American fame and fortune.

Chapter 619 Nolan’s Space Epic

Chapter 619 Nolan’s Space Epic

Back in Los Angeles, Martin had no time to spare and immediately joined forces with Nolan to promote the DVD of "Inception."

Warner Bros. held a grand launch ceremony at Macy's Center.

Regarding the on-site marketing of DVDs, almost all activities converge into one point - autograph signing!
  In the DVD sales area of ​​Macy's Department Store, two autograph tables were set up on two sides. Before Martin and Nolan sat down, there were long lines of hundreds of people on both sides.

Most people queued up here and then went to the other side, and many of them even bought two DVDs.

The crew specially prepared a gift for today’s event, Dom Cobb’s top version.

Every time Martin signs a DVD, he will hand-deliver a spinning top.

Throughout the morning, the queue in front of Martin and Nolan did not shorten at all, and the autograph had to be extended for half an hour.

After signing, the group went to have lunch.

Martin sat down at a table with Nolan and asked, "Is The Dark Knight Rises finished?"

"Post-production is in progress." Nolan actively invited: "I will call you when the test screening is completed."

Martin smiled and said, "Warner Brothers may not agree to my participation."

Nolan understood what Martin meant, and the new management sometimes made it difficult for him to understand.

Martin didn't want to embarrass Nolan, so he added: "I'm afraid that something will happen to Bell when he sees me. If he attacks me, everyone will look bad."

Nolan said: "I guess he won't have time. He is filming that epic masterpiece in Morocco with Ridley Scott's crew."

Martin nodded: "Pharaoh and the gods."

"I'm also planning to shoot an epic film." Nolan's two collaborations with Martin were very pleasant. He is a director who likes to use a fixed team, and he also wants to continue to cooperate with Martin. He said it appropriately: "It's just a space epic."

Martin had seen all of Nolan's works in his previous life, and he calculated that it should be "Interstellar" and asked, "Do you have a script?"

Nolan shook his head: "Not yet. I will let you know when Jonathan completes the script."

Martin responded: "Chris, I'm really looking forward to your space epic."

Nolan looked around and whispered: "I don't quite understand Warner Bros. now. I have doubts about whether to cooperate with Warner Bros. for new projects."

Martin is a good person and said directly: "I am not happy with Warner Bros. right now. I must be biased, so I won't express my opinion."

Nolan said: "Emma and I will carefully consider working with Warner Bros."

He thinks this way, naturally because Warner has touched his interests: "Warner extended the payment period and increased the distribution share. All the collaborators will be harmed."

Martin sighed: "The most brilliant thing is that they are acting in accordance with the contract, and there is nothing we can do."

Nolan said: "Cooperation is more than just a contract."

He has been cooperating with Warner Bros. over the years, not only because he was not confident enough before and needed to borrow Warner's resources, but also because he is very comfortable working with Warner Brothers.

People will change to some extent as their status increases. A series of measures taken by Warner's new management made Nolan feel that Warner did not respect him enough.

After lunch, Martin left the set, got in the car, and asked Bruce to drive to the Angel Club.

On the way, he looked at the relevant data of "Inception" again.

The film has been completely withdrawn from North American theaters, and the North American box office ultimately accumulated US$3.35 million.

Overseas, it has been released in more than 9.22 countries and regions. Except for Japan, the screening in other ticket markets has basically ended. The global box office is currently as high as [-] million US dollars.

"The Dark Knight" made Nolan a god, and "Inception" made him go further.

Martin also benefited a lot. The salary for the new film starts at 2000 million US dollars, and the subsequent share can be negotiated.

Arriving at the Angel Club, as soon as Martin entered the door, owner Kane greeted him.

He explained the situation as quickly as possible: "Director David Fincher and Netflix's Greg Peters have just arrived, and Thomas is receiving them."

Martin nodded slightly and warned: "Gavin Newsom and Jennifer Siebel will come over in a while. Please wait for a moment at the door. Notify me immediately when their car comes."

Kane responded: "I'll be waiting at the door myself."

The annual membership dues of his club and Martin's group alone are quite considerable.

Martin went to the screening room in the entertainment area of ​​the club.

Greg Peters took the lead and shook hands with him: "Martin, we meet again."

Martin said with a smile: “The development of Netflix is ​​astonishingly fast.”

Greg also laughed: "The market has always been optimistic about Netflix, and Netflix's stock price continues to rise. As a shareholder, your investment in Netflix is ​​definitely worth it."

Martin said: "I also hope that Netflix can develop better."

He turned to say hello to David Finch.

The latter said directly: "'Gone Girl' has been completed, when will it be previewed?"

Martin said: "The studio is in communication with Warner Bros., and it will be soon."

Warner Pictures has purchased the film and television adaptation rights to Gillian Flynn's other work "Darkland". The success or failure of "Gone Girl" is directly related to the popularity of this new work. Warner Bros. announced in "Gone Girl" There is no discount on hair. The three of them chatted on the phone for a while. Kane's call came to Bruce, and the cars of Gavin Newsom and Jennifer Siebel were driving over.

Martin and Greg went to greet him at the club door.

When he saw the two people getting out of the car, Martin went up to shake hands with Sibel and then said to Gavin Newsom: "Congratulations on your victory. I will call you governor soon, right?"

Gavin Newsom was very confident and corrected him: "Lieutenant Governor."

In the just-concluded California election, Jerry Brown partnered with Gavin Newsom and won a resounding victory. The former will succeed Schwarzenegger as the new governor of California after the New Year.

Gavin Newsom became the lieutenant governor.

Martin introduced the Newsoms: "This is Greg Peters, director of product content at Netflix."

As the former mayor of San Francisco, Gavin Newsom is no stranger to Netflix.

A few people exchanged pleasantries, and Martin invited them into the club's screening room and introduced David Fincher, who was waiting here.

Sibel was very happy that a director of David Fincher's level could come to see his new work, and even asked David Fincher to chat for a few words to see if there was any chance of appearing in David Fincher's film project in the future. Among new works.

Five minutes later, the lights in the screening room went out and the screening of Jennifer Siebel's new film "Romantic Trouble" began.

Including Martin, there were less than ten spectators present.

This film takes the route of a romantic comedy, with four large-scale scenes of Jennifer Siebel, the former first lady of San Francisco, who sacrificed a lot for the art of film.

But everyone has different thoughts and opinions.

Gavin Newsom didn't care at all, and occasionally chatted with Jennifer Siebel and praised his wife's performance.

Sibel smiled happily. This film allowed her to fulfill her dream of becoming a movie heroine, and she also got addicted to being a producer.

The film is not very long, just over 80 minutes. According to the MPAA classification rules, it is stuck on the edge of R-rated film and NC-17, mainly because the scale of several scenes with Sibel is a bit large.

However, Davis Studio will not send it for MPAA classification, and the film will not be released to theaters for public screening.

Martin also watched it very seriously. This movie is not bad. According to his estimation, if it is posted on IMDB, it will probably get a rating above the passing line.

Of course, apart from Sibel's large-scale scenes, there is nothing else that can be called a surprise in the film.

At the end of the screening, Greg had his own judgment. The quality of the film was okay, better than he imagined, especially the scenes with the heroine, which were quite selling points.

Put it on an on-demand website and with a little effort, a large number of users will definitely subscribe.

Greg looked towards Sibel. The key lies in her.

The wife of the former mayor of San Francisco and the future wife of the lieutenant governor of California will arouse the interest of many people.

Even more attractive than the art dramas of Hollywood's top stars.

Greg also learned that the Harvey Weinstein case, which is attracting national attention, is about to go to public trial. It is now confirmed that Jennifer Siebel will appear in court as one of the main witnesses, which will create a huge wave of interest.

Netflix plays with popularity and traffic.

What's more, this is not just a simple movie rights deal.

The end credits appeared and the lights in the screening room were turned on. Martin was the first to stand up and walk towards Sibel, saying: "You have delivered a masterpiece, a wonderful performance."

Siebel was very excited and said: "You gave me this opportunity, Martin. You helped me realize my dream for many years."

Gavin Newsom came over, bumped fists with Martin like an energetic young man, and said, "As a husband, I have to say thank you."

Martin smiled and said: "There is no need to be so polite between friends."

Gavin Newsom laughed heartily.

Greg also came over at this time to express his congratulations to Sibel.

"In recent years, masterpieces of romantic comedies have become increasingly rare. "Romantic Trouble" fills this gap and will definitely attract the attention of fans of this type of film." Greg said happily: "Netflix is ​​eager to see this film Appearing on online on-demand platforms.”

Sibel was so addicted to the heroine that he didn't care so much about which platform or channel the film would be broadcast on. He smiled and said, "You should talk to Martin about this."

Greg said seriously: "I will negotiate with Davis Studio today about the film rights."

Sibel said politely: "Thank you for your support."

The preview ended, and Gavin Newsom and the Siebels left.

David Fincher and Kane went to the shooting range to play with guns.

Greg and Martin began negotiations for the film rights.

When this kind of film is pushed into theater channels, including publicity and distribution expenses, it may take several years to make a profit.

Martin didn’t refuse to sell to Netflix.

The two sides finally agreed on a figure of $800 million.

(End of this chapter)

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