American fame and fortune.

Chapter 335 Life is full of surprises

Chapter 335 Life is full of surprises

Los Angeles, The Ritz-Carlton.

Accompanied by Thomas, Martin entered the business meeting room together and met Simeone and Filippo from Italy.

It is also the representative of top menswear brand Brioni.

After shaking hands and exchanging a few greetings, the two sides quickly got to the point.

Simeone took the lead and said: "This time, Mr. Davis was invited to come for an interview, mainly because Brioni intends to hire Mr. Davis as the brand's global image spokesperson."

He asked Martin, "Have you ever known Briony?"

Martin smiled and said, "Of course, the Rolls-Royce in men's clothing."

Filippo was not in a hurry to speak, and while listening to the conversation between the two, he kept looking at Martin. He was dressed in a formal suit, with a tall and straight figure, a firm face, a generous and elegant temperament, and a calm and unhurried speech.

After watching for a while, he found that there was a kind of chic and unrestrained charm in Martin's gestures.

Before meeting the real person, Filippo had been worried that Martin Davis was born in a lower class, and his words and deeds might be as vulgar as Sean Connery.

That was a standard British gentleman.

After observing, Filippo was very satisfied with Martin. He had good looks, good temperament, tall and broad shoulders, and an excellent clothes rack.

"At present, Martin only has Coca-Cola as an endorsement." Thomas briefly introduced the situation: "Many brands have contacted us in terms of clothing, but Martin is very strict about the choice of brands, especially paying attention to their image, history and connotation. All of these are outstanding.”

After a decent burst of conversation, Martin spoke very little, leaving Thomas to do it all.

Filippo has the right to make the decision. After observing for a while, he said at this time: "A week ago, Brad Pitt was the first choice for Brioni's spokesperson. I came from Rome to discuss related matters with him. So much has changed in just a few days."

Martin and Thomas looked at each other and thought, isn't this a coincidence?Pete's endorsement may actually fall into their hands.

Filippo's words continued: "Perhaps this is also a kind of luck. We found that Mr. Davis has a series of advantages and strengths. Compared with Brad Pitt's yuppie, you are more suitable for Brioni's temperament. image."

"It's my pleasure," Martin said with a smile.

Simeone said: "If you are interested in cooperating, how about we start formal negotiations next week?"

"No problem." Martin looked at Thomas: "My agent will take full responsibility for this matter."

This is the end of today's meeting. Both sides said a few words of courtesy and left.

Martin and Thomas went downstairs.

After getting out of the hotel and boarding the Escalade driven by Bruce, Martin stretched himself, feeling inexplicably happy.

In the morning, he was still playing poker with Julie and Aniston, and in the afternoon he snatched Brad Pitt's endorsement. Life is full of surprises.

Thomas said: "The other party's willingness to cooperate is relatively strong. If there is no accident, I can negotiate this endorsement in one to two weeks."

Martin nodded, and asked the key question: "What about the endorsement fees of top clothing brands?"

"Clothing, especially similar top brands, the cost of endorsement will not be particularly high." Thomas has done a detailed understanding in advance: "In this regard, you can refer to George Clooney. You can only talk about this level.”

Martin said, "Okay, let's talk about it."

Thomas responded, and then said, "We were lucky this time. Brioni took a fancy to Pete. Unexpectedly, Pete had an accident and the endorsement fell on us. Is it a blessing from heaven?"

Bruce, who was driving, was silent, but he was muttering in his heart. It was indeed a surprise that Brioni found him, but it was not a surprise to get this endorsement.

What happened to Pete was no accident at all.

Bruce asked: "In the future when Martin attends public events, will the dresses be sponsored by them all the way?"

"That's right." Thomas replied: "The endorsement contract must have relevant clauses. There may be no restrictions on those small events and award ceremonies. Like the Golden Globes and Oscars, there must be requirements."

At this moment, Martin thought of one thing. As a superstar in Hollywood, Pitt must not be the only endorser and potential endorser of Brioni. Now that Pete's situation is worrying, he is almost nailed to the pillar of shame. What about the endorsements of those brands?
He's not doing it for money, but... No, he's not doing it for anything else, just to increase his income.

"What about Pete's other endorsements?" Martin asked.

Thomas is a qualified agent. He immediately realized that this was an excellent opportunity. He took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll find someone to inquire about it."

Before the Escalade arrived in Burbank, Thomas asked about the specific situation and said: "Reliable news, Cadillac and Breitling have notified Brad Pitt to terminate the endorsement contract on the grounds of his unilateral breach of contract."

This is not surprising. There have been more than one case of Pete in Hollywood. Martin asked curiously, "What kind of brand is Breitling?"

Thomas simply said: "Swiss watch brands are third-tier." He focused on a situation: "Because it is going through the contract termination process with Pete, Cadillac is going to look for a new spokesperson."

Martin worked so hard to make Pete notorious, and this kind of reward feels at ease: "Don't you think I'm a good fit?"

"Uh..." Thomas nodded without hesitation, "We are indeed very suitable."

Cadillac's global spokesperson, negotiated an endorsement fee that can reach tens of millions of dollars a year.

Next month, that is, in January 2007, Martin will have a new film released, followed by the announcement of the Oscar nominations. These are all good news, which will help increase the capital of the negotiation.

"Let's find a way to contact Cadillac." With Martin's words, Thomas broke his leg.

If this endorsement can be obtained again, the annual income will be more than 1000 million US dollars.

Martin had to admit the fact that Pete was a good man!
Thomas got out of the car halfway and was busy with the affairs that Martin ordered.

He walked along the sidewalk towards the parking lot where the car was parked. The bright California sun fell on his body, and there was a faint reflection.

A hard worker always has his own light, and people can't help but throw a heavier burden on his shoulders.

In the car, Bruce asked Martin: "Does it feel good?"

Martin is very straightforward: "From body to spirit, I am so excited that I want to take off."

Bruce half-jokingly said, "Have you noticed? You're not as bad as you used to be?"

"Old Bu, you really know how to praise people." Martin pointed his middle finger at the rearview mirror.

Bruce didn't finish his sentence: "You are moving closer to Angelina Jolie."

Martin felt that he didn't: "Impossible, I'm not that kind of person."

"That's right." Bruce actually admired Martin: "Stealing Pete's woman and money, Julie can't do this, she's far worse than you."

Martin didn't answer, but he had an indescribable feeling, probably the kind of thing that was often said in his previous life, that stealing is worse than stealing.

The two came to Warner TV and met Aniston to participate in a program to promote "Never Ending" which will be released next month.

Relevant publicity and marketing has been rolled out on a large scale, all posters have been put in place, and the first trailer has been released early.

Compared with the past, apart from the rumor that Martin and Jennifer Aniston may be dating, the crew did not deliberately hype in other aspects.

The big scandal between Martin and Aniston is enough to attract attention.

Among the ten most anticipated movies in 2007 listed by "Hollywood Reporter", "Never Ending" ranked first because of its recent release time.

Martin and Aniston have recently appeared frequently in various promotional activities.

The latter work with relative ease.

Martin is going to be a little more complicated. In addition to the new film released next month, he also needs to properly mention "The Departed" to continue to build momentum for awards.

The Departed Walker lost both word-of-mouth and box office in the East and Southeast Asian markets, but in the North American market, the stronghold of Hollywood, it is definitely a masterpiece of both word-of-mouth and box office.

Even many media listed it as a classic.

While Martin and Aniston were busy on the show, Bruce was not idle either.

He left Warner TV alone, came to a forest park not too far away, met Ivan, and learned more first-hand information.

When Martin came out and got on the Escalade, Bruce said: "At present, there are more than 10 victims who came out to accuse Pete. They jointly hired a team of lawyers represented by Camille Varquez. The lawsuit was formally filed with the court."

Martin nodded: "Even if an out-of-court settlement is finally reached, Pete will have to pay a huge price."

Bruce continued: "TMZ believes that it and Pete are in conflict, and will pursue this matter closely. Camille is the lawyer introduced by TMZ to the victims. It will take at least half a year for this lawsuit to have a preliminary result. , could last longer if the lawyers worked a little bit out of it."

Martin asked again, "Where's Pete?"

Bruce learned: "After being summoned by the LAPD for the second time, Pete was released on bail, placed under residential surveillance, and not allowed to leave his mansion in Beverly Hills, which means that the lawsuit is not completely resolved, and Pete has no way to work normally. .”

Martin shook his head: "It's a pity..."

Through the car window, Bruce looked at Aniston, who was walking this way, and roughly guessed what Martin was sorry about.

He seized the time and said: "I asked Ivan to contact TMZ, and TMZ will be interviewing Ben Affleck and Matt Damon soon."

Martin couldn't help laughing: "Old Bu, be yourself!"

Someone knocked on the car door from the outside, and after Martin opened it, Aniston bowed his head and got into the car.

"Where are you going?" Martin asked.

"Coty Community." Aniston said generously: "Julie just called me. She has comforted her adopted son and daughter, and she doesn't have to go back all night tonight."

She leaned close to Martin's ear: "I'm looking forward to it very much, you must severely punish this bitch!"

Martin patted his waist: "You master the strength."

Aniston laughed happily: "Your body is strong enough, and the stick is powerful. I have been doing strength training for the past few days. It won't be long before that bitch will beg for mercy!"

(End of this chapter)

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