American fame and fortune.

Chapter 611 Take one step back

Chapter 611

In late August, Svetlana and Marina came to New York successively. After passing the interview with the crew, they got the roles of female killers Ares and Jaina respectively.

The former requires certain movement training.

The glass mirror scene conceived and designed by Chad has not yet been completed, and the action scenes between Ares and Jonathan were arranged at the end according to the shooting plan.

After several training sessions, Chen Hu found Martin and whispered: "I have carefully observed and judged from more than 20 years of experience that Svetlana has not experienced fighting training."

Martin said: "Thanks."

After Chen Hu left, Bruce came from the side and said, "This alone cannot be completely ruled out. Yanzi's main task is to seduce and obtain information, not to do anything."

"It's less likely," Martin said.

Bruce paused for a moment and asked: "If you really want to find out, what are you going to do? None of the Russian spies we have caught in the past are real spies. Maybe Russia doesn't take it seriously."

Martin told the truth: "I haven't thought about how to deal with it, but no matter what, at least I need to know who it is."

As for lofty ideas such as 72 kinds of torture, he would not talk to vulgar people like Bruce for the time being, because vulgar people always like to think in wrong ways.

Martin turned and asked: "Where's Marina?"

Bruce said: "I haven't found anything special yet."

Seeing that the set adjustments were completed, Martin picked up his pistol, entered the set, and continued filming action scenes.

Chad found a special actor from Japan who had practiced sumo wrestling.

Martin was going to shoot a few action scenes with him.

The tonnage and body shape of the two sides differed by several levels. It was like a ten-year-old child facing a fat man weighing more than 200 kilograms.

More than 20 action scenes were filmed for more than two hours, and Martin worked up a lot of sweat before they were completed.

Jonathan shot the sumo killer with his gun.

Martin left the set and found Louise arriving, along with Alan Horn.

The latter came over to say hello to Martin and said, "The fighting scenes are very exciting. Real filming is the way to go."

Martin shook his hand and asked, "Why are you here?"

Alan Horn said directly: ""John Wick 2" is the first non-Disney film I signed after joining Disney Pictures. Its success or failure is related to the two major distribution labels, Disney and Buena Vista. Listen to Mel The lady said she was coming over, and I came along to take a look.”

It was almost noon, and Martin pointed to himself: "I'm covered in sweat. Let's take a shower first. I'll treat you later and let's chat while we eat."

Allen Horn said: "Okay."

Martin returned to the trailer. The action scenes for this part of the scene had been filmed. In the afternoon, it was the crew's press day, so he took off his makeup and changed clothes.

There was a sudden knock on the trailer door from outside. Bruce stepped forward and opened the door, and Louise came in.

The makeup artist exited the trailer with Bruce.

Louise closed the door and said, "Whatever you do next, I'll help you."

Martin took off his coat: "I'm going to take a shower."

Louise followed up: "I'll rub your back."

When the two went out, Louise's long hair had not yet been completely dried.

But she doesn't care.

The two joined Alan Horn and Bruce and went to a nearby restaurant for lunch.

After ordering food, the conversation quickly turned to movies.

Allen Horn said: "'John Wick 2' and 'Lone Survivor' have both signed distribution contracts with Disney Pictures. The former is scheduled to be released in the first half of next year, and the latter is placed in the holiday season."

Martin was very polite: "Alan, thank you for your support."

"We are old friends, no need to say these polite words." Alan Horn went straight to the point: "When you return to Los Angeles, Robert Iger invites you to visit Disney."

Martin responded: "No problem, I can do it anytime after filming this movie."

Robert Iger once brought Disney to its peak, and his successor almost turned Disney into a second Warner Brothers.

Allen Horn brought up another important point: "As for the long-term contract between Disney Pictures and Davis Studio, I think ten years is the most appropriate, but you insist on five years."

Martin counted the time and said: "Well, Allen, let's each make a concession. How about the distribution contract between both parties is signed until 2019?"

Allen Horn thought about it for a while and said, "Okay, let's give in."

He asked: "I heard that you still have the copyrights of several novels and screenplays. You also have the rights to "Prince of Thieves" and "The Martian"?"

“Probably a few projects,” Martin said.

Alan Horn confirmed: "Will it be pushed into production in the future?"

Martin revealed some information appropriately: "The script adaptation of "Prince of Thieves" has been completed. "The Martian" and I have reached a verbal commitment with Ridley Scott. If nothing else, Ridley will direct this project."

Alan Horn added: "Ridley Scott's science fiction films have always been reliable." Martin smiled: "I think so too."

"I hope to see these movies sooner," Allen-Horn said.

The two parties had a pleasant chat. After lunch, Alan Horn said goodbye and left, going to Marvel headquarters.

Louise accompanied Martin back to the studio and said as they walked: "Jennifer Siebel's project has been filmed and has moved into post-production. I have been to the set several times. The director is very professional. The finished film may not be particularly outstanding. , but it shouldn’t be as bad as Uwe Boll’s film.”

Martin also received a call from Sibel, saying: "I have talked with Netflix director Greg Peters about this film. Netflix will buy the rights to this film. We will discuss the specific price with Netflix based on the quality of the film." .”

Louise understood what was going on as soon as she heard it: "The post-production of Siebel's film must have been completed after the results of the California gubernatorial election in November. Netflix's calculations were particularly accurate."

Martin laughed: "Gavin Newsom and Jerry Brown are almost certain to win. I'm also waiting for the results to come out before talking to Netflix."

He said: "The production of the film will be completed in that time period, which is also the result I want."

Louise suddenly stopped and turned to look at Martin.

Unlike others, she can be regarded as Martin's guide, witnessing Martin step by step to where he is today.

Martin noticed Louise stopping, turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

Louise followed up, flicked a trace of dust off Martin's shoulder, took his arm, and said, "Let's go."

Martin said as he walked: "For those projects of mine, I want you to continue to be the producer."

Louise understood what he meant: "I will hug your thigh tightly from now on and wait to count the money."

Martin shrugged: "It might make you bankrupt."

Louise remembered something and reminded her specifically: "Hollywood is paying special attention to you now, just like Warner Bros. There are people who are watching you and waiting to grab your favorite projects."

Martin nodded: "I know, I pay attention to it, and I even come up with some real and fake things."

Louise asked curiously: "Like Schwarzenegger and Stallone did back then?"

"Absolutely." Martin had heard about Stallone and Schwarzenegger competing for supremacy in the action film field.

The two not only focus on their own film projects, but also pay special attention to their opponents' projects. If they hear that their opponents are particularly interested in a certain action film project, they will immediately join the competition.

It is precisely because of this that both of them have pretended to be interested in a certain project to attract opponents.

Now, the relationship between the two has become much better.

What Martin heard was all said by Stallone's three daughters.

The afternoon is the crew's media open day. Due to the impact of the Justin Bieber incident some time ago, dozens of media reporters and entertainment bloggers came today.

Including Martin and Chad, all the crew and creative staff participated in the media interaction.

A sequel to a blockbuster movie still needs to be promoted to get a good price.

Reporters inevitably asked about the conflict with Justin Bieber that night.

But the focus isn't on the conflict itself, but on Martin's relationship with Taylor Swift.

"We are friends, good friends who talk about everything." Martin's words were of course in his usual tone: "Taylor felt that I could inspire her, so she kept close contact with me. That night we happened to be in the center. I was drinking at a bar near the park, and I rushed over immediately after receiving Taylor’s call. I thought it was just a group of bad boys, but I didn’t expect it to be a famous singer.”

A reporter asked: "Would Taylor be very grateful if you heroically saved the United States?"

Martin did not answer directly, but pulled a shield from the side: "He was the one who really saved people that night, this omnipotent tiger!"

Unfortunately, Chen Hu who was passing by was pulled into the wolf's den by Martin.

Martin said seriously: "Tiger has won the National Karate Championship and is also my fighting coach and teacher. That night we only defeated one harasser each, but Tiger alone defeated two!"

This is not nonsense, reporters have all seen the video of that night, and Chen Hu is the bravest one.

They immediately changed their target and surrounded Chen Hu.

Martin glanced at Chen Hu and slipped aside unfaithfully.

Chen Hu understands Martin's good intentions and has been working quietly behind the scenes. It is difficult for him to attract attention due to his status. Even after the end of this series, he fell silent again.

Martin came diagonally across the street and happened to notice Chen Hu looking towards him. He nodded slightly at him and cheered him up.

Chad came over and said, "Tiger is a man of real ability."

Martin nodded: "You old guys, I'll help you if I can."

Chad thought about himself and suddenly felt a little emotional. He had wasted nearly 20 years in the industry and accomplished almost nothing until he met Martin.

He said with gratitude: "Martin, my greatest luck is that I met you."

"You guy!" Martin deliberately joked: "What you said is too disgusting. If you want to mess with me, go to Mene or Marcus."

Thinking of Marcus, who is now as fat as a ball, Chad also joked: "I'm afraid that if he sits down, the person and the chair will be broken."

That night, Martin returned to the hotel from the studio and met the dusty Alexandrovich.

(End of this chapter)

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