American fame and fortune.

Chapter 730: Tax Problems

Chapter 730: Tax Problems

Fans are a very peculiar group that cannot be measured by normal people's way of thinking.

The ultimate pink turns into the ultimate black, even in an instant.

As shouts rang out in the square, some Depp fans joined in.

"After pissing on the emperor's shit! After pissing on the emperor's shit..."

For a time, the shouts spread throughout Nokia Plaza.

Depp's eyes widened, and his brain nerves, corroded by alcohol and drugs, tensed up.

An impulse hit his forehead.

Depp thought about the bad things Amber did on the wedding bed a few hours ago, and his chest almost exploded with anger. He went directly to the audience where the loudest shouts were, raised his middle finger high, and shouted: "French" Kill the squid!”

Everyone on the stage was stunned.

Jody responded immediately: "I'll wait for you at the door."

"Fuck!" Megan couldn't help it anymore: "I'm going to kill this bastard! I'm going to dismantle Johnny Depp and throw it into the Pacific Ocean to feed the fish!"

In the foyer, Meghan watched everything that happened and was about to go crazy. She originally planned to settle the score with Depp, but Depp got in the car and left directly.

A good publicity campaign turned into a mess in a hurry.

Megan Ellison put her hands on her hips and was so angry that after a while, she said: "Find someone to keep an eye on Depp for me!"

Compared to Depp, her crazy father Larry Ellison is simply a gentleman.

Depp's bodyguard reacted very quickly and immediately went over to drag Depp away and protect him as he ran back.

Ten minutes later, Derrett came over to report to Megan Ellison: "Depp's photos and videos appeared on the front page of TMZ. I contacted TMZ and they refused to remove the news."

Each media reporter is more excited than the other. What’s so good about a smooth publicity announcement? This is called news!

Ivan put away the camera and started the car, and called Jodi at the same time: "Big news, Depp provoked movie fans at a road show, gave them the middle finger, and also used swear words."

Jody heard from Bruce that Depp had a road show today: "A lot of people took pictures, right? I require timeliness."

The mess fell on the stage like raindrops.

Meghan was furious, thinking about the two projects starring Depp, and the extremely high production costs of "Transcendence" and "The Lone Ranger" of US$1.5 million and US$2.5 million respectively, and she couldn't bear all her anger. Come down and call two subordinates, Wilson and Derrett, to clean up this mess.

Depp was shouting to a specific group, but in the eyes of those in the audience, Depp was shouting to all of them.

Within seven or eight minutes, Ivan rushed over, and less than five minutes later, the video of Depp giving a middle finger to a fan and swearing was already on the front page of TMZ.

It is normal for Hollywood stars to act big. There are countless stars who are difficult to maintain, but most people have two faces. The one who acts big in private is rarely shown in public, especially in front of fans and fans. when.

Daniel advised: "Take remedial measures quickly and start crisis public relations."

Daniel also called people from the distribution company.

Daniel was also speechless. After more than 20 years in Hollywood, this was the first time he saw Depp like this.

Ivan said: "I'm on my way to TMZ. I'll be there in about ten minutes."

The road show can't go on.

The crowd at Nokia Plaza was excited and the shouts got louder. Some people even threw water bottles, light signs, slogans, etc. on the stage.

"I will." Delete did not forget to remind his domineering female president: "We also have a "The Lone Ranger" released with a higher investment."

Meghan listened to his words and waved her hand. She would not do anything to Depp before "The Lone Ranger" was released.

The main reason is that the sunk costs are too high.


In the "La La Land" studio, Sebastian stood in front of the piano and told Martin some precautions when playing.

Martin put down the music score, pressed the black and white key, and the tinkling music started to sound.

Although the music played was not smooth, he was completely out of one-finger meditation and could play the entire song in one breath.

The piano music stopped, and Sebastian praised: "The progress is very obvious."

"Thank you." Martin raised his hand and looked at the long and strong fingers: "You are a good teacher."

In his previous life, when he was a martial artist, there was a great actor in his group of actors, nicknamed Kato Monkey. He was very powerful.

At that time, Martin specifically asked Mr. Kato Monkey for advice.

After coming to Hollywood, Martin had enough practice opportunities and practice objects in this area. Now, the flexibility of his fingers is no worse than that of Lily, who has been practicing sculpture all year round.

Elena, Elizabeth, Daddario, Taylor, Theron, Jolie and Aniston can all attest to this.

It is no exaggeration to say that everyone who has tried it has received positive reviews.

Sebastian added: "Basic skills require a lot of time to practice. Martin, you'd better spend an hour every day practicing piano until the filming starts."

"No problem." Martin moved his wrist and fingers, ready to continue.

Sebastian was not polite and pointed out some of Martin's problems, especially his fingering.

This is also the most critical thing. The music presented in the film can be realized through post-production soundtrack, but Martin needs to play it himself, at least it must be like that.

Half an hour later, the door to the music room quietly opened from the outside, and Bruce walked in.

Martin noticed that side and said to Sebastian: "That's it for today?"

Sebastian glanced at Bruce and asked, "We'll continue tomorrow."

"Okay." Martin agreed. Martin leaves the music room with Bruce.

Back in the office, Bruce typed on the keyboard, waited for the LCD to light up, pointed at the TMZ website and said: "The latest news about Depp."

Martin read it carefully and said, "As expected of Depp, he did not disappoint."

Bruce said: "Ivan and the others have been waiting all morning, and it was finally not in vain."

The reason why Martin asked Bruce to contact Ivan was because at this stage, Depp would probably cause trouble.

Among other things, the chance of arriving late or drunk is as high as 80%.

Martin turned off the video and said: "Depp is killing his last remaining popularity."

Bruce had a feeling: "I found that Depp would kill himself without doing too much."

Martin said: "Maybe Depp will make himself hated by people in Hollywood, but he has a net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars. Even if his career is over, he will still live a very comfortable life."

He is a veritable bastard: "If my enemy lives a carefree life, I will feel very uncomfortable. It is more heartbreaking than losing hundreds of millions of dollars in investment."

Bruce said: "It's already working over there."

Martin understood: "When the situation is almost over, let people evacuate."

Bruce nodded: "Already ready to go."

Martin packed his things and prepared to go home.

Thomas called: "Martin, Daniel from Warner Bros. sent an invitation letter to you to attend the premiere of "Transcendence"."

In Tesla's new round of financing and stock expansion, Martin relied on the influence of the leader of the Coca-Cola Cult to obtain an investment share of US$5000 million.

Musk has always wanted to attend Depp's premiere.

Martin was still thinking about how to get the invitation letter reasonably, but it had already been sent over there.

Megan Ellison wants him to witness the success of "Transcendence"?

Martin asked: "How many people can you bring?"

Thomas said: "Including you, two people."

On the way back in the car, Martin called Musk and informed him to attend the premiere of "Transcendence."

Musk said that even the Los Angeles earthquake would not stop him from attending the premiere.


Los Angeles, Country Fishing Club.

Joel Mandel, Johnny Depp's investment manager and a veteran fisherman, opened the trunk of his car and, together with his friend Rogers, removed a huge herring in a woven bag.

This is what they gained today, setting a new club record.

Countless fishermen gathered around to watch, marveling and envious of Joel's good luck.

Several people came together to help and hoisted the herring.

Joel came over to take a photo with the herring.

The fish will remain at the club and be taxidermied.

After noisy for a while, I finally got to rest for a while.

Joel and Rogers went to the café and ordered coffee and desserts to refuel.

Rogers ate a donut and said, "How is the investment situation over there?"

In the past six months or so, the two have become close friends who talk about everything. Joel did not hide it, raised a thumb and said: "It went very smoothly. I made a lot of money. Robert and I replaced all the garages." Got new ones.”

Rogers laughed and said deliberately: "I also made less money. The method you taught me is much better than my original stupid method."

He looked around: "There won't be any trouble, right?"

Joel laughed: "What trouble can there be? All my investment documents have been signed and confirmed by Depp. Even if we sue to the court, the court will not rule him in victory."

Rogers said: "The fish is still fat enough."

Joel said: "Let you come together, if you don't want to participate."

"This is your and Robert's fish." Rogers said, "I can't take your fish."

Joel picked up the coffee and took a sip: "These idiot-minded losers have made so much money. Even if we don't take it, they will squander it all."

"You still have to be careful," Rogers said.

Joel came closer and lowered his voice: "It will be okay. Depp has a tax problem. If he really wants to sue us, someone will report him for tax evasion, and the tax bureau will cause him endless trouble."

Depp rarely wakes up. He and Robert, brothers, obtained multiple power of attorneys, which not only got Depp into trouble, but also got him out of trouble.

Joel invited: "Go fishing again tomorrow?"

“I’ve run out of time in the past few weeks,” Rogers said. “There’s a client who wants to buy a house in Australia, and I have to go over there and deal with it.”

He blinked: "This is a good opportunity to make money, I can't miss it."

They both laughed at the same time.

An investment manager named Rogers is about to go to Hong Kong City to work and live.

(End of this chapter)

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