American fame and fortune.

Chapter 642 The unique charm of the boss of the trio

Chapter 642 The unique charm of the boss of the trio

Martin's familiar appearance in the accompanying picture does not seem to have aged at all, but has gained a bit more mature temperament and charm.

Anne Hathaway's red lips were pressed into a tight line, but suddenly her cheeks felt numb and her throat felt like something was stuck, and she subconsciously opened her mouth, just like she did when she was with Martin.

A strange sound almost came out of her throat, and she quickly covered her mouth.

Anne thought it was so risky.

But looking at Martin in the picture reminds me of the good times when his mouth was always full, and I miss him endlessly.

Because Annie clearly saw the series of numbers listed on the ranking list.

“NO.3, Martin Davis!

——$8200 million!

4000 million US dollars, from the salary and share of "Inception".

3200 million US dollars, from the salary and share of "Gone Girl".

US$1000 million comes from copyright income from other old films. "

Anne knew that this was only a rough estimate and there would definitely be errors, but the errors would not be particularly large.

In previous years, Martin's income would have been enough to rank first!

Going forward, Spielberg, Leonardo, Nolan, etc. are all inferior to Martin.

Although her annual income is close to 10 million US dollars, the female star's expenses are too high and the money is not enough.

Anne clearly remembered that when she and Martin were together, Martin's annual income was only a few hundred thousand dollars, and he had just become somewhat famous. In just five years, he had already half-stepped into the threshold of a superstar.

James Franco noticed that Anne was in a daze and asked, "Are you okay?"

Annie came to her senses and said, "I'm fine."

She returned the magazine to Franco and walked slowly toward the backstage alone.

I have always wanted to find a rich and handsome man, but I knew that the rich and handsome man was right in front of me, but I failed.

At this moment, Anne wanted to ask Martin if he could turn back.

Entering the backstage, she saw the newly elected president of the Academy, Tom Sherak, discussing the award guests with the director of the awards ceremony.

"We have finalized three candidates for the Best Picture award," the director told Tom Sherak: "Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks and Martin Davis."

Tom Sherak nodded slightly: "It's enough for three people, but Martin is a bit too young... The influence of the Oscars has been decreasing in recent years, and we must reverse this trend."

The director was under great pressure for a while.

Tom Sherak added: "Sandra Bullock injured her leg while filming the new film "Gravity" and may not be able to attend the awards ceremony. I have communicated with her on the phone and asked her to be the guest for the Best Actor Award. Enter Jack and Martin."

The director instantly understood what Sherak meant. This was a famous trio in Hollywood and even the United States.

According to Nicholson, the three men once fought side by side on the Santa Monica Pier against dozens of armed spies, and they had a life-long friendship.

He tentatively asked: "What if Leonardo doesn't win the award?"

Tom Sherak said: "Whether he wins or not, it's exciting!"

The director said: "The highest ratings for the Oscars in the past five years were when Spielberg, Coppola and Lucas jointly awarded Scorsese the Best Director."

"This is how the best actor award guest will be decided." Tom Sherak is also under a lot of pressure. The Oscar is the Academy's signature. Once the Oscar's influence becomes smaller, the Academy will also decline.

He added: "For Best Picture, let Spielberg or Hanks be on it, choose one of them and see who wants to be on it."

Anne passed by and pretended not to hear these words, but she was thinking in her heart that Martin would definitely go backstage during the award ceremony. She would find a chance to chat with him, and maybe the old relationship would rekindle.

She had always felt that Martin was a kind, caring and nostalgic person.


In the reception room of Davis Studio in Burbank.

Inspector Geralt comes to visit.

Martin asked: "Is there a result in the case?"

"It has been found out." Detective Geralt handled the case very efficiently. He opened the document bag he brought, took out the information and handed it to Martin: "It has been found out now that it was this group of Mexicans who did it."

There were photos of six people on the file, two of which Martin had a vague impression of. After thinking about it carefully, they seemed to be the Mexicans who delivered the safe on the day of moving.

He looked at the information again and found that it was indeed the case, and asked: "Detective, has the person been arrested?"

Geralt was full of apologies: "We spent a day tracking them down, but when we went out to arrest them, we found that they had fled to Mexico at noon. They may be in Tijuana now. I reported it to the police. The bureau issued a pursuit warrant through its connections in Tijuana, but the situation there is very complicated and it is unrealistic to expect the Tijuana police to catch them."

"It doesn't matter." Martin didn't care about these thieves and asked, "Is there anyone behind them?"

Geralt shook his head directly: "We haven't found anything so far. All the people have gone to Mexico, so..."    Martin understood and did not make it difficult for them. In Los Angeles, Detective Geralt's speed in finding the suspect was absolutely perfect. It's pretty fast.

Geralt stood up and said goodbye: "Mr. Davis, if there are any new developments in the case, we will notify you in time."

Martin sent him out: "Thank you."

After returning, he handed the information to Bruce and asked, "Do you have any impression?"

Bruce looked at it carefully and said, "Four of them have delivered safes."

Martin couldn't help but think about it: "Could they be instigated by someone to take advantage of the opportunity of delivering a safe to come and visit the site in advance?" He thought about it: "That day, I wanted to review the scripts submitted to the company, and those scripts were piled on my desk. ."

"It's possible." Bruce asked the key: "Who is the instigator behind them?"

Martin said: "Wait a minute, we should know soon."

He glanced at his watch: "I'm going to Brentwood. There's a screening of "Shutter Island" today. We've watched Leo's ugly show for so long, and we have to help him with his public relations."

Bruce said to himself, these three bastards not only make enemies, but also make mistakes with each other when they are bored.


Another party was over. Leonardo was exhausted mentally and physically. After all the guests said goodbye and left, he sat down on the sofa and didn't want to get up again.

This time, he has invested unprecedented amounts of money and energy in public relations.

Martin helped him build momentum to the point of embarrassing himself, and Leonardo also rushed forward with all his strength. These days, he was either meeting other academy members or on the way to meet them.

I almost feel numb after eating a large meal, and the chicken and steak taste like plastic.

Martin took a bottle of water, threw it to Leonardo, and said: "Kathleen Kennedy promised that the vote for Best Actor will be given to you first. She has just been elected as the vice president of the Academy, which can influence many people's voting choices. .”

Nicholson came over and sat on another sofa: "This time the academy changed, Sid Gannis voluntarily resigned, Warren Beatty did not run, 65-year-old Tom Sherak was elected chairman, and Kathleen Kennedy And Tom Hanks was elected vice president, and the academy is getting younger.”

Martin said: "Do I have any misunderstanding about rejuvenation? Rejuvenation at the age of 65..."

Leonardo laughed: "This is a rare youth for the academy."

"Why, we old people haven't quit yet, and young people like you are anxious to take over." Nicholson pushed up his sunglasses and changed his voice: "Martin's special public relations this time, coupled with the change of the academy, are very important to us. Leo, this is indeed a rare opportunity."

Leonardo said fiercely: "I will continue to be ugly to the end."

Nicholson changed the subject: "Has the suspect been caught in your case?"

"The suspect was found, but no one was arrested." Martin himself didn't care about the intruder. He cared about other aspects and did not put any pressure on the LAPD at all.

His relationship with McClain should not be used for this: "The LAPD dug up some information and used it to identify six suspects. However, the suspects were all Mexicans and not stupid. They left Los Angeles the day after the incident. He ran back to Mexico, maybe in Tijuana, and you know the situation there is very complicated."

Nicholson asked: "Do you want me, the great detective, to go out?"

"Are you going to deal with the gangs in Tijuana?" Martin asked: "That's not the United States. If you're going to get stuck there, I can't save you."

Just look at Chase and Hurricane Rescue. Dozens of Tijuana gangsters are pressing forward. Not to mention him and Bruce, the six-man team of SEALs may also kneel down.

Nicholson quickly shook his head: "Tijuana is better off."

A borderline, heaven and hell, is more than just words.

The gangsters in Tijuana are not willing to accept the credit of the trio of Hollywood bastards. In the past, they might have been held hostage and extorted a large sum of money.

Leonardo asked: "Let's just forget about this? When have we ever suffered such a loss?"

"Of course not." Martin said seriously: "I am considering whether to hire a group of mercenaries to go to Tijuana and kill them all!"

Nicholson was afraid that nothing would happen: "This is a good idea. Tens of thousands of dollars can make many Mexicans desperate."

He has been living in California for decades, and his path is quite wild: "Do you have any information on those people?"

Martin nodded: "Yes, the LAPD found out their identities and obtained many photos of their lives."

Nicholson was not polite to Martin: "Give me $200,000 to pay for the trouble."

"Money is not an issue." Martin reminded again: "Don't go to Mexico, you don't have to show up in person."

Nicholson said: "I will not go to Mexico." He grinned: "Detective Nicholson is off the line, and next I am Andrew the murderer!"

He stood up and waved his arms suddenly: "No one can enjoy themselves freely after provoking our bastard trio! I! The boss of the bastard trio will never allow it!"

Leonardo said: "No wonder I am willing to accept you as the boss."

Martin raised his thumbs: "This is the unique charm of the boss of the bastard trio!"

(End of this chapter)

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