American fame and fortune.

Chapter 772 Musk’s big sales pitch

Chapter 772 Musk’s big sales pitch
Grapevine Manor Bar, Sunset Strip.

Martin entered the private room on the second floor. There were only two people inside, Musk and his new girlfriend Amber Heard.

The soundproofing is very good, you can't hear any outside noise after closing the door.

"Hi, my friend!" Musk stood up to greet Martin, opened his arms and hugged him: "You finally returned from the cold East Coast to sunny Los Angeles."

Martin saw three red lipstick marks on his face and said, "Your look is very unique tonight."

Musk laughed and looked behind him: "Amber gave this to me."

Amber waved from behind: "Hi, Martin, we meet again."

Martin nodded to her, sat on the single sofa, opened the bottle of wine he brought, and said, "Try the good wine I brought."

Amber took the bottle and poured the wine one by one.

The three of them had a drink together.

However, he was happy to be able to make Depp unlucky. After thinking about it, he only said one name: "Lily Rose Depp."

He paused for a moment and suddenly asked, "What do you think Amber looks like?"

Amber continued: "Depp took drugs in front of his daughter several times, and also induced her and provided her with seaweed. I filmed all of this!"

Martin nodded casually: "Of course."

Musk was direct in doing things and said: "I want to buy you a drink. I mainly want to ask you something."

Musk asked again: "Are we good friends?"

Martin shrugged: "Lawyers are more professional than us in other aspects."

Musk said: "If the snake doesn't obey, I will put it in a rocket and launch it to Mars."

Martin told the truth: "Just talking about appearance, if you look at Hollywood, he's top-notch."

"I was reading some entertainment gossip some time ago, and you seemed to have found a pair of sisters?" Musk has money and leisure, so projects are inevitable: "Next time I have a party, will you bring them over?"

"This woman has a lot of thoughts." With Musk's experience, he can certainly see clearly what kind of woman Amber Heard is: "She also has a very wild heart."

Martin put down his wine glass: "You tell me first."

Musk asked again: "Martin, are there any others?"

Although the news of Depp's domestic violence was abuzz in the media, and the entertainment industry was overwhelmingly in favor of Amber Heard, Martin did not believe a word this woman said.

Musk shook his head at Amber: "Go and communicate with your lawyer."

Musk warned: "Communicate with your lawyer. As long as these are confirmed, Depp's words will no longer be credible. A person who doesn't even care about his daughter will care about other people?"

"Amber and Depp's divorce proceedings will begin soon and will last for many days." Although Musk is a scumbag, he is very concerned about his current girlfriend: "You have been entangled with Depp for so long. Don’t you have any suggestions for getting more favorable conditions for Amber?”

Martin didn't speak any more, he just poured a glass of wine and tasted it slowly.

Martin casually reminded: "If you play with snakes, don't end up being bitten by a snake."

Martin looked at the fat white man warily: "What do you want to do? Elon, my shooting skills are very accurate. Blasting a person's head from eight hundred meters away is about the same as eating and drinking water."

Amber still wanted to speak, but after looking at Musk's expression, she quickly left the box.

Musk knew Martin well and thought that he might be the most powerful individual among the billionaires. He quickly explained: "Nothing else, I just want to play a swap game. I'm not the kind of person who is freeloading. I will take care of him when the time comes." Amber Heard and Tanluela Riley come together."

He added specifically: "Tanlula is not only a beautiful actress, but also a PhD in quantum physics from the California Institute of Technology."

"Wait!" Martin didn't quite understand what he said: "If I remember correctly, Tanlula Riley is your wife."

Musk said: "I am already an ex-wife and I divorced her."

Martin asked: "Amicable breakup?"

Musk nodded: "I gave her $1600 million. We are still friends after the divorce. She is planning to return to Hollywood for development. Among the Hollywood bosses I know, you are the most reliable..."

He said: "Don't you always like this type? I recommend Tanlula to you for her future consideration."

"Stop! Stop!" Martin shouted to Musk: "You are playing too wildly and too wildly. A conservative person like me can't bear it. Stop talking about exchanging Amber and Tanlula. I respect women's free choice." Power, don’t talk about this matter again.”

Musk shook his head: "I didn't expect you to be this kind of person."

"I'm a better person than you are," Martin said.

"Good man Martin, please do me a favor." Seeing that Martin didn't take the bait, Musk simply threw away the price he was prepared to pay and said directly: "I read reports in the media that you have reached a cooperation agreement with the crew of "Interstellar" to serve as the male lead. As the protagonist and producer, for such an interstellar travel blockbuster, it is most appropriate for me to introduce SpaceX as the main sponsor."

Martin asked: "Main sponsor?"

Musk said: "I have read the script, and I want the space base in it to become a SpaceX base. I approached Spielberg. He said that the plot and filming of the film were mainly directed by Nolan, but I'm not familiar with Director Nolan. I heard that he is a stubborn and conservative person. If you can't leave a good impression the first time, it will be difficult to convince him again." He looked at Martin: "I have learned that you and Nolan has a very good relationship. Martin, Tesla will soon have its next round of financing, and I will leave you the same share as last time..."

Martin thought for a while and said: "I can introduce you to Nolan. If Nolan asks for my opinion, I will support you, but you have to do the specific work."

Musk tried every means to build momentum for SpaceX and Tesla, and immediately said: "No problem."

Before the two of them finished the bottle of wine, Martin left and returned to Beverly Hills.

Lily and Elizabeth were in Los Angeles, and he returned to Davis Manor every day.

The next morning, after routine dance and piano practice, Martin met Jonathan Nolan in Louise's office.

Later, David Finch also rushed over.

The four of them chatted for half an afternoon and basically reached an intention to cooperate on the project of multiple personalities.

According to Martin's opinion, the project was officially named "Split".

Jonathan Nolan will write the script.

"I need about a year to complete the script." Jonathan told Martin: "In addition to the two biographies and the script of "Crowded Room," I also need to interview Billy himself and the doctor of the year. It is best to go to Ohio. The state seeks out the parties involved in the case and learns more detailed information.”

Martin was relatively familiar with Jonathan and understood his creative style. He was a screenwriter who was not very prolific, but paid attention to meticulous creation. He immediately responded: "Okay, let's do this. The script will be finalized before September next year."

David Fincher will be filming "House of Cards" for Netflix next year and has no time to direct.

Jonathan said: "I will notify the agent to come over and discuss the contract with you."

At the end of the meeting, Martin stood up and shook hands with Jonathan and David Fincher: "We keep in touch and communicate in a timely manner if we encounter any problems."

This is Jonathan Nolan's first work after leaving Christopher Nolan. His goal is very clear, to prove to all Hollywood that without Christopher, he is still a top-notch screenwriter.

As for directing a work alone, Jonathan is familiar with the Hollywood mechanism and knows not to rush, but to take it step by step.

After seeing off David Fincher and Jonathan Nolan, Martin chatted with Louise again.

A gold medal screenwriter like Jonathan Nolan cannot be paid less than $300 million.

The top screenwriters in Hollywood can receive a salary of US$500 million per film.

The screenwriters currently standing at the top of Hollywood are Aaron Sorkin and Paul Haggis. The former prefers TV series production, and "The West Wing" is his masterpiece. Last year's awards season directly competed with Martin, "Moneyball", the screenwriter It's him too.

Paul Haggis is even more famous. He wrote and directed "Crash" which won the Oscar for Best Picture. He later served as screenwriter for "Million Dollar Baby", "The Last Kiss", "Flags of Our Fathers" and "Letters from Iwo Jima". ”, “Casino Royale”, “Quantum of Solace”, etc., all of which triggered strong responses.

However, the work style of these two people is not suitable for "Split".

A few days later, Martin summoned the Face Gang to go to the Nightclub to wash their faces, invited Nolan and Musk, and took the opportunity to introduce them.

Getting to know each other in this environment is conducive to increasing mutual relationships and trust.

Especially after washing your face and feeling refreshed before talking about things, it will go more smoothly.

Nolan is a commercial director, and Martin is pulling him in. He does not reject commercial sponsorship as long as it does not have too much negative impact on the filming of the film.

Moreover, with the development of computer special effects technology, it has almost completely turned away from large-scale live shooting.

In big-budget films, many scenes are shot using real-life props, but CGI production is cheaper.

Nolan is a director who insists on shooting on location. For a film like "Interstellar", shooting on location means huge investment.

Musk can provide $800 million in sponsorship.

Nolan wanted the sponsorship to be included in the cost of filming, not in the film's revenue.

The specifics need to be discussed with several companies.

After washing his face and going downstairs after the show, Musk specially pulled Martin to walk at the back.

The fat white man was in a good mood and said, "I want to thank you for what happened today. When you have time, I will ask Tanlula to go out for dinner together."

Martin was helpless: "Even if you are divorced, you don't have to sell your ex-wife to me."

Musk said as he walked: "Compared to those perverts in Hollywood, you are reassuring and you will definitely be able to take good care of her."

Martin said: "Don't forget your promise on Tesla. I'm not interested in Tanlula or anything like that."

Musk suddenly figured it out and slapped his forehead: "I almost forgot that you are interested in someone else's wife. Tanlula divorced me... Otherwise, I will find an opportunity to remarry Tanlula and then remarry." date you?"

After hearing these words, Martin suddenly remembered a saying: Perverts are more likely to encounter perverts.

(End of this chapter)

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