American fame and fortune.

Chapter 413 Hate is as high as the sky

Chapter 413 Hate is as high as the sky
Breitling, a Swiss watch manufacturer with a history of more than 100 years, has attracted a lot of attention in North America in recent years. Their global image spokesperson Peter has often made entertainment news that spread all over the world.

Whether Pitt divorces Jennifer Aniston or pursues Angelina Jolie, Breitling is happy to see it happen, and the crazy news has also brought Breitling considerable exposure.

But last year, when the "nannygate" incident broke out, Breitling was shocked and quickly terminated its contract with Pitt.

"Because of the slow action, it did not carry out crisis public relations as quickly as Cadillac did, and immediately signed a high-priced spokesperson such as Martin Davis to make up for it. The brand image has been severely damaged in the world!"

At Breitling's North American branch headquarters in Los Angeles, Fox, the president of the branch who took office at the end of last year, looked serious and stood at the head of the conference table and said: "This quarter, the company's main task in North America is to restore the brand image and regain the previous market share and further open up the high-end market in North America."

More than a dozen subordinates were sitting on both sides of the long conference table. The deputy on the left immediately answered: "Sign a new spokesperson?"

The person opposite said: "I think Tom Cruise is good."

Another person shook his head: "No, Tom Cruise has been exposed frequently recently. His relationship with the Church of Scientology is too complicated. He might be confused one day. The risk is too great."

Paul, sitting in the middle seat, said: "I have a half-baked idea."

Fox glanced at him: "Go ahead."

"I have received definite news that Cadillac has restarted its breach of contract prosecution and will pursue former global brand ambassador Brad Pitt for brand losses caused by his breach of contract." On the one hand, Paul's idea came from what some people said in his ears. Discussion, on the other hand, is also based on thinking about one’s own work.

His responsibility is Breitling’s marketing promotion: “I think we can join in and even hold a press conference to launch a breach of contract lawsuit against Pete with the greatest momentum.”

The deputy heard what he meant: "To attract public attention?"

Paul said: “Launching a massive breach of contract lawsuit will not only draw public opinion and public attention to Breitling, but also prove to them that Breitling is a responsible company and brand.”

Another person had doubts: "It's been a year since Pete's nanny scandal."

"It's not too late, the time is just right." Paul dared to take the initiative to speak at this meeting, and he had already made mature considerations: "Breitling spent a year collecting fixed evidence and examining Pete's personal performance. Currently, there are still three points One of the victims has not yet reached reconciliation with Pete, indicating that Pete has no intention of repenting. Breitling gave Pete a chance, but he..."

There is no need to say the rest.

Fox understood it completely and said directly: "Paul, come up with a detailed plan as soon as possible. The marketing department, legal department and public relations department will fully cooperate."

Paul then said: "Head, the nanny gate has damaged Breitling's global brand image, and we must pursue a high amount of compensation for breach of contract."

The deputy couldn't help but laugh: "You're right, the compensation is within a relatively reasonable range. The larger the number, the more eyeballs it will attract."

On the afternoon of the meeting, Paul came up with a specific plan. The lawyers in the legal department and the law firm were all very motivated, especially the latter, who wanted to knock off Brad Pitt's entire net worth.

The more Pitt pays, the higher their legal fees will be.

Subsequently, Breitling released the news and prepared to hold a press conference to pursue Brad Pitt's liability for breach of contract as a global image spokesperson.

Almost at the same time, Cadillac also officially announced that it would launch the necessary legal procedures to pursue various brand image losses caused by its breach of contract with the former spokesperson Pete.

Public opinion was in an uproar, and the attention of the two brands was almost as high as the Oscars, which will be held next month.

Cadillac also took the opportunity to launch this year's new cars.

Litigation for breach of contract is not the purpose, but just a means for these companies.


At the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, a very ordinary Ford car drove into the underground parking lot.

Aniston, who was driving, had not yet gotten out of the car. Her cell phone was buzzing in her bag. She took it out and pressed the answer button. Her tone was not very good: "Holy Mother, if you don't help the suffering war refugees, what are you doing here?"

Julie's voice sounded in the receiver: "Have you arrived at the hotel? We agreed that we should go up together and no one can eat alone. Just wait for me. Don't run up by yourself. I'll be there soon."

Aniston was so angry that her tooth ached: "I agreed to you only after I lost my mind."

"You didn't lose your mind that time, you wanted to take revenge on me." Julie revealed her thoughts: "You pushed Martin with all your strength, didn't you just want to make my life worse than death? Today, I will take whatever you owe me. return."

I don’t know why, but Aniston’s tone softened: “I’m waiting for you.”

She had observed carefully before that every time Julie was in front of Martin, she seemed to enjoy it.

Aniston wants to try it too.

Ten minutes later, a semi-old Chevrolet drove into the underground parking lot.

Julie waved to Aniston, and the two met at the door of the elevator. The moment their eyes met, it was like electricity colliding, making a crackling sound.

"How boring." "Fake Holy Mother."

They each answered the code, took the special elevator upstairs, and knocked on the door of a business suite.

The door opened and Martin opened his arms to welcome them: "My dear, you are finally here. I miss you so much."

Julie slumped on the sofa and asked: "When will you bring your new little lover over and let us take a look."

Aniston revealed her true face: "What, you want to bring her in?" She was not as unscrupulous as Julie, and said directly: "Three people are already very crowded, and I don't like to add another person."

"Wait a minute!" Martin was dissatisfied: "It's up to you whether to add people or not. Why don't you ask me for my opinion?"

Aniston didn't want to continue the topic, pointed at Jolie and said: "Next time, you stay behind."

Julie was upset: "You have tasted the benefits, and you still want to occupy the place?"

"This place is mine. I pity you so I give you some space." As one of the female opinion leaders in Hollywood and the leader of METOO, Aniston is no longer the woman who gave in when things didn't go her way.

Facing the tough Julie, she acted equally tough: "False Holy Mother, don't think you are the only one who can rob."

Julie snorted coldly: "Martin, I've told you a long time ago that Jane is a slut."

Martin called them over, not to listen to the two arguing, and said: "Let's talk about serious things."

Julie said: "Throughout human history, has there been anything more serious than this?"

"That's right." Aniston turned into a wallflower and stood on Jolie's side again: "We are talking about serious matters."

Martin became angry, the tanks started firing, and the war started again.

When the shells rained down, he finally took full control of the war situation.

“Recently, those victims who have not received reasonable compensation have once again united to launch an offensive against Pete.” Martin can talk about business with peace of mind: “In addition, manufacturer brands led by Breitling and Cadillac have also launched a breach of contract against Pete. Pursue.”

Aniston nodded: "I noticed it."

Julie is more sensitive than her sense of smell in this regard: "Did Pete offend you again?"

Martin waved his hand: "It has nothing to do with me. The main thing is that Cadillac asked me for my opinion. I can't see the victims living in misery."

Jolie actually doesn't care about Pitt anymore.

But Aniston is different. Not only was she abandoned, she was also splashed with dirty water by Pitt.

The thought of revenge has never stopped: "Martin, what do you want to do?"

Martin said: "As the founder of Mi Rabbit and the opinion leader of women in Hollywood, don't you guide the relevant public opinion? Let your huge organization continue to pay attention to Pitt's nanny scandal. After all, the nanny scandal is the source of Mi Rabbit. Mi Rabbit has a beginning and an end to its work. , it’s easier to win praise.”

Julie pointed at Martin and laughed: "You are worthy of being my teacher."

Aniston nodded and said with dignity: "This is the responsibility and mission of women's rights organizations, and of course we cannot shirk it."

Julie responded: "Count me in."

"Public opinion can influence the judiciary." Martin knows this very well: "Don't you think that if Pete can't stand up completely and even get out of Los Angeles, we can have more fun?"

What Pete said in the supermarket made him feel that he should not give Pete any chance to make a comeback.

Julie said: "I don't care. If you feel happy, I will play with you."

Aniston was thinking carefully, and after a while, she said: "The nanny scandal can destroy Pitt's reputation and future, but he still has a lot of assets."

Although the two people's property was separated before, her ex-wife still understood something: "What you have done alone is far from enough to exhaust Peter's property and energy."

Martin doesn't understand Pitt as well as Aniston: "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple. I'll find some illegitimate children for Pitt. I'll have to pay a very high amount of compensation to drag out the lawsuit. The legal fees will be terrible." Perhaps no one in this world hates Pitt more than Aniston, especially Tim Martin. After the oil is added to the fire.

The ex-wife, who still hates the ex-wife to the highest degree, is simply a weapon to kill a man. Aniston said coldly: "I can use indirect insinuations to vaguely express that Pitt does have several illegitimate children."

After hearing these words, Julie suddenly felt that it would be better not to provoke Aniston too much in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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