national surname chiming

Chapter 504 A New Moon Is Rising

Chapter 504 A new moon is rising

Zheng Chenggong's heavy damage to the Vietnamese Navy happened in July.

Follow-up chasing and annihilating the remnants of the enemy, launching a ground attack, these things can only be said in a few words, but in fact, the dispatch of the army will not end so quickly.It was also until the end of the sixth year of Xiaokang that Zheng Zuo and the so-called Li Dynasty lord were killed.

The follow-up large-scale rebellion will have to last for a few more months, so until the spring of the seventh year of Xiaokang, these crap things will not stop.

It's just that after the overall situation is settled, the emperor doesn't need to worry about those physical tasks. The frontline generals can handle it by themselves, and the rear only needs to ensure the continuous supply of money, food and ammunition.

Zhu Ciyu spent a New Year with peace of mind in the city of Guangzhou.This is the first time since he was born to celebrate the New Year in a place other than Nanjing, and it is necessary to take a good tour of the surrounding areas of Guangdong.

After the Lantern Festival, I even decided to take a fleet out to sea for half a month in Danzhou, Hainan.

Although Zhu Ciyu took the sea route during his southern tour last year, after all, he has never been to a tropical island, and the sea at the Pearl River Estuary is always turbid. Considering that he will never come to Guangdong and Guangxi again in this life, Zhu Ciyu must seize it. Opportunity to see the blue and clear sea.He also used the name to say that it was to "go out to sea to patrol the sea to deter Burma and Vietnam, and to show Ming Dynasty's control over the sea power in the South China Sea."

Fortunately, Zhu Ciyu still has a father in charge after all, so he didn't dare to be too arrogant and indulge in fun, so he hurried back to Guangzhou City in early February, not giving the accompanying officials a chance to go back and complain to the regent .

After returning to Guangzhou, Gu Yanwu persuaded him, saying that since the names of Burma and Vietnam have been finalized, and the scope of land that should be ceded and naturalized has also been clarified, His Majesty should return to Beijing. The southern tour of the year.

Zhu Ciyu was still a little reluctant, feeling that the weather was still cool in early spring, and wanted to stay in Lingnan for a while.But he also knew very well in his heart that even if he stayed, he would only stay for a month or two at most, and he would not delay any longer.

Because he has seen the hot summer in Guangdong and Guangxi last year, so once the summer comes, he will definitely return to the north. This time, there is no need to be in a hurry on the way back, and he can completely take the overland route. In this way, he can travel all the way back to Huguang and Jiangxi, and the road is slow. Just walk for a few months and return to Nanjing City in autumn.

Because of this careful thinking, Zhu Ciyu inevitably discussed with Gu Yan armed forces about taking revenge on the Spaniards:

"Mr. Gu Ge, even though Vietnam surrendered, there was a rumor in Guangzhou last year that Folangji people massacred our Han people in Luzon. As the Son of Heaven, I can't just sit back and watch the Han people be killed by barbarians in vain. It's better to let Zheng Guogong hug grass and beat rabbits , let’s kill Luzon’s Frangji colonial fleet as well.”

Gu Yanwu couldn't help but smiled wryly: "We should condemn this matter first, and give Zheng Guogong time to rectify. He has repeatedly attacked Burma and Vietnam by sea, and has fought countless battles. His soldiers are exhausted and his ships are damaged. How can he immediately provoke him again?

The Frangji people's home country is [-] miles away from Nanyang. Even if we, Ming Dynasty, condemn them, they won't be able to get new reinforcements within a year and a half. What's the rush?
Revenge must be retaliated, otherwise it will damage my great reputation, but how to retaliate, I should discuss it with the regent after returning to Beijing.Besides, Your Majesty was invited to make a southern tour of Guangzhou, because this place is close to Myanmar and Vietnam, both of which are in the southwest of our Ming Dynasty, in order to negotiate with each other as soon as possible and mediate to divide the enemy.

And Luzon is in the southeast of Daming, more than a thousand miles east of Guangzhou, but in the south of Fujian.Even if you want to use troops in the future, you should use them from Fujian. Your Majesty will just go back to Nanjing to hear the news.The native kings of these Frangji people are tens of thousands of miles away, and they have no way to negotiate with them, so they can only force them directly. "

Gu Yanwu was very principled. He insisted that the legal requirement of the emperor's southern tour was because the emperor represented the country and could help the country quickly deal with the conditions of diplomatic negotiations and make a timely decision.

If there is no need for diplomacy, but only for national defense, then the emperor shouldn't have personally intervened. Isn't the lesson of Mingbaozong not profound enough?The emperor is responsible for moving the mouth, not the knife.In the future, as long as there is nothing to talk about, the emperor will not need to deploy forward.

How could Zhu Ciyu be more reasonable than Gu Yanwu?In the end, he had no choice but to negotiate and express a compromise. He would play outside for another two months, and then slowly return north.Zheng Chenggong also asked him to rest and repair as soon as possible to restore his combat power.As for whether to fight the Spaniards in Luzon in the end, how to fight, the regent will make a decision after returning to Beijing.

Seeing that the emperor had listened to his persuasion, Gu Yanwu took half a step back, so he wouldn't push the other party into a hurry, so he turned a blind eye and let the emperor play outside for two more months.

Zhu Ciyu finally delayed his departure from Guangzhou to the north until halfway through March, and entered Hunan through Shaoguan at the end of the month.Then pass by Nanyue Hengshan and can't help but wander around for half a month.

Before the emperor arrived, he had issued an order for corvee service two months in advance, and asked the workers to build a road with blue stone steps to climb Hengshan Mountain. Finally, he asked eight people to carry a large sedan chair to carry the emperor up the mountain, and performed some ceremonial activities to worship the mountain——

Under normal circumstances, even if the emperor just sat on his shoulders, eight people would not be enough to carry him. However, the mountain road is rugged. For safety, the standard has been lowered in a hurry, and the follow-up will be handled according to this rule.

After sacrificing Mount Heng and returning to Hengyang City, Zhu Ciyu inquired privately, saying where Zhang Xianzhong's family was located 26 years ago.

There are Li Dingguo and Sun Kewang's old troops in the army, and they are a little ashamed to hear that. After all, they were all "Western Thieves" under Zhang Xianzhong's command back then, and someone identified the location of the ancient battlefield.

Zhu Ciyu also pretended to go to sacrifice, posing the emperor's fraternal gesture.But what he was thinking in his heart was obviously: Fortunately, Zhang Xianzhong killed the whole family of King Gui back then, otherwise the emperor's grandfather might not have been supported by his father as emperor in line of patriarchal line...

At the beginning, the lineages of King Fu's and King Gui's lineages were far and close, and they were both a generation closer than King Lu's. The King of Fu's line was just charged with other crimes of interfering in politics in advance, and the hatred with Donglin was too deep, so they couldn't take the position.

But King Gui has no crimes or old enemies. Historically, Shi Kefa tended to use King Gui to suppress the order of King Fu.

Although Zhu Ciyu didn't know about these changes, he knew very well in his heart that King Gui's extermination of the family contributed to the preservation of Daming.

After crying and offering sacrifices to Queen Gui, Zhu Ciyu continued to go north to Changsha at the end of April, and then did not stop much.Go to Yueyang in early May and Wuchang at the end of May, and visit each place for more than ten days.

In Changsha, I went to Orange Island, Yueyang to Yueyang Tower, Wuchang to Yellow Crane Tower to overlook Parrot Island, and also visited Daye Armory Factory and Iron and Steel Factory for a few days.

Those are the places where his father started his business and built a foundation. Zhu Ciyu was patriotic and educated, and let him know how difficult it was for his father to go from being a supervisor and starting a business for more than [-] years to sitting on such a world.

It wasn't until June that Zhu Ciyu felt hot in Wuchang, so Zhu Ciyu went down the river again, passing through Jiujiang, watching Poyang Lake, crossing the river to Lushan Mountain to escape the summer heat, and watching Xianglufeng Waterfall to cool off.During the period, corvee was conscripted in advance to build a mountain road with bluestone steps to climb Mount Lu.

The ink was not until the end of July, when the weather gradually turned cold, so he went down to Lushan Mountain, and returned to Nanjing to find his father and queen mother for the Mid-Autumn Festival.Zhu Ciyu knew very well that if he dragged on and missed the Mid-Autumn Festival, his father would definitely not give him a good look.


The words are divided into two parts.

When Zhu Ciyu was traveling outside and returning from his southern tour, Zhu Shuren, who was working hard, had to continue to deal with the government affairs in Nanjing.

Over the past year or so, there is not much difference between his son being in charge and not being in charge, and he is still needed as the regent to take charge of the court.The only change is that the diplomatic work and part of the military work have been transferred to the mobile imperial battalion, and the government affairs of the remaining four ministries still report to Nanjing.

During the six years of being well-off, Zhu Shuren didn't have the energy to worry about other things, and it was better to be still than to move.After entering the first half of the seventh year of Xiaokang, he began to think about other grand strategies because he knew that Vietnam had already been settled, and the follow-up was just a matter of dividing up the aftermath and persuading him.

Of course, Zhu Shuren was the first to know about the news that "the people in Guangdong and Guangxi have heard about the massacre of Han people in Nanyang by Lusong Fulang Robot" reported by Gu Yanwu, and he was less surprised than his son.

When he read history books in his previous life, he clearly recorded the three largest massacres of Chinese in the Philippines by the Spaniards.

Now it seems that things still happened, but it was done more low-key and concealed, and the Spaniards endured for a few extra years.

This kind of thing must be revenge.But it's a pity that Daming has enough enemies now.

Zhu Shuren originally had a timetable for Ming's "Three Seven-Year Plans." Now should be the time when the first seven-year plan was successfully completed, land tax and poll tax reforms were successfully advanced, and Myanmar and Vietnam were also eliminated.

Another Spain has emerged. If it is really necessary to do something, it is estimated that the national power will be delayed for two years, which will take up the cycle of the second seven-year plan, and the money and food will also be tilted in these directions.

This means that Zhu Shuren decided that the second seven-year plan will completely deal with the Great Northwest and Junggar and Mongolia, and the third seven-year plan will deal with the Raksha people in Yaksa. This timetable will be disrupted.

If there is not enough time for farming to accumulate energy, you may end up facing the same predicament as the Qing Dynasty in history. Galdan and Luocha people invaded Ming Dynasty at the same time in the northwest and the northeast. At that time, you have to face a choice. One enemy, or at least in the toughest year or two of them, two enemies at the same time.

Kangxi in parallel time and space chose to withdraw some benefits in Nerchinsk in exchange for the Raksha people not supporting Galdan. Now Zhu Shuren doesn't want to give up this benefit.

For this matter, while his son was having a good time outside, he did not lose his hair.Finally decided to give it a go.

"Forget it, you have to believe in the speed of Ming's follow-up construction and development. Anyway, there are still five or six years before the hypothetical deal with Galdan, and more than ten years before the deal with the Rakshas.

Even if the final progress against Galdan was delayed, I believe that Daming ten years later should have the strength to defeat both Galdan and the Raksha people at the same time! "

With this realization, Zhu Shuren finally decided to let Zheng Chenggong slowly recuperate for the rest of this year.When autumn and winter come again, it's time to bang the Spaniards of Luzon, don't be vague.


After readjusting the rhythm of the national policy according to the changes in the situation, Zhu Shuren's remaining energy this year will naturally be invested in farming and improving technology in the "Second Seven-Year Plan of Ming Dynasty".

So far, the farming reform part of the first seven-year plan has actually been completed perfectly. During the implementation of policies such as the poll tax reform of "abolishing the separation of household registrations", the separation of workers and peasants, and the minimum number of acres of agricultural registration land, not many people dared to resist.

Moreover, with the victories in the foreign wars against Burma and Vietnam, the treasury has not been emptied. These military achievements have proved the correctness of the reform.

Since ancient times, the military achievements of opening up territories and territories are the best support for internal fiscal and taxation reforms.As the military prestige rises, the dissidents below will feel guilty and fearful, and their voices will become quieter.

Therefore, in the second seven-year plan, the above-mentioned reforms can continue to be implemented, as long as the rhythm is slightly adjusted and gradually promoted to the north.

Generally, in accordance with the pace of reform and reform, after the part of changing money is completed, part of the obstructive forces that are most likely to jump out and oppose are wiped out.Then you can take advantage of the trend to further change the election of officials and officials, just like the relationship between Zhang Juzheng's whip method and the examination method.

Under such thinking, Zhu Shuren's next goal is ready to come out:
At the reform level, he hopes to optimize Daming's official selection and assessment system.

In terms of farming and technology advancement, the Ming Dynasty focused on biochemical ring materials in the past seven years, and picked a considerable part of the "low-hanging fruits" that were easy to pick, tried and tested, and worked hard to produce miracles.

The low-hanging fruits are not enough to pick. In the next few years, it is natural to focus on theoretical construction, and then combine theory with practice, and use physics and mathematics thinking to guide and plan technological progress. We can no longer just rely on immersing ourselves in experiments.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem now—as early as the winter of the fourth year of Xiaokang, Newton, who had just invented the rudiment of calculus, came to Daming to study and travel.

At that time, Zhu Shuren called him and pointed out that his mathematical tools were not perfect enough, there was no double integral and triple integral, and it was not good enough to solve the problems of physical calculation and mechanical design in the real world, so he was asked to continue to retreat and do research on his own.He was also asked to write a bunch of letters and hand them over to the Ming Merchant Fleet who went to England to sell plague medicines and disinfectants, and paid a lot of money to attract some European science and technology scholars.

Now, another two and a half years have passed, and the time has come to the beginning of the seventh year of Xiaokang.

After the first year and a half of retreat, Newton actually had a thorough understanding of the perfection of calculus, added mathematical tools such as double integrals and triple integrals, and studied other details of the binomial expansion in depth. Finally, It is to master high numbers.

After the mathematical tools were accomplished, from the spring of the sixth year of Xiaokang to the spring of the seventh year of Xiaokang, during this year, Newton devoted his energy to proving "Fang Ziling's three conjectures", using mathematical methods and supplementary experiments. All places are complete.

So far, the "Three Conjectures" proposed by Zhu Shuren first, Fang Ziling's help to sort out, and Newton's complete proof have completely become the "Three Laws" of the complete body.

Of course, because in this life, the person who proposes the conjecture and the person who proves the mathematics are done by different people, the name of the final law can no longer be called "Newton's Three Laws", but the surnames of all contributors must be added .

This is actually quite normal in the scientific world. For example, the "Biot-Savart law" of electromagnetic induction in junior high school physics textbooks was proposed by Biot and Savart, and the "Yang-Mills equation" was proposed by Yang Zhenning and Mills Proposed.

It is rare for the scientific community to list both the surname and the first name. In this case, Zhu Shuren and Fang Ziling only need to list the "Three Laws of Zhu-Fang-Newton".

Today, it is the historical moment when the Three Laws have completely ended the retreat and are about to leave the retreat and kill the Quartet.The people that Zhu Shuren had asked Newton to write letters to solicit had also come to Daming one after another.

At such a grand scientific occasion, Zhu Shuren felt that it was a golden opportunity to improve the education system of the Ming Dynasty and increase the number of imperial examination subjects in the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, the scientific research and farming, personnel and education reforms of the second seven-year plan can be integrated into one, and promote each other.

A new curtain is rising.

(End of this chapter)

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