Who are you calling powerful?.

Chapter 336 Wei Yang's net worth and 1 person 1 big red envelope

Chapter 336 Wei Yang's net worth and a big red envelope per person
"Goodbye, Teacher Xiao Sa."

Wei Yang waved goodbye to Sa Beining, who had a complicated face. The latter had been completely thwarted by his words just now. He couldn't help doubting his life, and he was a little confused when he came to say goodbye at the end of the show.

After returning to the car and sitting down, Wei Yang flipped through some news on the phone in his hand, and couldn't help cursing.

"I'll have to get a lawyer to fuck them."

Before recording "Let's Talk", Wei Yang said that he was not interested in money, which must be prevarication, but the only thing he was sincere about was his dissatisfaction with Forbes.

"Tai囧" made a lot of money, he was already a man of the hour, and the two Forbes lists simply added fuel to the fire.

The rich list is actually not bad. After all, there are a bunch of bigwigs supporting it, and there are certain non-substantial asset references, such as the company's valuation, which is not particularly exaggerated.

After all, the development of Blue Whale in the past two years is no joke. Even if the core of the company is Wei Yang himself, the fact that he can reach this size cannot be ignored.

Taking Ray, which has just been listed on the market, as an example, this company is definitely not as good as Blue Whale in terms of film and television production, but it has made good progress in distribution, variety shows, media and other fields.

At present, Guangguang's stock market value exceeds 40 billion, and even because it is the main publisher of "Rise of Fame" and "Thai Lost", the peak stock market value once approached 50 billion.

The remorseful Boss Wang wished he could slap himself a few times.

If he had listened to Wei Yang's advice and invested in "Tai囧", then the market value and actual profit would have been enough to make Guangguang and even his personal worth skyrocket.

Thinking about the cash cow he personally introduced to Wei Yang, Boss Wang is a bit autistic...

At present, the scale of Blue Whale is definitely not as good as that of Light, and its own development is more about cultivating film and television production and artist management.

But it’s not as good as Guangguang, but it’s not too far behind. More importantly, Blue Whale’s profit margins are extremely high, especially in several projects in 2012, which made crazy money, and can even be regarded as the most profitable company in the entertainment industry.

Even if the assets and scale of this kind of company are not as good, but the core business is too bright, it will be extremely optimistic by the market.

According to industry estimates, if a blue whale goes public, its market capitalization will be at least 30 billion+, which is a little bit better, and 50 billion is not too difficult.

Considering the future prospects of the company and Wei Yang, as well as the crazy rise of the entertainment market, there is a lot to do, and it may even become a monster stock.

According to this calculation, Wei Yang, who owns most of the shares of Blue Whale, is still greatly underestimated.

According to normal estimates, it is not too much to give Wei Yang a net worth of 50 billion, but a considerable proportion of this money is false.

For Wei Yang, unless Blue Whale goes public, such an estimate is meaningless and can be explained clearly.

But the No. [-] income on the Forbes Celebrity List is a real calculation of income, which actually exposes his approximate annual income.

And if it's just the number one in the domestic list, it's fine. Wei Yang has won it before, but this time he got a world number one, and the movement is too big.

Even some media in Japan, South Korea, and Europe and the United States also made related reports.

Some expressed doubts, thinking that this data is fake, and some were surprised by the strong earning power of a star.

Not to mention in China, it's just a blast!

They will not see that most of the income comes from film and television investment or the company's dividends, they will only see that Wei Yang earns 10 billion+ a year.

This is not to talk about martial arts, and completely put him on the fire, so Wei Yang even thought about filing a lawsuit with Forbes.

The purpose is not to make Forbes apologize or anything, but to force the other party to make concessions and change the rules.

Find a way to separate him from the company, and only calculate his personal income, while the company's income is considered assets and not included.

Or simply kick him out of the celebrity list. His current level doesn't need to stay on the celebrity list.

Otherwise, there will be such an event every year in the future, and the annual income will be hundreds of millions or billions at every turn, and sooner or later people will be targeted.

No matter how valuable the company is, no matter how much money is on the books, some people find ways to fool around with explanations, or even engage in two projects, earning 10 billion yuan and "investing" 12 billion yuan, and they become paupers all at once.

If the personal net income is listed, it is too sensitive and difficult to operate.

It sounds like deception, but sometimes, what is missing is this process...


After leaving CCTV, Wei Yang returned to Shanghai. The next day, a celebration party for "囧四囧" was held at a five-star hotel in Shanghai.

The first Chinese-language film to exceed 10 billion+ was produced by Blue Whale. This is a milestone achievement. It would be a loss if we don’t make good use of it to enhance the company’s influence.

Wei Yang and the three main creators of "Lost in Thailand" smashed the ice sculpture carved with 10 billion.

"You guys have worked hard."

At the celebration banquet, Wei Yang personally clinked glasses with Xu Zheng and the three to express their condolences and thanks.

During the hot release of "Tai囧", the three main creators have been busy with the road show, especially Xu Zheng, if not for the celebration, he is still busy now.

"This movie is inseparable from everyone's contribution and dedication. I have proposed and discussed with the bosses, and I have a little heart, and I hope to accept it."

With that said, Wei Yang took out three envelopes and handed them to Xu Zheng and the others according to their names.

"Tai囧" is basically his personal investment, but on the surface Wei Yang has been saying that he is cooperating with several bosses, which can be regarded as sharing the firepower.

""Lost in Thailand" made a lot of money, which shows that the few of us are lucky to be together. We will cooperate more in the future and make a fortune together."

"Boss Wei should support you more."

"Tai囧" exploded, and Xu Zheng's reputation and prestige increased greatly. They were no longer Amon in the past, but they still didn't dare to show off in front of Wei Yang.

They profited, and Wei Yang profited even more,
It's funny to say that this movie was written, directed and acted by Xu Zheng himself. It stands to reason that he deserves the most credit, but in the eyes of many people, Wei Yang deserves the most credit.

There are also people who believe in his outstanding and wise vision, so many people want to cooperate with Xu Zheng, and more people want to cooperate with Wei Yang.

In the eyes of many people, Xu Zheng is just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, Wei Yang's [Treasure Eye] and the successful marketing of "Tai囧" are the real gods.

No matter how much Wei Yang earned from filming in the past, there was no "Tai囧" touchstone that seemed shocking.

This kind of dramatic plot with a little legend and sudden wealth is too touching.

Wei Yang chatted with a few people for a while, and left in a hurry when he heard a leader coming. At this time, Xu Zheng and the others looked at each other and opened the envelope.

The envelope was very thin and contained only a check. Both Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang had 200 million, while Xu Zheng's was 1000 million.

"Boss Wei is so arrogant."

Huang Bo smiled, his salary for acting in "Lost in Thailand" was only 300 million, and now he has received another "big red envelope", so he is naturally very satisfied.

Not to mention Wang Baoqiang, his salary is lower, and this "red envelope" is equivalent to double the salary.

Both of them are actors. Normally speaking, after filming and getting paid, it has nothing to do with you whether you make money or lose money in this project.

Of course, there are also some bosses who are more generous and will seal a red envelope when they make money, but such a large amount is indeed extremely rare. At first, Wang Baoqiang thought he was delusional.

But it's understandable when you think about it, "Lost in Thailand" made too much money after all.

In comparison, their remuneration is not too conspicuous, and it is inevitable that their mentality is out of balance. In addition, Wei Yang intends to win cooperation and seal a big red envelope so that we can meet each other in the future. Anyway, the wool comes from the sheep.

Huang and Wang are actors, and they are paid, so 200 million is not a lot.

Xu Zheng's situation is quite special. The 1000 million yuan cannot be regarded as a red envelope, but a certain degree of dividends.

Originally, according to Wei Yang's intention, he was given 2000 million yuan. After all, the "囧 series" still needs him.

But later I felt that the difference in the number was too big, and it was easy for Huang and Wang to think too much.

More importantly, Blue Whale received a lawsuit and found that the copyright of "People on the Journey" that Xu Zheng kept saying was fake, and they are now demanding compensation.

Blue Whale Cloud has already consulted, and the possibility of winning this lawsuit is not high, at least it will cost several million.

So Wei Yang waved his hand, and Xu Zheng's 2000 million became 1000 million.

Damn it, the white wolf with empty gloves is on his head, if he doesn't want to be stiff now, 1000 million Wei Yang won't give him...

Compared with the satisfaction of Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang, Xu Zheng is not satisfied with the 1000 million.

Again, everyone's roles are different, they are actors, the bonus in addition to the salary is already a surprise, and Xu Zheng is the core of the whole project, and he thinks he has contributed a lot to this project.

Wei Yang took 4 million, and he divided it into 1000 million. He must be upset.

However, Xu Zheng at this time forgot that he had already taken the money from the director and actors. According to the contract, the 1000 million would not be given to him. The cooperation between the two parties was not a joint-stock system, but an employment system.

Xu Zheng brought a project and used it as an excuse to seek some kind of remuneration and position. Wei Yang was satisfied, and he got his own remuneration and rights. Whether the project earns or loses has nothing to do with him.

Wei Yang earns a lot, but he bears the funds and risks.

Now just watching "囧太囧" makes money, Xu Zheng feels that he has lost money, but what if "囧太囧" loses money?

Xu Zheng wiped his mouth with the film director's fee and left, and Wei Yang had to fill in the hole.

But even if Xu Zheng understands this truth, it is difficult to avoid this idea, just like when Wei Yang worked for Zheng Dong in Blue Whale, the latter ate big heads, and he drank soup, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

There is no way to balance this kind of thing, especially if the ambition is relatively large. If you divide it from 3000 million to 1 million to 2 million, he still feels at a loss.

It's just that Xu Zheng doesn't have enough confidence now, and he doesn't dare to challenge Wei Yang, so he has to keep his dissatisfaction in his heart, and wait until his wings are full.

And Wei Yang actually understood Xu Zheng's character, and the 1000 million mainly conveyed the attitude of buying a horse bone with a thousand dollars, saying that Boss Wei would not treat people badly.

To put it bluntly, it is for others to see, it doesn't matter whether Xu Zheng is personally satisfied or not.

Although Xu Zheng has made a comeback at this stage, his background is still shallow, and the copyright team is in the hands of Wei Yang, so he can only be honest in a short time.

After asking him to make one or two more movies, Wei Yang's expected value will be drained, and Wei Yang doesn't really care if he stays with Xu Zheng or not.

From the very beginning, he didn't plan to have a deep friendship with Xu Zheng, everyone cooperates to make some money, if you do well, you can continue, if you can't do well, you will part ways...

(End of this chapter)

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