American fame and fortune.

Chapter 652 I don’t want money

Chapter 652 I don’t want money

This result was completely consistent with media expectations and there was no surprise at all.

Amid warm applause, Leonardo walked up to the podium with his head held high and opened his arms to hug Martin and Nicholson respectively.

The latter took the Oscar statuette from the emcee and handed it to Leonardo.

Martin automatically stood aside, and the protagonist of the stage was now Oscar-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio!

The applause lasted for a long time.

"I'm so excited. I don't know how to describe my feelings now. This may be the happiest moment since I became an actor." Leonardo knew that the academy asked the three of them to appear here in order to attract attention and raise the profile of the audience. Ratings.

He specifically said: "In the past, people always asked me to do Oscar math questions, asking us that the Audio-Technica has a total of four Oscars. Who among us does not have one? Now I can tell them that the Audio-Technica has a total of five Oscars, and everyone has one!"

Bursts of laughter and applause erupted below.

Leonardo spoke faster: "Thank you to the Academy, thank you to the judges, thank you to Director Scorsese, thank you to my team and everyone on the "Shutter Island" crew, thank you Kate, you know, I have always loved you all these years! Thank you Martin and Jack, our friendship will continue even in heaven and hell, and God cannot separate us!"

There was only a total of 45 seconds to speak. The reminder drum sounded. Leonardo left the microphone and called Martin and Nicholson to go backstage.

Leonardo glanced at the statuette in his hand and said to Martin: "You are really a genius. The strategy of selling one's ugliness is really successful."

"It will take the Academy several years to adjust to a new era without Harvey Weinstein's public relations," Martin said.

This is not only an Oscar for being ugly, but also an Oscar for being belly.

Natalie Portman, who seemed to be going into labor at any moment, got her wish and won Best Actress.

Tonight's four major awards were completely divided. David Russell won the best director and "True Grit" won the best picture.

The awards ceremony came to an end, and most people rushed to the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel to attend the "Oscar Night" party.

"Cheers to Oscar!"

Leonardo raised his champagne glass and clinked it with Martin, Kate, Nicholson and others one by one: "Thank you everyone for your support. After this is over, go to my celebration party and I won't come back drunk tonight."

Martin said: "Leo is going to bleed heavily tonight. We are going to eat Leo until he is a pauper and drink him into a pauper!"

"No problem, just come!" Leonardo hasn't forgotten to ask Martin: "I have a question for you. The trio has three Oscar Best Actors. Who doesn't?"

Everyone laughed.

Martin gave Leonardo a straight middle finger.

Jennifer Lawrence came over from the side congratulating Natalie Portman, took Nicholson's arm, and said, "When I compete for the Oscar next time, can you give me a child?"

The Jewish woman's success in selling her belly made her quite unhappy.

"It only works once, and it won't work as well the next time," Nicholson said.

He pointed at Martin: "The founder is here, don't go out and talk nonsense."

Jennifer Lawrence looked at Martin with admiration in her eyes, and suddenly remembered that Martin had given her an idea the last time she attended the Cannes Film Festival, and the eye-catching effect was first-class.

It’s a pity that I forgot this time on the Oscars red carpet. When I’m on the next important red carpet, I’ll make sure to fall beautifully!

Martin went to the set of "Gone Girl" with a glass of wine. The content and theme of the film were too politically incorrect. The crew received many nominations and lost all awards.

He saw Mene waving to him in the distance, then hugged Celine Dion, who was singing at the Oscars tonight, and left the banquet hall.

This is the real winner in life!

Martin sighed to himself that Uncle Mene had easily achieved the life he had been pursuing but could not get a few years ago.

David Fincher also noticed: "Your little brother is admirable."

Martin nodded: "That's true. This was my previous goal, to find a rich woman and live in peace from then on."

David Finch said: "It's not too late." He sighed: "Another failure."

Martin said with relief: "Gather up our strength and prepare for the next time."

David Fincher said: ""Escape from Tehran" naturally has all the qualities of an Oscar. If it doesn't win again, I will completely stay away from the Oscars and say goodbye to the Academy."

Martin specifically reminded: "David, if you want to cooperate with Netflix, it is best to wait until after the 85th Oscars."

Today's Hollywood is actually very repulsive to streaming media. If David Fincher breaks the news of filming for Netflix in the middle of his Oscar campaign, it will greatly affect his perception among the old guard.

As we all know, the old guard is still the core of the academy.

David Fincher said: "The filming of the film will not start until the second half of the year. I have already started preparations. In the first half of the year, I plan to find time to go to Tehran in person to see the situation there and the ruins from that year."

"It's better to go over there in the name of film art exchange," Martin said.

Someone came over, and David Fincher took the initiative to say goodbye: "You guys chat, I'll find someone to talk to about going to Tehran."

Anne Hathaway always remembered Martin's words, and came to see Martin immediately after entering the banquet hall. The two came to the deserted resting place. Anne's big eyes were misty, as if she would cry at any time: "I am a fool, a fool, a fool, with no vision and no brains. It was all my fault back then. Martin, can you Forgive me?"

Martin said softly: "What happened back then is in the past. No one is right or wrong. Don't mention these things again."

Anne stretched out her hand and held Martin's hand: "But I have never forgotten you, and I have always missed the beauty of our time together."

She decided to increase the size a bit: “I like the feeling that it can be filled up and down.”

Martin said: "I have a girlfriend now and I have never thought about breaking up with her."

"Elizabeth Olsen, I know." Anne didn't believe that the two of them would stay like this forever: "I will wait for you, always waiting."

Martin understood his ex-girlfriend's personality: "It doesn't have to be like this. If you have any difficulties, you can tell me."

Whether you can help or not will definitely depend on the situation.

Anne whispered: "I owe some loans." She was afraid that Martin would misunderstand, so she quickly explained: "I don't want money. I just think that you have made a lot of achievements in the field of commercial films and know many people. Can you recommend a role for me? A business type role?”

Martin understood. In fact, he also knew a little about Anne Hathaway's situation. Her fame was far greater than her actual income.

Turning around, he happened to see Nolan, and with a thought in his heart, he said, "Let me ask you first. I will notify you if there is any news. Your phone number has not changed, right?"

Annie's big eyes suddenly flashed: "No, I have been using that number, thinking that one day you could call me."

She then asked: "How about we leave early?"

Martin doesn't have time tonight: "Jack and I are going to celebrate Leo's Best Actor win."

"You can call me anytime," Anne said.

Martin said something vague and left. When he went back, he went to find Nolan.

"Chris, the script for "The Dark Knight Rises" you asked me to read last time contained an important supporting female role, Catwoman." Martin asked directly: "Has the cast been confirmed?"

Nolan first corrected: "It's not a supporting actress, it's a heroine!" He then said, "The audition hasn't started yet."

Martin said: "Recommend an actress, do you think it is suitable? Tonight's female host, Anne Hathaway."

In Nolan's eyes, Martin was very reliable at work, and he immediately agreed: "Ask her agent to contact the crew, get the role script, and participate in the third audition."

Martin was not polite to him either: "I'll ask her to call Emma later."

Leonardo won the award. After the simple celebration here, a large number of people went to his mansion in Brentwood. The real celebration had just begun.

There had been preparations here for a long time. When Leonardo won the award on live TV, the party company sped up the arrangements.

Dozens of people arrived one after another and partyed all night long.

Unexpectedly, Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady also came.

It was Leonardo who invited me here.

Martin took a sip of wine and said to Nicholson next to him: "Leo may have given all his sincerity to Giselle, and he has become a complete scumbag since then."

Nicholson is a real jerk: "It's a pity we didn't attend Gisele's pre-wedding party."

"Forget it, let's not mention it." Martin said, "This is Leo's true love after all."

Nicholson nodded: "Now that bastard Leo has won the Oscar, he said he would organize a big gathering of Asian female stars."

Martin looked at Leonardo, who was talking to Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady: "If he can't organize it, I will organize it."

In the past two months, Thomas has been discussing commercial endorsements with Samsung Mobile Phones. The talks are almost complete, and it is expected that the contract will be officially signed early next month.

Leonardo came over with a bottle of wine, sat down on a chair, poured half a glass of wine, and said, "I'll do it first as a courtesy!"

He raised his head and drank it all, and then said to Martin: "Without you, I wouldn't have won the Best Actor this year."

Nicholson agreed: "According to my estimation, it may take another five or six years for you to win the award, but Martin first got rid of Harvey Weinstein and then came up with a strategy to make you look ugly... "

"So I want to thank Martin!" Leonardo came over, hugged Martin's shoulders, and reminded: "There are three of us, and you are the only one who doesn't have the best actor now. Get one back quickly, don't delay. If you tell me, Jack and I will be ashamed!"

Martin was not polite at all: "Very good, very good! Now that you say so, vote for me next year with all the votes you can mobilize and influence, including Best Actor!"

Leonardo responded: "No problem!"

(End of this chapter)

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