American fame and fortune.

Chapter 680 Those who fail to keep up with the times will be eliminated

Chapter 680 Those who fail to keep up with the times will be eliminated

The atmosphere in the banquet hall of the Beauvais Castle Hotel was particularly lively tonight.

"John Wick 2" was a global box office hit, and many people from the crew to Disney Pictures gathered together.

Robert Egger was also present in person.

"The film's screening in North America went smoothly, and the box office trend has been steady." He specially found Martin for a drink and said a few words: "I propose to hold the celebration party during the next release in North America to build momentum for the film's DVD release."

Martin smiled and said: "You have considered it very comprehensively. Although the box office share alone has made us profitable, if the DVD can sell well, our profits will be even more substantial."

"I'm really looking forward to 'The Martian,'" Robert Egger said.

The film has reached the final stage of filming, and Martin is confident: "The film will not disappoint Disney."

Alan Horn came from the side and laughed and said: "Movies starring Martin are now guaranteed to be box office."

The multi-layered cake was rolled up to celebrate the success. Martin, Alan Horn and Robert Egger all stepped aside to cut the cake and handed it over to the creative team.

Chad leads Bradt, Chen Hu and Marcus on the court.

On the top of the big cake, two numbers were spray-painted on colorful cream: 242.6M and 587.8M.

Corresponding to the North American box office and total global box office of "John Wick 2".

With US$2.426 million in North America and US$5.878 million globally, the film also made a lot of money for everyone from the producer to the distributor to the creative team.

Chad and four others made the first cut at the same time, and the rest of the work was handed over to the service staff.

While they were sharing the cake, Mene arrived belatedly and brought a woman with him.

Marcus originally wanted to give this late guy a piece of cake on his face, but when he saw Celine Dion coming next, he quickly stopped.

Mene apologized: "Sorry, I'm late."

Celine Dion took the initiative to take two steps forward, held Mené's arm, and said, "I came to Los Angeles temporarily, and Mené picked me up at the airport."

Martin smiled: "It doesn't matter."

Mene stood next to introduce those present and Celine Dion.

Celine Dion shakes everyone's hand.

Not to mention Robert Iger and Alan Horn, she knew the others were all Mene's Hollywood buddies.

While Celine Dion and Robert Iger were talking, Martin asked: "Are you going to make it public?"

"It's just within the scope of friends." Mene elaborated: "Celine came to Los Angeles this time and said she wanted to enter my social circle. I originally wanted to send her to the hotel first. She heard that there was a party and asked to come over."

Martin laughed: "This is a good thing, it shows that Celine cares about you very much."

Mene scratched his head: "I have lived freely for more than thirty years, but suddenly I changed, and I feel a little uncomfortable."

Chad, who came next to him, was speechless at the scumbag's remarks and said, "You did what we all dreamed of doing."

When Martin saw Celine Dion walking towards this side, he coughed slightly, and Chad and Mene immediately changed the topic.

Celine Dion came here, said a few polite words to Martin and Chad, and asked Mene: "Dear, I have an idea, can you think of it?"

Mene responded: "If you have any ideas, just tell me."

Celine Dion looked at Martin and Chad: "This weekend, we will hold a party and invite all your friends in Los Angeles to come over, okay?"

Unable to refuse, Mene responded: "Yes."

Celine Dion asked Martin and Chad: "Can I invite you to participate?"

"It's an honor," Martin said.

After tonight's party, there was a press conference. Chad, Martin and Mene appeared together in front of many media reporters and announced that the DVD of "John Wick 2" will be officially launched tomorrow.

In the next few days, the crew of "The Martian" concentrated on filming the scenes of the supporting characters. Martin temporarily left the Disney Studio to attend the DVD signing event of "John Wick 2" with Chad.

At the autograph signing site, in addition to fans of the Coca-Cola cult and the film, there were also some people who held up banners or posters.

"Never mess with Martin's dog!"

This has become one of the most famous memes about Hollywood movies on the Internet around the world.

In recent years, Davis Studio has been building momentum online, taking this meme out of North America and flying around the world.

The "John Wick" series has attracted a large number of fans around the world.

These people are all potential consumers of DVDs.

At more than a dozen book signing events, Martin signed and sold thousands of CDs.

However, in its first week of release on DVD, the film sold US$4850 million in the North American market alone.

Due to different copyright laws and efforts to combat piracy in various countries, the overseas sales of "John Wick 2" were somewhat lower, but it still sold more than 2000 million US dollars in the first week.

This is also the highest single-week disc sales in North America since 2011.

After "Avatar" created a billion-dollar DVD sales, Hollywood's discs reached the peak, and then began to decline, with overall sales declining since last year.

Davis Studio has communicated with Disney Pictures, and the producers and creative team’s share will be fully paid early next year.

After a busy week of DVD signings, Martin returned to Los Angeles and joined the final filming of "The Martian."

The crew moved to a studio specially used for filming Wia's scenes. During most of the day's shooting, Martin wore a thick white spacesuit, hung a wire, and kept spinning in front of the green screen.

Many space shots are generated by post-production special effects.

Ridley Scott is a typical pragmatic director. He does not pay as much attention to real shooting as Nolan. Whether it is film or digital photography, whether it is shooting live models or CGI generation, whichever is more convenient is used.

Nolan has launched a campaign this year calling on Hollywood directors to shoot more on film in order to save Kodak's film production business.

But few in Hollywood responded.

The studios were not interested at all.

Compared to digital technology, film is simply too expensive.

Ridley Scott should be considered a conservative among directors based on his age and experience in the industry, but he is not a supporter of film. During a break in filming, he chatted with Martin and others about film and digital technology.

"Whenever a new film technology flourishes, there are always old technologies that are replaced." He gestured and said: "For example, silent and black-and-white films, digital technology brings more shooting possibilities, and the most convenient ones are Director, it can improve the director’s shooting and production efficiency.”

Martin added: "There are still copies from when it was released."

Jessica Chastain asked: "What's the big difference in cost?"

Martin gave an example: "When "The Dark Knight" was released, it used traditional film prints, and each copy cost about $1500. Then Warner released "Watchmen," directed by Zack Snyder, using The cost of a digital copy is just over one-third of "The Dark Knight."

Jessica Chastain made a mental calculation: "Based on the scale of the global release, the cost can vary by tens of millions of dollars."

Ridley Scott said: "So, even God can't save Kodak. Kodak has not kept up with the times and can only be eliminated."

Martin answered: "I heard Nolan say that Kodak still has a lot of film stock in stock, enough for Hollywood to use for a long time."

Ridley told the truth: "Because there are not many directors in Hollywood who still insist on shooting on film."

Several people around laughed.

Ridley looked at the time and reminded: "Get ready to start filming."

Martin and Jessica Chastain left the rest area together, put on bulky white spacesuits, and hoisted the wires again to film the space rescue scene.

When the filming started, Martin kept spinning in the air. After filming the scene for more than ten seconds, he had to slow down for a few minutes before he could go on stage again.

More than an hour later, Jessica Chastain came on stage to join the filming.

The two were connected together by a safety belt.

Martin hung the Wia and floated forward by the orange safety belt.

Jessica Chastain was also tugging hard on her seat belt.

The two got closer and closer, and finally bumped into each other.

Maybe they both used too much force and ignored the helmets they were wearing. There was a muffled sound, and Martin's head and Jessica Chastain's head hit each other through the helmet shield.

They held hands and looked extremely excited.

Driven by Wia, the two people's bodies rotated, and the colorful seat belts floated around, giving them an unusual sense of beauty.

Ridley yelled from behind the director's monitor: "This one's passed!"

He stood up: "I declare that the filming of "The Martian" is complete!"

In the temporary set, Martin and Jessica Chastain slowly landed, and the stunt team came to help dismantle the wire.

Ridley gestured, and an assistant nearby flipped a safety switch.

The green screen at the top of the set moved to one side, and with a bang, the package on it suddenly exploded, and countless ribbons and sequins were floating and falling like snowflakes.

Martin and Jessica Chastain, who had removed the wires and then took off their spacesuits, were right in the center of this colorful storm.

The latter raised his arms flat and looked up to the sky, seeming to be enjoying the moment.

Martin caught a bunch of ribbons, flew up, and landed on Jessica Chastain's head.

Jessica Chastain turned to Martin and smiled.

The model worker who has put on makeup has fair skin and a blush on her face, giving her a different kind of beauty.

Martin said: "I'm treating you tonight to celebrate the filming of the crew. Remember to attend."

Jessica Chastain stared at Martin, decided to follow her inner thoughts, and said, "I'm participating."

The two came out of the set, Martin clapped his hands, and Bruce pulled out several suitcases.

Jessica Chastain was working with Martin for the first time and asked: "Martin's legendary completion gift?"

Martin opened the box, took out a box and handed it to her: "This is for you."

Everyone on the cast, including director Ridley Scott, received a completion gift from Martin.

The filming of "The Martian" was completed. After completing the remaining finishing work, the crew, led by Martin, came to the nearby Castle Hotel and held a celebration party.

After the party, neither Martin nor Jessica Chastain left the hotel and entered the luxury suite on the top floor together.

The story of Snow White and the Prince begins.

(End of this chapter)

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