Chapter 305

In the studio set up as a small apartment, the crew cleared the scene before shooting according to Kate's request. Except for a few indispensable personnel in key departments such as the director and director of photography, everyone else was evacuated.

In front of the camera lens, Martin slammed and tore off his clothes.

Looking at Kate in front of her eyes, she rushed up directly.

Kate rolled over and pushed the man down.

The two were entangled endlessly.

Director Sam stared at the monitor, frowned, and shouted to stop: "Cut!"

The two, immersed in the emotions of the characters, were still entangled, and it took another ten seconds before they stopped.

The faces of Martin and Kate are so close that they seem to be able to see the flames in each other's eyes.

Sam enters the set and the two separate.

"Emotions, movements, everything is not in place!" Sam is completely in the working state, and the husband and wife have long been thrown into the back of his mind. He first said to Kate: "You are too passive and gentle. This is a play dominated by the heroine, and the active release of the fishnet!"

He strengthened his tone with gestures: "You have to fight hard! Use your emotions that have been suppressed for ten years, use your strength! Do you understand, use your strength!"

"I see," Kate said.

Sam looked at Martin again: "This is not you picking up girls in reality, you are not a Hollywood playboy, but an inexperienced teenager, inexperienced, do you understand? What about you now? Any fool can see that you are experienced! It seems that Kate is taking the initiative, but in fact you are leading everything, which is completely contrary to the setting of your role."

Martin nodded: "I just need to bear it passively?"

"Yes, you just need to passively endure the heroine's violent storm." Sam pointed to Kate and said to Martin, "You can do whatever she tells you to do!"

Although it sounded a little strange to say these words from the director's mouth, Martin replied immediately: "I understand."

The filming resumed, and Martin simply gave up all resistance and let Kate control the rhythm, but after a few seconds, Sam called to stop again.

The director was dissatisfied with the two actors: "Not enough emotional investment! Emotions! I can't feel your emotional communication. You are like a temporary crew couple with only a body and no spirit!"

Martin and Kate can only let go, and wait for the filming to resume.

It didn't take long before Sam stopped again: "This is the scene that needs the most emotional exchange. If there is not enough emotional exchange, what will be filmed? Dry holy cereal film!"

His voice suddenly raised: "This is the link that needs art the most. Through physical communication, the emotions of the hero and heroine can be sublimated, creating the beauty of art! Martin, you gradually found the feeling, but Kate, you can't."

Kate took a deep breath: "Let me rest for a while."

Subconsciously, Martin wanted to pat Kate on the back. He stretched his hand halfway, and realized that she was not wearing clothes. This was not the time for shooting, so he quickly withdrew his hand and said, "Kate, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Kate lowered her head and smiled: "You put too much pressure on me."

Martin was helpless: "I can't help it, it's natural."

The two picked up their respective blankets, wrapped them around their bodies, and sat in the resting place to meditate.

The filming of the scenes did not go well for several consecutive days. Director Sam was under a lot of pressure. He sat behind the director's monitor and watched the waste shots over and over again.

Wife Kate is terrible in this scene.

In the ordinary scenes filmed some time ago, Martin was able to bring Kate into the scene when he was in good condition, but in these scenes, the setting of the male lead determined that he could not lead the female lead.

Instead, the heroine should take the initiative.

Kate is needed to guide Martin.

Anthony Minghella came over and asked, "Is it still not working?"

Sam pointed to Martin and Kate who were entangled on the monitor, and said: "In this paragraph, the two released their enthusiasm through physical contact, and created an emotional bond. It was also the beginning of a real change in the relationship between the two, but they... To be precise, it was Kate, and Kate's emotions were worse."

He shook his head: "Martin also has problems. He is too active and instinctive, and it is difficult to change."

On the other side, Martin is also communicating with Kate.

Kate said: "My sensitive point, here, here, and here..."

Martin was very helpless: "These few scenes are useless. I'm just a kid who doesn't understand anything. It's all up to you to guide me."

Kate sighed: "I don't know why, but during the two days of shooting, I still couldn't find that feeling."

Feeling this kind of thing, invisible and intangible, is very critical to performance.

Martin simply asked, "Do you have an instinctive dislike for me?"

"How is it possible!" Kate said, "Actually, it has always been difficult for me to shoot this type of scene. Remember when we were in Atlanta? The kiss scene between the two of us was NG many times."

Martin remembers that Kate had a big fight with the director at the time.

He said: "This filming, there are so many similar scenes, we always have to find a tacit understanding, NG like this every day is not an option."

Kate thought for a while: "It's mainly me. Maybe I want to use this role too much to hit the Oscars, which has caused me to be under a lot of pressure. The previous scenes are okay. When you are in a bad state, I can take you into the play. I am not in a good state. You can also take me into the play, but now I need to take the initiative and control the rhythm..."

Martin nodded slightly. Even if he had rich experience and skills, he couldn't play such a completely passive scene.

Kate said: "We all think about how we can better establish a tacit understanding and realize the special emotional communication between the two characters."

Martin is also thinking about it.

Kate was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "Have you heard of one thing, when Nicole Kidman starred in "Eyes Wide Shut", there was also a passionate scene that was shot poorly many times. It is said that Stanley Kubrick used some special methods to get her into the scene."

Martin heart said Kate are you kidding me?
After Kate said something, she frowned and pondered again, this drama is too important to her.

The shooting restarted, and it was intermittent. The whole afternoon passed, and only less than five shots were taken.

Director Sam was quite annoyed and got into an argument with Kate on set.

Kate has a pungent personality and directly confronts Sam.

Martin ran between the two of them and acted as a peacemaker to keep the quarrel from getting too serious.

This week's work ended in the quarrel between the couple.

On the weekend, plus the first two days of next week, there will be no leading actor in the filming. Martin originally wanted to go to New York, but when he called, Blake Lively returned to Los Angeles.

In the past six months, the two of them got together less and separated more, and even talked less.

Blake was silent on the phone for a while, then suddenly said: "When you were in Los Angeles, I went to New York. I finally finished my work and returned to Los Angeles, and you went to London..."

No matter how good the male god is, the aura made of gold will fade after living together, eating, drinking and sleeping together.

As a female fan who has successfully slept with her idol, Blake is already satisfied. She still has a good impression of Martin, and she still has better memories, so she decides to keep the good memories of the male god in her heart forever.

So, she said, "I'm going to move back into Burbank, where I haven't lived with my parents and my brother for a long time."

Martin understood the meaning of these words, upholding his own principles, and faced it calmly: "Yes, I won't be able to go back to Los Angeles in a short time."

Blake hung up the phone.

Bruce brought him a glass of ice water: "Reluctant? Just go and get it back. With your means, it's not difficult."

Martin picked up the glass and poured the cold water into his stomach. The boredom in his heart disappeared, and he said, "Find a place to have a drink together at night, and call Kate and Sam..."

Before he finished speaking, the phone rang again, and the caller turned out to be Leonardo.

Martin connected and asked, "Are you ready to come to London?"

Leonardo said: "I was at the airport, waiting for Jack to come over. The Mamma Mia crew was on vacation for a few days. Meryl specifically called Jack and asked him to visit the set. I followed along."

Martin is very aware of being a younger brother: "Jack is our boss, he traveled thousands of miles to London to visit his lover, Leo, we younger brothers must prepare gifts carefully."

Leonardo asked, "Are you ready?"

Martin vowed: "Of course I'm ready, and I will never let Jack down."

Leonardo said: "If you let me down, I will call Blake and tell you who you have been."

Martin sighed softly: "We broke up."

"Man, you are free!" Leonardo sent his heartfelt wishes: "Happy breakup! Happy single!"

Thinking of becoming a single person from now on, and the special fate will come at any time, Martin's mood improved obviously: "Call me when you arrive in London."

Bruce saw Martin put down his phone and said, "I've finished everything, and I'm temporarily putting it in the props group's warehouse."

Martin asked, "Is there no problem?"

Bruce said: "Several steel pipes are welded together, it's too easy."

Martin got out of the trailer first: "Come on, go get the things out, let's find a place to test first."

The two came to the props group and took out two bags from the warehouse.

Inside one of the bags was a second kicker.

Not the scary type of rabbits.

"I specially asked someone to order it." Bruce was stationed in the UK when he was a soldier, and he used mortars to bully British soldiers. He knows a lot of people here: "The charge is accurate to the gram, and the height of the blast to the sky after ignition is not very different."

Martin got on the battery car with a bag: "Jack will definitely like it."

Bruce drove to the northwest and went out from the north gate of the studio. There was a dilapidated building that no one was waiting to demolish, and he could play as much as he wanted.

He said: "You three rotten people, you can really do rotten things."

Martin laughed: "Happiness not only depends on actively looking for it, but also actively creating it. Life is so depressing, so of course we must maintain an optimistic attitude."

Passing by the studio of the film crew, Kate just came out, saw that Martin and Bruce were going to have fun, and said that she would also join.

The battery car carried three people away.

Not long after, there was a muffled explosion in the distance, and then there was a salute-like sound in the sky, and a cloud of colorful mist exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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