American fame and fortune.

Chapter 369 Maintaining Ecological Balance

Chapter 369 Maintaining Ecological Balance

Brothers turn against each other, and love turns into killing each other, which satisfies the psychological needs of too many people who eat melons: there is no true friendship in Hollywood, they are all plastic brothers or sisters.

The media also disclosed that Martin and Nicholson had conflicts for a long time. The latter used homemade fireworks to bombard Martin's house, which even attracted the LAPD.

The new issue of "Vanity Fair" magazine, with the image of the clown of DC Comics as the cover, specially wrote an article to analyze the incident between Martin and Nicholson.

"The clown played by Jack Nicholson has become one of the classic images in film history and has always been praised. Jack has never been a magnanimous person. This criticism of Martin playing the clown is inevitably out of this mentality: If Martin's Wouldn't it be embarrassing for the clown to surpass his clown?"

Reporters and paparazzi frantically flocked to the gate of Warner Studios. Whenever they saw the Dark Knight crew, they gathered around and asked their opinions on Martin and Nicholson.

Filming has not yet started, and Martin and the Joker have already grabbed all the entertainment headlines.

Nicholson had so much fun that he even dressed up as the Joker in the 1989 version of "Batman" while watching the Lakers' first playoff game of the season.

In the interpretation of the media, Nicholson is telling Martin in this way that there is only one clown in the movie version!
"Look, do we lack attention?"

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the Warner Building office, Charles Rowan pointed to the crowd of journalists at the gate of the studio area, and said to Orlin: "Even without the efforts of the crew, the actors themselves have created the most entertainment The popularity of the headlines."

Orlin is also eating melons recently, saying: "Martin is such a good actor, how do you say it in the words of Silicon Valley? Yes, it brings its own traffic!"

Charles Rowan said: "Warner Bros. has been cooperating with Martin. He has brought a lot of profits to Warner in the past few years. Looking at the current situation, he can create more in the next few years."

Orlin still reminded: "No matter how popular it is, the work is the key. Without the support of quality works, these are illusory."

Charles said: "You saw Martin's performance during the audition. Acting skills are definitely not a problem. What I am most worried about is Nolan's side. Such a dark, heavy and realistic scene, a clown role is equal to Batman, or even better. The story, whether the audience can accept it."

Orlin added: "The script was born out of "The Dark Knight Returns", which is a well-received comic."

There was a knock on the office door at this moment, and Nolan walked in.

Charles asked with a smile: "The crew hasn't been disturbed much, has it?"

"Most of the crew has already gone to Atlanta to make preliminary preparations, and there are not many people left here." Nolan had an idea when he came over: "The matter between Martin and Nicholson is very hot now, and it will be difficult in the future." continued……"

Orlin asked, "What do you think?"

Nolan is good at not only shooting: "When the filming reaches a certain stage, Warner and DC can invite Nicholson to visit the crew to see how Martin's clown is."

Charles nodded: "Yes."

Before Nolan finished speaking, he suggested: "At that time, we can continue to think of something about Martin Davis and Jack Nicholson."

His voice suddenly lowered: "Or continue to stir up the conflict between the two and let their verbal fight continue."

Orrin smiled. "Good idea."

The production cost alone is as high as 1.8 million U.S. dollars. Nolan provoked this burden of hundreds of millions, not only working hard on the film itself, but also attaching great importance to other aspects.

In the past seven or eight years, there have been too many good movies that did not do well at the box office.

Publicity and marketing are becoming more and more important. Nolan said: "I think Martin's topicality and ability to create news are much better than Bell's. Martin should be the core of both the film and the publicity."

The more he talked, the more excited he became: "Not only the relationship between Martin and Nicholson, but also the relationship between Martin and Bell can also be a fuss. Now they have created a harmonious image in front of the public. When the film was filmed, the conflict between the two broke out. In terms of publicity, it can be said that the two of them entered the play too deeply and were influenced by the characters."

Charles Rowan looked at Nolan with admiration, and said to Orlin: "Look, I told you right, if Martin is the best actor, Chris is the best director."

Nolan smiled and said, "It's too much."

"A huge investment is like a mountain," Orlin said.

Nolan continued: "One more thing, I plan to ask a member of Jonathan's screenwriting team to follow Martin throughout the shooting and record his words and deeds. I have communicated with Martin in this regard, and he himself agrees, but Reports published must be approved by him.”

Charles understood Nolan's intentions: "Martin is never short of news that attracts the public's attention." He nodded to Nolan: "Yes, I will send someone to discuss related matters with Martin's agent."

Orlin laughed. With such a troublesome director and actors, the film will not attract the attention of passers-by.


A van drove into Warner Studios, took a detour to a side road, and parked next to the warehouse of the Dark Knight Studio.

Lily followed in her newly acquired red Cadillac, parked the car and ran to the van.

Linda, who was in charge of the handover of the crew, had already opened the warehouse door.

Lily said: "Director, all the goods are in the car, and I moved them all here."

The conditions given by the crew were good, so she emptied the carved clowns all at once.

When these are sold, she gets her share.

Giving it to Martin won't earn a penny.

Lily thinks that if she wants to stand up in front of Martin and her sister Elena and refuse the iron fist of love, the economic foundation is very important.

Work hard to make money!

Linda asked people to carry the goods to get off the car, and found that the goods were packed in several large boxes, and opened one of the boxes for inspection. Every clown carving was vivid and could be called a fine product.

She looked at Lily, no wonder the sharp carving knife was as flexible as a finger in this girl's hand, and she could stab wherever she wanted.

"Director?" Someone came over and asked.

Linda said: "Quickly count, all items are put into storage."

Several workers got busy.

Linda remembered very clearly that Lily Carter was a relative of Martin Davis, who was famous in Hollywood for being difficult to deal with. He immediately smiled and said, "Lily, have you carved so many?"

Lily recalled the horror of being dominated by the huge amount of Australian bison horns, and she felt lingering fear: "I have been in school for more than half a year, and I spent my spare time practicing. Even the birthday present I received was a lot of raw materials for carving. I... want to cry .”

Linda wondered which bastard would be so cruel to torture such a beautiful girl.

She carefully looked at the material carved in her hand, and asked, "Where is this raw material made, it looks good."

Lily is very conscious of taking money to do things, and said: "It seems to be the horns of Australia."

Linda asked, "Where did you get the goods?"

Lily didn't dare to go to Martin, worried that she would be suppressed by an iron fist, so she said, "May I ask someone?"

Linda nodded: "Yes."

Lily called Bruce,
Within a few minutes, Bruce came over.

Lily briefly described the situation.

Linda took the initiative and said, "Do you have a purchase channel for these materials?"

Bruce nodded: "Yes."

"The back of the crew may need a lot of people." Linda thought for a while: "You leave a contact information."

Bruce left his business card to Linda, and suddenly thought of one thing, Martin can't exterminate the Australian bison alone, and bring in another crew?
Linda went to assist in the inspection.

Lily came over and asked Bruce quietly: "Are there a lot of Australian bison?"

Bruce didn't quite understand either: "It shouldn't be extinct, right?"

Lily is not an environmentalist, and she is not interested in protecting animals. She said, "Just don't go extinct."

Bruce called Martin about it.

Martin thought about it for a while, and gave a solution: "So, Lao Bu, you join Elena and sister to register an import and export trading company. Harris should know this, let him do it specifically, and if the crew needs it, give it to the crew. Serving Australian specialties.”

Australian bison and crocodiles are overrun, which helps them maintain their ecological balance.

After hanging up the phone, Martin looked at Kelly and Louise in the office, and said, "I just received a call from Wu Maoting from Asia tonight. He doesn't plan to continue investing in our project."

Louise remembered what happened some time ago: "Warner Pictures contacted him?"

Martin said: "Yes, Warner Pictures invited him to invest in the fourth part of the Terminator, and he gave a lot of promises that we couldn't give."

"Promise?" Kelly couldn't help laughing, "Didn't you tell him that promises in Hollywood are all shit?"

Martin shrugged: "I said it, others won't listen to it. Hollywood is famous outside. Wu Maoting thinks that he can directly cooperate with big companies, and he will earn more without the help of middlemen like us."

Louise said: "Maybe, everyone has their own aspirations, and we can't force them."

Martin nodded: "I'm going to Atlanta soon, Lily is on the set, please take care of me."

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Louise said deliberately: "If you use something made by Lily, you must pay something."

She pulled Kelly down: "Lost, am I right?"

Kelly laughed on Louise's shoulder.

Entering May, the Dark Knight crew chartered a flight to Atlanta.

Even though most of the manpower went to Atlanta early, the passenger plane was still full of people.

The director of the film crew is a real shooting madman, and the two cargo planes are filled with various goods.

One of the IMAX cameras is the most important part of the transportation.

Although Hollywood already has some 3D movies, Nolan refused to make the Dark Knight one of them,
After arriving in Atlanta, Martin locked himself in a hotel and devoted all his energy to preparing for the role, even Elena didn't go there.

It wasn't until two days before the filming started that he came out of the hotel to meet with his old friends in Atlanta.

(End of this chapter)

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