Back Mountain Range that will hatch soon. Minasnier is not in the mood to take care of these two little ones whose parents are sleeping, so let me come."

Imrik shrugged his shoulders and said that this matter had been arranged long ago. Two dragon eggs, one for Aidi's son in his belly, and the other one was to see if Alarielle would let her daughter accept it. Dragon Prince's training.

More than 100 years is enough to turn a young dragon into a sun dragon with the ability to live independently, and the relationship cultivated since childhood is the best.

The main reason is that during this period of recuperation, I feel a little restless and want to raise a few pets for fun.

"Well, it seems that you already have an idea, and I want him to learn chariots as well."

"Chariots, or that sentence, are all junk, my son must..."

Looking at Etila's burning gaze, Imrik felt a killing intent, and could only express his cowardice,

"It is necessary to learn various fighting styles, and there must be no shortcomings."

The two discussed with each other about their son's education methods all the way, and went round and round to the market.

In order to ensure the smooth shopping this time, Etila activated her arm to prepare for a long-term ring, making some changes in the appearance of the two of them, and preparing to enjoy a rare moment of peaceful life.

The yelling of merchants, the communication of travelers, the sound of carriage wheels rolling over the ground, and the laughter of children chasing and playing... make this city, which was built less than ten years ago, look extraordinarily vibrant.

Caravans from all over are willing to come here, and humans from all the kingdoms of the Old World can be seen here, except the Bretonnians.

Etila, who handled government affairs on behalf of Imrik, has never figured out why her husband has always been so resolute towards Bretonnia, not only because he has not sent a diplomatic envoy to establish contact with the principalities of Bretonnia.

Even some explorer knights sneaked into Lustria in an attempt to find the way to the Holy Grail, but they would be sent back immediately, and those who disobeyed would directly sink into the sea.

"It seems that Magnus is having a good time these days, and he is in the mood to send someone to buy some toys at the market." Seeing the familiar robes with the coat of arms of the griffin, Imrik immediately judged that the man in the The humans viewing the stone must have been Magnus' emissaries.

"Magnus is much better than you. The embassy has always praised him for being diligent in government affairs, traveling to and from the empire's provinces, and when dealing with greenskins and beastmen, he did not forget to improve the welfare of civilians." Etila used Magnus Si's performance to express dissatisfaction with the status quo of her husband's bad behavior.

But Imrik just pretended to be stupid and looked around in a daze. It seemed that he had entered the city for the first time, and he was attracted by the prosperous scene, so he didn't hear his wife's words.

Etila, who knew Imrik's character well, didn't get entangled in this matter, and walked to the position of Magnus' envoy arm in arm.
"Let's go and have a look."

"The price seems a bit too expensive, right? We have a good ally relationship with the Dragon Palace, can it be cheaper."

The special envoy was holding a piece of lapis lazuli, his eyes full of longing, but the price was indeed a little too expensive. He was just a manager who came to Qingyan Port to exchange technology, and he didn't hold a lot of gold to purchase armaments.

As the owner of the store, Mrs. Kisley tapped the price tag under the glass with her fingers, and found a jaw-dropping price - 150 gold leaf coins.

"I'm sorry, guests from the empire, you also know the preciousness of lapis lazuli. As an ore pigment, it is the purest blue. There is almost no way to obtain this pure blue except for lapis lazuli. The weight of this piece in your hand is less than one thousand 550 six grams, this price is considered a discount."

"Could it be cheaper? I plan to use this precious pigment to present a commemorative painting to the emperor..." The special envoy lacked confidence. There was almost no output of lapis lazuli in the empire, and its preciousness made its price even more expensive than the equivalent weight of gold. , if you buy it with 150 gold leaf coins, you will have to pay seven gold leaf coins as tariffs.

The shop owner shook his head, expressing that there was nothing he could do about it. He was just a laborer, and most of the items in the shop were rare gadgets obtained by mercenaries in the southern Dalinhai. Commissioned to build a point of sale in the bazaar.

The special envoy was a little helpless and planned to put down the precious raw materials in his hands.

"Well, since the friends of the empire have taken a fancy to this piece of lapis lazuli, just take it. I hope you can draw a decent portrait of Magnus."

As an enthusiastic young man, Imrik saw the imperial envoy in such distress, so he could only offer some help.

Magnus himself has heard a little about the policy, trying to restore the trauma caused by the War of the Three Emperors and the Vampire War, open up the wasteland that has been turned into ruins, and build new gathering places of different sizes.

However, he was engaged in reconstruction, as well as the School of Magic and Engineering, so that he might be too poor to be exposed. After all, except for some oil and water from the fat sheep of Marienburg, most of the rest of the empire looked the same.

Hearing this, the special envoy turned to look at the two elves who were speaking. The man was handsome and tall, and the woman was extremely beautiful. They had the same aura, but they had never seen them before. They looked like a couple going out for a stroll.

But he didn't refuse this enthusiasm, and immediately said, "I'm Walton Otis, from Nun, please leave your address, and I'll send you a remittance as soon as I save enough money."

Etila covered her mouth and smiled lightly, as if she was delighted by the special envoy's words, perhaps if her husband stayed in Hesiota for a few minutes, the Skinks who made offerings would be able to collect these gold leaf coins.

"You don't need to do that, just take it as a small thought. After all, I admired Magnus's heroic demeanor when he personally killed Aisawa Kur."

Imrik scolded Magnus for stealing the head without leaving a trace, took out a card with a dragon pattern from his robe, and handed it to the shopkeeper.

"By the way, get some murex powder for the friends of the empire. After all, the Griffon Battle Banner must use the most natural purple pigment to show its nobility."

The shopkeeper took the card and fiddled with it in the specially made magic machine, without showing any shocked expression.

After all, this card belonged to Elvis, and his status was not enough to arrange for the card of the bank's best customer.

A bag of murex powder wrapped in animal skin was sent to the special envoy, who was greeted with a smile and a slightly embarrassed expression.

"Okay, when you get this painting out, tell Magnus that someone else in Caledon remembers the bottle of troll vomit back then."

The special envoy thought that the elf in front of him was someone who fought together with the emperor in the great holy war, so he couldn't help but be in awe,
"It is my honor, and I will definitely convey your words to His Majesty Magnus."

(End of this chapter)

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