Super League

Chapter 354 Paul Tagliab!

Chapter 354 Paul Tagliab! (Water count, not recommended to watch)

The dream team has become stronger than the original time and space. This is something Chen Xinglian did not expect, and it may not be a bad thing for the Huaxia men's basketball team.

At least the two knockout teams will not meet in the quarterfinals.

You must know that Spain in the original time and space met the US men's basketball team with the first record in the group, and was shot down by Marbury with 31 points.

Although some people say that the game was the luck of the US team and Marbury suddenly broke out, otherwise Spain would be the one to advance.

But who can say for sure about this kind of thing, after all, the US team has a deeper basketball background than other countries, so they should avoid it under normal circumstances.

Chen Xinglian's inner worries also eased.He planned to take care of one last thing before flying to Greece to watch the game.

Chen Xinglian has been conducting various business negotiations recently.One of those negotiations was important to him.


capital Airport
A group of tall foreigners got off the plane and hurried into the car arranged in advance.

An American scout was about to return to China to report to work. After taking a look at the crowd, he felt that he might be working stupidly.

"My God! Looks like I'm going to have to ask the company for a long vacation. God knows I'll see Tagliab. Only a lunatic would think this guy is the NFL commissioner."

But what this scout didn't know was that the group at the Capital Airport today was really led by the current NFL president Paul Tagliab, and the rest were his negotiating team.

And he came to China for only one purpose - to promote the NFL in China!

In fact, the former Time and Space American NFL League has always wanted to enter the Chinese market. In 2007, it even established an office in China in China, and the promotion activities reached their peak in this year.However, it lasted for a while, and the NFL gave up the large-scale promotion and declared failure.It was not until 2014 that flag football was promoted again (by picking the flag instead of physical confrontation, it is more friendly to beginners).

Although the NFL claims to have 2020 million fans in China by 1400, there is a big question about the real number.

Now the NFL sees that the NBA has achieved great success in the internationalization of China and other regions, and it has received a lot of money every year to make the NFL management suffer from red eyes.

Although American fans think that football likes it because it is a unique American culture, the NFL said that they just can't get out, otherwise I would have gone out.

So a group of NFL people studied the promotion strategy of the NBA, and they discovered that the NBA is an important chess piece in internationalization——


Here, if we want to say where the NBA promotes the most deeply, that is Huaxia.Directly let basketball replace table tennis and become China's national sport. The NBA can take nearly 20 billion yuan from China every year, and the NBA's audience is close to [-] million (those who watch the CBA will watch the NBA by the way).

The reason why it is so successful is that the NFL discovered a point-that is, the NBA supported a CBA league in China.

So everyone in the NFL had a flash of inspiration, why don't we also start a Chinese football league!

So the NFL did what it said, and a group of people ran to China, but they were directly bombarded by government officials. Just kidding that you want to bypass the government to run this league yourself, is it against the sky, right?

However, there is currently no rugby sports association in China. A group of old people from the General Administration of Sports lost interest in watching this kind of league with intense competition and low international influence. They directly stated that the General Administration of Sports has no money and no energy to engage in rugby.

In the end, Paul Tagliab, who was really helpless, finally put his mind on the CBA.No way, the General Administration of Sports has no money, so can your CBA have no money?You are the richest in the entire Huaxia Sports Association.

Moreover, with Chen Xinglian's current status, the promotion of rugby will definitely be promoted. After all, the basketball association has members all over the country, and it is entirely possible to build a team directly on the basis of Cuba and the Golden Arch High School League.

So the legendary NFL president and Chen Xinglian secretly communicated through some kind of contact.

Chen Xinglian was not interested at first, but later he felt that rugby was interesting.After all, Huaxia is a country with a population of more than one billion.In the future, it will be the second largest economy in the world. It is difficult for the CBA alone to fill the vacancy in China's sports league.

At the very least, new sports leagues are needed.

At the beginning, Chen Xinglian first thought of football. After all, this is the world's largest sport, and its influence and economic benefits are all there.

But at present, Chen Xinglian really doesn't want to take this muddy water.So the development of the second sport moved football out, and football was put into the promotion of the third sport, and the time plan was 15 years later.

The reason why Chen Xinglian chose rugby instead of baseball, which is more widespread in East Asia, is that Koshien in Japan had approached Chen Xinglian before this.

The reason is that the reason for the popularity of baseball in Japan and South Korea is too complicated. If it is promoted in China, it may be dead.As far as one point is concerned, the rules and tactics are too complicated, and the game is very long, very boring and easy to make people sleepy.

For the fast-paced Chinese people who work overtime all day long, it is completely an anti-human sport.

Rugby is simpler, the rhythm of the game is stronger, and it has some common characteristics with basketball, so it is easy to promote.At the same time, this sport can cultivate the bloodliness of Chinese people and inspire their fierce and aggressive character.This is undoubtedly a good thing for the Huaxia people.

So the two came into contact secretly, deliberately avoiding an old man.


"Chen, great to meet you! You are so young."

Paul Tagliab embraced Chen Xinglian. He admired this young president for building the CBA to its current scale in just two or three years.

He envied Stern for having such a good ally.

Chen Xinglian also played courteously with Tagliabu.Today, the two are considered informal talks and will not produce any resolutions.Instead, discuss whether rugby can be realized in China and how to promote it.

"Chen, I am very optimistic about the development of rugby in China. After all, there are many basketball talents in China. Rugby and basketball talents are the same, but the direction of success is different. I think China rugby needs a Yao!"

Paul also intends to attract Chinese people through Chinese stars.

Chen Xinglian cannot deny that he is a systematic man, and it is easy to cultivate rugby talents.

"Mr. Tagliab, I am not optimistic about what you said before to directly build a college professional league. After all, the CBA does not have much energy at present. I think it is too hasty. I think the current club platform can be built on the university campus. Unofficial platforms help develop players."


Faced with Tagliab's question, Chen Xinglian patiently explained: "If we want to promote it, we can establish unofficial associations such as rugby clubs in some specific universities, and our two associations will jointly fund and provide training methods to train players. And building a small rugby league.

If the effect is good, the Basketball Association will build a new football association under its own framework for formal support. "

This is Chen Xinglian's method.In fact, today's content Chen Xinglian has communicated with his superiors, and they agreed with Chen Xinglian's idea of ​​trying to promote rugby on a small scale.

(End of this chapter)

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