Chapter 107

Wang Manyin took the so-called "earth dragon tooth" and observed it carefully, and found that the surface had been partially crystallized and jade-like, which should be the upper jaw of some herbivore.

In other words, the so-called earth keels are simply ancient animal fossils.

Whether this thing can really cure diseases, Wang Manyin does not know.After all, I don't know anything about Chinese medicine, so I can't jump to conclusions.

But he knew very well in his heart that for the members of the second team of Guanzi Village, this is definitely a huge fortune that fell from the sky, and he must hold it in the palm of his hand no matter what.

So there was no need for Wang Lianshun to urge them at all, and then everyone became very motivated.

Wang Manyin was digging the soil in front, and two other people were responsible for carrying it, and the rest carefully broke up the soil clods and searched for them.

After digging for a while, Wang Yanqiang took over.

Soon, the entire cliff was dug out to a depth of more than two meters.

Digging the keel is different from digging a cave dwelling. There is no particular emphasis on height and width, and it mainly extends along the soil layer with fossils.Of course, we must also guard against the collapse of the cave during the process... Fortunately, they are at the bottom of the cliff ditch, so there are generally no accidents.

Earth keels are not found everywhere. If you distinguish carefully, you can still see the difference between the fossil layer and the ordinary red clay layer.

Wang Lianshun and others were also not idle. They roughly estimated the range of the earth keel layer, and dug two other caves nearby.

Soon, there was also a harvest.

After Wang Fugui arrived with the other labor force of the second team, he continued to dig the cave.

Ten caves were started at the same time, accounting for almost one-third of the entire cliff ditch, and the scene was very spectacular.

At noon, Wang Shouchang took the mothers-in-law and aunts in the village to deliver the meals early.

Thanks to Wang Fugui's order, today's lunch meal is richer than usual. It's rare to see a bright, plump large intestine with a layer of oil slick in the rice bucket.

This is of course the credit of Wang Manyin... After getting acquainted with everyone at the food station, buying meat is much more convenient.

As long as you explain it, the stationmaster Ma will leave you with a big intestine.

After filling a flat bowl of fatty intestines and fried potato chips, Wang Manyin directly used chopsticks to pierce four corn and sorghum black nests, and sat on the pile of red clay to eat like everyone else.

After eating, there was no need to rush, someone took the initiative to pick up the small rake and curved shovel and went into the hole to get busy.

As the mine gradually deepened into the mountain, the cave became narrower and narrower. In many places, only one person could only hold a qi-death wind lamp and bend down to walk forward.

In addition, the air inside was turbid, and it took about 10 minutes to dig for another replacement.

Still, no one complained.

On the contrary, everyone became more and more excited.

Several deep holes appeared to have been dug into the central area of ​​the fossil bed, and the number of keel bones unearthed was significantly increased, and the size was also increasing.From time to time, leg bone fossils similar to giant creatures can be seen being sent outside the cave.One of the leg bones was almost one meter long, the head of the bone was as thick as an earthen jar, and it weighed at least [-] kilograms.This piece alone is estimated to be worth a few dollars.

Wang Manyin looked at it for a while, but didn't recognize what animal fossil it was.

Knowing that there was a long gray and white thing sent out, he widened his eyes in shock: Fuck, ivory!

That's right, I definitely know this stuff, it's a proper ancient ivory fossil.There is an article called "Yellow River Elephant" in Chinese textbooks of later generations, and the ivory pictures in it are very similar to it.

Millions of years ago, the Loess Plateau was also a place with abundant water and grass.

If these fossils are reported, it will definitely cause quite a stir, and even the jar village will become famous all over the country.

Wang Manyin just had such an idea, but immediately dismissed it.

Don't let the limelight come out!

What if the higher-ups let Guanzi Village develop its style and donate all the fossils?Then he became the sinner of the second team.

Wang Manyin has seen many things about rewarding 500 yuan and a pennant for future generations on the Internet.

Why not sell it to a supply and marketing cooperative and see how they decide.When the time comes to really donate, it will also be the supply and marketing cooperatives that will suffer.

In the afternoon, it wasn't until the cliff ditch was completely dark that Wang Lianshun ordered everyone to call it a day.

However, in order to prevent the cave from being seized by others, he still arranged for ten people to be on duty here, and even sent someone to deliver dinner and quilts.

Recording five work points a night, this kind of good work, naturally many people are willing.

As for the remaining laborers, they drove the donkey cart back to the village.Along the way, everyone had excited smiles on their faces, and kept talking about how much money they could get from selling the earth keel.

The density of this thing is only slightly lower than that of a stone, and it weighs a pound the size of a palm.It was full of two big donkey carts, weighing almost [-] catties.

"Man Yin, I heard that you dug red clay in Yangweigou and found earth keels?"

As soon as Wang Manyin arrived home, he was stopped by Lan Hua and asked curiously.

"Well," he nodded, a little surprised, "how do you know?"

"It spread all over the village in the afternoon, and everyone who came to buy things said..."

After listening, Wang Manyin was extremely speechless.The mouths of these people in the village are like cotton trouser waists, and they are too loose.Wang Lianshun originally wanted to hide it for two days and let the second team eat alone.Judging by the situation, I'm afraid I couldn't hide it for a long time.

There was no way, because so many people saw it at the construction site, it was too difficult to keep it secret.

Knowing that the man had a hard day's work, Lan Hua scrambled a big plate of eggs at night.

There are still two native chickens in my family, and they lay two eggs a day, which is not enough for them to eat.

However, it is too easy to want to eat eggs while guarding the consignment point.Although the chicken plague was very serious, many native chickens survived in the three villages.

In the past week or so, the number of eggs collected was incomparable to before, but there were dozens of eggs, enough for them to eat.

Of course, Lanhua will make up for it every time she eats eggs, otherwise the account will be unfair.

As soon as they picked up the bowl, the two kittens jumped onto the kang and meowed non-stop around the table.

The two little guys have just been home for more than ten days, and their bodies have grown a size like snowballs.They even learned to climb trees without a teacher, and they became more and more mischievous.

After Wang Manyin picked up a big chopstick egg each, he let them quiet down.

After eating, the couple studied by lighting the kerosene lamp as usual.

After Lan Hua looked at it for a while, she suddenly closed the book.

"What's wrong?" Wang Manyin asked puzzled.

"Man Yin, I don't know what to say?" Lan Hua said hesitantly.

From her marriage to the present, she has never stopped studying.In just a few months, I have known and mastered thousands of Chinese characters, and have read more than a dozen books intermittently.

When you encounter a word you don’t know, you can look it up in the dictionary, so you can read most of the articles smoothly and know the general meaning of the book.

"I read a lot of truths in the book, and the more I read it, the more blurred it becomes, as if something is stuck in my heart..."

Hearing this, Wang Manyin understood.

Reading can broaden your horizons, and orchids are undergoing transformation.In other words, she is no longer her original self.

It turned out that Lanhua didn't know how to read and write, and could only wander around the fields and homes every day, working hard, and had no time to think about life and the future, and didn't even know what she really needed.

This... is also the status quo of most people in the Loess Plateau.

It's like a dialogue Wang Manyin once saw in a certain TV series.

An educated youth asked a child, "Why are you stocking them?"

The other party replied: "Save money."

"Why save money?"

"Grow up and marry a daughter-in-law."

"Why marry a wife?"

"Have a baby,"

"After giving birth?"

"Save more money and marry your baby a wife..."

From generation to generation, it seems like a reincarnation, and few farmers can break free.

In the final analysis, it is still caused by limited vision.

Lan Hua had a similar idea before, to marry the man she likes and give birth to a few dolls for him.The two of them worked hard, and then saved money to marry the children...then a lifetime passed.

After reading some books, she can look at the things happening around her with a broader perspective, and vaguely feel that life should not be just like this.

In addition to eating a full stomach, there are other good yearnings.

But in the present life, although she has many thoughts in her heart, she can't change the current situation.

This is what Wang Manyin wants to see.

For him, Orchid has never been his vassal, but a partner who can hold hands for the rest of his life, and there are more beautiful futures waiting for them.

As for the confusion of his mother-in-law and aunt, Wang Manyin also has the same... can only wait for time to ferment.

After listening to the man's analysis, Lan Hua nodded.

"Well, Man Yin, you summed it up very well, you have said everything I think in my heart..."

After the lights were turned off, the two embraced and imagined the bright future.Wang Manyin also revealed some "conjectures", which made Lanhua very excited, and kept asking whether it could really be realized.

It really made me guess.

When Wang Manyin was eating in the morning, he saw Wang Manjun leading a large group of people passing by the dirt road with pickets on their shoulders.

Judging from this posture, it is obvious that they are going to dig the keel.No way, that cliff ditch does not belong to the second team, anyone can dig it.What's more, everyone is from the same village, so it is impossible to fight over this matter.

When Wang Manjun saw him, he stopped and asked the second team how many earth keels were dug yesterday?

To this, Wang Manyin could only answer vaguely: I haven't weighed it yet, so I don't know.

After a hasty meal, he didn't go to Yangweigou, but went straight to Shigejie Commune to inquire about the purchase price of the earth keel.

This was also the task assigned by Wang Lianshun yesterday.

"Have you dug up the earth keel in your village?" Hearing this, the person in charge of purchasing local products was very excited, "Where are the things?"

"Before I pulled it over, I wanted to inquire about the price and report it to the villagers when I go back."

"The purchase of earth keels is also divided into grades, and the keel with long teeth is the best. 'Paiziya' or 'melon handleziya' are premium grades, and you will pay two yuan per catty. Mixed teeth are first-grade grades. A catty of six; the second grade is the leg bones and ribs of the earth dragon, one cent per catty, and scattered broken bones, one catty eight cents..."

After hearing the other party's introduction, even Wang Manyin was unspeakably excited.

Developed, really developed.

They had a busy day yesterday and dug up at least seven hundred catties of earth keels, among which there were quite a few fossils with teeth.The so-called row teeth are the fossils of herbivores.The melon teeth should be jaw fossils with canine teeth.

There are about a hundred catties, and even if calculated on an average, it is estimated that it can be sold for 300 yuan.Although some of the money will be used to make up for the shortfall of the production team, the laborers involved in digging the keel can also earn one or two yuan a day as a sideline income.

(End of this chapter)

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