Reborn Tokyo Golden Age.

Chapter 525 Thunderstorm

Chapter 525 Thunderstorm
Tokyo District Prosecutors’ Special Investigation Department, the name of this prosecutor’s office is known to almost all Neon people.

"Japan's strongest prosecutorial agency", "the last cornerstone of protecting the law", etc. are all praises for its great achievements.

The Yomiuri Shimbun conducted a survey a few years ago and ranked the top three idols among Neon youth.

One is an American cowboy, one is a hero of the future world, and the other is a prosecutor from the Tokyo District Prosecutors' Special Investigation Department.

This shows the status of the Tokyo District Prosecutors’ Special Investigation Department in the hearts of neon citizens.

Of course, where there is praise there is also slander.

Because of the background of its establishment, the Tokyo Prefectural Prosecutor’s Office was once considered by many to be the “East Factory” of the United States in neon.

Or more directly, in the eyes of some officials, it is the Neon branch of the US CIA.

But whether it's praise or slander, the Tokyo Prefectural Prosecutor's Office is definitely the most special existence among the Neon Prosecutor's Office.

In ordinary criminal cases, the Tokyo Prefectural Prosecutor's Office will not take action at all.

Only political cases, large-scale tax evasion, and economic and financial cases, which are extremely difficult cases, will be dispatched by the Tokyo Prefectural Prosecutor's Office.

There was a rumor that "Nagata Town will tremble whenever it hears movement on the 8th floor."

The 8th floor refers to the headquarters of the Tokyo Prefectural Prosecutor's Office in the Central Contracting Office Building. Nagata Town is located in Chiyoda Ward.

It is the core of Neon government agencies, including the Cabinet Office, the National Assembly, and the headquarters of each political party.

It can also be seen from this sentence that the Tokyo prefectural prosecutor's special search has a powerful deterrent effect on politicians.

But speaking of Nagata Town, Shirakawa Kaede’s home is also there.

Tsk, he who lives in Nagata Town actually took the initiative to go to the 8th floor?How unimaginable is this~
Secretly teasing, Bai Chuanfeng glanced at this eye-catching building, and then calmly turned to a coffee shop next to it.

Ahem~ It’s definitely not possible to come directly to the door.He is not an insider of the agency, nor is he a suspect under investigation.

Although he could visit openly, his visit today was not for official business, so the coffee shop was the best choice.

After entering the coffee shop and whispering a few words to the waiter who came forward, Bai Chuanfeng was led to a more private private room.

Because he was a little early, he was the only one in the private room for the time being.

But less than 5 minutes after sitting down, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in~"

With a click, the door is opened.

Bai Chuanfeng raised his head, and a tall figure was standing there.

"Senior Brother Ueda, you are fine."

"Baichuan, you guy is not in your Baichuan Holdings Building, why did you think of it and come here.

Could it be that you have done too many bad things and turned yourself in to me? "

"Haha~, senior brother, you always say this to me every time you see me. Bai Chuan is always alert, how dare he think about other things."

"Haha, if I can scare you, then I, the director of special investigation, will really scare others."

When they entered, they smiled and hugged each other before sitting down on the sofa.

They are already familiar with each other, so there is no need to pay attention to some unnecessary politeness.

As Shirakawa Kaede just called him, the person in front of him is Koichi Ueda, who graduated from the Meiji University School of Law and is currently the head of the Tokyo Prefectural Prosecutor's Special Investigation Department.

In terms of close relationship, it is not an exaggeration for Bai Chuanfeng to call him senior brother.

At the annual alumni gathering, their small circle is very familiar with each other.

From cabinet members, to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, courts, to the Tokyo District Prosecutors' Special Investigation Department, and business giants like Shirakawa Kaede.

They used the alumni association to weave a core network of relationships that could influence the neon landscape.

Bai Chuanfeng has never used these relationships because he doesn't need to and he can handle most things by himself.

But to be honest, Bai Chuanfeng himself didn't have much confidence in what he had to do next.

Therefore, after visiting the big guys in various fields in advance and exploring their opinions, Bai Chuanfeng will decide how far to take things.

If you want to escape from this storm, it is obviously too weak to rely on yourself.

"Shirakawa, have you been in trouble recently?" Ueda asked him meaningfully after the waiter exited the private room.

There was a lot of commotion in the general meeting room last month, and everything that needs to be known is known.

Bai Chuanfeng put down his coffee and smiled, "Some trivial things are not worth mentioning.

But I just don’t know, if there are no certain Yakuza organizations, what impact will it have on the political world? "

Ueda's eyes narrowed slightly, "Although there are various relationships behind the Yakuza organization, their existence or not will not affect Neon's current situation."

Bai Chuanfeng nodded, "Senior Brother said this, Bai Chuan feels relieved."

"However." Ueda raised his eyes to look at him and tapped the table with his fingers, "There are some things that it is best not to get involved in."

Bai Chuanfeng glanced at it, and he didn't know when Ueda had just tapped the table with his fingers, but there was already a business card.

Although the name was covered by him, the Fuji Bank logo was clearly revealed.

Bai Chuanfeng's heart moved slightly. It seemed that the chaos in the financial circle had attracted the attention of the Tokyo Prefectural Prosecutor's Special Investigation Department.

It just so happened that my plan coincided with theirs.

There is no need to do it yourself later, as long as you give it a little boost, you may have unexpected effects.

"Senior brother, please rest assured that Bai Chuan can personally guarantee the credibility of Beidu Bank."

"Very good." Ueda also breathed a sigh of relief. The clues revealed by several major banks recently were enough to attract the attention of the special search.

It seems to be a problem for the entire industry, which undoubtedly puts a lot of pressure on Tesco.

If Beidu Bank had not participated, many things would be much easier to handle.

Although the Ministry of Finance is here, the special search will still be restrained, but at least he doesn't have to worry about favoritism and malpractice.

"Bai Chuan gives you a piece of advice. The financial industry may undergo major changes in the future."

"Beidu Bank also noticed it," Bai Chuanfeng's eyes flashed, "and even got some information."

Brush, Ueda's eyes flew over quickly.Bai Chuanfeng made eye contact with him, and the two of them accidentally looked away.

After picking up the coffee and taking another sip, Bai Chuanfeng suddenly changed the topic.

"Senior brother, last time I went to North America, I met Naoko who was on vacation from school."

"Huh?" Ueda raised his head in confusion. Naoko was his daughter.

Because the two parties have a personal relationship, their families are also familiar with each other.

Shirakawa Kaede smiled, "Naoko said she would like to study abroad in North America in the future, preferably at a prestigious school like Harvard or Columbia.

So I prepared applications for her to study abroad in several schools, some of which should be available soon.

When the time comes, it depends on her preferences and she can choose what she likes. "

"You guy." Ueda smiled bitterly, "That's all, I'll thank Naoko first."

As he spoke, Ueda stood up, straightened his clothes, and prepared to leave.

"Shirakawa, the existence of the Yakuza is insignificant to Neon, but the Ministry of Finance has been keeping a close eye on it."

Bai Chuanfeng nodded, "Thank you, senior brother, for reminding me. Bai Chuan has remembered it."

Looking at his leaving figure, Bai Chuanfeng's eyes flashed.

August, Baichuan Holdings Building, President’s Office.

"Arai-san, Fuji Bank's information will be sent out soon.

The Nikkei News and the Tokyo Prefectural Prosecutor's Office were the first targets, and all other newspapers were delivered three days later. "

"President Shirakawa, have you started taking action?" Yu Arai looked serious.

Bai Chuanfeng nodded, and he had already made a tacit understanding to take care of the Tokyo Prefectural Prosecutor's Office by personally coming forward.

Nikkei News, as the newspaper that specializes in the financial field, their information can definitely cause a major earthquake in the industry.

Ohta has also made all preparations, and now he only needs the east wind.

What Dongfeng?
On August [-], the Gulf crisis broke out, and the prices of oil and other commodities in the international market skyrocketed.

As if thinking of the experience of the previous two oil crises, various department store goods here in Neon were once again subject to panic buying.

At the same time, affected by the international situation, the Nikkei Index plummeted again in mid-to-late August.

This time the stock market has fallen even harder than in January, and now the Nikkei Index is approaching [-] points.

From close to [-] points, it fell by one-third at once.

This time, they can no longer even support themselves. A large number of securities companies have fallen into the whirlpool of bad bonds, and bankruptcy will be a matter of time.

However, what made matters worse was that the Nikkei News suddenly broke the Fuji Bank loan fraud incident. The banks and real estate companies involved were fiercely criticized from all walks of life.

Ordinary people, in particular, have begun to generally distrust big banks.

Because according to the Nikkei News, more than 6000 billion yen fraudulently loaned out by Fuji Bank were all invested in the real estate industry.

First there was the Ito Man incident, when Sumitomo Bank's loans went into the real estate industry, and now Fuji Bank is using huge sums of money to buy land.

Why is the land price in Neon so expensive?Why can’t working-class people afford a house?
Isn’t it because these big banks are quietly raising land prices behind their backs?

Angry people began to denounce the actions of these big banks. Coupled with the plummeting stock market, Neon society fell into turmoil as a whole.

As the revelations continue to deepen, the people behind it are constantly being dug out.

Among them, the name of Toyaki Kobayashi, the confidential secretary of Minister of Finance Hashimoto, is prominently listed.

As the matter unfolded, the Tokyo Prefectural Prosecutor's Office announced that it would launch an investigation into the Fuji Bank loan fraud case.

If there is no accident, Xiaolin Fengji will also be taken away for investigation.

Under pressure from public opinion, the Ministry of Finance began to accelerate the pace of land tax reform.

They hope to bring land prices down as soon as possible to reduce public complaints.

First, starting from September, urban banks will be banned from lending to real estate companies.

In addition, real estate held under the name cannot be traded within two years, otherwise a 96% transaction tax will be levied.

In addition, real estate tax will be officially implemented next year, and the party holding the land will be taxed at 2% to 3% of the land price every year.

Increasing the down payment for house prices and controlling land development are just some of the methods.

The Ministry of Finance felt that this was not enough, and under the support of Mie Noyasu, the Bank of Japan raised interest rates again.

As of September, yen interest rates have risen by 6%!

After a series of strong medicines, the property market fell into a strange calm.

Everyone felt that something was wrong, but no one dared to take the first step.

In this stalemate, Bai Chuanfeng began to make his last move.

"Ota, is the location confirmed?"

"Hai, in Hayama!"

Bai Chuanfeng nodded, "Keep your hands and feet clean. The police will not arrive within two hours."

"Hai!" Ota bowed his head deeply, then turned around and left in a big step.

"Sa Ma, you can go too. You don't have to show up, just guard the last hurdle."

The horse behind him was unmoved, he kept his mission in mind.

Bai Chuanfeng sighed helplessly, "Don't worry, I will be here before you come back and I won't go anywhere."

Hearing this, Sa Ma hesitated for a moment, then nodded to Xiao Dao and the others, turned around and left.

Click, click, Bai Chuanfeng tapped the table with his fingers, his eyes blank.

Didn’t you expect that you would be the No. 1 person to burst the bubble?
After all, in this life, you have to do something big to be excited.

(End of this chapter)

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