Warhammer: Return of the Dragon

Chapter 366 Cerebellar dysplasia

Chapter 366 Cerebellar dysplasia
Imrik's slap woke up Master Ma, and the yellow light that was about to disappear brightened again.

It signaled the surrounding temple guards to back down. It was a bit confused and wanted to doze off just now. There are many things about this elf boy, but since it is useful for the big plan, there is no need to guard against it.

A telepathic communication that resonated with Imrik was sent from Master Ma's mind, and he yawned first,
"Clam, descendant of Caledor, what's your name?"

Imrik was a little helpless when he heard this, come on, I tried my best to think about your thoughts, but you don’t even know my name, so I can only say that I am worthy of being the heir chosen by Master Ke. This kind of forgetfulness is true. cow.

"My name is Imrik, Master Horse."

After receiving the reply, Mazdamudy nodded slightly, expressing his understanding to the elves in front of him and the elves in the distance.

It can feel something, a gaze emerging from the maelstrom has always stayed here.Caledor the dragon tamer has been staring at the descendants all the time, and all this is to remind himself not to do anything to Imrik.

"Imrik, your appearance is not in the prophecy. Your mission should have been to protect the Maelstrom and the legacy left by Caledor." Master Ma reminded the brat to leave Lustria quickly. Believe in the Sotek sect.

Sotek was too young to understand the importance of the big plan. He just wanted to use revenge and blood to avenge the rats, but the big plan was countless times more important than this.

The existence of the maelstrom is the premise for all the Slann to think about the big plan. Although it is only a poor substitute, with the help of the great guardian, it has bought thousands of years for the mortal world.

Hearing what the big toad said, Imrik couldn't help squinting his eyes and thinking for a moment. If it was the original world line, the original owner might still have a headache. How to raise the temperature of the volcano in the Longji Mountains to protect the dragon from being attacked by Druzzi.

This is indeed in line with Master Ma's statement, and his own appearance undoubtedly changed the world line, especially what the Skink Priest said about Sotek's prophecy.

"The maelstrom is naturally to be guarded, but it is not the habit of the blood of Caledor to sit and wait. We will accumulate strength and wipe all evil races from this world!" Imrik put forward his own idea. On the premise that he is a radical, it shouldn't be a big problem to say something to cater to him.

Master Ke Ma didn't have much reaction to this rhetoric that fits his understanding of the big plan. Perhaps he just felt that Imrik, an elf boy in his early [-]s, didn't understand the importance of a big plan at all. It was spur of the moment.

The big toad raised its right palm, and the webs with the skin gave off an orange light. First, a phantom appeared in it. Imrik could see clearly that it was he who stepped on it at the end of the battle on the Fennoire Plain. looking at Malekith's arm.

Master Ma stared at the picture in his hands. One of Hesiota's missions was to prevent the northern Druzzi from marching towards Lustria. It didn't have any hatred for these dark elves, only to eradicate them.

"You defeated the fallen son of Aenarion. He turned his back on the mission given by the Old One. The dark elves need to be eradicated."

Imrik nodded in approval, and just as he was about to express his incomparable hatred for Druzzi, the screen in Master Ma's hands changed again.

A figure on a giant rock bear fighting each other with the power of gods. Although Imrik has never seen this scene, the two people on it are very familiar. The No.12 Eternal God Chosen Isawa Kur , and the pious Magnus who cheated himself of a lot of things.

"The reinforcement of the Great Guardian has slowed down the invasion of Chaos. The Slann Council originally thought that relying on Urik and Sigma would be able to solve the problems of the old world, but."

Once again, Master Ma changed the topic, and the picture in his hand also changed, and the cursed city hanging high in the sky appeared in the palm of his hand.
"Birak's joining changed things. I originally planned to let Ku Ga bring the Sun Legion to the old world to solve the cursed city, and your behavior helped the eldest son of the ancient sage solve a lot of trouble."

Imrik nodded, and immediately realized that something was wrong. Why was it not the same as the expected Slan's mysterious, half-human and half-riddled statement? Master Ma said it quite straightforwardly, clearly Said that his actions fit into the grand plan.

Some couldn't believe it and asked, "You are really Slan, not some Skink Priest, how can you still speak something understandable?"

The big toad squeezed the palm of his hand tightly to make the phantom disappear from it. He looked up at the sky for a moment, as if he could see the endless starry sky above the sky in the scorching sun in the afternoon, and said faintly,
"I substituted the thinking of some young races so that your stunted cerebellum would not be able to understand my words. After all, you have not inherited the slightest talent from Caledor."

Imrik, who was despised for his IQ, had blue veins in his temples and clenched his fists. If you start the game and say that I am someone outside the big plan, you can understand if you want to get rid of it. In the end, you praised your achievements and then mocked IQ , I couldn't bear it anymore.

"You can say it again, I don't mind listening to the teachings of the Slann Demon Priest." Imrik gritted his teeth, and was ridiculed by the lizard man for his intelligence.

The big toad repeated what he said just now, and continued,
"It's hard to imagine how that Emperor Dragon chose you."

Imrik, who couldn't bear it any longer, slapped Master Ma's stomach, and couldn't help laughing heartily after the slap made fat ripples.

What Master Ma meant was that he would not care about Caledor's actions in Lustria, as long as it fits into the grand plan, the Lizardman would also provide support.

Although the big toad is indeed a bit weird, it doesn't affect the next thing. Things are much simpler than expected.

So I sat cross-legged next to the big toad, planning to chat with it for a while. After all, Master Ma is one of the most powerful spellcasters in the world. Get rid of it, chatting is a face-saving thing.

"Then Master Ma, what is your next plan to make Sotek's prophecy come true?"

Master Ma shook his body, intending to sit more comfortably. Although the lizardman had no so-called concept of feelings, he suddenly felt that Caledor's cub was quite pleasing to the eye.

"Sotek is a young existence, and it doesn't understand the importance of the grand plan. Tehenhauin's actions resisted the attack of the rats, although this provided some assistance for the grand plan."

"But it also allowed more Steinkes to join the Sotek belief. Blood sacrifice and revenge permeated the heart of the eldest son of the Old Sage. The Slan Council did not support this."

(End of this chapter)

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