national surname chiming

Chapter 175 What kind of conspiracy does Azig have?

Chapter 175 What kind of conspiracy does Azig have?

On the beach of Bijia Mountain, a group of wounded, sick and overworked soldiers formed an orderly team, waiting for the empty ship to berth, and then boarded the ship immediately.

However, the scene was very orderly, and the soldiers who had formed a team did not crowd the trestle bridge too long in advance.

They were all ordered to continue working, and only when they were about to board the ship were they allowed to stop their work.

The wharf can only dock four large ships at the same time, and each ship can hold more than 100 soldiers, so only 500 people line up on the trestle in advance for each round.

The rest of the work in the water village is still very heavy. First of all, everyone must take away the iron armor and other valuable ordnance, and move them as soon as they can. enemy.

Today's elite cavalry of the Eight Banners, almost everyone has iron-clad cotton armor. After fighting for so many years, they have already had very good equipment for fighting. Most of them were captured for nothing after repeated defeats by Ming Dynasty.

It is rare for the Ming side to win a battle and sweep the battlefield. Of course, it must try to weaken the Tartars as much as possible.

Secondly, the corpses of Tartar soldiers and traitors were dragged to the side and exposed in the wilderness.This is not to collect the corpses of the Tartars, but to avoid the spread of the virus during the final blocking and cleaning stages, which will implicate the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, just throw it a little farther and don't rot in the position.

And the soldiers who died in the battle were also restrained, and the wreckage and wood were taken and burned on the spot, and the ashes were taken away.

The army was supposed to stand firm for more than an hour, and when the troops were slowly connected and loaded onto the ships, they could be burned even with firewood.

It's not that Zheng Chenggong lacks the tonnage to transport the corpses, but that he doesn't have so many lime pickled and disinfected corpses. If a plague breaks out at sea, it will kill all the living people.

Zheng Chenggong and Zhang Mingzhen also learned this from Shen Shuren. Shen Shuren has always attached great importance to military health work.

Cao Bianjiao and Li Fuming had never been with Shen Shuren, and they didn't know how easy it is to contagious in the confined space on the ship when sailing, so they couldn't bear it at first.

After all, these soldiers broke through to the pier, and died here overnight in a bloody battle. Not being able to return home will inevitably affect the morale of the army.

After Zheng Chenggong explained the truth to them, they didn't say anything more.In particular, Zheng Chenggong agreed to take away the sterilized ashes, which is considered benevolent and righteous.

In addition, in the process of cleaning up the aftermath, Cao Bianjiao and others also discovered a sign that Zheng Chenggong took away many small wooden plaques hanging on necklaces from the dead Shen Jiading and sailors.

Although the appearance of the sign is different from the tablets used for sacrificial offerings, it still looks quite delicate and solemn, with engraved lines on the side and the number and name written on it.

Undoubtedly, this is another innocuous little optimization made by Shen Shuren, a traveler.

Shen Shuren's later generations have watched too many blockbuster movies in the United States, and know that Ma Run in the United States will have an iron plate, and it will be easy to identify the corpse if it is blown to pieces. This is helpful for the refined management of war damage.

Now fighting in the late Ming Dynasty, there is no need to stick to the material of the brand, because there are not so many hot weapons. Even if the brand is made of wood, there is not much risk of being burned, and the durability is not important.

If wood is used, it is more in line with the sacrificial tradition of the country. It is nothing more than a smaller scale than the sacrificial tablet and the base is removed.

In order to prevent the soldiers from feeling anxious when they are alive, and being reminded from time to time to feel unlucky.These brands are not hung around the neck with chains like Ma Run in the United States, but are directly sewn into the armor of the soldiers.

The iron-clad cotton armor popularized at the end of the Ming Dynasty was originally laminated cotton cloth as the inner and outer lining, and then sandwiched the iron bars in the middle.

When a comrade-in-arms dies, the person who collects the corpse directly cuts open the cotton lining on the chest of the cotton armor with a knife, and takes away the wooden plaque on the iron plate.


In addition to cleaning the battlefield, the soldiers waiting to board the ship had to temporarily strengthen the fortifications, at least tidy up the collapsed places, and rebuild the defensive wooden bunkers.

Of course, the time is short, and the soil work such as digging trenches will be saved, and there will only be simple work such as transportation.The amount of work tasks is also arranged fairly—those who can be assigned priority to board the ship and retreat will have to do more heavy work until they board the ship.

And those who are arranged to be interrupted can rest for half an hour first, recharge their energy and restore their physical strength, as well as food and drink supplies.

Half an hour passed quickly, and hundreds of ships took turns to dock for loading. More than half of the 2 people who were crowded at the pier had already been transported.

After everything was arranged step by step, the generals and officers were actually free. Zheng Chenggong and Zhang Mingzhen quietly checked on the sidelines, thinking about how to make Cao Bianjiao and Li Fuming as soft as possible in the future——

Zheng Chenggong and the others had a little understanding of Shen Shuren's intentions in this move. They knew that Shen Shuren didn't want to be a hero, but wanted to save more soldiers and go to the south to destroy Zhang Xianzhong.

This is not because Shen Shuren poached Daming's corner, but because of the previous command of Chongzhen and Hong Chengchou, these tens of thousands of people would be wiped out for nothing sooner or later.Even if Shen Shuren did nothing, it was impossible for these people to help Daming resist the Tartars for a long time.

However, the progress of the matter was much smoother than expected. Even Li Fuming and Cao Bianjiao, two strong generals at the general level, came back alive, and the final distribution of the spoils was prone to accidents.

If you want to pull all the troops away, there is no doubt that you are supporting your own self-respect and plotting against the law.Shen Shuren had spent so much energy creating an image of Daming Zhongliang, so he couldn't overturn at this point.

Therefore, Zheng Chenggong and the others also knew in their hearts that if Li Fuming and Cao Bianjiao were reluctant to take the post of commander-in-chief and wanted to return to their command, it would be unavoidable for them to send at least a few thousand remnants to take them back for missions.

Shen Shuren can win [-]% to [-]%, the Shen family [-]% and [-]% to the court to trick the court, which is already the best situation.

If no matter how much is withheld, nothing will be left to the court, and it will be a waste of time.

(From Shen Shuren's point of view, the most cost-effective thing is to keep the soldiers but not the generals. If only the troops are defeated and no generals retreat in an organized way, then no one will know if he swallows them all. But people like Cao Bianjiao are also considered loyal to the Ming Dynasty. Since they came out alive Yes, Shen Shuren would definitely not be able to kill Zhongliang)

Therefore, taking advantage of the point of organizing troops to load and defend, Zheng Chenggong and Zhang Mingzhen also had to ask Cao and Li Erjiang to drink some wine to relieve fatigue and test their attitudes.

Both Cao and Li were generals in Shanxi, Cao Bianjiao was originally from Datong, and Li Fuming was from Liaodong, but his hometown had been occupied by Tartars and he was homeless. His current official position is "Shanxi General Soldier".

Therefore, both of them safely stated that if the court had no other order to go back this time, they should bring the troops back to Shanxi.If the imperial court has other appointments and wants them to stay near Shanhaiguan to help defend, then they can only stay.

Zhang Mingzhen knew that he wanted to keep two general-level soldiers for his personal appointment, and Shen Futai's current energy was far from enough, so he didn't think about it anymore.

Then, they turned to think about how Cao and Li couldn't figure out how many troops were rescued last night, so that Shen Futai could use their hands to detain them——

There should have been 6000 people Li Fuming escaped last night, but these 6000 people did not arrive at the same time.On Cao Bianjiao's side, 1 people should have survived to [-] people, but many of these [-] people were also dispersed.

Therefore, according to their own estimates, the number of people who rushed out close to them was only three to four thousand to six to seven thousand.Nearly half of them are not on the accounts.

Zhang Mingzhen thought for a while, and then suggested: "How about this, we still have to stick to it here, Azig's troops may arrive first, although the Eight Banners cavalry are brave, but now it's our army's turn to wait for work and take advantage of danger. There are wreckage of the water village that can be used, and it should be no problem to hold a wave.

After carrying out that wave, Cao Junmen and Li Junmen are also tired, and we will replace our troops to guard the water village. You all get on board, and we will wait as appropriate to see if there are more stragglers from the rear army coming. Save as much as you can. "

To be honest, Zhang Mingzhen's suggestion was not for the overall interests of Daming, but for the maximization of the interests of Shen Shuren, a small group, in the subsequent distribution of spoils.But the court system is like this, and these plays have to be done.

After the two chief soldiers are dismissed, they can persuade those bitter grassroots officers under them to see who is willing to "play dead and drift away" and go to the south.

Those who are reluctant to part with their current status are often those who already have a higher official position in Daming. If they pretend to be dead and change their status, they will lose everything.

But if it is just an ordinary soldier, or a worthless official, who will serve as a soldier for food wherever he goes, who would not want to go to the south?
To do this thing well, we must take advantage of the inconsistent interests of generals and soldiers.

Cao Bianjiao and the others didn't know what the trick was, and thought that Zhang Mingzhen was sympathetic to them, so he said that he would fight hard in the past, and if they could beat Azig once, all their high-ranking generals would withdraw.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the Ming army soon discovered some new anomalies just to delay the distribution of spoils for a while.


An hour passed quickly, and the sky was completely bright and the sun was shining.At this moment, it is almost half of the time, which is almost eight o'clock in the morning.

Hundreds of soldiers from the Ming army who were dispersed last night came to assemble in batches. Seeing that the fleet was still waiting, they were also very grateful, and immediately joined the battle queue and accepted temporary reorganization.

Anyway, it was impossible for them to find the original troops. Every person who came here was a non-staff, and belonged to the pure profit made by the Shen family army.Unlike the troops that retreated in an organized way before, part of it is the "cost" required to make a fake show.

With the morale of the Ming army soaring, Azige, the leader of the puppet king of the Qing Dynasty, finally arrived at Bijia Mountain with his troops.

However, the scale of Azig's troops is surprising.

Originally, the main generals of the Ming army estimated that Azig would appear together with Jierhalang's two Jiala, a total of [-] cavalry.

But at this moment, the Tartars in front of them have shrunk by at least half of what they expected. No matter how you look at it, there are only three Jiala banners at most.

Moreover, according to the colors of the Eight Banners, there seems to be only one Jiala belonging to Azig's flag, but the two Jiala of Jierhalang have come and are temporarily controlled by Azig.

Facing the fact that the Ming army has a dilapidated camp, the number of Ming troops on the shore is at least twice that of the Eight Banners soldiers, and there are so many warships providing flanking fire support on the sea, the morale of the Ming army is of course boosted, and there is no one there I feel that I can't hold the camp.

However, Azige didn't know that the Ming army's sea warships were equipped with Hongyi cannons. He came in a hurry and did not fully understand the enemy's situation. He only saw that the Ming army was still guarding the water village on the shore, and the water village was already very dilapidated.
It is not impossible for war horses to jump directly over ditches and wooden stakes, and to refuse horses to rush in, as long as they are willing to pay casualties and open a small gap.

Azige was afraid of long nights and dreams, so he quickly ordered the troops to organize a tentative charge, trying to retake the water village in one fell swoop, at least destroying all the Ming troops who had not boarded the ship.

Azig was hastily preparing to attack. Zheng Chenggong and others on this side couldn't figure it out, so they asked Cao Bianjiao:

"Cao Junmen, just now we calculated that Azig's reinforcements would be at least [-] cavalry. Looking at it now, why is it so much smaller? Could it be some other fraud? Or is there something wrong?"

Among the Liaodong generals, Cao Bianjiao fought the most bloody battles with the Tartars.Although he is not good at resourcefulness, but fortunately he knows the enemy well.

After thinking about it for a while, Cao Bianjiao suddenly thought of a possibility: "Is it possible that after seeing us fleeing, the Tatars feared that Songshan's Hong Dushi would also want to run away, so they divided up the main force to strengthen the siege of Songshan?
After all, in the eyes of the Tartars, we are all small fish and small shrimps, and when we encounter unexpected accidents, we lose it as soon as we lose it.Governor Hong is the biggest big fish, and there is no room for mistakes. Moreover, there are more soldiers and horses in Songshan City than the two places of Tashan and Xingshan combined. I estimate that Governor Hong still has [-] soldiers and horses. Count the words. "

After Zhang Mingzhen and Zheng Chenggong were reminded, he also realized that this possibility was very high.

But Zheng Chenggong thought about it for a while, and felt that it was unlikely: "If it is only to strengthen the siege, it is just a deferred plan, and there is no need to rush it for a while.

As long as the Tartars gather the troops of the two banners of Azig and Jierhalang today, even if the governor of Hong is sent out of the city to Bijia Mountain, Songshan is a long way from here, at least nearly a hundred miles. , can definitely annihilate Hong Dushi's exhausted soldiers, why should the Tartars rush for these two or three hours?
In my opinion, Cao Junmen said that the Tartars stayed in the army for the sake of Governor Hong, and I believe this.But staying in such a hurry is definitely not for the simple purpose of 'siege' or 'field encirclement and annihilation of breakout troops'.Perhaps the Tartars have more radical plans! "

Li Fuming on the side listened, and he still agreed with Cao Bianjiao's opinion, thinking that Zheng Chenggong was too young after all, so he couldn't help reminding:

"What more radical plans can the Tartars have? Could it be that the Tartars are only a day away from gathering so many troops to storm Songshan City?

The Tartars have been besieged for more than five months and are not in a hurry. Now that they have finally survived to the point of no return, Governor Hong's troops will soon starve to death on their own, but the Tartars can't bear it anymore? "

Zheng Chenggong: "I don't know about this, but I think that the defenders of Songshan may not necessarily survive until the day they starve to death. Maybe they are on the verge of collapse at this moment? Is it possible to succeed in a strong attack?

Of course, if you, Li Junmen, want to come up with other explanations to explain why the Tartars divide their troops so hastily, and can't even wait for a day or even a few hours, then I will listen to you. "

Li Fuming was dumbfounded. After thinking for a while, he really couldn't think of any other explanation why Azig only brought so few people to besiege Bijia Mountain.

When all possibilities have been ruled out, the last remaining option, no matter how unreasonable it seems, seems to have no other choice.

(End of this chapter)

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