Chapter 176
In the Michelin-starred restaurant, Anne was enjoying French meals, and Martin, who was opposite, was eager and personable, taking care of everything.

She forked a piece of baked shrimp and brought it to Martin: "Your reward."

Martin ate it in his mouth with a happy face. He also forked a piece and fed it to Annie.

Annie ate it and asked, "The last time I called you, were you in East Asia?"

Martin didn't change his face: "I went to Hong Kong City to attract investment."

Annie thought of the film project: "Is there not enough money in Atlanta? I have to go overseas to invest."

"Another project." Martin said vaguely, "It's not a wanted warrant. I'm going to cooperate with someone on another big project with a higher investment. Sorry, I can't say anything about the confidentiality clause."

Hearing that the investment was higher, Annie thought it was appropriate to keep it secret, and smiled and shook Martin's hand: "It's okay, there must be many terms involved in a big business."

She is particularly concerned about Martin's financial future: "Is this trip going well?"

Martin nodded slightly: "Find some potential investors, and they will come to Los Angeles after a while to attend the premiere of "The Mountain Has Eyes"."

He took the initiative to invite: "Annie, will you accompany me to the premiere, okay?"

How could Annie refuse: "I will definitely go."

Martin took out an exquisite gift box with a beautiful star pattern engraved on it: "It's for you, open it and have a look, it's a surprise!"

Seeing so many stars, Annie immediately thought of bright diamonds, and then she was about to tear them apart: "Is it okay?"

Martin made a beckoning gesture: "They belong to you."

Annie opened it excitedly, and found that inside was a certificate, an extremely exquisite star map, and a beautiful crystal star.

Not the diamonds she thought.

Even though Annie was an actress, for a moment, the smile froze on her face.

But when she opened the certificate, she was quite surprised and couldn't help covering her mouth: " bought the naming right of a star for me?"

This business is really unpopular!Martin said: "Atlantic Astronomical Society, the right to name a star."

His lines were compiled when he came, and his acting skills exploded at this moment, absolutely Oscar level: "When I was in Hong Kong City, I couldn't help but miss you. After I called you, I missed you even more. I was thinking, there is There's no one way I can just look up and see you."

Annie pursed her lips, her eyes were slightly red and misty.

Martin continued: "I specifically found the famous Atlantic Astronomical Association and bought the right to name this star. From now on, I can see your starlight when I look up, and your starlight will always shine on me."

Annie nodded vigorously and couldn't help herself: "I love you, Martin, my love for you will be like this star!"

Martin was not afraid that Anne would find out the problem. If he was about to find out, it would be that he, Martin Davis, had been cheated by the Atlantic Astronomical Association.

It's normal for a good person to be cheated by a liar.

Annie felt that this was the most precious gift in the world, so she carefully put it in the bag: "It's time for you to spend money, it's too expensive."

Martin said, "Annie, you deserve all the good things in the world."

Annie stared blankly at Martin. He was really good-looking, useful and rich. It was hard to find another boyfriend like this.

It's time to upsize!

Annie tentatively said, "Martin, you're investing in movies one after another, and your funds are tight, right? If you need it, I still have some money."

This was beyond Martin's expectations. He responded very quickly, with a touch of emotion: "No, I can solve the funding problem."

"Tell me if you need it." Annie didn't force her, and said specifically, "What's mine is yours."

She can't say the latter sentence now.

"Don't worry, the financial pressure on my side is not too big." Martin finally returned.

When Bruce saw him, he would look at him with admiration.

After eating, Martin paid the bill, and Anne and Annie came out of the restaurant arm in arm and walked along the sidewalk.

Of course, the two will not say it clearly, but their respective agents have already communicated well, and every time they date, they will go around in public to show off their affection appropriately.

When the right time period comes, you can even make a big move.

Martin took Annie by the hand, talking and laughing all the way, very intimate.

There is no doubt about his professional ethics. Many paparazzi entertainment journalists in the back may not have eaten, and they always have to earn out today's meal money and gas money.

The two kissed recklessly on the street.

Geshan Youyan has entered the period of large-scale publicity. After entering a small park, Martin ran for a while with Annie on his back.

Entertainment news is all manufactured.

Afterwards, Martin specially bought an astronomical telescope, took Annie into the nearby Ritz-Carlton Hotel, and never came out again.

Annie was first smitten by Romance from the Stars, and then by Martin. Under the agitation of her mind, she also agreed to many strange requests from Martin.

The next morning, when the two of them left the hotel together, they were photographed by the paparazzi who came to watch early in the morning.

These Yuji paparazzi followed all the way to the gate of Warner Studios before giving up.

Martin wanted Annie to further cooperate with the publicity, and of course he had to give Annie confidence. It would be too low-level to show that poor savings to others, and it might even scare people away.

When they came to the small studio rented by the wanted order crew, Mene greeted him proactively: "Boss."

Martin introduced to Anne: "This is Mene, my brother."

Annie smiled at Mene: "Hello."

In the glass office on the other side, screenwriter Mike Bradt ran out.

Martin introduced him and Anne.

Bradt didn't care to look at Princess Anne, and said directly: "I need a professional action guide, some script scene construction, must be combined with action."

Martin said: "I came here today just for action guidance."

Chad Stalski, whom I met at Kate Winslet's party last month, ended his work on the crew of "Constantine" last month. After a short break, he contacted Martin to start a new job .

Martin and Bradt were discussing the direction of the story of the script, and Anne could only listen on the sidelines, feeling that Martin at work was full of passion and vitality.

About ten minutes later, Chad entered the studio and joined Martin and Bradt in the discussion.

Just in time, Bruce came too.

For some action scenes imagined by Martin and Chad, it is more intuitive for Bruce to demonstrate directly.

Bruce followed Martin to maintain fitness and training for a long time, and he was agile.

Before noon, Martin had decided to hire Chad as the action director of the crew.

Chad and Martin had a lot in common and were willing to accept the new job.

Bradt also looked forward to professional action guidance and called for a treat at noon.

Martin found Annie and asked, "Are you bored? We can't stop talking about work."

Annie saw the studio being built with her own eyes, and she was completely relieved: "The man who works is the most attractive, you don't need to worry about me, I will go to the production team later, you continue to work."

Martin said, "I'll treat you at noon, and I'll go there after eating."

"Okay." Anne wanted to further cut into Martin's life.

Martin treated guests for lunch, and then he sent Annie to the Hilton Hotel, where her crew was going to shoot in the afternoon.

Martin met Craven for an afternoon road show.

After the New Year, the publicity of "The Mountain Has Eyes" is in full swing, with posters, advertisements and promotional soft articles, etc. in an endless stream.

The Nevada Nuclear Test Declassification website has been updated with real or fake material as planned.

Use the real thing if it is real, and fake it if it is not real.

The power of capital is very strong. Warner Bros. found many veterans who had worked at the nuclear test site and conducted special interviews, earning a lot of attention.

Movie promotion and marketing are true or false, as long as it can cause a sensation, dare to create panic about the end of the world.

Documents printed with "Top Secret" revealed one after another that residents and veterans who used to live near the test site, especially those with physical abnormalities, were constantly dragged out for publicity.

The heat of public opinion finally spread to Washington.

During a routine press briefing at the White House, a reporter from Warner Television asked a related question.

The spokesperson categorically denied it and directly stated that he would go to Hollywood.

For this kind of thing, official rumors have never been effective, and they often get darker and darker.

The fictitious U.S. Atomic Energy Evaluation Agency issued a search notice to find the missing data collectors at the Nevada nuclear test site.

Then, some people posted similar missing person notices on the Internet and the media, claiming that family members or friends who drove across Nevada disappeared near the nuclear test site.

In fact, people who are familiar with the promotion and marketing of Hollywood movies have already seen that this is the promotion of a certain movie.

Viral marketing is not the first initiative of "The Blair Witch". After the success of this film, other films have used similar marketing methods in recent years, and it has also been used in the promotion of The Matrix.

Just as Washington responded, after the public opinion reached a climax, the homepage picture of the Nevada nuclear test declassification website changed. It was no longer a picture of a veteran with a lipoma on his back, but a missing person notice.

"I'm Brian, the principal of Lovisa Middle School in Orange County. Last month, Bob, the school's physical education teacher, was driving with his father-in-law's family. He disappeared while traveling through Nevada. Their car ended up at a gas station outside the nuclear test site. Now I Looking for clues..."

There are pictures of the family on the missing person notice.

The man standing in the C position, holding the dog in one hand and holding the child in the other, is Bob, the hero played by Martin in Geshan Youyan.

Behind is Bob's father-in-law's family.

Viral marketing is easy to cause backlash, and the experienced Warner Bros. has long been prepared.

At the same time as the announcement of the missing person was released, a FLASH game was loaded on the webpage called Geshan Youyan.

Its content is to assist the hero Bob to find the settlement of the deformed and perverted killer caused by the nuclear test, control the character of the protagonist Bob to pass the level and fight monsters, and find the baby snatched by the killer.

Those who pass the customs before the deadline can participate in the lottery and get a souvenir mailed by the crew.

There are also ten super lucky prizes. The winners will be invited by the crew to Los Angeles to attend the premiere of Geshan Youyan. The travel and accommodation expenses will be borne by the crew.

In terms of formal publicity, Martin is preparing to appear on a talk show.

 Two changes today

(End of this chapter)

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