Super League

Chapter 306 CBA and NBA Negotiations

Chapter 306 CBA and NBA Negotiations
The arrival of Liang Zhan and Yao Ming attracted local Chinese and overseas Chinese in Los Angeles, and even other Asians came to join in the fun.After all, there are so few Asians in the NBA, there are only a handful of them.

Liang Zhan also complied with AJ's request and actively promoted sneakers during the All-Star period.

According to the latest news, there is a high probability that AJ will launch signature sneakers for Anthony and Liang Zhan next year.And this is also AJ launching a non-Jordan signature shoe.

The reason why Liang Zhan can enjoy the same honor as blacks is because AJ values ​​the Chinese market too much.The growth potential of Huaxia over the years is astonishing.

Missing Yao Ming is also the thing Hook regrets the most. In this time and space, Adi, who is more urgent than ever to get a Chinese player, was revealed to have signed a huge sneaker contract with Yao Ming.

$6000 million over five years!
After this contract came out, many people called Adi a fool. After all, it is a law that the center does not sell shoes.

However, Adidas' data in the fourth quarter and January of last year slapped many people in the face.

Yao Ming, who had a signature shoe in his first year as a rookie, has become Adidas' best-selling shoe.

This directly confused the hook.

It is also because of this matter that AJ decided to launch signature shoes for Liang Zhan.


rookie game

Liang Zhan is still very interested in the rookie game. After all, the All-Star game is still based on seniority. He is likely to be a fake starter, and the suggestion given by the agent team is to compete for the MVP of the rookie game.

"Are you kidding me? The NBA will let a foreign player win the rookie MVP?"

Liang Zhan is not stupid, but Bill Duffy said swearingly: "Just because of James, you guess you should compete for the rookie MVP, which will make you famous!"

"Okay, I get it, needless to say I'll fight, I'm not going to back down on the court."


This year's rookie game still attracted a lot of spectators to watch.

After all, a historic center was born in 02, and 03 is known as the golden draft year.

03 Stars vs. Little Giants!
Today, no one in Stoudemire thinks he is comparable to Yao Ming. Yao Ming has averaged 24.2 points, 13.2 rebounds, 4.8 assists and 1.9 blocks per game so far.

The Rockets are fourth in the Western Conference!
Top five on the MVP list.

A rookie is the pinnacle, and it can be said that Yao is the one. People have begun to put him and Duncan Bird together to discuss whose rookie season is stronger.

Such a powerful center sits in the rookie team in 02, and it is not something that rookies in 03 can easily defeat.


Because there were two Huaxia players participating in the rookie challenge, there were many more Asian-looking spectators on the sidelines of the rookie competition, and many people took out their own banners.

Some congratulate Yao Ming and some congratulate Liang Zhan.

Seeing these Chinese characters in a foreign country made Yao Ming and Liang Zhan feel very cordial.

And Zhang Weiping is also a busy man, he was sent to the United States by CCTV to record the All-Stars.

Zhang Weiping called the two people over to talk to the Huaxia Fan TV shareholders, and in the end he asked both parties to speak harshly.

"Brother Yao, don't blame me today, I might not be able to hold you back."

Liang Zhan's ruthless words are really likely to happen, which makes Yao Ming feel a little lingering. The last time he hit the buckle, he was used as the background board and played on CCTV for a week.

"Liang Zhan, my brother has always wanted to treat you to hot pot. If you like it, feel free to come in!"


Game start.

Sophomore lineup:

Starters (Jarić, Ginobili, Boozer, Stoudemire, Yao Ming), substitutes (Prince, Murray, Dunleavy, Nene)
First-year lineup:
Starters (James, Anthony, Kaman, Liang Zhan, Cilic), substitutes (Wade, Bosh, Josh Howard, Haslem, Hayes, Wade)
After Yao Ming easily grabbed the ball for the team, Jarich knew the world and handed the ball to Yao Ming.

Facing Kaman, who was not bald, a hit followed by a two-handed dunk.

The short-handed Yao Ming buckled up like a tiger, making the nearby audience feel the fear of being conquered by a giant.

Because Lu Tao, who was the number one pick in 04, was short-handed like Yao Ming, this also led to the damage of the reputation of players in Shanghai.

In the next round, James decided to attack by himself after getting the ball. Facing Boozer, who had no defensive attitude, he rushed in and made a tomahawk dunk.

Today, both teams did not seriously defend, and they focused on a companion.

Liang Zhan also soon ushered in a score of his own.

Not long after James held the ball for halftime, just after the logo appeared, an alley-oop pass was sent to Liang Zhan 10 meters away.

Liang Zhan successfully dunked against the unguarded basket.

The strong jumping ability makes the rookies of the two teams very envious.

In the next game, Liang Zhan made various flying dunks, and even came up with an aggressive midfielder logo.Unfortunately, the shot was missed.

As a relatively introverted person, Yao Ming didn't take the initiative to attack too much today.

In the end, the two teams scored 133:132 points.The second-year team won the game by virtue of Yao Ming's terrifying dominance.

And Liang Zhan, as the highest score of 36 points in the first grade, did not win the MVP, but let Boozer take advantage of it.

However, Liang Zhan's highlight moment was the slam dunk contest on the second day.

Reverse dunk through the leaping mascot and windmill dunk behind the rim with James Jones in the finals.

In the end, he defeated Jones and won the slam dunk contest with a reverse crotch change dunk to show the violent aesthetics to the extreme.

Liang Zhan set a precedent for the Chinese in the NBA.


The game in February is coming to an end, and another major event that fans will start to care about is about to start!
cuba division match!
As the third year of commercialization, cuba has gradually matured.

Whether it is rules, broadcasting, fan culture is forming its own unique system.

In addition to building newer and more modern basketball halls, some traditional cuba schools.

The construction of the locker room and the honor showroom, which symbolizes the team culture, has also been vigorously developed.

Some universities will also retire jerseys for outstanding players in recognition of their contributions.

Even the school's cuba results this year have affected the university's college entrance examination enrollment.

Candidates for college entrance examinations tend to choose the school with better cuba scores in universities of the same level.

Among them, the most successful is Huaqiao University. Taking advantage of the achievements in the past few years, Huaqiao University's college entrance examination scores have soared all the way, even higher than the inland 211 universities.

And Dayuan University also successfully got out of the circle in the inland 211 because of the cuba results, and became the most popular inland 211 university.


The venues for the four competition areas this year are the University of Mining and Technology in the Southeast Division, Northeastern University in the Northeast Division, Yunzhou University in the Southwest Division, and Lanzhou University in the Northwest Division.

The purpose of cuba choosing to hold it in a school whose grades are not too strong is to expand cuba's influence.

Chen Xinglian himself told the truth, it is boring to go back and forth with several universities competing for the Overlord Cup, so it can be said that it is very important for Chen Xinglian to speed up the basketball construction of other universities.

The sports media also began to shift their attention from CBA to Cuba.

However, in addition to the CBA and Huachao this year, reporters also focused their attention on the athletes who went to the Athens Olympics, which made this year's cuba, the second Chinese league (CBA > cuba > Huachao), less attention than last year. few.

However, the performance of the super rookies in the four major regions is still very impressive.

Under the leadership of Lu Tao, Huada defeated Zhejiang University, which had the Takeuchi brothers.

You must know that this game can be said to have attracted the attention of the Japanese media. After all, the Takeuchi brothers are related to the future of Japan.

I have to say that the cuba training system under Chen Xinglian's reform is very good.

The Takeuchi brothers who were a little thin when they first came to Cuba have been raised a little stronger, and their skills at the basket have become more mature.In the group stage, they also defeated Modu University, which made the Japanese media overjoyed, thinking that the Takeuchi brothers will definitely become the CBA lottery picks.

But the blow came soon, and Zhejiang University was really not enough to look at in front of the giant Huada.

Although the Takeuchi brothers have made progress, facing the talented Lu Tao, Huada led by Wanning and Wang Yeju was destroyed by 100:72.

Lu Tao rushed to the basket unscrupulously and scored 31 points, 14 rebounds, 3 assists and 4 blocks in the whole game.

This made the Japanese media, who had just been happy for a while, be speechless.

And Shi Xiaolong in the North District also refused to admit defeat. In the game against Jilin Provincial University, he scored 18 points, 11 rebounds and 7 blocks. After this battle, Shi Xiaolong was called the hot pot king by the fans.

But if you want to say that the real hot pot king is Xiao Wukaiti from Urumqi University, Xiao Wukaiti, who is called by scouts to have an innate sense of defense, averaged 5.1 points and 12.1 rebounds in the group stage 4.3 blocks.

Under the leadership of him, Ma Xu from Ning Province, and Sun Benfan from Jin Province, Urumqi University won the first place in the group and advanced.

Pretty impressive for a rookie team.

As the divisional games progressed and some super rookies appeared, the CBA underdog teams also made up their minds and began to perform poorly.

The Twin Cities Trail Blazers recently started a six-game losing streak, and even won only two games from early March to April.

Many fans speculated that the Pioneers went after Lu Tao.

Because of the inexplicable poor performance of the Blazers, the most extreme is an inexplicable mistake in a game. Three mistakes in 1 minute handed over the victory to others, which made it obvious that something was abnormal.

This makes CBA can't stand it anymore.The Blazers were given a verbal warning in private, and if this is the case, the league can determine that the Blazers are playing negatively.

This startled Li Guoren. You must know that Chen Xinglian didn't just talk about it. His influence among CBA bosses was unprecedented.

Seriously, the team must be sold!

Although the negative game made Chen Xinglian very unhappy, what Chen Xinglian found interesting was that the Trail Blazers fans did not call for refunds and fake games, but applauded enthusiastically after losing the game.

It's more fun to lose than to win.

This confused Chen Xinglian.Dude, happy to be treated like an idiot by the team?
In addition to the pioneers being warned, Longdong in the North District was also warned.


"I don't allow such a mess in the league!"

Chen Xinglian set up a principle with the leaders of the league department in the meeting room.

The CBA does not have the background of the NBA. In the rapid development, negative games will deal a great blow to the CBA.

"By the way, Mr. Chen, the current negotiation with the NBA is scheduled for mid-June."

The staff reported.

The negotiation between the CBA and the NBA was initiated by the NBA on the flow of players from both parties.

 A chapter is out today
(End of this chapter)

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