American fame and fortune.

Chapter 455 How to play in the circle

Chapter 455 How to play in the circle

"The Dark Knight has set a new record. In just 16 days since its release in North America, the box office has exceeded US$4 million, and the global box office has reached US$7 million!"

In the office on Peachtree Street in Atlanta, Jerome put down the newspaper in his hand and looked at Robert opposite: "Can you imagine? Our Marietta Theater Company actually has a superstar."

Robert sat at an old-fashioned wooden desk, carefully wiping every speck of dust on the desk. Two bottles of Coca-Cola made in 03 glass bottles had been placed on the desk since the premiere of "The Dark Knight."

Jerome added: "These strange rituals of yours seem to be very effective."

Robert shook his head and said, "This is the blessing ceremony of the Coke Cult."

Jerome smiled and asked: "Martin grew up step by step during your blessing ceremony?"

"Martin is the leader, so he will definitely succeed." Robert said seriously: "I'm just the high priest."

Jerome looked at the photo on the wall of Robert wearing a Coke shirt and Martin dressed as the leader of the Coke Cult, and said, "I don't know when Martin will return to Atlanta. Robert, please take the time to ask Elena."

Robert knew, however, that on some Boxing Days, Martin often quietly returned to Atlanta to meet Elena, but he did not say it out loud and nodded: "No problem."

Jerome glanced at the clock on the wall and said, "Let's go to the Gray Film and Television Center. Zack Snyder's "Watchmen" is almost finished filming. We have so many actors participating in it and we have to show up at the closing ceremony." Face."

Robert followed Jerome out of the company and drove a car to Gray Film and Television Center.

Just downstairs, in a black Chevrolet SUV, there was a strong bear-like man who put down the digital camera in his hand.

The bearded man next to him asked in Russian: "Are they two of them?"

The bear-like man spoke English with an Eastern European accent: "Yes, it's them, Jerome and Robert, the top figures in Atlanta's film and television industry, who relied on Martin Davis's network to develop."

He asked: "Victor, do you want us to..."

The big beard pressed his shoulders: "Because we have been in the United States for a while, the boss arranged for us to come over and make preparations. If you attack the people in Atlanta, Martin Davis will definitely get the news and be more vigilant." !"

The bear-like man nodded, started the car and drove towards Gray Film and Television Center, and asked: "I didn't expect that the boss could be so tolerant."

"Do you think everyone is as anxious as you?" Victor is obviously the leader of the two: "The boss's son and grandson all died in Los Angeles because of Martin Davis. He wants revenge more than anyone else."

He shook his head and sighed: "But revenge also requires timing. At that time, Martin Davis had a close relationship with the Los Angeles police and was very vigilant. Later, an idiot from who knows which department in Moscow was caught as a spy by a movie star, so Martin Davis Si has something to do with the FBI, they are a bunch of hopeless idiots!"

The bearded man answered: "I'd be better than them!"

Victor reminded him to concentrate on driving, and then said: "In the past few years, the boss has been closely watched by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and has not dared to make big moves. But this year the situation is different. The boss will be able to escape as soon as the end of the year. After a few years, With a stable and prosperous life, Martin Davis must let down his guard, no one can keep their nerves tight for such a long time.”

The bearded man completely understood: "So, the boss asked us to come and attack the front station. When he escapes, it's time for revenge?"

"That's roughly it." Victor came over and did a lot of work: "Martin Davis is not the little star he used to be. His influence and the network behind him are very troublesome. Atlanta is not a good place to start. Let's observe for a while. , let’s go to Los Angeles and have a look.”

The bearded man said: "Get a batch of AKs and RPGs and blast them directly!"

"This is the United States, not Russia, and we don't have the network developed by those fools in the Security Bureau." Victor thought more than the bearded man: "Do you think there are no pairs of eyes behind those large quantities of arms? Ha, as long as we If you dare to buy it, you will be targeted that day.”

Although the bearded man is not very smart, he still has an advantage: "You can't see clearly what I do, so I just listen to you. What you say must make sense."


Angel Club, the newly expanded fitness area has a boxing ring.

Chad, Chen Hu, Mene, Marcus and others, led by club owner Kane, were watching the close fight between two people in the boxing ring.

Martin hit the vital point between Bruce's legs. Bruce quickly blocked it, but a fist bigger than a sandbag hit his face.

"Pick your crotch, punch your eyes..." Marcus grinned: "Martin has learned bad things from tigers."

Chad agreed: "It seems that Martin has learned all the essence of Tiger's Kung Fu."

Chen Hu said with a smile: "In a life-and-death fight, in order to kill the enemy, of course you have to use the most ruthless means to attack the enemy's most vulnerable and vital parts."

Bruce raised his hand to hold Martin's fist, but Martin moved faster, grabbed Bruce's arm at close range, and swiped hard with his feet, causing Old Bruce to fall to the ground.

Martin gestured like he was drawing a gun and shooting: "Man, your life is gone."

Bruce rubbed his arms and thighs, got up from the ground, and said, "Your body, skills, and experience have entered your prime. I'm much older than you. I'm afraid of young people when we fight. It's not unfair to lose to you."

Martin has a good foundation. He has continued to exercise and train over the years, and the results are obvious.

Kane shouted in the audience: "Guys, it's easier to use a gun!" Martin took off his gloves, jumped down from the ring, and shouted: "Kane, I'm waiting for you to challenge on stage!"

Bruce quickly came down and said, "No more fighting, let's go practice shooting."

None of the people gathered here are kind, and playing with guns and boxing is just trivial.

Seven or eight people went to the shooting range again and burned out many magazines for pistols and automatic rifles.

Just before noon, Martin suddenly received a message.

"Century City Shopping Plaza, see you inside the east door!"

The number is unfamiliar, signed JJN.

Martin knew the meaning of these three letters. Old Jack's full name was John Joseph Nicholson.

You suddenly become so mysterious, what do you want to do?
Martin said hello to Chad, Kane and others, and invited Bruce to go to Century City with him.

Arriving at the east door, Martin put on a baseball cap and entered the foyer.

There weren't many people here, but I didn't see Nicholson.

Suddenly, a worker wearing maintenance work clothes and a hard hat came out of the safety channel on one side and said softly: "Leo's favorite."

Martin immediately replied: "Gisele Bündchen."

Nicholson, disguised as a maintenance man, walked through the foyer and into the safe passage on the other side.

Martin had no choice but to follow him. Seeing that no one was in the safe passage, he asked, "What's going on?"

"We are doing some very secretive things, you must have the awareness to keep it secret!" Nicholson was quite dissatisfied with Martin's childish attitude: "You don't disguise yourself or dress up, so you come to see me wearing such a shabby hat? I It will be exposed!”

Martin could only say: "Next time, next time I will disguise myself and come back to see you." He still said one more thing: "Is it necessary?"

"You idiot, you are blinded by money and beautiful women, and you don't understand the fun at all!" Nicholson climbed up the two steps and said condescendingly: "You have to obey my command. When I send out code words, you must disguise yourself." Come see me."

Martin nodded repeatedly: "I remember." He urged: "Jack, let's get down to business today."

Nicholson lowered his voice and said: "My student, Jennifer Lawrence, entered Studio Four as you mentioned and has already taken two acting classes taught by James Franco himself. Franco's school Only female students are recruited, but he has limited energy and is always looking for other celebrities to be partners."

Martin had seen James Franco’s gossip in his previous life and asked, “What is the specific content of the acting class?”

"What else would happen to an acting class with Hollywood stars?" Nicholson simply said: "There is indispensable some close contact between acting teachers and students, such as touching key parts under the gaze of everyone."

He framed it casually: "Martin, you are a veteran in this field. You must have a deep understanding of what Hollywood stars are like behind their backs. Aren't you a role model?"

Of course, Martin cannot take such a blame: "Don't talk nonsense, I am a well-known good person, and I always take pleasure in injecting others into my life."

Nicholson sneered twice and added: "Not only that, according to Jennifer, Franco will also personally teach some large-scale scenes to help the female students adapt to Hollywood as soon as possible."

He waved his hand casually: "It's all trivial. It's far worse than Marlon Brando. Back then, in order to make money, Marlon opened an acting class and stipulated that all students must be naked during class, like Sean Penn and Robin Williams. Stars such as Sis, Zeta Jones, Madonna, and Leo have all taken his acting classes, and this bastard even secretly filmed the performance classes in preparation for the release of videotapes and DVDs."

Martin said: "It is not unfair at all for your old fellow to be poor in his later years."

"Yeah, he's confused." Nicholson said: "How could those people let the video leak out?"

Martin suddenly became interested and asked: "Do you know who owns the video? I don't mean anything else, I'm just curious. If these prodigal men and prodigal women stay together, nothing happens?"

"Let's get to the point, don't talk about these boring things." Nicholson obviously knew a lot of inside information, but he didn't want his old friend Marlon Brando to be beaten and killed by a lot of celebrities after his death.

He asked, "What do you want to do next?"

Martin thought about it and said: "Try to be a middleman and help people connect. Franco lacks a partner with fame and resources. Ben Affleck needs to make a lot of money as soon as possible to help his brother. Are they a better match?" ?We are so conscientious, should we help find some way to bring them together?"

Nicholson thought more: "Those two Hollywood Mi Rabbit opinion leaders, will they help you?"

"They will not take the initiative to expose this kind of thing unless the media exposes it on a large scale." Martin knows the rules of the industry very well. If the media exposes it, there won't be many problems if Jolie and Aniston, as opinion leaders, come forward. , and even win a huge reputation.

He knew that he would have to pay billions again: "We'll give it a try, but we may not succeed. If the two sides get on the line, I'll personally sleep with Julie and Aniston."

(End of this chapter)

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