my name is ferguson

Chapter 624 To cheat you not for money, but for pleasure

Atletico Madrid underwent a great change in 2003. The most capricious chairman in La Liga, Old Hill, suddenly announced his resignation. There are many reasons for this. The anti-old Hill forces, Atletico Madrid fans began to march in Madrid, and government officials' speeches claiming to be the chairman of Atletico Madrid pushed the old Hill to the edge, and even had to leave class.

As the vice president of Atletico Madrid, Enrique Cerezo gave Old Hill an idea, that is, to change the soup but not the medicine.Everyone knows that the Big Three of Atletico Madrid are Old Hill, Enrique, and Little Hill. If Old Hill resigns from the chairmanship, then this position will definitely fall on these two people. At that time, Little Hill would definitely It was the original group that couldn't suppress the board of directors, so Enrique Cerezo became the heir of Atletico Madrid.

Although Enrique Cerezo is the puppet of Old Hill, but the arrogant nature seems to have been inherited. I still remember when Casillas and others had conflicts with Mourinho in Real Madrid. The reporter asked Enrique Cerezo, if Atletico Madrid wanted to buy someone from Real Madrid, who would you choose?Cerezo replied 'not Cassie, not anyone in the backcourt, in fact we don't want anyone except Ronaldo and Kaka. '

This is the current situation of Atlético de Madrid, but at the time when Li Cha was the busiest, Atlético de Madrid went to Burleigh, why did they come to Burleigh?Because Atletico Madrid has taken a fancy to a player from Burleigh, no, it is not a team waiting for the opportunity Falcao, but Cavani who clearly shows the superstar temperament!

Atletico Madrid has no shortage of strikers. Although Diego Forlan was not the top scorer in La Liga in the 07-08 season, the standard of 36 goals in 16 games definitely meets the status and requirements of Atletico Madrid. Aguero is not enough for Atletico Madrid.It is also very dazzling. He actually scored 37 goals and 19 assists in 7 games. This result has almost made the La Liga giants' strikers look ugly. Higuain has no such data this season.

Atletico Madrid, which owns these two forwards, came to stare at Cavani. Li Cha understood this matter almost without thinking about it. Their forwards must have been seduced.It is very likely that Aguero was the one who was seduced. As for the team that seduced Aguero, Richard is still unable to judge, but Manchester City is definitely out of luck. Adriano and Tony occupy the front line, and Otto the Great is very I like this kind of center forward who is physically strong and not weak in technology, so Manchester City has no place for Aguero. With Aguero's current results, it is also impossible to go to Manchester City as a substitute.Barcelona and Inter Milan's exchange of the top scorer in the team has just been announced.Eto'o + 2000 million in exchange for Ibrahimovic made the whole world laugh and suppress, but Barcelona without Messi may really be able to praise Ibrahimovic as a true god. As for the double Milan, it is even more impossible, with Pato standing on the front line , A player who just got Eto'o made a good card, it is impossible to introduce a striker...Bayern!

Li Cha immediately thought of Bayern Munich. Bayern Munich should have introduced Tony, but Tony let Manchester City snatch it.Ribery let himself be robbed, and Bayern was forced to rob other teams' shooters.With Bayern Munich's scouting organization, it is easy to find Aguero.

However, according to Richard's understanding of history, Bayern should buy a strong center first, and the best target should be Diego Forlan, not to mention Forlan's explosion in the 08-09 season, scoring 33 goals in 32 games .Averaging one goal per game, such a potential Bayern scouts may not be able to discover it... Could it be that Bayern started a big deal under their own heavy blows, packing Diego Forlan and Aguero?Forced Atletico Madrid to come to this black shop to buy a substitute striker? ? ? ?

This threat is too great!

If the combination of Forlan and Aguero enters Bayern's mouth, relying on Bayern Munich's traditional giant status of money, money, prestige and prestige, it will never be spit out after eating it.Just made up for the loss of not getting Toni and Ribery...

In the Stanton Park office, Richard looked at Enrique who came in person, his mind was running wildly. If his idea came true, then this year's European transfer market will be completely messed up!

Real Madrid took Kaka, Inter Milan and Barcelona exchanged shockingly, Burleigh won Terry with a big deal, and Bayern bit off the Atletico Madrid double striker. These big deals seem to be rushing to compete for the summer bid.

"Mr. Enrique, may I ask what is your business in Burleigh?" Richard asked knowingly. Enrique's secretary sent the reason for his visit to Burleigh three days ago, saying that it was to discuss the transfer of Cavani. Plan, now Li Cha's questioning is simply delaying time, buying more time for himself to think.

Enrique smiled and said: "Mr. Richard, to be honest, I came to Burleigh to take Cavani away. Atletico Madrid's goal next season is to qualify for the European Champions Cup. Cavani is very important to us. Said to be a very important supplement..."

Li Cha was very warm, and asked as if chatting: "Diego and Aguero performed well last season, and Atletico Madrid's performance was not bad. Why did you think of buying a striker?"

Enrique didn't care, but he didn't tell the truth: "Reserve."

Li Cha asked as if thinking: "What are the statistics of Aguero and Diego..."

"16 balls, 19 balls."

Seeing that Enrique answered his question very quickly, as if he didn't need to think, Li Cha suddenly asked, "Have Diego signed a personal agreement with Aguero and Bayern?"

"Still talking about..."

Enrique's eyes widened instantly, and Li Cha's sudden question was equivalent to pulling out Atletico Madrid's transfer secrets!

Damn, how could such a thing be said?

Li Cha smiled, this is the use of chatting skills, first ask some unimportant questions, after asking a few words, the other party will let go of his guard, and feel impatient with these questions, and use quick answers to drive away the problems brought by the questions. Once such an environment forms a rule, if you suddenly ask the question you want to know, as long as someone who has not received special training will definitely confide something, or he will tell you the answer with a tense expression, it is such a simple truth Let Enrique understand.

Li Cha shook his head and said, "Don't ask me how I know these Mr. Enrique, anyway, I have confirmed everything now."

Sure enough!

Byrne targeted Diego Forlan and Aguero, such purchasing power is absolutely fierce!

Aguero is not the top scorer of Atletico Madrid in the future, and Diego Forlan is not the killer of the future.But if these two people want to leave Atletico Madrid, Bayern Munich will have to pay at least 5000 million!

Moratti once thought about recruiting Aguero on the centennial birthday of Inter Milan in 2008. Moratti is no longer satisfied with dominating the country, but also wants to achieve the glory of the great international era in the European Champions Cup.But Mourinho doesn't like Aguero very much, at least he has a better replacement, that is Diego Milito who is more suitable for Serie A.The late bloomer scored 37 goals in 27 games for Zaragoza in Serie A.This season also has 34 games with 15 goals. With such a rising shooter in Serie A, Mourinho doesn't need to pay attention to Aguero's existence at all, so Moratti's plan to introduce Aguero fell through. .

According to insiders, the money Moratti intends to pay for Aguero can make Atletico Madrid's net profit reach 800 million, while Atletico Madrid's transfer fee for Aguero is as high as 2300 million. The high payment of the competition, but the 3800 million euros given by Manchester City was enough to satisfy the old Hill and Enrique, so.Even if Aguero's value has shrunk at this moment, Richard's effect of driving up the player's market price is enough to make up for everything. That is to say, Aguero's worth is at least between 3500 million and 4000 million.

Not to mention Diego Forlan, who was worth 2100 million when he moved to Atletico Madrid. That was just after the end of the 2006-2007 season. A shooter with the ball, his worth may be comparable to that of Aguero.In this way.Bayern Munich must prepare at least 16 million for these two players, which is a big deal for Bayern.

Li Cha said again in the office: "Actually, I was just joking. Mr. Enrique, no matter who Atletico Madrid sold or how much they sold, it has nothing to do with me or Burleigh. Let's talk straight. Buying a card Vani, how much do you plan to pay?"

"Uh, let me explain first that Cavani's price was not high when he was introduced, but in the Premier League. Cavani's goals are no less than Forlan. He is the third scorer in the team after Messi and Van Persie. As for Forlan's main force, Cavani played as a substitute. If the playing time is counted, Cavani's scoring rate must be higher than Forlan. I am not only talking about the 07-08 season, but also the previous two seasons. So, how did Forlan perform in the yellow submarine in the previous two seasons? You and I know it well? Price, the price is what we talk about, not Forlan, not Aguero, and not Bayern Munich, ok ?”

If Enrique hadn't been in a hurry to add a striker, he wouldn't have been constantly stimulated by Richard. Originally, he was optimistic that Burleigh had just become a giant, and the players were not very dependent on the new giant. The owner of the team has not completed the psychological transition, and wants to take the opportunity to take away the substitute players cheaply. What's more, Cavani's statistics are indeed no worse than Forlan. , perhaps already flourishing.Well now, Li Cha not only knows about Atletico Madrid's plan, but even sees the opportunity to cheat Atletico Madrid. This transfer seems a bit uncomfortable to handle.

"How much does Mr. Li Cha want to sell?" Enrique asked back.

Li Cha shook his finger and said: "Burley's strikers are never sold cheaply. Cavani was born in 1987, and Fran was born in 1979. One is 21 years old, some are young, and the other is 29 years old. After half a season, he will be three years old." Ten, there is no future, if Fran can sell for 4000 million, do you think it will be expensive for me to sell Cavani for 7000 million? Mr. Enrique?"

Enrique is almost biting his bleeding gums. This is not the price that Atletico Madrid wants to buy. Unless Atletico Madrid kills Cavani and never lets go, who in this world is willing to pay such a high price to buy a striker?That's 7000 million!

"Oh, by the way, I'm talking about pounds!" Richard added.

He thought sinisterly, since the transfer price of Aguero and Forlan is being negotiated, I don't believe that you dare to sell these two before you can't find a satisfactory replacement. Bayern, do you want to get your wish?There are no doors! (To be continued..)

ps: The tenth update begins!

Thank you for another reward from the brothers who forgot the end of the play, thanks to the brothers Juventus for the rewards, and thanks to the brothers Xiao Yuyu for the rewards, thank you everyone.

Brothers, Wude really doesn't have any time to open a single chapter to ask for a ticket. If you have a monthly ticket, just throw it away. Wude has ten changes today, and the ten changes have at least [-] words! ! ! !

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