national surname chiming

Chapter 491 The Seeds of Modern University

Chapter 491 The Seeds of Modern University

When seeing the scroll that Newton asked the maid to present, Zhu Shuren's first reaction was a little curious.

Due to time constraints, he didn't have time to take a closer look, so he asked directly first.

Now Newton was full of energy and showed off a little nervously: "These manuscripts contain the students' graduation thesis when they were in Cambridge, as well as some of the experience of contemplating behind closed doors in the past two years.

A few years ago, when a student was in Cambridge, he came across a Daming science book annotated by Mr. Huygens, which briefly introduced some conjectures on the laws of motion of objects, as well as an explanation of atomic theory and several possible explanations. The presumption of basic elements and so on—that book was written by Dean Fang.

That book had a great influence on the students. In the following years, the students devoted themselves to studying it and tried to prove it with mathematical methods. As a result, they came across this new mathematical tool. Dean Fang asked him to correct it. "

Newton spoke very sincerely. In the first half, he answered Zhu Shuren, and in the second half, he turned to Fang Ziling with admiration in his eyes, and sincerely asked for advice.

Zhu Shuren couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, and at the same time he handed the half-English and half-Chinese manuscript to his wife Fang Ziling.

Of course he knew what his wife had written, but apart from those natural history works, most of Fang Ziling's insightful physical and chemical conjectures came from Zhu Shuren.

It's just that Zhu Shuren doesn't want to show others in the form of an omniscient and omnipotent god. He already has power over the world, so why do he need such a false name?It's also inconvenient, it's just a call or two, and let the subordinates write.

On the other hand, Zhu Shuren also knows that as a high-ranking person, if he has too many academic achievements, it is easy to be conspired by future generations, saying that he plagiarized the ideas of his subordinates and portraying him as a hypocrite.That being the case, it is better not to have these controversial reputations and do a good job in your own business.

Just like if in the 21st century, some North Korean scientists said that the latest and highest scientific research achievements of their country were made by a few great people, then foreigners would not believe it, but would only recruit black people.

In the same way, even in ancient China, Lu Buwei authorized "Lu Shi Chunqiu", would anyone believe that part of the content was written by Lu Buwei himself?
Xiao Tong (Prince Zhaoming) asked someone to compile "Wen Xuan", would outsiders believe that there were his own academic contributions in it?Impossible, these people only need to contribute resources as investors.

It would be better if he just provided ideas and conjectures, and let the people below to study and prove it. Be generous, and the people below will also acknowledge his affection and will detail the contribution of the Regent to these scientific discoveries in his memoirs.In this way, the credibility in the history books will be higher in the future, and the living space of conspiracy theories will be squeezed.

The few "Fang Ziling's works" mentioned by Newton this time are actually nothing, mainly the conjecture part of the "Newton's Three Laws of Motion" in history, and the research of the atomic and molecular theory of matter by the Daming Academy of Sciences in recent years. , several basic elements found, and their preliminary characteristics——

It should be noted that most of these contents can only be called "conjectures", not laws.The three conjectures of mechanics in physics have no rigorous mathematical proof.Because the previous mathematical tools did not support comprehensive and detailed arguments.

In the case of only basic computing tools, it would be nice to be able to discuss uniform motion or uniform motion—in many junior high and high school physics textbooks, the explanation of Newton's laws of motion actually stops at this step.

But as we all know, if Newton’s laws of motion of a complete body are to be fully carried forward, you must at least demonstrate other irregular motions, that is, “movements with variable speed and variable acceleration”.

This kind of movement, which is completely irregular even in the change process of force and speed change process, is the closest to the real situation in nature. If you want to analyze it mathematically, it is nonsense without calculus.

So in the final analysis, in order to occupy the pit and also to guide Daming's scientific research and development, Zhu Shuren brought out special cases in special circumstances similar to Newton's three laws more than ten years ago, which can only be regarded as a "conjecture, And find a few specific solutions that meet this conjecture", but it is not a "general solution", so it cannot be "proved".

From the middle school physics textbook to "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", there is still a gap.Basically, the "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" can be regarded as a complete "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" only by adding the calculus application part of mechanics in Dawu.

Even Newton himself in history spent ten years from first proposing these conjectures to finally proving them all, and then spent another five or six years writing "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy".


On the other side, Fang Ziling and Newton obviously didn't know what Zhu Shuren was thinking.

Fang Ziling just took Newton's manuscript, and then read it carefully for a while, but she couldn't understand it for a while, but her expression soon became serious.

Seeing that Fang Ziling paid attention to it, Newton also took courage, and introduced it with eloquence: "The first volume of this manuscript is my graduation thesis at Cambridge University the year before last, which proves Mr. Huygens' proposal ten years ago, But he was then unable to complete the proof of the generalized binomial theorem.

The next two volumes are my thoughts on follow-up issues in the past year and a half, combined with the demand for the proof of the 'Fang's Three Conjectures', and invented a new set of mathematical tools, which I call 'calculus'.There is another volume at the end, which is the experimental proof design for the "Fang's Three Conjectures" designed by me. "

After hearing that Newton finally solved the mystery, Zhu Shuren's vague expectation was finally confirmed.

Sure enough, calculus!

Conscience of heaven and earth, Zhu Shuren felt a little ashamed.He and his wife can only be regarded as putting forward conjectures and citing special cases that conform to the conjectures. In the history books of this time and space, this can only be written in the future.The specific and detailed mathematical demonstration and experimental demonstration were finally completed by Newton.

Who told Zhu Shuren to be in his thirties in his previous life, so he didn't need to use calculus in his work?The high-speed knowledge in the university in the previous life, if no one reminds me after the time travel, I will almost forget it.

This is really not a reverse cheat - compare your heart to your heart, 30 years after a person leaves college, maybe he can still remember many conclusive things he learned in college.However, the specific calculation and solution of high-level math problems is mostly impossible to do without touching the textbook and reviewing it again.

That being the case, there is nothing to regret.

What's more, Newton's three laws of history can be regarded as Newton himself from conjecture to examples to mathematical demonstrations in one go.Now Zhu Shuren and Fang Ziling have completed the first one or two steps respectively, but they left the third step with the highest rigor to Newton, which can be regarded as a big deal.


Isaac Newton in history, after the outbreak of the Great Plague in London in 1665, chose to go to the country to retreat for two and a half years. As a result, in the autumn of 1667, he taught the new subject of "calculus".

Then, after Cambridge University reopened after the plague and verified his results, he was immediately awarded the seat of "Lucasian Professor of Mathematics".

(Note: Leibniz in Germany also invented calculus in 1672, and added many algorithms and proofs that Newton did not cover. These two people are considered to have invented calculus independently, with their own contributions)

Now in this life, Newton can be regarded as "standing on the shoulders of more giants", so he accelerated his progress and completed the manuscript of calculus half a year ahead of schedule.

While listening to each other's explanation, Zhu Shuren and Fang Ziling looked carefully at the contents of the manuscript.

Because Zhu Shuren has the foundation of the university in his previous life, now he has picked it up again, so naturally he reacts much faster than Fang Ziling.

Moreover, Newton’s level of written Chinese was not enough to allow him to write all his mathematics manuscripts in Chinese. The main reason was that there were many technical terms and nouns. At that time, there were no corresponding words in Chinese. It was created, so it is impossible to write Chinese.

However, in Zhu Shuren's eyes, these mathematical words and symbols were not a big obstacle.After flipping through it hastily, although he couldn't find any mistakes, he could make demands on Newton and draw big cakes.

Zhu Shuren said casually: "This is just a general integral algorithm, right? Its geometric equivalent is used to solve the area of ​​the area surrounded by two function curves with irregular upper and lower edges.

But if we want to guide engineering design practice, we also need to ask for the volume of two cylinders with irregular upper and lower surfaces, which requires the use of 'double integral'.By extension,
If you want to calculate completely irregular bodies, even those with irregular side walls, you should need "triple integrals" - in short, your mathematical tool called "calculus" still has a lot of room for digging, think about it By extension, increasing its versatility can truly benefit mankind. "

When Newton heard this, he was completely shocked.

He finally believed that Dean Fang's modest words just now, saying, "The idea of ​​these conjectures was actually thought of by His Royal Highness the Prince Regent himself in a flash of inspiration. It's just that he has a lot of things to do every day and has no time to deal with scientific research, so he just came up with an idea." Start at the beginning, and hand over the specific work to the people below.”

At first, Newton thought that Fang Ziling was giving money to Zhu Shuren, but now he has absolutely no doubts.

His Royal Highness the Regent can actually understand the mixed English and Chinese mathematical expressions and all the formula symbols, and he can immediately hit the problem that this mathematical tool cannot solve.

From this point of view, he is a very thoughtful, far-sighted genius who is suitable for pressing tasks for his subordinates.Although he himself may not be involved in research and development, he is very clear about what human needs are.

A person who is good at asking valuable and meaningful questions is often worth more than a person who is good at answering them.

"Oh, Your Majesty the Regent, your wisdom is really rare in my life, I thought it would take a long time for you to understand the value of calculus... Please forgive my superficial prejudice.

Your pointers are so correct, I really think there is still a lot of room for improvement in this tool, I will definitely work hard!I am really ashamed, I don’t know... I don’t know if I can convince you to accept the previous conditions and send the Ming merchant fleet to export carbolic acid, concentrated sulfuric acid and sodium arsenic acid to England with the results I presented.
Maybe my achievement is really insignificant, but if I strengthen it in the future, it should be very valuable..."

Newton had already begun to worry humbly that "the mathematical results I presented were not enough to persuade the Regent of Ming Dynasty to spend costs, take risks, disrupt his original rhythm, and earn this small sum of money."

Fortunately, Zhu Shuren is still thirsty for talents.

He waved his hand: "I know, there is no need to explain. How about this, the calculus you presented will indeed be of great use in the future, but it is not perfect yet.

Are you willing to make an agreement with Gu to stay in Daming to study and work for at least ten years, and during this period, I will give you the same courtesy as other people who have made outstanding contributions in the Academy of Sciences.

If you are willing, I am willing to temporarily relax the export ban on Daming’s concentrated sulfuric acid, carbolic acid, sodium arsenic acid and other medicines, and send the Daming fleet to trade in Europe for the sake of you being an unborn mathematical genius. all the peoples that have been harmed. "

Newton heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly praised: "Your Highness, your kindness is like sunshine and rain, which is beneficial to all people in the world. I believe that the people of England will always be grateful for your kindness.

It is also an honor for me to be able to serve you temporarily. "

Zhu Shuren smiled slightly, but didn't answer.Although he didn't have a good impression of the British, since he could also sell medicine to make money, that's not a shame.

He was there to collect money, not to be an international warfighter.

By the way, Newton's temporary allegiance can also be won, and the deal is a huge profit.

So many scientific research work that I have done piecemeal before have not yet been systematic, and each of them is a case of flashes of inspiration based on experience accumulation and direct copying of answers.

As long as Zhu Shuren doesn't give directions, the research model of the Daming Academy of Sciences will still only stay at the level of "whimsy plus trial and error".

Of course, it doesn’t mean that the trial and error method has not made progress—at least compared to the original Da Ming in time and space, today’s Da Ming is already "willing to try and make mistakes". In the past, he was unwilling to try, and he was unwilling to invest in resources.

In history, right up to people like Edison, research and development is also about "inspiration plus trial and error". Otherwise, how could Edison say that success is "99% sweat plus 1% inspiration", and then 99% sweat is the most stupid way trial and error.

In the fields of biochemical and environmental materials that do not pay much attention to logic, the trial-and-error method and the experimental scale can also produce miracles vigorously. Therefore, in the first few years of Ming Dynasty, he focused on chemical research and development. .

However, in the fields of physics and mathematics, including electricity and mechanical design, these things are very logical and savvy, and it is not possible to make miracles by spending money on trial and error.

Until now, Newton is about to exert force!Daming was finally able to make up for the shortcoming of the other leg in the field of scientific research, the path of "theory guiding practice"!
This Newton came too timely.

From then on, I have to grasp with both hands, and I have to be hard with both hands!Miracles should be performed vigorously, and those that should be guided by theory should guide practice.

Zhu Shuren even felt that the original "Academy of Sciences + Research Institute" model is finally not enough now.

With the seed of Newton, if the future Ming wants to get rid of the trial-and-error efforts to create miracles, it must introduce the modern university system that is also sprouting and transforming in the West, and establish Daming's own university system!

Of course, there is no need to learn from those rubbish theological schools and law schools in the West, and those are not much more noble than Ming Dynasty's own Imperial College.

If Zhu Shuren wants to learn, of course, he must use the top western universities with natural science genes as the blueprint for transplantation.

Specifically, in the late 1660s, Cambridge and Leiden were regarded as the first echelon, which are worth copying, plus the University of Tubingen in Württemberg (out of Kepler) and the University of Leipzig in Saxony (Leibney) hereby there)
Therefore, after receiving Newton's affirmative answer, Zhu Shuren immediately stated that he would organize the fleet to set sail as soon as possible, and hoped that the British captain who brought Newton could take the lead.

Then, he also hoped that Newton would write a few more letters to his teachers, friends and classmates who stayed in Europe, so that the pilot captain could take them back, so as to attract more contemporary talents of the University of Natural Philosophy for Daming.

Zhu Shuren also specifically pointed out that he hopes to see talents from the four schools of Cambridge, Leiden, Leipzig, and Tübingen in the future, all of whom are represented in Daming and can flourish.

Newton's shock was no longer enough, so he didn't wonder why His Royal Highness the Prince Regent knew so much about the top universities of natural sciences in Europe, he just thought it was the Ming Dynasty Jinyiwei's excellent spying ability, who could figure it out so clearly.

Newton racked his brains to search for his personal connections, and wrote seven or eight earnest letters overnight. He also said in the letter that there was His Royal Highness the Regent of Daming, and he asked someone to bring them a meeting gift, inviting them to come to Daming to study and exchange,

Even if you don't want to work in Daming all your life, it doesn't matter, it can be used as a life tour.

As for the meeting gift mentioned in the letter, of course it was all paid for by Zhu Shuren. He asked the Deming fleet, which was in charge of sailing to Europe to sell medicines, to bring an additional batch of porcelain jade, brocade embroidery, gold and silver jewelry that the Ming royal family regarded as high-quality goods. For gift giving when the time comes.Anyone who receives Newton's letter can get a commemorative gift package along with it.

(End of this chapter)

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