American fame and fortune.

Chapter 140 What should be robbed must be robbed

Chapter 140 What should be robbed must be robbed

On the terrace of the villa, Louise specially wore a silk casual dress that highlighted her figure, and sat at the small dining table, enjoying a steak dinner with Martin.

Martin cut a piece of roast meat and put it in his mouth, saying, "The cook is very skilled, and the meat is also very good."

Louise took small bites and swallowed the food in her mouth: "Italian quinine steak, I know you like meat, so I specially called the chef over."

Martin enjoyed the deliciousness of the meat: "I really don't know how to thank you."

Louise didn't eat much, picked up a napkin to wipe her mouth, and said unceremoniously, "Didn't you bring me a souvenir?"

Martin fumbled in his pocket and reached out to Louise with a clenched fist.

Louise looked expectant.

Martin let go of his hand, and a pendant fell down. Under the lanyard was a polished white and smooth crocodile tooth.

Louise was so angry that she wanted to hit someone: "You sent me off once."

"It's not the same. Last time it was an Australian crocodile." Martin plausibly said, "This time it's a Moreleigh crocodile."

Louise picked up her glass and stared at Martin, as if to throw him in the face.

Martin stopped teasing her, took back the pendant, took out a notepad, and pushed it to Louise: "There is only one kind for now." He also took out a small totem pole: "The lucky totem of the Mayans."

Louise only took the note pad, opened it and looked at it, smiling all over her face: "Martin Davis, you have paid a small part of the debt you owe me."

"Can I pay it off at once tonight?" Martin said seriously: "One on one, I promise to pay it off."

"Go away." Louise ignored him and began to study the new formula given by Martin.

Martin left the international bartending master alone for a while and continued with dinner.

It was completely dark, and when Martin finished his dinner and picked up a wet towel to wipe his hands, a light was lit outside another villa opposite, and he faintly saw someone walking into the tennis court.

Across the distance, no sound can be heard, only vague figures can be seen.

Louise put away the pad, looked back, and said, "My neighbors, the Olsen family, have you heard of Ashley Olsen and Mary Olsen? This is the house they bought .”

Martin withdrew his gaze: "Of course I've heard of the famous Olsen sisters." He asked, "I read gossip media reports, they have a younger sister?"

Louise nodded: "Elizabeth, I'm in middle school."

Martin got up: "Don't talk about them, let's go downstairs?"

Louise came over, took Martin's hand and walked downstairs.

Martin asked: "I read the statutes of the Screen Actors Union. As long as you play a supporting role in a certain role, you can enjoy the post-production share of the film every year?"

Louise said simply: "This is the treatment agreed between the Actors Union and the Producers Union. Even if there is no sharing agreement signed with the crew, as long as the works performed by the union members meet the requirements, they will also enjoy the post-production share stipulated in the agreement. The ratio is very high. It is low, but the copyright income in the later stage of the film is astonishing, let’s just say that last year, the box office in North America was less than [-] billion, but the copyright income exceeded [-] billion.”

She added: "Do you know who won it first? Reagan when he was the chairman of the Screen Actors Guild, the one who was almost killed by Jodie Foster's admirers later."

Martin said: "Actors turned politicians, Reagan and Schwarzenegger were the most successful."

Louise nodded slightly: "It's hard for Schwarzenegger to go further, he was not born in the United States." She deliberately teased Martin: "Why, you want to go to the White House?"

Martin said with a smile: "When the time comes, I press the nuclear button, boom—"

Louise leaned against the railing of the stairs: "Am I going to kill you early?"

Martin threw his head back: "Come on, I won't resist."

The battle to defend the earth has begun.


Since the beginning of this year, Robert's income has increased, and he has also become famous in the Atlanta actor circle.

He rented a new house in a middle-class community in the west.

After waking up in the morning and washing up, Robert made a cup of coffee, ate a simple breakfast, opened his notebook, and previewed today's work content.

More and more Hollywood crews came to Atlanta to shoot, and the studio of Gray Film and Television Company signed two big crews.

Although the main actors are all finalized in Los Angeles, many small roles and passer-by actors are recruited in Atlanta, which makes the actor market in Atlanta more prosperous.

The Mariette Community Theater is about to usher in a major change, and its head, Jerome, intends to transition to being a manager.

Robert will serve as training director at the new company.

In fact, the work has not changed much, it is still teaching people to act.

After drinking half a cup of coffee, Robert closed his notebook and took out another small notebook with a line written on the cover: Coke!
He is old and has a bad memory, so he would take it out and read it every day.

Not only Martin, but several other actors with good relations with the troupe went to audition, and Robert would also serve Coke.

It is also unclear whether it is because of Coke, or whether the interview roles are all from Gray Film and Television Company and its partners. The success rate of the ceremony is as high as [-]%.

After eating and drinking, Robert finished reviewing the ceremony, put his notebook away, stood up and stretched himself, and muttered, "Should I start a Coke sect? Have you ever been addicted to being a leader?"

Just thinking about it for the time being, he picked up his bag and went out to get ready for work.

As soon as the door was closed, a beautiful Cadillac drove outside, which was his favorite model.

The Cadillac was parked on the side of the road, and a young man under the age of 20 got out of the driver's seat. Robert looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Harris recognized Robert at a glance, the big head was too conspicuous, and he walked over there: "Good morning, Robert, my name is Harris, and Martin asked me to come."

Robert remembered that he had seen the other party beside Martin, and responded with a smile: "Hello, what's the matter?"

Harris said, "Martin asked me to send you something."

Robert froze for a moment, then reacted and looked at the Cadillac.

Harris came to him and handed him the car keys: "The car is yours, and the procedures are in the co-pilot storage box."

"It's too expensive." Robert kept his eyes on the Cadillac: "This... is too expensive."

Harris gave him the key: "Martin asked me to tell you that because of you, his audition success rate has increased by at least 50.00%, and you must accept it."

Robert held the key and called from his heart: "Okay, okay, I'll take it."

"The things have been delivered, I should go." Harris didn't stay long, walked out after leaving, and got on a black BMW 7.

Robert knew the car, it used to be Martin's car.

Thinking of Martin, Robert wanted to make a phone call. Calculating the time difference between the two sides, he probably was still sleeping and did not make this call.

He puts the new car in the garage, or the old one.

In two days, find a suitable opportunity to drive a new car to the troupe.

Sitting in the car, Robert thought of a crucial thing, called a Coke dealer and said, "Help me collect the Coke produced in Atlanta in 03, and get as much as possible."

Strange over there: "What's different about Coke in 03?"

Only Robert and Martin knew the secret of the God of Coca-Cola. Robert didn't intend to tell anyone else, and made up a reason: "Last year's batch of syrup tasted particularly good, and the Coke made is not ordinary."


Los Angeles, Sherman Oaks.

Just after sunrise, Martin and Louise, in their tracksuits, went for a morning jog along the road on the southern slopes.

Turned around the nearby park, just returned to the road, Louise stopped, put her hands on her knees and panted heavily: "No, no, wait for me for a while, let me take a breath."

Martin turned around and pulled her up: "Don't stop, go slowly."

Louise let him lead her for a walk, and found reasons for herself as she walked: "I was the one who moved last night, and I wasted a lot, or else..."

Martin asked: "Do I need to take a picture next time and then accurately calculate which of us has been moving for a long time?"

"I warn you, don't mess around." Louise said: "You are younger than me, and it's normal to have good physical strength."

Martin remembered one thing, and said seriously: "You drink less alcohol, excessive drinking will accelerate aging..."

These words stung a hornet's nest, and Louise couldn't stand still: "What do you mean, I'm very old?"

Martin was kind: "Remind you, don't really become an alcoholic."

At this moment, a car drove over and stopped next to the two of them. The window of the passenger seat was lowered, and the blonde girl in the driver's seat beckoned: "Louise, it's rare to see you get up so early."

Louise glanced at the girl with baby fat on the co-pilot: "Hall Middle School starts?"

Mary Olsen pointed to Louise: "Elizabeth, Louise is our neighbor."

Elizabeth greeted politely.

The sisters left quickly, and the car drove to North Hollywood.

After breakfast, Martin and Louise went to Warner Studios, who will continue to participate in the post-production of "Alexander the Great" to make the film as commercial as possible.

Martin went to another post-production studio, and "House of Wax" had reached the stage of adding front and rear subtitles.

Unexpectedly, I met Thomas as soon as I entered the door.

Martin took out the Mayan lucky totem that Louise disliked, and handed it to the agent: "A little gift, Mexican characteristics."

Thomas took it over, the things were not expensive, but the customer thought of him, and he felt inexplicably happy: "It's very good, I'll find a place to store them later, and when you become a big star, these will become treasures."

Martin said in his heart, you are worthy of being a manager, and asked, "Why are you here?"

Thomas said: "I came to the crew promotion meeting. Paris Hilton's agent asked her name to be listed as the second subtitle of the actor. This is absolutely not allowed! Eliza Cuthbert is a well-deserved single heroine. , but the most important role after her was Nick in your role."

Martin agreed: "What should be robbed must be robbed, and this matter is left to you."

This is the job of the agent, and Thomas did his part: "Don't worry, I won't let them succeed."

Martin gave encouragement: "Come on, get them down!"

Thomas pumped his fist and entered a conference room as if to join a war.

 Explain that since last Friday, due to irresistible factors, the author has revised the previous chapters on a large scale. The current revision has been returned and needs to be continued... I can only try to keep updating twice a day.

  It would be nice if 60 of the first 40 chapters survived.Thank you guys for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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