American fame and fortune.

Chapter 606 Another leader

Chapter 606 Another leader

In a spacious apartment in Manhattan, the tall Taylor Swift was on the phone. Karlie Kloss, who was even taller than her, came over and put her ear to the other side of the phone.

Selena Gomez was short and slipped between them.

There was also Cara Delevingne, whom the three of them had recently met, who also came over curiously.

Taylor was helpless to her girlfriends and continued to say to Martin: "I read in the newspaper, you came to New York to shoot? I happened to be on vacation in New York, Carly and Selena were also there, and I also have a new friend Cara who I also want to meet. Why don't we have a party tomorrow night?"

Martin on the other side said: "No problem, I have an apartment in the Upper East Side. It is relatively large, has good sound insulation, and faces Central Park."

Karlie Kloss poked Taylor, telling her to agree quickly.

Taylor responded: "Okay, we will have a rave party at your apartment tomorrow night."

Martin said: "I will send a car to pick you up at six o'clock tomorrow afternoon." He then asked: "Do you have special arrangements tonight?"

Taylor said: "Today is a girls' night, we are going to Central Park, there are shows there to enjoy."

Martin paused and said, "It seems not far from the Ritz-Carlton Hotel where I live."

"We're not going to find you, tonight belongs to the girls." Taylor said again and decided to end the call: "Martin, see you tomorrow night."

"See you tomorrow night."

Tyler hung up the phone and looked at his three friends.

Karlie Kloss said without hesitation: "I will participate tomorrow night."

Selena Gomez responded: "Last time you said it could nourish your singing voice. I'm also releasing an album and want to give it a try."

These girls, who have been involved in the entertainment industry since they were in their early teens, have seen so many messy things that they have become accustomed to them and don't take them seriously at all.

Taylor looked at Cara Delevingne.

The latter said: "Martin Davis is my idol. I know Martin's ex-girlfriend Blake Lively. She said something to me, a fan's greatest achievement is to get his idol."

Taylor smiled and said: "Okay, we have made such a happy decision!"

Karlie Kloss held Taylor's shoulders and said, "I also prepared a gift for Martin."

Selina asked curiously: "What gift?"

Carly dragged her suitcase over, opened it, took out a thirty-centimeter-long cardboard box, and placed it between the four of them: "A whole box of Durex."

Taylor said, "Okay, remember to bring it with you tomorrow." She picked up her bag and said, "Now let's go to Central Park."

The four of them went downstairs, got into the same car, and headed to Central Park.


Ritz Carlton Hotel.

After dinner, Lily came to the bar first. She ordered a glass of penicillin and sat at a table, waiting for Martin and the others to come over.

She took a sip of the golden wine and looked up to see the background wall behind the bar. Behind the name of the creator of Penicillin, it was written - Louise Meyer.

But Lily knew that this wine was first prepared by Martin.

Suddenly, a woman came over to say hello: "Hi, we meet again. Do you remember me?"

Lily looked up and found a blonde woman, as if she had seen her somewhere.

The blond woman sat directly opposite her and said, "My name is Allison Mack. We met at Warner Studios, in front of the soundstage of the "Smallville" crew."

Lily remembered: "You are the salesperson. What management courses have you sold to me?"

Allison Mack smiled and said: "I didn't recognize you last time. You are Lily Carter, the young sculptor."

She reiterated her old words: "It is not about management courses, but about purifying your soul, making you purer, and helping you achieve higher achievements in art."

Lily asked: "Purify the soul? I am a very pure girl and do not need purification."

Before Alison could speak again, she rushed people away: "Madam, my friend will come over right away, just stay here."

Alison said: "Then I won't bother you anymore."

Lily waved her hand casually.

Allison Mack left the bar lobby, but did not leave. Instead, she went up to the second floor and entered a private room.

Sitting in the private room was a middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed glasses. He looked gentle and elegant, like a professor full of knowledge.

Right at his feet, two women were kneeling, one holding a wine bottle and glass in both hands, and the other holding a fruit plate.

They act like slaves in front of middle-aged men.

Alison saluted respectfully: "Leader."

Keith Lanier glanced at her and said, "You're late."

Alison raised her hand and slapped herself across the face. She used too much force, and her cheeks swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lanier just looked at her quietly.

Alison then explained: "I met a girl down there. She is very suitable to be your slave, the leader, and she will be branded uniquely to the leader in a private position."

When she said the last sentence, she and the two people kneeling on the ground lowered their pants at the same time. Just above the private part, there was a mark that was obviously branded with a soldering iron, which was the initials of Raniere's name.

Lanier stood up: "Where is he?"

Alison led the way to the fence on the second floor where she could see the lobby on the first floor. She pointed at Lily who was alone and said, "That's her." Lily below was going to the bar to get something.

Looking from Lanier's side, Lily not only has a delicate and beautiful face, a tall and sexy figure, but also has a very special temperament.

"Who is she?" Lanier asked.

"Lily Carter." Alison, a slave girl, wanted to be rewarded by her master and kept looking for new slave girls for Raniere.

She knew that the girl below would definitely pique the owner's interest: "A young sculpture artist."

Lanier looked at it for a while and determined that this was his favorite one. He returned to the private room and said as he walked: "No matter what method you use, bring her into the church headquarters. I will personally baptize her and purify her." Her soul.”

Alison followed and said, "Master, this girl is quite difficult to deal with. I plan to purchase her works, use the opportunity of contact to establish a good relationship with her, and then lead her into our sacred organization."

Lanier, who is also a well-known church leader in Los Angeles, said: "Yes, I will give you a special grant of 50 US dollars to handle this matter. Don't let me down."

Alison was overjoyed: "Master, I will definitely satisfy you."

Returning to the private room, after waiting for a short time, Catherine Oxenberg, who was meeting this time, came over.

She is also a Hollywood actress and a well-known female producer.

Catherine Oxenberg brought a gift to the owner, her daughter India Oxenberg.


Downstairs, Martin, Bruce and Mene entered the bar together, and immediately saw Lily who was extremely conspicuous.

The three people went over, pulled out the chairs and sat down. Lily pushed the penicillin that she had only taken a sip to Martin: "This cocktail is terrible, give it to you."

Martin picked it up and took a sip, remembering that it was Louise's favorite.

Mene asked Lily: "You are here alone, and no one comes to harass you?" He made a fighting gesture: "When I came in, I was ready to save the beauty."

Between Lily's fingers, a carving knife twisted around like a butterfly: "In order to practice human sculpture, I taught myself some medicine."

Menei understood the meaning of these words and nodded repeatedly: "It will make people lose the ability to resist in one moment."

Lily suddenly remembered what happened just now and mentioned it casually: "There was an inexplicable woman who came over just now and asked me to take some courses. She also said that she would help me cleanse my soul."

She snorted coldly and asked, "Have you ever seen a girl who is more pure than me?"

Mene was the first to say: "No!"

Bruce knew another side of Lily and didn't speak at all.

Instead, Martin warned: "When you grow up, you should pay more attention in the future. If you hear anything that can wash or purify your soul and thoughts, stay away. Most of them are cults."

Lily could hear what Martin said and said, "I remember."

Chad, Chen Hu, Marcus and others arrived at this time.

Martin waved to them: "This way."

When they came and sat down, Martin called the waiter to serve drinks.

The crew will have a weekend break tomorrow, so you can drink a little appropriately without worrying about delaying work.

They each filled up their glasses with wine, and Martin picked up the glass and said, "I wish our movies will continue to sell well."

"Big sale!" Several people toasted and drank together.

Mene is best at livening up the atmosphere. While drinking, he talked about interesting things about filming in France last year.

Especially when he talks about Isabelle Huppert and his subordinate Sophie Marceau, people are envious.

Although these European literary and artistic goddesses have open personalities and extremely heroic styles, and they are no different from taking off their clothes to eating and drinking, they are not accessible to just anyone.

Bruce put his arm around Mene's shoulders and said, "Uncle Mene is Uncle Mene, the most invincible existence among us."

Martin acknowledges this: "I'm not as good as Mene."

Chad agreed: "Indeed."

Marcus said: "You have easily accomplished things that I could never dream of achieving."

Chen Hu gave Menai a thumbs up: "If I had half your skills, I wouldn't have to work hard for every crew member. I could just sit back and enjoy a life of financial freedom."

Menei waved his hand: "I have been practicing hard for more than ten years."

The group was laughing, telling jokes, and drinking.

Lily has an exhibition to attend tomorrow and left the bar first.

As soon as she left, Martin's cell phone rang, and it was Taylor Swift calling.

The bar was crowded and chaotic at this time. Martin took out his mobile phone to signal, and then left the bar to answer the call.

As soon as he put the phone to his ear, he heard Taylor's anxious voice: "Martin, come on, come on and save us. We are being targeted by a group of bad boys. Here at the Delacorte Theater in Central Park, hurry up. !”

"What's going on?" Martin quickly reminded: "Call the police!"

Taylor added: "It's not that serious. We are confronting them. Come here quickly and bring more people."

Martin, who had been drinking, immediately returned to the bar after hearing this and said quickly that all the people in the group would follow.

Bruce even quietly checked the gun.

(End of this chapter)

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