American fame and fortune.

Chapter 786 Finch’s Blessing or Curse

Chapter 786 Finch’s Blessing or Curse
Time is the easiest way to heal wounds. More than a month after the shooting at the premiere broke out, it gradually subsided. There are almost no relevant comments in the media, and it has become a thing of the past in Hollywood.

Because of Vin Diesel, the North American box office of "The Dark Knight Rises" has exceeded $4.5 million.

But the movie that attracts the most attention now is no longer Batman, but "Escape from Tehran" with a pre-titled advertisement.

With one month left until its release in North America, "Escape from Tehran" has begun intensive promotion.

Although the scale of its promotion is not as good as that of Batman, Disney Pictures still invested heavily.

From the five major television networks in North America, to the four major newspapers and magazines, to the three major social media, Martin's leading actor Tony Mendes can be seen everywhere.

In addition to TV stations, the trailer is also vigorously promoted on the Internet through YouTube, Twitter and INS.

This is a film of personal heroism. The main poster of the film, Martin's single poster, can be seen everywhere in urban business districts and in new and old media.

The slogan of "Escape from Tehran" is also more eye-catching.

"Adapted from a real CIA case!"

Martin said: “We have communicated that the film’s main awards targets are Best Director and Best Picture.”

Fake news is almost never reported.

Because this is the last time to challenge for the Oscar for Best Director, David Fincher is no longer as silent as before, but actively cooperates with the crew's promotion.

Apart from Bruce, the only other people in the car were Martin and David Finch.

The retired legendary agent enjoys the feeling of becoming a celebrity, and the CIA is in urgent need of an excellent spokesperson.

"After the last shooting incident, I originally wanted to ask you to appear on the show, but you refused." Helen gossiped: "Did something happen?"

He added: "I have contacted the White House and confirmed that Guanhai will watch the film. This film with strong political overtones meets his needs very well."

"The most bizarre rescue operation in CIA history!"

"That's right." Helen smiled slightly: "Not every media is as reliable as my talk show."

On the side of the main poster of the movie, Tony Mendes played by Martin, there is also a corresponding slogan - Rescue is imperative!
Since the filming of the film began last year, the rescue incident that year has been fully exposed in the media. This so-called scam planned by a Hollywood crew to rescue the trapped people has aroused the curiosity of countless people.

Tony Mendes has naturally become a figure of media concern.

Among the media reporters Martin knows, the most reliable are Jodi and Helen.

Martin, David Fincher and Tony Mendes also appeared on Helen's "Helen Show" to share the incredible rescue that year and about the film adaptation.

In recent years, David Fincher has also gained a group of fans who like dark movies.

"Six hostages were trapped in Tehran. A CIA agent planned a shocking scam and deceived the whole world to save them."

The three came out of the Warner TV studio, first sent Tony Mendes back to the hotel, and then went to Disney Studios.

The three of them had a business talk about each other on the show and made each other the leader in their respective industries.

At the end of the show, Helen found Martin alone and chatted for a few words.

Just occasionally make some real news.

David Fincher said: "Has Disney Pictures communicated with you?"

Martin shook his head: "It's nothing special. So many people have died. I'm in a bad mood. It's not appropriate to say anything at that time. In the media's interpretation, anything you say will be wrong. It's better to remain silent."

David Fincher was deeply impressed: "You are now the number one prize-winning expert in the industry."

"No, I'm not just rushing." The Oscar winning experts that Martin knew all ended up being average, not to mention Harvey Weinstein.

In her previous life, Megan Ellison competed for prizes until her company went bankrupt.

David Fincher knows that watching movies in the sea is very influential. Oscars are never about films that are good enough to win. There are too many factors that affect the awarding of awards, and politics is undoubtedly a very representative one.

The vast majority of people in Hollywood support the Donkey Party where Guan Hai is located.

That afternoon, Martin and David Fincher attended a preview screening of "Escape from Tehran."

Hundreds of people, including media, critics and theater managers, praised the film after the test screening.

Theater managers even gave the film an average score of "A".

In the past two years, Disney Pictures has integrated resources and produced a number of films with excellent market response, and its distribution business has made rapid progress.

After the test screening ended, Disney Pictures' distribution department immediately took action, and good news soon came. "Escape from Tehran", which will be released in October, will open in 3850 theaters in North America.

Later, Martin accepted a new method of publicity and accepted an online video interview on Twitter.

Similar promotions followed one after another, from Los Angeles to New York on the East Coast. Martin and David Fincher began a three-point and one-line work model at airports, hotels and announcements.

In addition, Disney Pictures, David Fincher and Martin also sent out many invitations.

Like Martin, Leonardo and Nicholson are confirmed to attend.

Elon Musk took the initiative to call and asked for three invitations.

In addition, many old white men, including Academy Chairman Tom Sherak, also received invitations jointly issued by Martin, David Fincher and Disney Pictures President Alan Horn. The environment and correctness in Hollywood have been changing in recent years, but it's not yet time for old white men to withdraw from the stage of history.

It will take a few more years for films about monsters and monsters to become popular at the Oscars.

Entering October, Disney Studios held a grand premiere for "Escape from Tehran" at Chandler Hall, the Los Angeles Music Center.

The premiere basically followed the same routine, including red carpets, interviews, etc. However, the crew made careful arrangements to consider the publicity effect. In addition to inviting Tony Mendes himself to the scene, they also spent great efforts to find the person who was the target of Tony Mendes. The hostages rescued by Des or their descendants.

When these people and Tony Mendes took the lead on the red carpet of the premiere, the eyes of all media reporters were attracted to them.

There is something legendary about using a Hollywood crew to carry out a fraudulent rescue.

With the vigorous publicity of the crew and Disney Pictures, this incident has become a model of cross-border rescue and a true legend.

And Tony Mendes was made into a hero by Disney and the CIA.

The group gathered in front of Chandler Hall for a group photo.

All around, a large number of security personnel were on full alert.

Because on both sides of the red carpet, there were hundreds of clowns painted with pale paint and bloody mouths.

The Los Angeles Police Department also sent extra patrols to the scene, instead of the usual routine at the premiere of "The Dark Knight Rises."

As guests walked onto the red carpet one by one, the atmosphere became more and more lively.

When Elon Musk, whose fame has skyrocketed this year, walked onto the red carpet with his girlfriend Amber Heard and ex-wife Tanluela Riley, he shocked countless fans and media reporters.

A reporter from People magazine muttered: "Rich people are really having fun."

The TMZ reporter next to him said: "It is said that this man has a good relationship with Martin. Why are all Martin's male friends such playboys?"

A reporter from "Vanity Fair" on the other side said: "Maybe without five or six beautiful lovers, it is impossible to enter Martin's circle."

Everyone around felt that this was reasonable and agreed with him one after another.

These damn rich people spent too much time playing, and a lot of good resources were taken away by them.

Ordinary people can only envy, envy and hate.

A black Escalade stopped in front of the red carpet. Bruce got out of the car first, glanced at both sides of the red carpet warily, and opened the rear door.

Martin put the cell phone he had just hung up on into his pocket. Robert had just sent a message, and the ceremony had already been completed.

After getting out of the car, he faced the camera with a smile and strode forward in the flash.

Many clowns gathered on both sides of the red carpet. They shouted loudly, and when they saw Martin, they seemed to see the God of faith.

Martin just waved to them, and then entered the area where the Coca-Cola cult members gathered, signing autographs and toasting Coca-Cola together as usual.

Amid cheers, Martin entered the media area in front of Chandler Hall, accepted a brief interview with the on-site host, came to the sponsor billboard, and took photos with other crew members.

After taking a group photo, David Fincher walked towards the entrance of the hall, looked at both sides of the red carpet and said, "Fortunately nothing happened."

"You can't always run into lunatics and perverts," Martin said.

David Fincher glanced at him deliberately, but said nothing.

Martin was helpless: "Don't associate me with those people."

"But they are indeed learning from you." David Fincher rarely joked: "I have worked with Jodie Foster and heard her talk about Hinckley. Be careful one day when you meet a woman. version of Hinckley.”

Martin laughed: "David, is this a blessing or a curse?"

David Fincher asked: "Can this also be considered a blessing?"

Martin shrugged: "What if the female version of Hinckley is prettier than Nicole Kidman?"

After entering Chandler Hall, Alan Horn came over and walked with Martin and David Fincher towards the VIP room.

The guests who arrived first were gathered in the lounge, waiting for the premiere to begin.

After Martin entered, he first went to Tony Mendes, shook hands with those who were there and their descendants one by one, and said some kind words.

Martin has always been very particular about this kind of thing, especially in public.

After turning around, Martin found Leonardo and Nicholson.

These two assholes were chatting with Musk, the asshole from Silicon Valley.

Instead, Musk's two female companions went to socialize elsewhere.

Musk said: "They still want to work hard in Hollywood, and they all go to build relationships. They are not as pure as me."

Martin said: "You are too pure, leading two women on the carpet at one time."

"What, you're envious?" Musk laughed and said, "Consider my suggestion."

(End of this chapter)

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