American fame and fortune.

Chapter 342 The Truth About the Malibu Wildfire

Chapter 342 The Truth About the Malibu Wildfire

After returning to Los Angeles, Martin first communicated with Coca-Cola regarding the new endorsement issue.

Coca-Cola is far more important than Brioni and Cadillac.

Coca-Cola has no problem with this, and their restrictions are limited to drinks.

Subsequently, Martin met with Brioni and Cadillac successively, and reached an agreement with both parties on all endorsement terms.

The former signed a contract for 3 years, with an annual endorsement fee of 600 million US dollars, and a series of activity terms that match the brand.

The latter signed a two-year contract with an annual endorsement fee of 1000 million US dollars, and the first commercial will be shot in January.

Just before the arrival of the New Year, Cadillac and Martin held a grand signing ceremony in Los Angeles.

In the press hall of the Hilton Hotel, hundreds of reporters gathered together.

Martin signed the model contract and then exchanged contracts with Johnson, who represented Cadillac.

There was warm applause all around.

The curtain behind the signing platform was opened, and the 2007 Cadillac flagship car SLS was revealed.

With the new car poster as the background, everyone including Martin stood on the signing platform for a group photo.

Thomas clapped vigorously in the audience, and subconsciously touched his forehead after applauding, feeling that his hair was falling down like dry grass in winter.

But he didn't care.

Because these two commercial endorsements alone have booked millions of dollars in income for his agent.

Counting Martin's commissions from other aspects, the annual income is one million!
There are only a few dozen entertainment agents in Hollywood who can achieve this achievement.

Thomas took out his mobile phone, looked at his hair with the reflection of the screen, and seriously considered whether it would be better to shave his head bald, or to have a hair transplant?
On the signing stage, the voice of Cadillac's spokesperson sounded, and the other party announced that they would fully sponsor the premiere of Martin's new film "Never Ending" and all public events.

Then, Louise Meyer, the producer representing the crew, signed a sponsorship agreement with Cadillac.

All the main creators of the "Never Ending" crew were present.

With only one month to go before the release of the film, the crew seized every opportunity to promote the film.

Martin was then interviewed by reporters.

In addition to the regular questions, Jody, a reporter from TMZ, asked a gossip question according to the communication with Bruce in advance: "There are rumors in many media and websites that you are with Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Zhu Li is dating at the same time?"

Of course Martin denied it, and asked instead: "Do you think it's possible? Jen and Angie are both independent women, and I'm good friends with them..."

At noon that day, related videos appeared on the TMZ website.

Brad Pitt, who was restricted from traveling, watched the video. He broke out in anger after being imprisoned at home for many days, and smashed the mouse: "Good shit friend! Has anyone stabbed a good friend on a horse! Bastard! Martin, you bastard ,I am going to kill you!"

He hasn't tidied himself for many days, and now his beard is messy, his hair is greasy, and he looks like a mad dog.

On the web page of the computer screen, another piece of news was displayed. Cadillac and Brioni had officially signed contracts with Martin Davis, who became the global image spokesperson of the two brands.

Pete felt worse than dead when he saw Martin posing in front of Cadillac's SLS flagship.

Two brand endorsements worth tens of millions of dollars were snatched away.

Pete picked up the phone, dialed the number of the manager Maggie, waited for the connection, and said, "I want to sue Cadillac for unilateral breach of contract!"

Maggie persuaded: "Forget it, Pete, you should try to keep a low profile and keep quiet. Now people who announce #MeToo are one after another, and even spread to the director and screenwriter industry. If you jump out at this time, it will only lead to greater resentment." , Lay down and wait for the opportunity.”

Pete hung up the phone.

Since Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett, Nicole Kidman and many other stars and directors have joined #MeToo, CAA is already considering giving up Pitt.


In the carnival of the #MeToo movement, 2006 passed quietly, and 2007 came to Martin again.

Taking advantage of the new year's holiday, he gave himself a good vacation.

Just in time, the Coty community organizes a New Years fireworks display.

Martin and Bruce went to New Chinatown and bought a large batch.

Went to the hardware store again.

The two bought a batch of steel pipes and tools.

Back home, I started to DIY immediately. Martin was a little bit close, but Bruce was pretty good at it.

He is mainly responsible for talking about ideas, and then Lao Bu hands-on production.

After two days of busy work, even the fireworks and display tools have been modified a lot.

After a simple test in the yard, Martin made a phone call to Leonardo and Nicholson after confirming the effect, "I'm going to have a fireworks show here tonight, let's have fun together!"

When the two heard the fireworks, they immediately thought of the mortars at Pinewood Studios, and they all agreed.

As soon as it got dark, Leonardo and Nicholson drove to Martin's side respectively.

Bruce has loaded all the modified goods into the bed of the pickup truck.

Martin got into the driving seat and greeted the two bastards: "Hurry up, let's go!"

Leonardo got into the back row, leaned on the seat and asked, "What's the fun?"

Martin drove out: "You'll know when you go."

Nicholson was full of jerk thoughts: "Go to the place where the most field battles in Los Angeles? I know where, the mountains in Malibu..."

Martin was surprised: "Why do you want to go to that kind of place?"

Nicholson said, "Shooting fireworks, of course, to scare the bastards out in the field and make their sponges rip and the girls cramp!"

Martin retorted: "I'm not you, how can I do these boring things."

Nicholson was furious: "Who did the shit at Pinewood Studios?"

"Didn't you and Meryl do it?" Martin asked Leonardo, "I remember right?"

Leonardo said solemnly: "That's right, it was Jack and Meryl who did it, and all the media reporters reported it."

Nicholson was very angry, and the consequences were serious: "In the future, if you do bad things, don't think about letting me carry them for you."

Martin said: "You watch the fireworks this time before you say this."

The pickup truck drove to the community square, Martin briefly communicated with Harold of the community committee, and the car entered the cargo parking area.

Aniston, who had made an appointment before, also rushed over.

As the sky darkened, hundreds of people gathered in the huge square. The community prepared fireworks, and some owners also brought fireworks over and set them off in the designated lighting area.

The three of Martin moved several fireproof boxes to the edge of the fire zone, took out a pack of fairy sticks, and gave them to Aniston.

The latter lit one, which attracted many children.

Martin brought another big bag over and said, "They are all neighbor's children, you give them."

Aniston doesn't like children, but it's not difficult to hand out fireworks sticks.

A group of children waved lighted fairy wands and circled Aniston.

Joy is contagious, and Aniston suddenly discovered that these children are also very cute.

But her attention is quickly drawn to the jerk threesome.

Martin opened the box and took out a thick iron pipe, in which many slender fireworks tubes were stuffed.

Leonardo also took one and asked, "What's new? It's a bit like Gatling."

Martin smiled and said, "It's Gatlin."

He and Lao Bu searched all over Chinatown and some merchants selling fireworks, but they couldn't find Gatling, so they had to modify it by themselves.

"Jack, light the fire for me." Martin picked up Gatling.

Nicholson came and lit the fuse.

Martin raised the muzzle of the Gatling gun, and after a burst of burning smoke, bright fireworks flew into the night sky one after another.

Like Gatling firing a tracer.

"This is interesting!" Leonardo urged Nicholson: "Jack, give me some!"

Nicholson also became interested, he didn't care about Leon Ando, ​​he took one by himself, and shouted: "You light it for me first."

These two bastards refused to give in to each other.

Aniston came over with a heart-shaped fairy stick and said, "I'll light your fire."

She set Gatling on fire with a fairy wand for two bastards.

Nicholson yelled like a strange grandfather, raised Gatling and shot into the sky.

This kind of romance can only be experienced by men.

Martin's Gatling was emptied and replaced with a new one.

Aniston came over to light the fire.

Martin asked her, "Do you want to try?"

Aniston shook her head: "It's more beautiful to watch."

Fireworks are for watching, you don't have to set them off yourself.

This one has not been finished yet, suddenly a few people came over and asked: "Your fireworks..."

Nicholson happened to empty one and answered the phone automatically: "Ours sells out, $50 a piece."

The man paid for two.

The movement here attracted a lot of people, and seeing the fireworks takeaway, more people came together.

Nicholson, an old bastard, as long as he is happy and shameless, he sells fireworks made by Martin and Bruce. He doesn't earn much money, but this kind of selling other people's things and collecting money for himself has a different kind of refreshing feeling.

He also took the time to say to Martin and Aniston: "I will treat you later, please wash your face."

Aniston couldn't figure it out: "Wash your face? Do a facial?"

Martin said, "Don't listen to Jack, he's not right."

The three of them released and sold them one after another, and the boxes quickly sold out.

When the last box was left, Nicholson sat down on it and said, "This box is mine!"

Leonardo asked, "What do you want this thing for?"

"The mountains over Malibu are holy places for trysts." Nicholson said, "Leo, let's go there in a few days and blow up all those wild mandarin ducks!"

Leonardo agreed: "Good idea, see how many people are in the hospital then."

The two bastards had an endless quarrel, and Martin said quickly, "I suddenly understood something."

Nicholson frowned: "What do you know, bastard?"

"So this is the truth about the Malibu wildfires!" As the third child of the bastard trio, Martin really broke his heart: "You two bastards did it!"

Nicholson and Leonardo understood what Martin said.

Malibu is a hot spot for fires, and Nicholson sighed: "It can only be set off in the studio."

Leonardo said: "All the studios will drag you into the blacklist."

Nicholson didn't care: "I'm retiring right away, and I'm going to blow up every famous studio before I retire!"

(End of this chapter)

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