American fame and fortune.

Chapter 601 The person is missing

Chapter 601 The person is missing
After making sure there was no tail behind them, the three commercial vehicles drove into a manor. According to the initial agreement, everyone's mobile phones and other electronic products were deposited in the safe and would be taken out when they left.

There are three villas in the manor, and Martin chose the easternmost one and took Marina, Natalia, Svetlana and Sasha Ruth there with him.

Although the Cold War is over, the more intense battle between the United States and Russia has just begun.

Fights do not only occur in the Middle East and other places, and there are more than just proxy wars.

And tonight's fierce battle.

The scumbag representing the United States and the four-haired girl representing Russia had an indescribable victory.

In the end, the bald eagle defeated the polar bear.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Martin woke up from the tangle of hands and legs and found that there were only four people left in the room, minus Marina.

He went to the bathroom to wash up, ignoring the three people who were still sleeping due to heavy physical exertion, put on his clothes and left the room.

In the kitchen, there was some vague movement.

Martin turned around and stood in front of the marble table, looking at the woman who was making breakfast.

The food and clothes here were all prepared by Leonardo in advance.

Marina wore a women's casual outfit that highlighted her figure. Her buttocks and legs were straight, and her figure was excellent.

Martin secretly sighed that when she was young, Mao Mei seemed to have been blessed by Venus. She had a really great figure and appearance.

Marina seemed to be aware of it, turned her head and saw Martin, put down her work, came over and kissed his face on tiptoes, and said: "You consumed a lot last night, are you hungry? Breakfast will be ready soon."

Martin patted his stomach: "I'm really a little hungry."

Marina continued her work and asked, "The three of them haven't gotten up yet?"

"Don't worry about them, let them sleep a little longer." Martin pulled out a chair and sat at the dining table: "I can't wait to try your craft."

Marina brought breakfast and sat opposite Martin. She slid the five white fingers of her right hand up and down and asked, "Did you try my craft last night?"

The dignified and fresh cook suddenly made such a move, which gave Martin a strong contrast and stimulation.

Fortunately, he had experienced the tests of Elizabeth's sweetness and evil, Charlize's coldness and fieryness, etc., so he could sit down and continue eating breakfast instead of "eating" people.

Martin picked up the sandwich, took a bite, tasted it carefully, and said, "It tastes very good."

Marina said: "The main reason is that the ingredients here are good, and the top-quality ingredients will not taste bad."

Martin said while eating: "But no matter how good the ingredients are, in the hands of some people, they will taste like poison."

"It seems that you have suffered a lot." Marina continued what Martin said: "If you like, I can often cook it for you in the future."

Martin heard her underlying meaning and said: "You live in St. Petersburg, it is too cold there. I am used to the sunshine and warmth of Los Angeles."

Marina said with a smile: "I also like Los Angeles. Who is an actor and doesn't want to see Hollywood?"

Martin finished his sandwich and wiped his hands with a tissue.

Marina took out her business card and slowly pushed it over: "Whenever you want to eat my cooking, just call me. I will rush over no matter how far you are."

Martin held down the business card and said half-jokingly: "I can't afford to hire you."

"You don't need to give me money." Marina also knew that stupid behavior of asking for nothing would easily arouse suspicion, so she said: "Martin, can you give me a chance? I don't need a leading role or a supporting role, just a role with a little weight."

When attending this party, the organizer Leonardo had promised to give everyone a chance.

Marina has carefully studied the relationship between Martin and Leonardo. The two are best friends and members of Hollywood's notorious bastard trio. If she took the initiative to bring it up, Martin, a man of brotherly loyalty, would most likely not push it. On Leonardo.

Martin put away his business card and said, "I will have someone call you when the opportunity arises."

Marina made a phone call gesture: "I will always wait for your call."

She didn't rush too much, but slowly advanced step by step.

Although there is a possibility that there will never be a suitable opportunity, Marina is still confident in her charm.

The two chatted for a while, and the other three came down from upstairs.

Martin was very trustworthy and promised to give Leonardo a chance without trouble, so he directly asked for the contact information of the other three people.

Natalia and Sasha Ruth wanted to join the fashion supermodel group, and Martin asked them to call KK or Angela Lindewald to arrange a specific time and place.

Svetlana is now an actress and has no agent in the United States.

Martin asked her to contact Thomas, and it would not be difficult to find a suitable supporting role for her through WMA.

Before noon, Bruce drove a car over. Martin greeted Leonardo and Nicholson, sent the four of them back, and then returned to the hotel to meet the crew to prepare for the next leg of the promotional and distribution journey.

Back at the hotel, Martin and Bruce packed their luggage, but Nolan and Emma Thomas had someone come over to inform them that they would not leave for the time being.

Martin was very strange. When he came out to check the situation, he met Ellen Page and asked: "What's going on? The tickets have been booked, why do you need to change them suddenly?"

Ellen Page has been staying in the hotel to learn about the crew's developments, and said: "Tom Hardy is missing. He was not here this morning. They thought he went out alone. Michael Caine saw him an hour ago and has not come back yet. I called him, but the phone couldn't get through, and then I called Director Nolan." Martin asked as he went to the elevator: "You haven't been contacted yet?"

Ellen Page followed up: "No, his cell phone has been unable to get through. The hotel checked the surveillance. Tom Hardy left the hotel yesterday and never came back."

She thought of another person: "Tom Hardy also has a follower. Michael Caine knows his phone number, but the follower's phone number can't be reached."

The two went downstairs through the elevator and came to the temporary office and conference room rented by the crew in the hotel.

Emma Thomas and Michael Caine were on the phone constantly.

Nolan walked around anxiously, vaguely impatient.

Everyone else stayed away for fear of offending the director.

Martin hurried over and asked: "Chris, haven't they been found yet?"

"No." Nolan pointed to the two people on the phone: "We have tried every way to contact Tom Hardy. Not only are we unable to contact him, but his agent can't contact him either."

Martin was curious: "How can such a big living person lose contact for no reason?"

Nolan is an Englishman. Although his way of thinking is different from that of traditional Englishmen, some aspects are common: "The security in Paris is so bad. There are robbers everywhere. I am worried that Tom Hardy has encountered criminals."

Martin nodded and asked, "Called the police?"

Nolan said: "The police have been called, but the Paris police have not come yet."

The hotel's security director knocked on the door and came in. He went directly to Nolan and said, "We asked many employees who were on duty last night, and we can now confirm that when Tom Hardy left the hotel yesterday afternoon, he was with a British man named Rogers. They drove a silver-gray Citroën out of the parking lot together."

Hearing the silver-gray Citroën, Martin thought of the car last night.

Nolan asked: "Do you have a license plate number?"

The security supervisor reported a series of license plate numbers.

Martin remembered the license plate number from last night at that time. He couldn't remember it clearly after struggling all night. He glanced at Bruce behind him.

Bruce blinked rapidly.

Martin understood that this was the car that had followed them last night.

The people sent by the Paris Police Department arrived at this time, and Nolan and the hotel security director went to receive them.

Seeing that there was no one around, Martin asked: "Tom Hardy followed us. He must have bad intentions. Did you attack that car?"

"No." Bruce was sure of this: "We got rid of the car as soon as we came out of the parking lot."

The two temporarily left the conference room and found a place where no one was around to talk.

"Why did they disappear?" Martin couldn't figure it out: "Did they really meet a robber?"

Bruce said: "The bodyguard saw their car entering the parking lot, but instead of going in, the bodyguard turned back and followed us."

Martin said softly: "The places we passed yesterday are all areas with very good security in Paris. According to common sense, even if there is a robbery, the robber only wants money. If it is life, it will become a big case. The nature is completely different."

Bruce added: "Tom Hardy is still a well-known actor."

Martin added: "He is following us and is a threat to the party..."

He took out his mobile phone and called Leonardo and Nicholson, mentioning it vaguely. The two of them had no idea about the matter.

Bruce pondered and said, "According to your statement, Tom Hardy threatened the party. If someone doesn't want him to hinder the party, will they get rid of him in advance?"

Martin remembered something: "I told him about the silver-gray Citroën sedan in the car."

At this point, he suddenly came up with an absurd but possible idea, and immediately looked at Bruce.

Bruce thought the same thing.

The two looked at each other.

This is too fucked up!

Martin scratched his head and said in an uncertain tone: "There wasn't really a swallow on the car yesterday, was there?"

Bruce also thought it was absurd, spread his hands and said, "It can't be a crow."

Once this thought occurs, it is difficult to stop.

Martin had attracted too many people, and he was already suffering from paranoia of persecution. The more he thought about it, the more likely it was, and he asked: "Old Bu, among those women last night, who do you think is more likely to be Yanzi?"

Bruce shook his head directly: "I have never dealt with Yanzi before, so I don't know what they are like. I just glanced at those people last night and couldn't tell anything."

He reminded: "If it is a Yanzi who has undergone strict training, it will be difficult to identify the Anna Chapman arrested by the FBI last month. The records released by the FBI show that they monitored her for half a year and did not make a single mistake. If it were not for the FBI We set a trap to fish, but we still can’t get any real evidence.”

Martin frowned: "Are there surveillance cameras on the bus?" He patted his head: "I asked you to turn off all the surveillance cameras."

(End of this chapter)

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