Chapter 157 Twelve Days Left
(first issued and then changed)
After visiting Yaluo School, my uncle and aunt went to Yecheng University.

Go out to eat at night.

This time it was Yang Yaoqiang's treat.

That's the end of a busy day.

The next day, Yang Yaoqiang took his uncle and aunt to play.

Xia Lu and Xia Yu are still accompanying.

This time Liu Yu had to work overtime.

Xu Jian wanted to find Lu Fa and Miss Hu.

He first went to Lufa, who was much more haggard than before.

"You didn't find the Crimson Group?" Xu Jian asked.

"No." Lufa shook his head.

Looking at the person in front of him, Xu Jian did not trigger the third ability of the credit knife man.

However, the credit knife ability has some reactions.

It's a pity that I dare not use the credit knife ability at will.

What you see must be a mirror image, which is easy to be noticed by the people behind you.

"Mr. Xu, is there anything I can do?" Lu Fa asked again.

"Theoretically." Xu Jian said as he laid out three cards and said, "Choose one."

Lufa chose the first one on the left.

Heart K.

"It's a big card." Xu Jian said with a smile:
"From all perspectives, it won't be long before you're in great danger.

It is not easy to get Duou.

If one day you appear in Yecheng University.

Be careful when the time comes, the last moment is coming.

At that time, I will tell you what to do, and it is up to you whether you listen or not. "

After speaking Xu Jian took back the extra cards.

"Okay." Then Lu Fa looked at the card in his hand and said, "How much does it cost?"

"On credit and not for sale.

After your danger is over, I will come to ask for my due reward. "

Under Lu Fa's astonished gaze, Xu Jian turned and left.

But halfway he stopped and reminded: "It's not the last moment yet, don't be too nervous, the demon on your body is not a threat."

It is still very easy to find it.

Just don't want to startle the snake.

Then I met Miss Hu again.

The other party informed the Crimson Group, but did not get an effective response.

Didn't check anything when checking.

I just prescribed some sedatives and felt that she was a little tired.

Of course, the monitoring has already been installed, so try to check it.

For these, Xu Jian was not surprised.

Then let the opponent choose a chapter of cards.

By the way, I said the same thing as Lufa.

It's not the time yet, they're not in much danger.

What surprised Xu Jian was that Sister Hu felt dangerous when she got close to her, which was not the case with Lu Fa.

The two don't know who is being vassalized more deeply.

After finishing these, he went to Yecheng University and found a stall selling knives.

I want to see if I can find some kindred spirits.

Just when the stall was set up, the phone rang, it was Dad.

Very simple message.

"How many days until the fifteenth day of August?"

August [-]th?

Xu Jian immediately took out his phone and checked it.

August 29th is September [-]th.

Now September seventeenth.

There are still twelve days.

After thinking about it, he replied to the message. He felt that August [-]th might be a critical moment.

Sure enough, Dad sent another message, confirming his guess.

"Then you still have twelve days, and the mirror palace will be successfully built on the night of the full moon in August and fifteenth.

There will be eight key figures, each of which occupies a position, and each has a demon on it.

Afterwards, a connection is formed, and then the mirror image seeds that have been planted are used to open the mirror image foundation and build a mirror mirror palace.

It's actually easy to destroy it. Know the eight directions in advance, set up auxiliary formations, and destroy the Mirror Mirror Palace when they are all in place.

You just need to find these eight people and sell the knife in your hand on credit.

Complete the credit knife at the last moment.

Then you can graft each other's preparations and become the final winner. "A series of messages came from the opposite side.

Xu Jian was a little surprised. He was more curious about whether there was a mastermind behind the scenes?
he asked.

Dad's answer is, maybe yes.

But this time the problem was with the palace.

After the azimuth is broken, the mirror image core will also appear. As long as the people inside are dealt with, this matter will be over.

After such a long time, I was relieved, it would be best if it could end.

Xia Lu was too capable of causing trouble for him.

It's just eight directions to find eight people.

This is very difficult.

Then Dad sent a lot of things over, this time the auxiliary formation, and the formation that the knife needs to engrave.

Only in this way can we make the best use of the mirror palace to counterattack.

Otherwise, with his strength, he would just shake the tree.

Dad clearly wrote above, if the auxiliary formation fails, the ring cannot be used, and the knife on credit will have an accident.

Give up this plan immediately, just take Xia Lu and escape.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Jian asked an extremely important question.

How to find eight people.

The answer I got was to play luck and spread fish widely.

54 eight knives, eight hits are enough.

At least six.

Otherwise, the foundation of the mirror palace cannot be shaken.

After chatting for a while, Xu Jian realized that his father probably knew the general reason.

Just didn't elaborate.

But now I still have to find Sister Hu and the others.

After spending some time, he engraved the auxiliary formation on the card.

Tell them to take them with you.

"There are two, and we need to find eight more."

Then Xu Jian thought of Zheng Rong.

This could also be the key person.

After finding the other party and explaining his intentions, Zheng Rong was a little worried.

Because there is a knife only when there is danger.

Xu Jian could only comfort him and said, "Be careful."

three knives.

Because he was targeting the mirror palace, he didn't dare to use the credit knife ability.

Can only guess blindly.

"That ancient seal should be very important, as well as that Yu Wende."

You can try to contact the former, but there is no news about the latter.

"Put one on Xia Lu too."

"I don't know who else to look for."

This time, whether you can digest the visualized figure in one fell swoop depends on whether you can hit six.

There are still twelve days.

These days, he could only sell knives at Yecheng University, and by the way, he found a position and set up an auxiliary formation.

As for where the location is, Dad hasn't sent it yet.

This should also be a big project, and twelve days always feels not enough.


Xu Jian sent his uncle and the others back to the bus.

In this way, you can arrange follow-up plans with peace of mind.

The next day I got a map of the area, but it was very difficult to find out these locations in combination with Yecheng University.

He just learns.


Xu Jian received a message from Lu Fa, it was a picture.

Figure above.

Or Q&A.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"Hee hee~ I want the arm of the person who hit me last time."

"Can't you change one?"

"Hee hee~ You can't do anything to me, and he can't do anything to me, hee hee~"

Xu Jian was surprised that the other party still hated him.

And he was so confident that he felt that there was nothing anyone could do about it.

Not only that, but also arms.

What a monster, so rampant.

No hurry, wait a little longer, wait for the 29th.

And the time is almost up, the eight people they selected should have already arrived in Yecheng.

What to do now is to find these eight people.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Jian decided to use his credit knife ability on himself, hoping to find clues.

(End of this chapter)

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