American fame and fortune.

Chapter 347 It's Not Easy Being an Actor

Chapter 347 It's Not Easy Being an Actor
In sunny Los Angeles, Warner Bros. CEO and CEO Barry Meyer arrived at the office on time. The coffee made by the secretary was on the desk, the temperature was just right, and the documents that needed to be processed or read were also placed in a conspicuous place.

Barry Meyer took a sip of his coffee before going through the documents, one of which took him a while longer.

Warner Bros.'s new film "Never Ending" released last weekend was a big hit at the box office. The box office in North America alone exceeded the production cost in the first week.

The film was released simultaneously in the United Kingdom, France, Mexico, Australia and other places, and the overseas box office reached 2756 million US dollars in the first week.

In three days of release, the global box office exceeded 6000 million U.S. dollars.

Martin Davis has a strong appeal.

Barry Meyer turned on the computer and looked it up. Since Geshan has eyes, except for the summer of jeans, Martin's other movies have all boxed over [-] million in North America.

This is quite an achievement.

Warner Bros., as the publisher, is the one that stands to gain the most from it.

Stars are one of the best tools used by film companies to make profits, and of course the ones that make the most money should be placed in the most prominent positions.

Barry Meyer immediately picked up the phone and called WMA's Ali Emmanuel: "Ali, it's me. When do you have time, let's go to the country club for a game?"

Ali replied, "Did you meet something happy?"

Barry Meyer said: "I want to talk to you about the deepening of cooperation between our two companies."

Knowing that it was brought by Martin, Ali said, "You call Allen, I call Thomas, and the four of us will compete."

Barry remembered that Thomas was Martin's manager, and replied, "No problem."

Just like Will Smith's agent is also his guest.

When Barry Meyer went to the film company to find Aaron Horn, he thought of Will Smith.

Since 96, the films starring Smith have had more successes than failures. After entering 2000, one of them has been made a hit and the other has sold well.

In recent years, in terms of commercial appeal alone, even Tom Cruise and Leonardo have to stand aside in front of Will Smith.

Martin Davis seems to have some of the momentum that Will Smith had around 2000.

If there are a few more successful films, the commercial appeal...

Barry Mayer feels that if Martin can have the momentum of Will Smith's successive successes, his commercial appeal may be stronger than Will Smith.

The latter was, after all, a black man.

Barry Meyer joins Alan Horn, who mentions one thing: "I'm going to push a new Terminator movie."

The other party is the CEO of the film company, with such power, Barry Meyer said: "Have you got a plan?"

Alan Horn nodded: "After the third part was released a few years ago, we spent a lot of money to obtain the copyright of the series. The third part has already achieved profitability offline, and it's time to put the fourth part on the agenda."

Barry Meyer didn't say much. There is a professional review committee within Warner Bros. If a project wants to be approved, it must be given a green light.


This week, the heavy snow in the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada stopped completely. After a short period of cooling, as the dark clouds cleared and the bright sun hung in the sky, the weather gradually became warmer.

Martin and all the main creative staff of the crew left New York to continue the promotional tour of the film.

The crew came to Washington.

After participating in a program, Martin left the TV station and joined Kelly Gray, who had rushed over last week, to attend an event at a club.

After getting into Kelly's car, Kelly introduced to Martin: "It's a high-end political gathering, and there are many liberal style stars participating."

Martin is very clear about what he did in Atlanta, and said with a smile: "I can also be considered as a person who has made contributions to freedom and democracy."

The car soon came to a suburban manor, parked outside the luxuriously decorated clubhouse, Martin followed Kelly in, waited for a while, and saw Julia, the president of the Atlanta Freedom Association, and the man holding a pink water bottle Shout out to Liberty Senator Erica.

Unlike being unable to speak in front of them back then, seeing Martin approaching, Julia and Erica shook hands with him one after another and exchanged a few pleasantries.

The four of them entered the banquet hall together. Martin looked around and saw Hei Guanhai first.

The senator is entertaining with his wife.

In addition, Martin also saw Hollywood's most famous leftist stars Meryl - Streep and George - Clooney and others.

The two were political activists well known in Hollywood.

The four of them went over to say hello, and Hei Guanhai shook hands one by one, speaking very kind words.

As he shook Martin's hand, he said, "Did you bring the smart drug? If I had that, it would make my journey easier."

Martin said solemnly: "It is in urgent research and development. I am waiting for Congress to allocate funds. Mr. Congressman must help."

"No problem." After joking, Hei Guanhai said: ""Never Ending" is a very wonderful movie. Your movie captured many of my childhood dreams."

Martin said: "Mr. Congressman's word spread, it can add 2000 million US dollars to the film's box office."

Hei Guanhai laughed, and changed the subject: "I've heard about what you did during your stay in Atlanta, it's amazing."

"This is what I should do." Martin became serious: "I want to let the flowers of freedom and democracy bloom in stubborn and conservative cities."

After chatting for a few words, Martin left here at the right time and followed Kelly Gray to meet other characters.

Kelly said simply: "Next month, Hei Guanhai will officially announce to the outside world that he will participate in next year's presidential election."

Martin glanced over there and said in a low voice, "The black president."

Kelly said: "This is his disadvantage, but if it works well, it can also become his unique advantage."

After donating money, Martin found Meryl.

The latter was not surprised to see him: "I didn't expect that our political positions are the same."

Here, of course, Martin would not deny it, saying: "I have seen many of your speeches on political and social issues, and you are very good."

But Meryl said, "Behind Julie and Aniston."

Martin praised: "The two of them are really outstanding independent women."

"Leading freedom and justice, hehe." Meryl laughed.

Martin is also laughing. Although #MeToo has been launched, the social environment is different and the forces behind it are different. Except for Pete's suffering, it has not expanded yet.

But what the future holds, no one can tell.

Meryl's voice suddenly lowered: "Many female practitioners in Hollywood should thank Julie and Aniston. For a period of time in the future, their situation may be slightly better."

Martin answered: "It's not easy being an actor."

Meryl looked towards Kelly Gray, thought of Louise Meyer again, and said, "You are much luckier than most people. The people who will pull you up are at least women."

In this respect, Martin is indeed a lucky man.

The proctologist's business card given to him by the fat landlord Antonio, which he never used.

On the contrary, many of Antonio's actor tenants used it, but they didn't make it out of it.

Seeing Kelly Gray approaching, Martin said, "When I get back to Los Angeles, please come out with Nicholson."

"No problem." Meryl responded first, and then asked: "Can't you bring me to participate in the activities of the three of you?"

Martin's voice was very low: "It's not suitable for ladies."

Before Kelly Gray came, Meryl went elsewhere.

Martin accompanied Kelly and continued to socialize in the hall. People in the political circle might have a social relationship at some point.

The crew stayed in Washington for two days, then transferred to Chicago, and various promotional activities followed one after another.

In order to attract more audiences to the theater, the creators of the crew try to attract as much attention as possible.

Martin repeated over and over again the experience of loser to winner similar to the protagonist of the movie.

Aniston took the trouble to expose Pitt's past, talking about the experience of reconciliation with Julie after falling out with each other.

Even Robert De Niro is breaking the news about his decades-long love affair with Al Pacino.

As for the various behind-the-scenes stories of the crew carefully written by the screenwriter, some of them will be properly revealed every time they go to a city, which is absolutely full of tricks.

For example, on the heroine, the crew broke the news that they once invited Kate Winslet and Julia Roberts, and finally chose the most suitable Aniston and the like.

In the promotion of the movie, a lot of information is fabricated, and there is a team in the Never-Ending crew who is responsible for writing interesting tidbits.

In this traditionally off-season for films, the film has maintained a steady box office trend.

As the weather in the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada improved, the enthusiasm of the originally suppressed audience was suddenly released.

In the new weekend, between the newly released "Ghosts and Gods", "Fright in the Fog" and old movies, more viewers chose to enter the second week of "Never Ending".

This film maintained an unusually stable box office trend, and the competitors were average. The box office of the second weekend was only a little more than 30% lower than the first week, and it closed at US$2682 million.

Including the harvest of four working days, after ten days of its release, the North American box office of Never Ending has accumulated to 8105 million US dollars.

It is just around the corner to break through [-] million at the North American box office.

This weekend, the film was released in Brazil, Argentina and other Latin American markets, as well as East and Southeast Asian markets, with a cumulative overseas box office of 5114 million US dollars.

At the same time, another film starring Martin, "The Departed", has entered the final stage of North American screenings. At present, the North American box office has accumulated 1.87 million U.S. dollars, and the global box office has exceeded 3 million U.S. dollars.

According to the normal screening plan, this film should be released from North American theaters and enter the DVD and video tape market, taking advantage of the popularity to reap another wave.

But the crew would rather give [-]% of the follow-up box office revenue to theaters, and also maintain a certain scale of screenings, in order to impact the needs of the Oscars.

The Departed won't be out of theaters, nor will it be released on DVD or video until after the Oscars.

If it can win a heavyweight award at the Oscars, the film's DVD and video sales will explode.

This era is not yet 10 years later, the quality of the best film is guaranteed, and the role of Oscar in boosting the market is still relatively obvious.

In another seven or eight years, not to mention the market effect of the Oscars, even the ratings of the awards ceremony itself will become a big problem.

Martin Scorsese and the film have become the number one favorite at this year's Oscars after winning multiple Hollywood union awards.

As for "Babel", which won the Golden Globe Award for Best Feature Film and Director Award, no one is optimistic that it will be an upset.

In early February, the 2007 Oscar selection ushered in an important part. The nominee luncheon for the announcement of the nomination list was officially held at the Ritz-Carton Hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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