Super League

Chapter 375 Lively Offseason

Chapter 375 Lively Offseason
The reason why Chen Xinglian made the decision to go against his ancestors was the direct fuse of Wu Tianze's injury in the Olympic final.

After the Olympics, Chen Xinglian asked doctors and the system to check the players' health.

It turned out that each of these league super giants had an average of 5.5 potential injuries.

This really shocked Chen Xinglian, which is very detrimental to the future development of CBA.

After all, this means that the player's career will be shortened, which will have a huge impact on the league.

In the final analysis, there will be so many injuries, or because of the stars themselves.

A head star is the person who holds the ball for the longest time on the team, and naturally the opponent will target it for a long time.Coupled with the fact that the star is the most sure of the key ball, it is difficult to prevent other teams from making some extraordinary defensive actions against the star during the game.

Therefore, the essence of superstar whistle is to balance this over-targeted situation.

However, although Chen Xinglian opened the superstar whistle, the home whistle is still strictly prohibited.In Chen Xinglian's view, the home whistle is an important reason why the game is prone to inexplicable penalties. In the final analysis, it is difficult to grasp the speed, which suddenly makes the referee the protagonist of the game.

NBA referees are notoriously black.

In addition, Chen Xing Lenovo wants to make the CBA a more competitive game, and the home whistle is not allowed.


The CBA's player transactions during the offseason this time are more common than in the past, mainly focusing on the reinforcement of non-core players.

After all, in this era of one person, one city, the team would be scolded crazy for trading their superstars.

In addition to the role player transactions within the CBA, the pace of external transactions has not stopped.

In addition to trading some high-quality players with the NBA this time.

The European players who have shined in the Olympics have not let go.

Coupled with Scola in the capital and Cameron in Shanghai, the CBA team no longer superstitiously believes in NBA players, and is more willing to focus on the European league.

The most significant transfer of European players in September is none other than Bodi Loga.

The king of Europe has come to CBA.

According to news from, the Ludong Taishan team reached an agreement with La Liga giants Barcelona to acquire the European king through a buyout fee of US$500 million.

Compared with the arrogance of the NBA, the CBA did not treat Bodi Loga as a so-called free rookie, but treated him as a superstar.Two-year $1000 million, fully guaranteed contract.Although his peak period is not much visible to the naked eye, Bodi Loga can give a lot to the Ludong Taishan team in the next two years.

You must know that in addition to Bodi Loga, Ludong also has last year's team star Hao Man (Kyle Anderson) and this year's high-ranking rookie Yan Zhixin (Aaron Afflalo), plus a group of good youth training players. .

The media called out that Ludong will rise next season.

In an interview with Spanish media, Bodi Loga was asked why he went to China.Bodiloga expressed his desire to visit other continents at the end of his career.

As for why not go to the NBA, apart from being insulted as a rookie if you go to the NBA, the more important thing is that Bodi Loga vowed never to land in the NBA. He can't slap himself in the face!
In fact, the fundamental reason is that he has grown tired of basketball following the loss of Serbia and Montenegro, and staying in Europe is a sad place for him.So he decided to accept Liu Guang's invitation to come to CBA.

As a result, Liu Guang ran away by himself, and Bodi Loga scolded Liu Guang inwardly.

The biggest beneficiary of this transaction is the CBA company, because Bodi Loga can attract European fans to the CBA.At present, the Spanish CBA, which is willing to broadcast CBA games, is still working hard to negotiate.

This Bodi Loga, who was once called "the most attractive bachelor" by a Yugoslavian woman, may help the CBA really leverage Europe.

In addition to big coffees like Bodi Loga, there are also many other small coffees.

Argentina's talented player Walter Herman, a No. [-] and [-] swingman, was also bought by the Yangcheng Navigators.

And Yangcheng bought the pick of the Greek Magic team Spanoulis from the Mavericks (the player transaction agreement stipulates that starting from 2004, the two major leagues will recognize each other's draft players).

Spanos was signed to a two-year, $200 million deal as a member of the Rams Navigators.

Judging from the performance of Spanoulis in later generations at this price, Yangcheng is simply a prostitute.

European players suddenly became popular in China's CBA this season.

You must know that the NBA has become popular for international players a few years ago, which is why Milicic can beat Anthony through a few trial trainings.

But as far as Milicic's performance is concerned, he won't do much in the NBA.

And some CBA teams are in a very contradictory state of mind. After all, Milicic has the potential to become the second Yi Jianlian, but the annual salary of more than 400 million US dollars is the maximum salary of the CBA at this time. The team is afraid of eating this contract. He is a happy boy, which is a huge blow to the poorer CBA.


Even when it is lively abroad, the domestic excitement is not small.

But the excitement this time is not because of any super transfer.but a team --

Gan Province Bayi Rockets!

The reason why it attracts attention is because the Bayi team has made huge reforms.

It announced that non-military players will be allowed to play for Bayi and will participate in the second round of next season's draft.

After all, Bayi has reached the point where it can't do without reform. If it remains at the bottom of the league, there is no need for the Bayi Rockets to stay in the CBA.But considering that if the eight-time champion in history is kicked out of the CBA, then the CBA is the real joke.

In the end, after internal discussions, the Bayi team decided to make some reforms.

One is to carry out commercial operations and cooperate with local companies.

The second is to enhance competitiveness. You can participate in the draft and get second-round picks to participate in the battle.

This reform can be said to let the Basketball Association breathe a sigh of relief.After all, the Basketball Association has no right to control the Bayi team. The relocation of the Bayi team was only agreed after the Basketball Association negotiated and agreed to build the arena.

It is not good news for some basketball fans who like Bayi.

Another big news followed.

God of War Liu Yudong also negotiated with the team at the end, hoping to dedicate the few remaining years of his career to his hometown.In the end, the team agreed to Liu Yudong.

Yes! In the offseason of 04, the superstar trade in the league was born. Liu Yudong was recognized as a free agent by the league after completing the transfer. Liu Yudong joined the Fujian Hurricane as a free agent.

In return, Fujian Province gave Bayi the second-round pick in his hand, and some cash transactions. (exception, alliance allows)
This transfer directly shocked the entire league. Min Xing got a veteran who averaged more than [-] points per game with almost no effort.

As for how much oil can be contributed to Fujian Province in the future, no one can say for sure.

on the forum

[Fuck!This year's offseason is really exciting!The CBA in September is crazy! ]
[First, the King of Europe joins, and then the God of War returns home. The game is so beautiful before it even starts!] ]
[Fujian province championship, if I don't win the championship this time, I'll eat upside down! ]
[Come on, we can't say how much strength God of War has left, so don't rush to swear yet]

[Team Zheng, please don’t leave CBA, please! ]

[Lu Dong made a lot of money this time, I believe Taishan will be revived again]

[grass!There is news that the idiot management plans to replace Lao Zhu! ! ]

Some readers suggested changing the name of the Kiyoshima team to beer people, what do you think?
(End of this chapter)

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