American fame and fortune.

Chapter 713 The biggest shame in life

Chapter 713 The biggest shame in life

Century City, WMA offices.

Thomas brought a number of newspapers, including "Variety" and "Entertainment Weekly", placed them on the low table in front of Martin, and said: "Since this morning, there have been many newspapers, online videos, and TV review programs. Unfavorable review of The Martian.”

"It seems that someone regards us as the main competitor." Martin took a newspaper and read it.

On the front page of the entertainment section of this newspaper, a retired astronaut named Walter criticized "The Martian" for not being rigorous enough and having many inconsistencies with the facts.

"It is not scientific at all for Martin Davis to maintain a walking and transporting method on Mars similar to that on Earth. The gravity of Mars is only one-third of that of Earth. NASA's many experiments have proven that normal walking on Mars should be more skipping or smaller. Move the ball, not the Martin Davis way."

The former astronaut pointed his gun at Martin from the very beginning and directly said that his role was wrong.

There are more at the back.

"It is impossible for big storms to occur on Mars. The air pressure on Mars is very low, less than one percent of that on Earth. Even if the wind speed on Mars reaches 160 kilometers per hour, the wind force is actually equivalent to 16 kilometers per hour on Earth. kilometers per hour, with this little wind, you can fly a kite.”

"The dangers of space radiation are directly ignored in the film. According to the way Martin Davis handles and saves himself in the film, he will definitely become seriously ill due to space radiation. Even if he can return to Earth, he will die quickly from cancer!"

Even Martin, the film's leading actor, couldn't find fault with these words, which are all based on the results of current scientific research.

Thomas said: "This year, many people think it is a small year for the Oscars, and they want to take the opportunity to grab a piece of cake. Last year, Harvey entered, and things were a little calm. It seems that all the pent-up enthusiasm for the awards will be released this year."

Martin put the newspaper aside and picked up another newspaper to read. It also contained criticisms and criticisms of "The Martian" from so-called professionals.

Later, the former astronaut picked out a large number of unreasonable things in the film's toilets, camps, space suits, Mars rover and many other aspects.

"Spielberg?" Thomas was surprised at first, and then understood: "This is not difficult, it requires your cooperation."

Martin did not get angry, but said: "This has a bit of an awards season atmosphere."

If you want to win a prize, you not only have to do well yourself, but you also have to pull over your opponents.

Thomas then turned on the LCD screen connected to the computer and played video news from several websites. The content was similar to what Martin had just watched.

When Martin heard it, it made sense and said: "Think of a way to contact the media pretending to be the crew of "Moneyball" or Matt Damon, and then blackmail all competitors, especially Spielberg."

Martin switched to another newspaper.

Martin thought for a moment and asked, "How are you going to deal with it?"

A botanist from the California Institute of Technology criticized the most talked about part of the film.

Thomas said: "It's not clear yet, but the scope is very clear. They are nothing more than a few major competitors, the crews of "Moneyball," "War Horse," "The Tree of Life" and "Descendants" and the companies behind the scenes."

"The warm-up for voting has begun." Martin asked: "Do you know where these news come from?"

Although there is no one saying that "The Martian" is unreliable, everyone is saying that this movie is garbage.

After more than ten years of operation and influence by Harvey Weinstein, the rules of the Oscar game have long since changed. Acting skills and roles are only the foundation of the foundation, and even large-scale publicity and public relations are just routine.

"I watched the movie "The Martian" and found that everyone was praising Martin Davis's plot of planting potatoes, but his most exciting performance is not consistent with common sense at all. NASA's Mars Exploration Rover has already landed to verify the Martian soil. Containing highly toxic substances, Martin Davis did not treat the Martian soil when growing potatoes..."

This is Entertainment Weekly, which also has an article about "The Martian."

"There is no need to tell who is behind the scenes, all competitors are opponents." Thomas has already thought about it: "Drag all the competitors off the field, everyone will cheat on each other, and the level will be lowered to the same level, then it will not matter who is following whom. .”

It was obvious that someone was trying to drag Martin's legs to help him pull over.

What should I do if my opponent doesn’t want to pull away? Of course, you should pull their legs apart and help them pull them apart!

Martin has competed in the Olympics several times and is already used to it. He said with a smile: "The war has begun."

Bruce, who remained silent, asked, "What do you need me to do?"


"Hollywood Reporter", one of the two major entertainment newspapers in North America, Los Angeles editorial office.

Bernat came out of get off work and walked across the street toward the parking lot.

Ivan, who had put on makeup, flashed out from behind the billboard and said, "Editor-in-Chief Bernat, would you like to chat for a few words?"

Bernat is an editor-in-chief of The Hollywood Reporter in Los Angeles. He has considerable authority and glanced at the stranger next to him: "I don't know you, what do you want to say?"

"About Oscar." Ivan said directly: "A big deal."

The Hollywood Reporter has considerable influence in Hollywood. During the awards season, there is always a wave of people or companies buying space and secretly publishing soft articles. Bernat pointed to a roadside cafe and said: "Go in and chat. "

The two entered the cafe and found a deserted place.

Without any nonsense, Ivan took out the printed manuscript directly from his bag and placed it on the table in front of him: "My employer hopes that these will be published in the newspaper one after another."

Bernat opened it and took a rough look at it. The manuscript was all soft-text and contained a check. Ivan asked directly: "Can these appear in The Hollywood Reporter?"

Bernat quickly browsed through the manuscripts. Most of them were slanderous articles, slandering "The Martian", slandering "War Horse", slandering "The Tree of Life", etc. There was only one soft article that praised Matt Damon. and "Moneyball," in which he starred.

There is nothing wrong with the content of these articles. Nowadays, traditional media are having a hard time. Even the Hollywood Reporter, a well-known print media in the entertainment industry, Bernat looked at the numbers on the check and said: "I can guarantee that they will be in the next few days." Newspapers will appear one after another.”

"It's a deal." Ivan said: "There are still many times for this business, don't let me fail to explain it to my employer."

Bernat didn't ask any more questions. He knew who his employer was just by reading the article.

It seems that Warner Pictures wants "Moneyball" to compete for the Oscar for Best Picture, and Matt Damon wants to compete for the Oscar for Best Actor.

Ivan said no more, stood up and left. While contacting his partner, he rushed to the next transaction.

Bernat then left the cafe, did not go to the parking lot, and returned to the editorial office to communicate about the publication of the article in the newspaper tomorrow.

On the morning of the next day, a number of newspapers widely circulated in cities such as Los Angeles and New York successively revealed negative information and criticisms about the Oscar nominees.

"War Horse" was criticized for having a poor story and poor acting. Director Spielberg was exhausted and only used one template to make sensational movies.

There is no sincerity in criticizing "The Martian" as a Robinson Crusoe wrapped in the skin of Mars and space.

She scolded Woody Allen, the director of "Midnight in Paris," as a clown, and brought up the matter between him and his stepdaughter on the street.

Many of the films that were intended to compete for Oscars were criticized as being worthless.

Only "Moneyball" was praised and became the only good movie in the mouth of these media.

In particular, the leading actor Matt Damon was praised to the sky. With a series of soft articles, he seemed to be the one most qualified to win the award.

Media coverage spread quickly.


Glendale, DreamWorks headquarters.

Although the films made in recent years have received poor response, and there are constant claims in the media that concepts are outdated and talents are exhausted, the 65-year-old Steven Spielberg is still ambitious and wants to win another Oscar.

In addition to "War Horse," which will be released this year, he is also preparing a movie with Lincoln as the protagonist to once again challenge for the Oscar.

Spielberg just came to work today, and his assistant came to report: "Boss, there are a lot of negative news about "War Horse" in the media."

"Newspapers," Spielberg said.

The assistant brought over several newspapers, and Spielberg flipped through them quickly.

"War Horse is full of messy logic and uncontrolled sensationalism. Spielberg is really old. After so many years, he still plays the trick of excessive sensationalism."

"This is just a children's movie, what's the artistic quality? Spielberg doesn't deserve an Oscar. He's just a liar, and he wants to deceive the Oscar with a sensational and fake story..."

Spielberg looked grim, remembering what happened more than ten years ago.

This scene is very similar to what happened in "Saving Private Ryan", when the media frantically smeared him and the movie, resulting in him losing one of the most important awards.

That Oscar was the biggest shame in Spielberg's life.

Spielberg browsed the reviews of other films competing for the Olympics and said to his assistant: "Find out who made these."

The assistant immediately went to make a call.

Spielberg's name was very useful. It didn't take long for the assistant to come back and say: "I contacted acquaintances from "The Hollywood Reporter", "People" and "Variety". They didn't know the person who contacted the newspaper, but they didn't know him. Judging from the contacts within the newspaper, the employer is probably Warner Pictures or Matt Damon."

Hearing this, Spielberg thought of a movie: "Moneyball?"

The assistant said: "This film is also a favorite to compete for the Olympics."

Spielberg collaborated with Matt Damon once, but the two sides were not very happy after that collaboration, because in the subsequent Oscar competition, Matt Damon sided with Harvey Weir. Einstein's side.

Some people even secretly revealed that Matt Damon fed back what he learned on the set of GI to Harvey Weinstein, so Harvey Weinstein took advantage of him and GI and brought out a group of World War II veterans. , the whole city smeared G.I.B., causing DreamWorks to lose the Best Picture statuette.

Matt Damon has a close relationship with Harvey Weinstein, and discrediting his competitors through the media is Harvey's most common method...

Spielberg told his assistant: "Leverage our relationship and fight back!"

The same scene also appeared in several other crews.

There is no need to carefully check who is behind the scenes, it is enough to just see who benefits.

Catch the winner and beat him to death!

(End of this chapter)

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