Start as a farmer from an ordinary world

Chapter 137 One pack of wolves?

Chapter 137 A pack of wolves?

Wang Yanqiang's reminder was very timely. The people had just walked forward and came across a series of large and small potholes.The deepest one is more than five meters, and the surrounding area of ​​the cave is covered by dense wormwood and jujube bushes.

It's hard to spot the anomaly without going up close.

When Rhubarb was leading the way, he kept arching his body and sniffing, looking very nervous.As for the other dogs, the reaction was more obvious.One by one with their tails between their legs, barking non-stop.Obviously, they also smelled the unusual smell in the cliff ditch.

Afraid to scare the wild wolves away, the dog owners scolded them several times, but it didn't work.

Soon, Rhubarb leaned against a clump of spikes, and let out a deep growl to remind the owner.

When everyone moved closer, they noticed a pile of wolf dung scattered on the ground next to it.

Some are yellowish, some are off-white.

"There are still fresh ones, everyone be careful," Wang Yanqiang immediately loaded his rifle and was ready to attack at any time.

In this way, they walked three or four hundred cautiously, and suddenly another pothole appeared in front of them.

It is very similar to the one in Langwo Mountain, the entrance of the cave has collapsed into a slope, and there are many weeds and needles growing at the bottom of the pit.On the loose soil of the slope, obvious plum blossom-shaped claw marks can also be seen.

Rhubarb sniffed around the hole a few times, then suddenly lowered his body, as if to jump at any time.

The barking of the other dogs became more and more urgent.

Wang Manyin squatted down and looked down, and found a series of holes extending towards the ground.

He had no choice but to say: "Uncle Yanqiang, the wild wolf should be hiding below. There are string holes, what should I do?"

"Leave half of the people here, and the rest will follow me to find the water outlet and block it." Wang Yanqiang thought for a while, and then gave the order.

This kind of pit is formed by the erosion of rainwater, and generally there is a water outlet below it.As long as it is blocked, the wild wolf will not be able to slip away quietly.

The crowd had just walked more than ten meters away, and they found a water hole in a piece of grass.The entrance of the cave is small and long and narrow, with obvious traces of water erosion.

In just a few minutes, the entire water outlet was completely blocked by stones.

When they returned to the entrance, a difficult problem lay before them: how to drive the wolves out.

This pit is not deep, only more than four meters. The key point is that no one knows what the underground hole is.

After what happened last time, Wang Manyin felt somewhat psychologically shadowed about Chuandong.

The underground environment is complex and pitch-black, and human vision is severely blocked.Once in it, even if you have great ability, you can only play two or three points.

Wolves, on the other hand, have excellent night vision.In this environment, it is easy to sneak attack.

Even if you have rhubarb with you, it may not be safe.

When facing Xue Laosan and others before, Wang Manyin wanted to protect Lanhua, so he naturally dared to let go and risk his life.

Now he is not completely afraid, the key is not worth taking such a big risk.

The rest of the people also looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one offered to go down to check.

Wang Yanqiang saw that no one showed his head, so he said with some disdain: "I'm afraid, a group of cowards will all have diarrhea at the critical moment. Tie a rope, and I'll go down to have a look. If there's anything unusual, just pull me up immediately."

After speaking, he tied the rope around his waist and let the two of them pull it down and release it slowly.

During the whole process, Wang Yanqiang was highly concentrated and kept his finger on the trigger.

As a result, as soon as he got down to the bottom of the pit, he suddenly raised his gun and turned around, growling: "You're so stupid!"

A shot went off.

"Uncle Yanqiang, what's the matter, are there wolves?" Wang Manyin asked anxiously, startled.

"Quick, pull me up!" The other party didn't answer, but shouted loudly.

Hearing this, Wang Manyin and Liu Xiangyang hurriedly pulled hard.In just a few seconds, the person was dragged back to the ground.

"The wolf hole is right next to the pit... It's a pity, I missed it! Let them shrink back!"

Wang Yanqiang replied regretfully.

"They, you mean there is a wolf den below, how many of them...couldn't be a pack of wolves?" Wang Licheng asked in surprise.He had heard before that there were usually lone wolves on the Loess Plateau, or two wolves, male and female.If there were really wolves and everyone had only one gun in their hands, they might not be opponents.

"I don't know either, it should be a wolf cub..." Wang Yanqiang shook his head.

As soon as he landed on the ground earlier, he turned his head and saw a cave in the hollow of the cave wall, with several pairs of green eyes staring at him.

Wang Yanqiang thought he was delusional, so he hesitated for less than two seconds before shooting. The wolves had already shrunk to the bottom of the cave.I don't know if I hit the target or not.

Wang Yanqiang is holding an old-fashioned 53-style rifle, which needs to be pulled and single-shot.Afraid of being attacked by other wild wolves during this process, people hurriedly pulled him up.

At this time, everyone also heard low-pitched roars from the bottom of the pit.

"There are wolf cubs? Fortunately, we found out early. If we wait for autumn, these guys will gather in groups, and the threat will be even greater." Wang Manjun said happily after listening.

Knowing the specific location of the cave, Wang Manyin had some ideas in his mind.

He thought for a while, and said: "Uncle Yanqiang, why don't we go down again. You are holding a gun, and I am guarding with a Miaozi gun?"

The Miaozi gun is a cold weapon, similar to a spear, with a two-meter-long shaft.

As long as he blocked the entrance of the cave as soon as he went down, the wild wolf would never run away.

"No, the wolf cave is curved. That's why I shot it empty just now." Wang Yanqiang shook his head again.

"Then what should we do, these guys are hiding in the cave and refuse to come out, we can't wait forever?" Liu Xiangyang asked aloud.

He has read in books that wolves can survive for a few days without eating or drinking.

A few people definitely can't spend it with them, and there is not so much time to waste.What's more, after dark, their sight is severely blocked, and they are likely to be hunted.

"How can it be so troublesome, just burn them out with fire! Smoking can also kill them!" Wang Yanqiang said bluntly.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

No one objected to killing a few wolf cubs, and Wang Manyin did the same.

This moment is not that moment, and he is not a pedantic person.In future generations, wild wolves are naturally protected animals, but now they are well-known harmful beasts.

And just like what Wang Manjun said, this wolf den is too close to the village. If it is not eradicated in time, the broken children in Guanzi Village will be in danger.

Then, Wang Yanqiang began to divide the work.Two people were left to guard the entrance of the cave, while the rest gathered around to collect the remaining dead grass.

A dozen or so people moved out together, and quickly collected a large pile of hay.

From April to now, it has almost 20 days without rain.The dead grass in the cliff ditch is so dry that it can be ignited with a little fire.

As the flames blazed, everyone threw themselves into the bottom of the deep pit.

Under the high temperature, the Artemisia weeds growing at the bottom of the pit were also ignited.As the water evaporated, thick smoke billowed out and spread toward the depths of the pothole.

Everyone stood on the edge of the pit, coughing again and again from the same choking.

Soon, the howling and coughing of wild wolves came from inside again.Apparently, several guys were also smoked by the smoke.

After a while, smoke came out of the water hole in the distance.

At some point, the sound in the pit gradually stopped.

After a large pile of dry grass was burned out, Wang Manjun asked aloud: "Uncle Yanqiang, it's almost done, let people stop?"

"No, you guys continue to cut wood. The wolf is too cunning, what if it doesn't kill you, what if you suddenly hurt someone while we're going down?" Wang Yanqiang was unmoved.

Now that we have already done it, we must do everything right.

Now the bottom is full of thick smoke, and I can't see anything clearly.To be on the safe side, it is better to smoke for a few more minutes.Anyway, there is no shortage of firewood in the cliff ditch.

After going on and off for almost half an hour, Wang Yanqiang finally told everyone to stop.

They didn't walk down carefully until the smoke inside was completely cleared.

It was still Wang Manyin and Wang Yanqiang who took the lead, one holding a Miaozi gun and the other holding a rifle, followed by Rhubarb.

The bottom of the pit was quiet, and nothing unusual was heard.

When they saw the wolf cave, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw the body of a wild wolf half-blocked at the entrance of the cave, motionless, it seemed that it should have been smoked to death.

But for the sake of safety, Wang Manyin still poked a few times with the Miaozi gun.After confirming that this guy was really dead, he struggled to pull out the wolf corpse.

The fur is intact, it is a female wolf.Deep in the cave, there were three dead wolf cubs.

Seeing this situation, Wang Yanqiang was a little annoyed and said, "It's probably going to be bad. There is only one female wolf inside, and the male wolf must have gone out to look for food."

"Then what should we do?" Wang Manyin didn't expect that the beating of wolves would cause future troubles.

"Damn it, no matter how many there are, let's take these few back first. There are hundreds of people in Guanzi Village, and we are afraid that a wolf will fail!"

What Wang Yanqiang said is right, you can't stop killing wolves just because you are afraid.

When the wolf carcass was dragged to the ground, everyone tied it tightly with ropes and carried it away from the ditch.

Not far away, suddenly there was a howl behind him.

They hurriedly turned their heads to look, and saw a shadowy figure of a wild wolf appearing on the mountain ridge more than [-] meters away.

"It must be the male wolf, chasing after him to collect debts!"

For a moment, everyone became tense again.

They all expected that the male wolf would definitely find it by smelling the scent, but they didn't expect it to be so soon.

Wang Yanqiang didn't speak at all, he raised his gun to aim, then shook his head and said: "It's a bit far away, and it blocks the line of sight. My marksmanship is not good. The others wait at the same place. Man Yin brings rhubarb, let's get closer."

As a result, the two and one dog had just returned and walked four or fifty meters. Before Wang Yanqiang could take aim, the guy barked twice, turned around and ran away and disappeared.

"This thing is so powerful, it's deliberately attacking us! But since it's encountered, it's best to kill it today."

After Wang Yanqiang greeted the rest of the people over, he ordered again: "You five people plus two dogs, return with the wolf carcass. The rest come back with me, we must not let this guy escape. Wild wolves have a strong desire for revenge. If he escapes, our Guanzi Village will be really troubled in the future."

Everyone discussed and asked Wang Licheng to wait for a few educated youths to leave first.As a patient, Wang Manjun naturally followed him back.But Liu Xiangyang insisted on staying.

Then, the remaining six people chased in the direction where the male wolf disappeared.

Although there was no sign of that guy, but with Rhubarb around, they were not afraid of getting lost.

(End of this chapter)

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