Start as a farmer from an ordinary world

Chapter 153 The First Food Distribution

Chapter 153

It was not until noon, when there were no outsiders in the house, that Wang Manyin took out food and melons from the twig basket.

"Is there anyone selling melons now?" Seeing her husband carrying a few big melons, Lanhua could only feel a burst of saliva in her mouth, and a sweet smell rushed to her face.

"I bought it on the black market, and the price is not expensive, only a few cents a catty."

Afraid that his mother-in-law would feel distressed, Wang Manyin did not dare to tell the real price.This catty of melon is almost worth a catty of white flour, and most people are really reluctant to eat it.

After Lanhua washed the big melon with water, she cut it open with a knife, and the orange flesh was immediately revealed, and the fragrance became stronger.

"The few melons planted in our private plot will probably mature in half a month or so. But how they plant them, they are really fragrant, and they smell different... You should try them too."

"I already ate it on the way, you can eat it yourself. I will send two to Shaoping and the others in the afternoon, and I will also send some of these twists..."

With good things, Wang Manyin naturally did not forget his brother-in-law's family.

He gave an order and got up to go out.

On the way back, Wang Manyin just ate two corn cobs and a big melon, so he didn't feel hungry at the moment.It's better to clean up the pigsty earlier while you have free time.The wheat harvest is coming soon, and there may not be time for it.

As a result, just as Wang Manyin went out with the shovel in hand, he felt something warm on the back of his gown.

He subconsciously reached out to wipe it away, and touched a sticky thing.When I took it to my eyes again, I found that my fingers were dyed brown and exuded a foul smell.

Inside the unknown object, there are still some dark red spots, which should be the seeds of the mulberry tree.

guano? !
Wang Manyin recalled it immediately, and hurriedly looked up at the sky.

I saw two magpies circling overhead.Immediately afterwards, another group of black objects fell from the sky.

Fortunately, Wang Manyin reacted in time and hurriedly dodged to the side, so he didn't get hit again.

"Chacha, chacha..."

The attack failed, and the two magpies screamed.

My mother, Wang Manyin doesn't know yet, they are taking revenge on themselves because of the cat.

Magpies are not only ferocious, but also very vengeful.It can often be seen on the Internet in later generations that after they are provoked by humans, they will continue to launch various attacks, and pulling feces is one of them.

Wang Manyin did not expect that he would also be tricked.I can only go back to the house dumbfounded and change clothes.At the same time, he comforted himself in his heart, that they were just two stupid birds, and he didn't have the same knowledge as them.

Lan Hua was also surprised after hearing her husband's story.It was the first time she knew that magpies were so smart.

Wang Manyin originally thought that if the two guys attacked once, it would be over.

As a result, he underestimated the revenge of the magpie.

When the orchids were ready to cook, Wang Manyin just walked out of the cave with a large bowl of mixed noodles.As a result, another mass fell head-on, directly hitting the ground in front of him.

Just a little bit, I added a flavor to the bowl.

Your uncle, is it over yet?Wang Manyin was completely enraged.

Originally, he didn't want to be as familiar as the two silly birds, but he didn't expect them to constantly challenge his tolerance limit.If things go on like this, I usually have to pay attention to the situation above my head when I go out.

Who can stand a sudden dip for you.

I can't afford it, I can't hide it!Wang Manyin could only choose to be patient for the time being, and went into the house with his rice bowl to eat.

After hastily picking up two bowls of noodles, he immediately went out with a sickle, and dug more than a dozen soil holes in the yellow earth outside the pigsty, and set up loose buttons on them.

This kind of live buckle mechanism is not only effective against pheasant rock pigeons, but it should also be effective against magpies in theory.

He was busy with his buttocks pouted, when he heard Wang Qiusheng's shout from the other side of the deep ditch.

"Man Yin, have you finished eating, hurry to the warehouse, our team is going to distribute food."

Wang Manyin stopped what he was doing, walked to the edge of the field in doubt and asked, "Is it true or not to distribute food?"

I have just joined the production team for more than half a year, and I really don't know when to distribute the food.

"This kind of thing can be false. Didn't you just harvest the lentils a few days ago? Of course, you have to divide them. Let people eat a few days in advance, otherwise they won't have the energy to harvest the wheat!"

That's right, if you want a horse to run fast, you have to eat enough.Xiashou has to work hard, and the members can't do it if they don't have enough to eat.

The lentils are divided, and the village is officially receiving new grain.

No matter what you eat, at least you can fill your stomach.

It was Wang Manyin's first time to participate in the food distribution, and he was a little excited when he thought about it.After all, this is the result of hard work.

He originally planned to go there alone, but Lan Hua also followed.

When the couple arrived, dozens of people had already surrounded the warehouse, including ten educated youths.What puzzled Wang Manyin was that he also saw Zhao Jianhai.There is no meeting now, and I don't know what the other party is doing.

But when this guy appeared, most of the time it was not a good thing.

Seeing him, someone greeted immediately: "Hurry up and fill up the money, I will wait for you. You are not active in distributing food, and there is something wrong with your brain..."

After a while, Wang Lianshun cleared his throat, and after speaking a few words, he started roll call.

Wang Manyin leaned next to Wang Yanqiang and whispered, "What is that white chicken shit doing here?"

"What else can we do to prevent us from sharing more food?" Wang Yanqiang replied with a curled lip.If there are regulations on food distribution for the production team, Zhao Jianhai must witness the whole process.

Now it is common to adopt the food distribution method of combining labor and labor, that is, "people work seven times and take care of three times, and eat the average amount in the morning and evening."

The production team must first pay the public rations after receiving the food, and then deduct the rations of the family members of the employees, the five-guarantee households, the poor households, etc., so that they can eat the average amount.

The remaining food can be distributed to the members according to the "seven labors and three labors".To put it simply, [-]% of the food is distributed according to the head, and [-]% is calculated according to the work points.

In this way, the family with more children will naturally have an advantage.

Of course, if the grain allocated to the household exceeds the work points earned, it becomes an overspending household and needs to pay the production team to offset the grain payment.

How should I say the way of distributing food for seven workers and three workers?After all, "whether you do it or not, you will have food", so I worked hard, and in the end I didn't overdo it with 360 catties of grain.And some children are still wetting the bed, which is also the standard of 240 (in some places, children are divided into [-] catties). If it is replaced by a family with more labor and fewer children, it is naturally unbalanced.

Although the work points are not enough and you have to pay to buy food, but the households with overspending generally have less labor force.It is difficult to eat salt at ordinary times, and where there is money to hand it in, it will naturally cause overspend every year.

After ten years of accumulation, some people can owe hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Of course, with the subsequent disbandment of the large group, these arrears will disappear and become completely confused.

But to Wang Manyin, it doesn't matter.With space in hand, I won't be hungry at all.Therefore, he has no opinion on how to distribute the food in the village.

This time, the lentils are also distributed according to the head, no matter adults or children, ten catties per person.The same is true for Wang Manyin's family... Lan Hua, who was married years ago, was also eligible for food distribution.

After everyone has divided, there are still a lot of lentils left in the warehouse.According to Wang Lianshun, it was reserved for the animals in the production team as fodder.

However, Wang Manyin had already guessed how Wang Lianshun and the others made up for the reserve grain, which was to deduct it from the mouths of the animals.

According to regulations, large animals such as cattle, donkeys and horses need four catties of feed a day.Feed less when you are free, and more when you are busy. Generally, you feed enough for six months a year.

On average, an animal needs to be fed about 720 catties of feed.

The second team has five donkeys and four cows, which is seven thousand catties a year.

In addition, there are more than 20 sheep, which also need to be fed with a small amount of feed.Especially before and after the ewes give birth, they should be fed more carefully.

Every meal is deducted from the mouths of the animals, and the reserve grain is saved.

Anyway, these guys can't speak, and they can't raise objections if they feed more or less.

But for the members of the second team, it's really new food.

In the next few days, every family began to cook beans to eat.

As for the taste of lentils, they are definitely not as delicious as rice noodles, but no one cares.

"Coo coo, coo coo..." Accompanied by cuckoo cries, the tense wheat harvest in Guanzi Village is finally about to begin.

In the original Xixian County, the cuckoo is also called the yellow bird, and its cry is interpreted by people as "the yellow is the cut, the wheat is eaten".Because cuckoos always appear during the summer harvest, people also endow their calls with the meaning of a good harvest.

Before the opening of the sickle, Guanzi Village specially held a mobilization meeting, and all members must participate.

After reading a slogan, Director Zhao's tone was still very strong: "Our two production teams in Guanzi Village must concentrate their manpower and material resources to rush to harvest and fight. Return the granules to the warehouse...Pay the grain early and pay the grain well..."

Don't say it, this man talks in a different way.

However, after several incidents, many members of Guanzi Village have new views on Director Zhao.

Especially the educated youths ignored his words and held a small meeting directly below.

Officer Zhao squinted a few times, but he still didn't call out.

Even he has a headache for these educated youths, and he is completely useless.

Before dawn, the big horns in the village began to blare, urging the commune members to go into the field to harvest wheat.There is a lot of dew in the morning, and the straw is tough and not easy to break.

When the sun gets hot at noon, the wheat stalks will be brittle, and the ears of wheat will fall off when touched, which will cause a great reduction in production.

Because of this, Wang Mandun urged everyone to go to work before dawn.

And in the next few days, breakfast and lunch will be sent to the field by each family, and they can only go home in the evening.

Wang Manyin didn't dare to delay, washed his face in a hurry and planned to go out, but was stopped by Lanhua again.

"Man Yin, the salted eggs and white flour steamed buns I specially left last night, you eat them before you go. There is no way to deliver them in the morning..."

This egg was pickled by her more than a month ago, and she prepared it for her husband to eat when harvesting wheat.

But there is no way to get it to the field, so I can only pad my stomach at home.

Knowing that it was his mother-in-law's wish, Wang Manyin did not refuse.

He quickly picked up the egg, slammed it against the pot twice, and quickly peeled off the shell.

This egg should be produced in the space. The yolk is just well marinated, and it tastes rusty, which is very good.

But Wang Manyin didn't have the time to savor it slowly at the moment, so he ate two salted eggs into his stomach, and then grabbed the steamed buns and stuffed them into his mouth.

After eating, he rushed out the door.

(End of this chapter)

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