prince's rivers and lakes

Chapter 292 It’s the concubine’s turn to sing tonight

Chapter 292 It’s the concubine’s turn to sing tonight

Seeing Tang Wanrong frowning, then turning her head expressionlessly, holding her hands behind her back, slightly raising her chest, making an inhumane gesture of not wanting to pay attention to him anymore, Qin Shouan felt his heart skip a beat.

The beautiful woman is truly a peerless treasure, and her every move and smile can make people fall in love with her.

At this moment, he somewhat understood the late emperor's mood at that time. As Tang Wanrong's sister, Tang Qingnuo was also a stunning beauty. As the beloved of the late emperor, she was forced to death by his family. Qin Shou'an would have destroyed her. Full door.

Is Tang Qingwu more beautiful than Tang Wanrong?Qin Shou'an didn't quite believe it. The late emperor must have loved Tang Qingwu very much, but she was not just obsessed with beauty. You must know that the Queen Mother was also the treasure of the Rong family back then.

The Rong family in the north and the Tang family in the south both have a daughter related to the late emperor. One married the late emperor and ended up being widowed early, and the other was forced to die by her family. Similar situations, different endings, but they can't be considered the same. Happy ending.

The Queen Mother was at least able to live in harmony with Tang Wanrong on the surface, leaving the inner treasury's property to Tang Wanrong, and cooperating on overseas trade routes, which showed that the Queen Mother did not actually have a deep hatred for the Junhai Tang family.

Why?The fact that the Tang family forced Tang Qingwu to death was nothing to the Queen Mother... If Tang Qingwu had not died, it would have been possible for the late Emperor to marry Tang Qingwu given his character, and then it would not have been the Rong family's turn to produce a Queen Mother.

The Tang family's penetration ability in the imperial court may not be as good as that of the Rong family, but Junhai is where the cultural heritage of the New Qin lies. Even if Longyin City relies on its status as an imperial city to gather scholars from all over the world to the capital at the annual imperial examination meeting, it will create a Although there is a grand occasion of poetry and prose, compared to the qualifications, accumulation, heritage and status in the hearts of the world's scholars, it is still far inferior to Junhai.

The Tang family is the first wealthy family in the county. If they are not too arrogant, they always feel that they are a powerful family that can compete with the royal family. If they try their best, they can also promote Tang Qingwu to the position of queen... The scenery of the Rong family today , maybe it belongs to the Tang family.

Nowadays, the Tang Family is just a piece of ruins, lying between the most beautiful lakes and mountains in the county and sea, telling the story of its former glory. It is also a relic that the late emperor intentionally left to warn the world's wealthy families.

Qin Shou'an looked at the beautiful Tang Wanrong and thought about his past relationship. He couldn't help sighing and sighing. At the same time, he secretly reminded himself that the thousands of years of accumulation of the Tang family in Junhai were destroyed in one day. The status of the Langya Palace was all due to him. After only a few decades of operation, he is not enough to be proud. When facing the imperial power, he must be careful at all times.

"stop looking!"

Tang Wanrong lowered her voice and reminded.

She didn't want to pay attention to him at first, but she didn't know that he was staring directly at her, and in such a public place, her neck turned red, and a slight shame filled her eyes.

"Huh? Why?" Qin Shouan came back to his senses.


"How can someone who is good-looking not allow others to look at her? Look at the flowers on the roadside when they bloom, they will emit fragrance and attract everyone's attention, but none of them is covered with flower bones." Qin Shou'an raised his hand and pointed at the flowers and plants on both sides of the straight road.

Just like the landscape avenues and scenic belts of later generations, four-season flowers are planted on both sides of the straight road, and the landscapes far and near are arranged with more care. The project is very huge. The previous dynasty spent hundreds of years allocating funds for repairs and creations. Although it was hollowed out The treasury had only a few taels of silver, but it left a beautiful legacy to Xin Qin.

The colorful flowers were swaying in the evening breeze, but no matter how coquettish they were, they couldn't compete with Tang Wanrong's appearance.

Tang Wanrong's eyes followed his fingers, and her heart was pounding under her chest. It seemed that even her neat and loose clothes could not block the strong fluctuations, for fear that he would see that her heart was pounding. , Tang Wanrong raised her hand to hold her chest, but her fingers accidentally touched the skin of her neck, and her skin seemed to be hot with embarrassment.

He actually teased people so openly. Tang Wanrong didn't want to respond, nor did she want to follow his instructions. She pretended to be angry and said, "You called me a wild flower outside?"

"I was wrong, you are the family flower." Qin Shou'an said with a smile, "Everyone knows that you are the family flower of my Prince Langya Palace."

Tang Wanrong was so angry. How could this man be so provocative? She felt that no matter how she answered him, he would lead others into a trap, so she simply turned her head away and didn't even want to look at him. If he continued shamelessly, Staring at her, she had no choice but to let him go.

By this time, Master Wanhe and Master Wangyue had finished teaching Hei Ji and Bai Ji, and they walked up behind Qin Shouan.

Although they have taken off their hats, they still wear veils. They look at their noses with their eyes and their hearts with their noses. The aura of the ninth-grade peak master is like Yuan Ting Yue Zhi, which also makes the guards of Langya Palace feel unparalleled pressure. , but it feels completely different from the two masters Hei Ji and Bai Ji they are already familiar with.

Qin Shou'an did not have sex with them. After all, their status was even more different. Even if others saw him smiling playfully with them, it would probably have a big impact on his reputation, like the masters of Jingjingzhaojian'an. , usually does a lot of good deeds to help the world and love the people, and she is shrouded in the aura of a female Bodhisattva, and she must not be blasphemed in public.

"Huiyin Shangyinchi's golden soup with millet and sea cucumber, spring water beef, abalone sauce and fish maw, and hot spring cold sugar-coated eggs with asparagus are all very delicious. You should prepare a late night snack, you two can try it." Qin Shou'an Noodles Staring straight ahead without changing his expression, he whispered some important information to the two masters. People who practice martial arts should try their best to avoid starvation and eat well. The more advanced they are, the more so. Otherwise, the body will be undernourished. Continuing to nourish Qi is overdrafting the body, which will have a great impact on the body in the long run... This is what happened to Maggots in the Snow and Qiao in the Village.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Highness." Master Wanhe clasped her hands together and bowed in return.

"I like to eat spring water beef." Master Mochizuki replied with the same expression.

The three of them chatted about issues that had nothing to do with their expressions and gestures. To others, it seemed as if His Highness was just asking the two teachers for advice or discussing something serious.

On the contrary, Tang Wanrong walked aside when the two masters came... In Tang Wanrong's eyes, Master Wanhe and Master Wangyue bore the mark of the Queen Mother, and were almost the hands, feet and eyes of the Queen Mother.They are standing here, no different from the Queen Mother who sent a clone to follow Qin Shou'an. Tang Wanrong will naturally not let some of her conversations and small actions with Qin Shou'an fall into their ears and wait for them to report back to the Queen Mother. Who knows? What will that woman be thinking about?
Although Tang Wanrong didn't have any evidence and tended not to believe that the Queen Mother and Qin Shou'an had anything to do with each other, but after listening to Hei Ji and Bai Ji talking too much, it was inevitable that she would be a little shaken. The groundless rumors may not be unreasonable.

Next time I see the Queen Mother, I should switch from defense to offense and whisper some ambiguous words to test her. If the Queen Mother feels guilty, she will definitely not be so aggressive towards Tang Wanrong, and she might even unknowingly treat Tang Wanrong in some matters. Give in to ask Tang Wanrong not to dig deeper into her and Qin Shou'an's affairs.

Tang Wanrong is not a soft persimmon and can be manipulated casually. The Queen Mother has always used her as a "toffee" who was not appointed by imperial decree. Tang Wanrong is somewhat dissatisfied.

"Can you lip read?" Hei Ji walked up to Tang Wanrong and saw Tang Wanrong staring there suspiciously, so she pressed Tang Wanrong's shoulder and lowered her voice and asked in her ear.

A familiar and comfortable feeling arose in Hei Ji's heart. The two senior sisters who were nearby just now formed a strong suppression on Hei Ji, making her feel uncomfortable and dare not speak casually.

Only Tang Wanrong, Hei Ji and Bai Ji are in the same group. When we are together, we can speak freely. Moreover, whenever Hei Ji and Bai Ji express their opinions, Tang Wanrong's surprised reaction often makes the two sisters very happy. He felt satisfied, so he was willing to take Tang Wanrong to play with him. The three of them already had a certain emotional foundation of sharing weal and woe.

"Isn't this the basic ability of you people in the world?" Tang Wanrong's heart moved and she looked at Hei Ji with some hope. She still wanted to know what the two masters and Qin Shou'an were talking about.

"Of course I can... I mean, even if you can lip read, it's useless to stare at our senior sisters. They speak in the same tone as chanting sutras, and they have to appear gentle and calm, with a sense of compassion. , so the movement of the lips is a little different from how ordinary people speak, and it is difficult to judge what they are saying just by the shape of their lips." Heiji spread her hands and said helplessly.

She didn't dare to use her true energy and concentrated on eavesdropping. Firstly, such an action was very obvious. Secondly, the ninth-level pinnacles were very sensitive to Qi. If someone was blatantly eavesdropping, they could easily feel it. The third one was He and Tang Wanrong stood in the upper wind.

"Then you...hey, what do you think you are useful for?" Tang Wanrong said angrily. It turned out that she came here just to gossip and was of no use at all.

Fortunately, Qin Shou'an and the two masters should not be talking about any important situations.

Otherwise, with the relationship between him and Qin Shou'an now vaguely close, he should have taken the initiative to tell her. The external environment is harsh, and the Langya Palace should be united and exchange information. It is impossible for him not to understand this principle. .

"Haha... I know that you are still doubting the authenticity of Ji Jing Zhao Jian'an Grotto, and you have no idea what we did last night!" Hei Ji is completely able to handle a little woman like Tang Wanrong. .

After Hei Ji discussed with Bai Ji, even though it was impossible to confirm whether Tang Wanrong and Qin Shou'an did anything during the time when the two sisters were unconscious when they were hiding in the Longchi House, Tang Wanrong's secret love for Qin Shou'an was completely That's for sure.

Unlike the two sisters, she had the title of leader of the martial arts alliance and the number one fairy in the world tied to him, so he had to pester Qin Shouan all the time.

Tang Wanrong has repeatedly participated in actions, and last time she took the initiative to stun Qin Shou'an. This is undoubtedly a sign of her full interest in him. Once a woman is interested in a man, apart from wanting to have a relationship, most of it is love. So far, it is actually difficult for me.

Taking advantage of Tang Wanrong's mentality, Hei Ji can win her over and be used by Hei Ji.

"What did you do last night?" Tang Wanrong asked involuntarily. The two sisters were lawless. Because of this, they were very likely to go directly to spy on something very secret, very dangerous, and very critical that normal people would not dare to do. Asking about things.

Who wouldn't be interested in this kind of thing?Tang Wanrong was no exception. She immediately lowered her voice and deliberately didn't move her lips. After all, she was trying to observe other people's lips to analyze the conversation, and others might also be peeking at her.

"What we did last night doesn't matter."

"You want me to find someone to beat you up, right? I can still find a few ninth-grade masters." Tang Wanrong gritted her teeth and said, this Black Lady is really hateful and purely appetizing.

"What are you in a hurry for?" Hei Ji said dissatisfied, and then waved her hand, signaling Tang Wanrong to come over, so that Tang Wanrong would not see Hei Ji's serious ill intentions. She spoke in a low and bewitching voice, feeling He was like an evil ghost hiding in the shadows, playing with people's hearts. "While we were doing some things, we suddenly discovered that as long as you sing in the shower, you can attract His Highness."

"There is something wrong with your brain!" Tang Wanrong was shocked and disappointed, "Why do I sing when I take a shower? Why do I lure him here?"

Tang Wanrong's eyes trembled slightly, and she looked at Hei Ji with a bit of surprise. What did they do last night that made her come to such a conclusion?
Could it be that they were playing and singing in the Zangyue Pond, and the sound of a group of women singing and singing attracted Qin Shou'an, and then they... This was probably the daily life of Silent Zhaojian's Yin Cave.

Heiji knows this, is it because she and Baiji finally successfully joined the Silent Zhaokanan Grotto?So now I come to show off my power in front of Tang Wanrong.

Tang Wanrong bit her lip and stared at Hei Ji angrily. Although they had always been talking about Silent Zhao Jian'an Yin Cave, it was a very unreliable wording, but the more they heard it, the more they would inevitably care and be a little bit Seriously, they kept saying that they wanted to build some kind of Langya Palace Yin Grotto with Tang Wanrong, but now it’s better... Sure enough, they are people from Riyue Mountain after all, they will do this, and they will be led on such a wild road by their senior sister. Very normal!

"I can't go into too much detail about some things. You can't expect me to point out the names of the Queen Mother and the Queen directly, right?"

It was a bit difficult for Hei Ji not to tell such earth-shattering secrets, but she also knew that the matter was important, so she was vague, and then implicitly hinted: "I can only tell you, there was someone there last night With our guidance and help, we used this method to attract His Highness, and finally got what we wanted."

Although the process may be a little different, the final result is not too far away from Hei Ji and Bai Ji's expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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