American fame and fortune.

Chapter 198 Bullying

Chapter 198 Bullying
In April 2005, the North American box office of "The Mountain Has Eyes" passed the $1 million mark, and the global box office also reached $1 million.

Warner Bros. once again held a grand celebration for the film.

It is also to build momentum for the next DVD sale.

When Martin walked on the red carpet of the hotel alone, countless shots automatically turned to him.

"Martin, smile!"

"Look this way!"

The reporter's enthusiasm is like a charming Latin girl on Tijuana's Custom Street, eager to pounce on people.

When Martin entered the banquet hall of the hotel, someone immediately came up to him and gave him a hug. He hugged him and shouted, "Our box office in North America has exceeded [-] million!"

Then he laughed again.

Martin was as happy as director Ajia, saying: "We are now members of the [-] million box office club!"

In terms of fame, Martin and director Ajia benefited the most.

The atmosphere in the banquet hall was warm, as if a volcano had erupted.

Craven asked Martin and Ajia to wash their faces after the banquet.

"You haven't organized a party for a long time." The Craven man said: "The last party was so good, I have no interest in other people's parties."

Ajia also bewitched: "I'll pay for the money, you come up with an idea."

Martin said: "This kind of party takes a certain amount of time to organize and plan. There are too many things recently. I will go to Atlanta to shoot a new film soon. How about when I come back from Atlanta?"

Craven said, "Okay."

When the two went to other places, Daniel found them.

Martin joined him for a drink and asked, "How many DVD sales are you expecting?"

Daniel roughly said: "US$3500 million to US$4500 million, DVDs of horror movies have always sold well, and the rental market will not be bad."

Martin asked this because it was related to vital interests. Although he personally did not sign a sharing agreement, the unified agreement between the actor union and the producer union stipulated that the main actors could share in various post-production copyright benefits.

Starring in more blockbuster movies, even earning millions of dollars a year.

The most typical one is Morgan Freeman, who has played the main supporting role in countless popular movies and has a certain share of rights. With the advantage of quantity, he later accumulated a net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Daniel has one more thing: "Warner Bros. has the right to launch a sequel, and the production company has proposed to prepare a sequel. Are you interested?"

Martin declined: "The story about the male protagonist has already been told. Ajia, I, and Craven didn't think about a sequel at the time."

He added: "My schedule is not suitable either. After the filming of "The Departed" is finished, it is estimated that it will be almost the end of the year."

Daniel understood this and said, "It's a pity."

At the end of the party, the three of Martin got rid of the paparazzi and went to wash their faces together.

Subsequently, Warner Bros. took advantage of the popularity of the film's box office of over [-] million to promote the DVD listing.

Likewise, the DVD title features a summer ad for jeans.

The Red Box chain store in the Burbank Commercial Plaza has not opened yet, and a large number of movie fans holding Martin posters lined up at the door.

Jessica and Emily are among them.

Naturally, Rachel was also indispensable. She greeted: "There are still 10 minutes to open the door. Please don't mess up and keep order."

Phoebe in the back raised a cup of autograph album: "I brought Martin another present."

Jessica reacted quickly and asked quickly, "What is it?"

In case Martin was to write down the congratulations they sent last time, she would find a way to leave an autograph book.

The roster of hundreds of signatures is too embarrassing for Martin.

Phoebe said: "Me and a few friends are writing to Martin."

Jessica breathed a sigh of relief.

Because of the notifications posted on blogs and MSN groups, many fans rushed over one after another.

The first signed DVD of the supporting stars, they certainly won't miss it.

Inside the store, the DVD of "The Mountain Has Eyes" is placed on the most conspicuous shelf, and there is a table nearby in the empty space.

Someone reminded loudly: "It's time to open the store!"

Martin sat behind the table, took the signature pen from Bruce, and patiently waited for the fans to enter.

As the shutter door lifted, a male movie fan under the age of 20 rushed into the store first, picked up a $39.9 commemorative DVD, and ran to Martin's desk.

Martin took the initiative to stretch out his fist: "Man, congratulations, you have won the jackpot."

"My name is William!" The man bumped fists with Martin, and hastily handed over the disc.

Martin swiped his name on it and said, "I remember you."

William was very happy, and went to pay happily.

There was already a queue at the back, and Phoebe was the second to come over, handing over an autograph book in addition to the DVD.

Martin signed the DVD, saying, "You're Phoebe."

Phoebe was very happy and said, "Martin, I brought you a present."

Martin had already seen it, and it was another autograph book, the last one hadn't been memorized yet.

Forget it, he has completely given up treatment.

"Thank you." Martin opened his eyes specifically, and as expected, there were many congratulations from many people.

Without wasting time, Phoebe picked up the DVD: "Goodbye, Martin, I will continue to support you."


Martin took the third disc, signed his name, and returned the disc while nodding with a smile: "Thank you for your support."

As an actor with professional ethics, Martin doesn't care about anything else at this moment. He takes every fan seriously and greets everyone who comes over with a smile, making consumers feel like a spring breeze.

These are the food and clothing parents.

No matter how tired the wrist is, it will not be more tiring than screwing in the factory or being a martial artist.

After laughing for a long time, the facial muscles become stiff, and it is no more difficult than when facing directors, producers and investors, laughing and toasting tables.

One of the signature pens ran out of water, and another one was replaced.

When Bruce saw Martin's smiling face and enthusiasm, he also secretly admired him. Martin was a rotten person, yes, but he was also a rotten person with professionalism.

It was close to 11:[-] in the morning, and the signing time for Martin had arrived, and there were still many people queuing up inside and outside the store.

As far as today's store is concerned, DVD sales are booming.

Taking advantage of the time to move his wrist, Martin turned to Bruce and said, "Go and communicate, the signing time is extended, and I will treat all the employees in the store to eat pizza at noon."

Bruce communicated with the person in charge in the past, and the two quickly reached an agreement. He returned to Martin, called Jessica, and asked her and Emily to order pizza from a well-known nearby store.

Martin continued to sign. Bruce thought for a while, moved away from the crowd a little, went to a secluded place, and called several paparazzi including Jody.

How can a popular movie star not report such a big event as giving up his lunch and noon break and taking the initiative to sign autographs for fans?
The signing lasted until after 12 o'clock.

As soon as a large number of movie fans dispersed, several pizzas were delivered by vehicles from the store.

Bruce didn't rush to eat, found the photographer, and said, "Give me a copy of the video."

He found the store manager again, pointed to the surveillance camera where Martin could be seen: "I want the video here, after 11 o'clock."

Today's business is very good, and the manager has also been told to cooperate with the signatory, and immediately said: "Come with me."

Ten minutes later, Bruce left the store, entered the mall, and went to the parking lot through another door.

Came to the Volkswagen and sent a text message. After waiting for a few minutes, Jody, who was wearing a baseball cap, opened the passenger door and got into the car.

Bruce handed her the flash drive: "Martin's latest news."

Jody put it away and was about to get out of the car. He stopped again and asked, "Did Martin and Anne leave that USB on purpose?"

Bruce was not stupid, of course he would not admit it: "You should ask Anne Hathaway's assistant about this kind of question."

Jody benefited a lot from that video, and specifically said: "If you still have such an opportunity, you can use me."

She is very serious: "I don't mind being used by you, really."

A video has sold tens of thousands of dollars back and forth, such an opportunity should come a few more times for Joe Diba.

Bruce didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "You can go."

Jody got out of the car with the USB flash drive, hurried back to the newly bought car, got in the car and hurried back.

Jody paid special attention to the news about Martin. The last time she gained a lot, from the camera to the DV to the means of transportation, her equipment was fully updated.

In the past few months, the news she has obtained from filming several first-line stars is not as much as that sold by Martin.

Those stars who have been famous for a long time are not as capable as Martin.

Bruce got out of the car and heard an argument.

Looking back casually, I saw some boys in school uniforms arguing, and Fake's words kept ringing.

These people are not too old, only about seventeen or eighteen years old.

Seven or eight tall and burly guys are surrounding three people.

American campus [-]s culture, whether public or private, has an extremely long history, and it can even be regarded as a tradition.

Bruce drove to the exit of the mall, and soon Martin and others came.

The others got into a commercial vehicle, and Martin got into the car driven by Old Bu with a box of pizza.

He opened the pizza box: "Eat something before leaving."

Bruce moved out of the car, out of the way, picked up the pizza and ate it.

Martin held out another can of Coke for him.

Bruce swallowed the food in his mouth and asked, "Isn't it the expired batch?"

Martin put it on the armrest box: "How precious is that batch of expired Coke, can you drink it as you like?"

Bruce was worried about Martin, a bad guy, so he picked it up to check the production date.

"What about the trust between people? Old Bu, you have failed me too much." Martin moved his wrist and found the conflict tens of meters ahead.

Seven or eight boys in school uniforms were chasing and beating the other three.

Bruce also saw it: "It was still arguing just now, but now it's fighting."

Those two groups alarmed the security guards in the shopping mall. Several security guards came out and yelled a few times, and the one with the most people left cursing.

The side with fewer people supported each other and walked in the opposite direction.

After eating half a pizza, Bruce started the car and drove Martin to the store where the signing was signed in the afternoon.

On the other side, three white boys staggered away with bruised noses and swollen faces.

This is not the first time there have been conflicts, and they have been bullied frequently in recent months.

Because they are immigrants from Russia, and a major incident happened at home, no one stood up for them.

(End of this chapter)

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