Start as a farmer from an ordinary world

Chapter 104 The Whimsical Broken Babies

Chapter 104 The Whimsical Broken Babies
"I'll go, there are too many people here, right?"

Several educated youths were startled when they saw the scene of showing a movie in the countryside for the first time.

"Normally, besides watching movies in rural areas, there are almost no other recreational activities." Wang Manyin understood this very well and explained.

At the moment the projectionist is adjusting the lens next to the machine.Some naughty children took the opportunity to stretch out their small hands, facing the beam of light and changing their hand shapes on the screen, causing them to be scolded.

Seeing that all the viewing seats in front of him were occupied, Wang Manyin thought that there might be no one behind the screen, so he brought Lanhua and changed the seat again.

It never occurred to me that the back of the screen is also covered in darkness with human heads.

Well, the two stopped moving.

There are also people from other villages rushing here, and if they dawdle for a while, there may be no place on the other side.

They didn't wait for too long, and the projectionist's voice rang through the loudspeaker: "Dear members of the Shige Festival Commune, tonight is a running film, and there will be two communes. There may be a pause in the middle. Please support me Forgive me..."

This is also the basic operation.

Now film reels are very scarce, and often a movie has to be switched several times at night, and it is played in different villages.

Therefore, the sequence must be well planned. For example, in Shigejie Village, movie A will be shown first, and movie B will be shown in another village.

Now there are no cars or motorcycles, so people can only rely on people to ride bicycles back and forth.There is a slight delay in the middle, and the showtime will be disconnected.

After the projectionist finished explaining, Zhou Wende, Party Secretary of Shigejie Village, picked up the microphone and started speaking again.

This person spoke in a long-winded manner, and he should be reading from a manuscript.First, he described the achievements of Xiashigejie Village in the past year, and then expressed his determination.

Wang Manyin feels that the other party is very similar to the captain of the first team of Guanzi Village, and he should like to show off in public.Picking up the microphone, he was reluctant to put it down, and talked a lot, but there was no point in it.

But it's not a meeting after all, and the people watching the movie are not used to him.Let Zhou Wende talk aloud at the top, and everyone chats with each other below.

"The above is my personal summary of the work of Shigejie Village last year..."

Hearing this, Wang Manyin thought that the other party had finally finished talking.

As a result, Zhou Wende changed his mind: "Next, I will introduce to you the next work plan and key points of Shigejie Village in four aspects. First of all, the first point..."

Let me go, Wang Manyin was completely speechless: Four more aspects?This man is really addicted to talking.

Before Zhou Wende could finish the first point, there was a sudden change in the venue.Somebody in the crowd threw a ginger stone and it hit the movie screen directly.

With a loud bang, everyone was startled.

"Who, who did it, someone, get him out!" Zhou Wende suddenly became angry from embarrassment.Another half-meter error, and Jiang Shi would have hit his own head.

After receiving the order, several young people in Shigejie who were in charge of watching the scene had no choice but to look for it.It's a pity that the black mass is full of human heads, where can they find them.

On the contrary, shouts kept coming from the crowd: "Get down quickly, or you will be thrown!"

"Go down, we want to watch a movie!!"

Judging from the accent, one could tell that it was the educated youths making the fuss, and ordinary farmers were not so bold.

Only then did Zhou Wende realize that he had offended everyone, and he didn't dare to continue reading from the manuscript, so he handed over the microphone in embarrassment.

The projectionist got impatient for a long time, took the microphone and immediately announced: "Tonight's movie officially starts, and we will play an additional movie first, please enjoy it."

The so-called additional screenings are short films that are shown before and after the main film.The content is generally documentaries, news reflecting economic and cultural construction, or introducing popular science knowledge.

Even so, people still watch it with gusto.Especially when it came to the fiery scenes, the people watching the movie kept cheering.

After a set of procedures is completed, the main feature film-"Southern Expedition and Northern War" will really start.

This is also an old film, which has been enduring since it was filmed in the 50s.

Wang Manyin felt a little uncomfortable after only reading the beginning.

Still the same sentence, he was used to seeing the movie entertainment storms of later generations, and he always felt that the performances of these actors on the screen were somewhat stereotyped.

But seeing Lan Hua's eyes fixed on the screen, he couldn't leave.

As the film got to the point, the projectionist began to use the original Loess Plateau dialect to explain the narration.

"Attention everyone, this character is Battalion Commander Gao..."

"This is the heroic fighters who are about to seize Motianling..."

"A general attack on Phoenix Mountain will be launched soon..."

Such a detailed spoiler, if left in later generations, will definitely be beaten.

But in this day and age, it is also normal operation.Because many farmers can't understand Mandarin, let alone understand certain plots, projectionists are needed to explain.

But slowly, Wang Manyin also got involved.

While watching the battle scene, I suddenly felt someone pulling my clothes.

"Uncle Man Yin!"

Turning his head, he saw Maodan standing behind him, followed by Wang Junxiang's eldest son Ludan and Laixi from Wang Yanqiang's family.

"What's wrong, you three children don't want to watch movies, what are you doing running around, don't wait until you can't find the adults." Wang Manyin hurriedly told.

There are at least one or two thousand people in the whole wheat field, and they will get lost if they are not careful.

"It's okay, we know where the adults are. Brother Manyin, I heard from my dad that the bullet casings in the movie are made of pure copper?" Wang Laixi asked curiously.

"Your father is right, of course it is made of pure copper,"

"The cannonball shell is also made of pure copper, isn't it worth a lot of money?" The other party asked again.

Wang Manyin didn't know why the three broken boys would ask weird questions, so he nodded and said, "Such a big cannon shell can weigh at least eight or nine catties, and it's made of high-quality copper, so it can sell for several dollars." What. Why are you asking this?"

"Got it, got it," the three broken babies didn't answer the question at all. After looking at each other, they squeezed into the crowd and disappeared.

Wang Manyin didn't care either, and continued to turn his head to watch the movie.

"Zhao Yumin led the people to cut off the fuse of the explosives, successfully saved the dam, and also saved the lives and property of the people downstream, completely crushing the enemy's plot..."

With the narrator's explanation, the whole movie ends.

Without too much delay, the second movie started playing, still a war movie...

"This is the end of the movie tonight..." Accompanied by the projectionist's voice, the whole wheat field became chaotic, and the voices of adults calling their children could be heard from time to time.

Wang Manyin and Lanhua followed the crowd out of the wheat field, and soon joined several Guanzi villagers, taking advantage of Xinghui to set off on their way home.

Along the way, everyone still looked very energetic, talking about the plot in the movie with relish.

The spring night is strong.

The stars above the head are shining brightly, and the sound of frogs croaking in the Dongla River.

Such a scene made Wang Manyin feel very warm and nostalgic.

It was late when they got home, and the two of them didn't bother, and went to bed after hastily washing.

Wang Manyin was just about to fall asleep in a daze, but was awakened by Da Huang's voice, and then heard someone outside the cave dwelling shouting his name.

He hurriedly put on cotton trousers, put on a cotton jacket and opened the kiln door: "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

"Man Yin, hurry up and bring rhubarb to find someone...Maodan, Donkey Dan, and my Laixi, the three of them can't be found. They must have lost their way after the movie." Wang Yanqiang explained hastily.

"What, you guys came back by yourself without finding the child?" Wang Manyin asked speechlessly, really not knowing what to say.

"Can I not look for it? I asked other people and said that the three broken babies were together, so I thought I went back with the villagers. Who knew that I hadn't seen anyone at home for so long, so I panicked. This is my family. clothes..."

After Wang Yanqiang explained, he hurriedly took out his child's clothes.

Over there, Wang Qiusheng and Wang Fuchang also took out their clothes.After several incidents, they all knew that Da Huang was very good at finding people and things.

All three adults made the same mistake, thinking that the child had gone with the others.

Wang Manyin also said with some regret: "I saw them when I was watching a movie, and I said a few words to the children, and then they left, saying that they were going back to the adults. If I had known this, I should have kept them by your side."

These days, although no one has stolen a child, I am afraid of encountering other unexpected situations.

After smelling the clothes, Rhubarb ran along the dirt road in the direction of Shigejie, followed by a group of people carrying wind lanterns.

Just walking halfway, I saw a light coming from the opposite side, mixed with the sound of discussion.

"Woof..." At this time, Rhubarb also barked wildly.

"Who's in front? I'm Wang Lianshun from Guanzi Village" Wang Lianshun shouted at the top of his voice.

"Lian Shun, I'm the third child in Shigejie Village. Is the child in your village lost? I brought it back to you." There was also a resounding response from the other side.

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

When the adults of the three families saw their children, they were so angry that they beat them hard.

In the middle of the night, they were shocked.

"These three broken children are also considered courageous, and they were almost arrested as bad guys..."

After hearing what the third child said, everyone finally knew why they didn't return to the village.

It turned out that the broken children saw bullets and shell casings falling all over the ground during the battle in the movie, and they immediately moved their minds.

After discussing with each other, they took advantage of the end of the movie to hide in Gelao next to the wheat field.

After the adults left, a few guys appeared quietly, hoping to find some shell casings and bullets off the screen to sell for money, but they alarmed the patrolling militia.

Wang Manyin couldn't laugh or cry, and finally knew why they asked him about the shell casings.

"Okay, just find someone, don't fight." Wang Lianshun stopped the actions of the three adults, thanked the people in Shigejie Village again and again, and led the team back.

At the entrance of the village, there are still many people looking around.

They were also relieved to hear that the children had been found.

On the contrary, Wang Junxiang's mother-in-law and aunt stared at the crowd for a few times, and couldn't help asking: "Uncle Yanqiang, Junxiang didn't come back with you?"

"Junxiang, I haven't seen anyone. Who of you saw Junxiang just now?" Wang Yanqiang asked suspiciously.

Everyone shook their heads again and again... Then they remembered that they didn't see Wang Junxiang when they were looking for the child just now.

"Is nothing wrong with Junxiang?" The auntie cried again.

"What can happen, a living person in his 20s, maybe he hasn't come back after looking for a child."

"It shouldn't be. What the third child in Shigejie Village said just now, they made a lot of noise. Even if Junxiang was looking for a child, he should have heard it." Wang Lianshun shook his head and retorted.

Wang Manyin felt that the situation in front of him was very familiar, but he didn't dare to speak out.

(End of this chapter)

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