Reborn Tokyo Golden Age.

Chapter 459 The person in memory

Chapter 459 The person in memory

Neon's mobile communication industry became jubilant because Baichuan Electric and NTT launched their own mobile phones one after another.

It's just that there are too many mobile operators at this time, and there are too many tariffs and policies of each, so the market seems a bit chaotic for a while.

For example, NTT's mobile calls are 260 yen per minute, half price for incoming calls.

The NUCT call costs 230 yen per minute, half price during the day and free at night.

When DDI and IDO saw it, they immediately set their call charges at 220 yen, and the calls were also charged according to the time period.

In short, everyone is using all kinds of tricks to attract customers.

The Ministry of Posts and Posts, which has been paying attention here, has not issued any regulations for the time being.

After all, the purpose of the reform and liberalization of the private market is for the free competition of the market economy.

However, although there are no mandatory regulations, the Ministry of Posts also wants to unify the communication standards in Neon's country.

There are seven or eight communication operators, large and small. As a result, the communication standards of most clubs are different.

This not only makes it difficult for the postal province to distinguish frequency bands, but also makes it extremely troublesome for people to change operators due to incompatible communication standards.

Besides, the Nihong government also wants to promote its own communication standards. Who is not ambitious?

The benefits of letting your own communication standards flow around the world are self-evident.

So under the auspices of the Ministry of Post and Post, NTT (Telephone and Telecommunications), United Communications (NUCT), DDI (Second Telecommunications), IDO (Japan Mobile), KDD (International Communications), TWJ (High-speed Communications), NCC (New Telecommunications) electricity) etc.
The above-mentioned mainstream telecom operators were brought together by the Ministry of Posts, preparing to develop Neon's second-generation mobile communication system, that is, digital communication in the 2G era.

Different from the analog signals in the 1G era, the 2G era uses digital signals as its working principle.

In theory, in the 2G era, a series of high-function communication methods that are compatible with the network can be realized such as text information transmission, email transmission, image transmission, etc.

And as I just said, Neon wants to promote its own communication standard, which is different from GSM in Ouzhou and CDMA in the United States.

This is a brand-new communication format, jointly developed by several companies led by NTT, and the communication format internally code-named PDC.

Okay, I started to practice isolation and xenophobia again in my childhood.

Although Bai Chuanfeng didn't know what the PDC format was like later, he couldn't find any impression of it from the memory of later generations, so he knew that there should be no splashes in PDC.

Therefore, it is no problem to let NUCT jointly develop, but Bai Chuanfeng will not give up the promotion of GSM, and even his own PHS has not stopped the pace of research and development.

The big deal is that the frequency band compatible with PDC will be fine in the future. The base station construction is still based on GSM, and PHS is supplemented by PHS.

As for the PDC hosted by Neon?Compatibility is the best, if not, rent it.

With so many operators participating, there will surely be no shortage of base stations by then.

It was normal for operators to rent equipment from each other in later generations.

No matter how conservative the club of Neon is, it will not be so stubborn as to refuse to cooperate with other clubs.

Therefore, NUCT is planning to vigorously build GSM base stations in the 2G era. There should be no problem in using them until the late 90s and early [-]s.

As for the future 3G and 4G era, there is a high probability that it will be another communication standard.

At that time, it is time for the base station to be updated on a large scale. It took more than ten years to completely eliminate it, so it is not a loss.

But this is all a story for later. After the press conference, Shirakawa Kaede’s attention was focused on the intensifying trade friction between Japan and the United States.

Because the semiconductor agreement was signed last year, Neon was forced to accept various unequal treaties.

However, what is strange is that the semiconductor companies of Neon not only did not suffer a blow, but climbed to the highest peak in the global market.

The United States used this as an excuse to believe that Neon had not fulfilled the previously signed semiconductor agreement.

So under the unanimous request of the Senators and House of Representatives, the US government began to implement a series of retaliatory measures against Neon.

From April in the first half of the year, 100% punitive tariffs have been imposed on Neon's semiconductor products.

At that time, the main problem was still concentrated in the DRAM semiconductor field, which had little impact on SIC, almost none.

So at the beginning, Bai Chuanfeng only sighed a few words, and didn't pay too much attention.

However, in the second half of the year, the United States began to intensify its efforts and increased the scope of its attacks.

Under the instigation of the US government, customs began to impose 100% retaliatory tariffs on electronic products using neon semiconductors.

These electronic products include televisions, refrigerators, small electrical appliances, personal computers, digital processors, power tools, etc.

The cumulative total value exceeds 3 million US dollars, and this is only a temporary measure.

Unfortunately, some of Shirakawa Electric's products are also small electrical appliances, so the 100% tariff also falls on it.

Because of this matter, Bai Chuanfeng is also in a state of desperation recently, and he doesn't even pay much attention to the situation at NUCT.

Although 100% tariffs have been imposed on CD players and LCD notebooks, can Baichuan Electric take advantage of the trend to increase prices to make up for the losses caused by the tariffs?

Of course not, the original market is already in jeopardy.If the price is raised again, it may really lose part of the market.

Therefore, in order to maintain the market, these export products have been taxed.We can only maintain the original price, and we won’t hesitate to lose money.

But this can only be hard-capped in the short term, and in the long run, no company can stand it.

Therefore, during this period of time, Bai Chuanfeng frequently attended various meetings of the Federation of Economic Affairs, and even went to many hearings of government departments.

The purpose is to put pressure on everyone and urge the Neon government to find a way to solve this 100% tariff.

Shirakawa Kaede has nothing to do with neon dignity or anything like that.It would be fine if I usually make less money, but losing money has really exceeded the bottom line.

So don't talk about the international environment, righteousness, etc.He is just an entrepreneur and has no obligation to consider national affairs for Neon.

"Xiaotian, get ready and go to the Central District later."

In the office, Bai Chuanfeng was packing up his things while preparing to attend the internal meeting of the Federation of Economic Relations.

Recently, we have been in frequent contact with each other, aiming to open up a breakthrough on neon foreign trade issues.

"President Bai Chuan, what are your orders?" A soft female voice suddenly sounded at the door.

"Well, where's Xiaotian?" Bai Chuanfeng subconsciously frowned.

"Xiao Tian-san asked for leave, today is my shift." The girl with long hair still responded softly.

But to her surprise, the legendary Bai Chuan-san looked at her dumbfounded.

"Eh?" The girl looked at her clothes at a loss. Is there something wrong with her clothes?

"What's your name?" Bai Chuanfeng's expression was very complicated, unexpected?surprise?sigh?Or regret?
"Sachiko Kamaike"

Sure enough, he knew that there were no two people who looked exactly alike in the world, not even twins.

If this scene appeared before your eyes, there is a high probability that it is the same person.

"Sachiko Puchi," Bai Chuanfeng seemed to be echoing the theme song of "Slam Dunk".

In this life of "Hai", she is still the same as in the impression, she is still quiet and talkative.

Her hair was tied into a single ponytail and simply put on the back of her head, her face was delicate and slightly powdered.

Perhaps it was because Bai Chuanfeng's performance was beyond her expectations, Puchi Xingzi's clear eyes dodged a little uneasy.

"Don't be nervous, just because I haven't seen you before, so I'm a little curious." Bai Chuanfeng smiled and waved his hand gently, signaling her not to worry.

"Hay, I've just joined the job for a week." Sachiko Puchi stirred two slender fingers together quietly.

As if she remembered something, the slender girl bowed belatedly, "Please take good care of me!"

"Ha." Bai Chuanfeng couldn't hold back a chuckle, "I'm a little impressed by what you said."

He tapped his head lightly, and then began to rummage on his desk.

"Oh, here it is." Under the folder, Bai Chuanfeng found a resume.

"Sachiko Kamaiike, born in Hiratsuka, Kanagawa, majoring in English?"

"Hay" Sachiko Kuchi nodded slightly.

Bai Chuanfeng had seen this resume before, and it was one of the newly recruited assistants for him by Assistant Komatsu.

Mainly responsible for some matters related to Shirakawa Real Estate, what Sachiko Kamachi has to do is to sort out the daily affairs of the real estate club, and then submit them to Shirakawa Feng.

It's just that at that time he was having a headache about the US tariffs, and he didn't think of anything at all. After all, there are a lot of neon names with the same name.

It wasn't until seeing the real person today that Bai Chuanfeng seemed to have his memory opened, and all kinds of past lives came one after another.

After roughly looking at his resume, Bai Chuanfeng's slightly agitated mood gradually calmed down.

"Let's go, follow me to the Central District." Putting on his coat, Bai Chuanfeng regained his composure.

Puchi Xingzi was slightly stunned, then nodded quickly, and began to help sort out the materials that Bai Chuanfeng wanted to bring.

After tidying up, the two went out one after the other, got into the car and headed straight for the central area.

"Sort up the export trade volume of Baichuan Electric from the second half of the year, and use it later."


In the car, Bai Chuanfeng didn't forget to prepare for the meeting later.

"What's going on in Kanagawa now?"

"Eh?" Kamachi Sachiko, who was sorting out the information, didn't react.

"Kanagawa, the coast of Shonan, I haven't been there for a long time."

Although there is his own resort there, Bai Chuanfeng has been busy day by day, and it has been a long time since he took time off from his busy schedule.

He patted the documents on his knee lightly, his eyes flashed with reminiscence, and he said that he had filmed a movie there six or seven years ago.

Seeing that Bai Chuanfeng had a smile at the corner of his mouth and seemed to be distracted, Pu Chi said softly, "Kanagawa is very good now, I used to go for a ride with my classmates in high school.

But the biggest change is the many Shirakawa Electric factories. Many neighbors around work there, and they are very grateful to you. "

The Shonan coast is a place to go when you relax, and you have to rely on big companies like Shirakawa Electric to support your family.

And because of the different business philosophy, Baichuan Electric's corporate culture is known for being relaxed, and the benefits are also top-notch.

If you want to say that the company that people in Kanagawa most want to work for, it must be Shirakawa Electric.

After all, they were among the first companies to settle in Kanagawa, and many companies under Shirakawa Electric and Shirakawa Holdings have operations there.

In recent years, in addition to factories, Baichuan Holdings has participated in investments in various R&D centers, electrical appliance chain stores, affordable apartments, and entertainment venues.

One-third of the jobs in Kanagawa are provided by the affiliated companies of Shirakawa Holdings. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the parents of Kanagawa people.

It is precisely because of these reasons that Puchi decided to work in an affiliated company under Baichuan Holdings after graduation.

Hearing the gratitude in her tone, Bai Chuanfeng smiled. "Well, that's fine if it's not criticism.

I'll take a look when I'm free, but right now it's more about what's in front of me. "

So the two buried their heads tacitly and began to sort out various meeting materials.

Except for the faint sound of the engine, the car became silent again.

(End of this chapter)

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