American fame and fortune.

Chapter 489 Tom Cruise was inspired by Martin

Chapter 489 Tom Cruise was inspired by Martin

Spring is often the dullest season for Hollywood movies, not even as good as September and October after the summer holidays, when blockbuster movies rarely appear.

But "John Wick" changed this situation, and used its hot attendance to tell all movie companies and theater companies that it was not that there were no audiences in the spring season, but that the film was not attractive enough.

Not only ordinary audiences, but also many stars, directors and producers, especially professionals in the field of action films, also entered the theater to watch "John Wick".

In Los Angeles, Tom Cruise and Brad Bird watched the movie together in the VIP room of Cinemark Cinema at Century City Plaza.

The audience on the first floor had already left, but the two of them had no intention of leaving and planned to watch it a second time.

Brad Bird, who directed "The Incredibles," has a notebook in his hand filled with notes from the movie he just watched.

"The box office on the first day of release in North America exceeded US$2000 million, and the reputation was so good that it exploded." Tom Cruise said the latest information he got: "The actual investment in this film was only more than US$4000 million."

Brad Bird nodded and said: "Actually, I almost reached a cooperation with Martin Davis. Tom, you know, my management company was WMA. At that time, Martin Davis' "Wanted" "Looking for a director, Ali once approached me, and I was also interested, but I didn't have confidence in him and gave up before I met him."

Tom Cruise said: "I think this film will be helpful for our next production of Mission: Impossible 4."

Brad Bird said directly: "The action scene design of this film, as well as Martin's personal action design, are worthy of our reference."

Tom Cruise has been in trouble in the past two years. The several works he starred in, whether it is "Lion in the Mouth of a Lamb" or "Killing Hitler", have all received mediocre responses. He is about to fall from the super star status and is in urgent need of a masterpiece. Secure position.

The Mission: Impossible series was naturally put on the agenda.

This time, he chose Brad Bird, who has directed Pixar animated films, as director.

Brad Bird said: "Tom, I think it is necessary for you to talk to Martin. Many of the things he showed in this film may be of great benefit if they can be reasonably applied to our future filming. help."

Tom Cruise has been maintaining a high amount of exercise, but there are some things he must admit: "My skills are far inferior to Martin's."

Brad Bird looked at his notebook and said: "What is the most commendable thing about Martin in this film? Playing in person! The Santa Monica Pier incident brought initial popularity to John Wick. More than ten The different versions of the dock video can be regarded as part of the film."

He said while thinking: "Whether it is the dock incident itself or the long action shots used many times in the film, Martin has brought a sense of reality, as well as courage and will that are extremely consistent with the character itself!"

Tom Cruise recalled the video of the dock incident, recalled the movie he had just watched, and thought about Martin's personal experience, and suddenly got an inspiration: "Experience these dangerous scenes in person, and perform those incredible action scenes in person! "

Brad Bird was stunned for a moment, still thinking.

Tom Cruise is a star who understands the mechanism of the film market very well. He immediately thought of more: "Our film is called Mission Impossible. It is meant to break the limits. I personally acted in those impossible scenes. Not only can It increases the appeal of the film itself and provides excellent promotional material!”

Brad Bird understood and said, "You are a superstar and the publicity will be great."

Tom Cruise nodded slightly and asked: "What if I invite Martin to play a role? Design a role that is slightly less important than Ethan Hunt."

A super star, a superstar, the two combined... Brad Bird resisted the temptation, the scenes were too difficult to balance, and said euphemistically: "The salary budget will explode, and Paramount will never agree. "

Tom Cruise gave up on the idea, saying, "I'm going to have someone contact Martin Davis and talk to him personally."

Brad Bird said: "That's fine." He added: "Not only these, but also marketing. The murder caused by a dog has only been a few days and has become a hot topic of discussion on the entire Internet."

"I specifically asked Warner Bros.," Tom Cruise said, "Regarding this part of the marketing, it came from Martin's idea and was handled by his studio team."

Brad Bird laughed: "Martin Davis' dog has become the most untouchable person in the United States."

Tom Cruise smiled helplessly: "An old guy like me actually wants to ask for advice from a young man like Martin..."

But he has been popular for nearly 30 years, and despite being smeared by the media in recent years, he has still not been obscured. He does have something unique about him.

For example, you can calm down and learn from the strengths of others.


In the AMC theater also located in Century City, Quentin and Harvey Weinstein were leaving the private room and heading to the parking lot.

Harvey said as he walked: "I never thought that one day I would also contribute to the box office of Martin Davis and Warner Brothers."

Quentin smiled weirdly: "Who told you that if you have a bad relationship with them, you can't get the free tickets."

Harvey didn't want to speak for a moment.

Suddenly, someone nearby shouted: "Don't snatch my dog, do you want to cause a murder?"

Another shouted: "You are neither Jonathan nor Martin!"

Many people around looked over there, and many laughed, obviously understanding what he meant.

Harvey shook his head: "A movie with a US$4000 million investment has become a hit with a US$1 million blockbuster..."

Quentin stopped and looked over: "If you had given me a Martin, "Inglourious Basterds" would have brought you a $2 million blockbuster hit."

Harvey thought about Martin rejecting his invitation, and looking at the popularity of "John Wick", he felt that he had lost [-] million in vain.Isn't it what he didn't earn that he lost?

Harvey asked, "What did you think of the film?"

"It's very good. I think it can become a classic in action." Quentin changed his voice: "But there is one shortcoming. Martin fired so many shots, but none of them exploded!"

Harvey ignored the old man's crazy talk and said: "Martin Davis's other film, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" with David Fincher, is going to the Cannes Film Festival in May. In the competition section, "Inglourious Basterds" will also participate, so you and the creators should make more preparations."

Quentin and Martin have no personal conflicts, but competing for awards at the Cannes Film Festival is related to the film's entire publicity plan.

Winning a major award from Cannes, whether it is an actor award or a film award, will be of great help to the subsequent commercial development of the film.

The older generation in Hollywood either analyzed the factors behind Martin's success, or were envious and jealous, and they all paid more or less attention to him.

Many people in the new generation are also paying attention to Martin and the movies he stars in. Some of them also regard Martin as their idol.

Kristen Stewart drove Dakota Fanning and Sofia Stallone to the Santa Monica Commerce Plaza on Saturday night.

They had made an appointment long ago to watch Martin's new film together.

The car was parked in the underground parking lot. Dakota took out two silicone bowls, handed them to Sofia, and said: "Quickly, stuff them into your clothes, be bigger, be more mature, don't let people see that you are a little kid!" "

"You're the little brat!" Sophia took it and stuffed it into her clothes. The originally ordinary airport immediately turned into a mountain peak.

Kristine looked at the time and urged: "Hurry up! Hurry up! I have read media reports that there are many people booking tickets. If you go late, you can only sit in the corner."

Sophia stuffed the silicone and took out the makeup mirror to look at it. She was wearing heavy makeup and looked very mature.

Dakota said: "No problem. There are many people watching Martin's new film. It's enough to look at you. Who cares about your specific age."

Sophia put away the makeup mirror and opened the car door: "Let's go! Let's go!"

The three of them entered the mall together and went straight to the nearest Cinemark chain theater.

Dakota and Sofia both said hello to their families and said they were going to stay at Kristen's house.

Although it was a bit late, there were many customers in Cinemark, and the front hall was full, mostly movie fans waiting to watch John Wick.

Christine waited in line for a long time to get the three movie tickets she had booked.

There were so many people in the front hall that there was no room to sit, and the queue in front of the ticket gate was almost to the entrance of the theater.

The three of them went over and lined up.

Dakota said: "When I grow up, with Martin's charisma, I can wake up from my dreams with a smile."

"You are very famous." Sophia said.

"My fame came from being a child star, and I was a drag when I became an adult." Dakota pointed at Kristen: "There are very few child stars who have made such a smooth transition like her."

Christine shared her personal experience: “You need to be supported by big people.”

Sofia understood and asked Dakota: "Do you want to act with Martin?"

Dakota was noncommittal.

Soon, the three of them checked the tickets.

The ticket inspector just glanced at Sophia's swollen chest and let the three people in.

Entering the movie theater, as expected, there were so many people that it looked like you were getting free prizes. The three of you could only sit in the back row, and you could see that the stalls were full of people.

Dakota said: "This movie is going to be a box office hit."

Sophia rolled her eyes: "It's already exploded, okay!"

The lights came on on the screen, and Kristen reminded: "Shut up and watch the movie!"

As Saturday passed, "John Wick" still maintained its high popularity on Friday, taking another US$2197 million at the box office in North America.

The film has a good reputation and is very topical.

"A murder caused by a dog" has been ranked No. 1 on Google's hot search list for two consecutive days!
Topics extending from this also spread spontaneously among movie fans' memes.

Memes like "You want my dog's life, I want your dog's life" have become popular topics on the Internet.

With the help of topical marketing and the most critical impact of the Santa Monica incident, "John Wick" grossed US$5889 million at the box office in three days during its opening weekend in North America!
This also set a record for the opening of an R-rated original non-sequel movie.

(End of this chapter)

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