American fame and fortune.

Chapter 122 Internal Promotion

Chapter 122 Internal Promotion
William Morris, at the end of the regular partner meeting every Monday, a group of bigwigs discussed the situation of important customers, and the topic came to potential customers.

Sharon, who was in charge of coordinating daily affairs, beckoned to the assistant, who hurried over and connected the projector to her laptop.

The Saturn Award is one of the top ten film and television awards in North America. WMA executives also paid attention to it. Sharon opened the news of the Saturn Award: "The company's sixth-level customer Martin Davis won the Saturn Award for Best Young Actor last weekend. Currently he There's a lot of attention in the entertainment press and on the internet, and there's a force behind him."

Asked co-partner Ari Emanuel: "Corporate resources?"

"It's rarely used." Sharon specifically asked Thomas to find out: "Except for his agent Thomas, no other resources of the company have been used."

Ali looked up at the projection screen: "How did he win the award?"

Sharon clicked the mouse, and the profile picture of Wes Craven appeared: "Martin invited Craven to his private party, and he got Craven."

Jim Waite, another co-partner, said: "Louis Mayer of Pacific Pictures recommended Martin to me because he starred in the theatrical movie Zombie Gigolo, and I listed him as a six-tier client. focus of attention."

According to WMA's internal regulations, only those who have starred in at least one theater movie or TV series as the protagonist and important supporting roles can become a sixth-level customer.

This standard excludes 90.00% of actors in the industry.

Sixth-level customers are also called actors within WMA, but they are actors with exclusive managers.

There are also well-known actors, stars, famous stars, superstars and super giants.

The division criteria are simple, pay, power and influence.


Resources are prioritized sequentially.

Because the brokerage company does not engage in art, it engages in money.

Clients whose remuneration can be called high-priced can enjoy the best resources.

The WMA currently does not have super giants.

The most important clients are Michael Bay and Eastwood.

"Thomas, I know, he's a rookie, he can't handle Craven." Ali became interested: "This little guy has some tricks."

Sharon is very meticulous in her work: "He starred in "House of Wax Museum" as the lead actor. The film has not yet been released. I specifically called the producer Susan and the director Zomi, and they spoke highly of Martin's acting skills and praised him. He's good at getting along with people."

Ali said directly: "It has something to do with ability. In this way, Martin's customer level will be raised by one level, and the fifth-level resources will be given priority to him."

In less than 2 minutes, the business about Martin was over. Potential customers will pay due attention, but whether they can get a position is also related to luck.

Sharon then mentions the real highlight of the new client, Blake Lively.

The men discussed for nearly 10 minutes as Ernie Lively was helping his daughter push a platter.

WMA wants to squeeze as many customers as possible into this crew.

When the meeting was over, Sharon called Thomas and chatted with him.

In the office partition, Thomas excitedly smashed the table with his fist, getting closer and closer to the independent office!
He looked up and saw himself in the mirror.

Putting the phone back, Thomas looked carefully in the mirror, the hairline seemed to recede again?
He scratched, and a few hairs fell on the desk.

When Thomas was full of passion, he blew away in one breath, picked up his mobile phone and dialed Martin's number: "Come to the company, there is a good thing."

Half an hour later, Martin came to the office partition.

Thomas just printed out a thick stack of documents from the company's internal system.

Martin glanced at it, and it seemed that they were all actor recruitment emails from the crew.

"Drink water and take it yourself." Thomas was still a little excited, his head and body shook violently, and a few hairs fell out.

He first talked about the latest situation: "Winning the best young actor, the company attaches great importance to you, and raised your customer level to level [-], and the resources at level [-] will give priority to you. Many roles that fall into level [-], the company will Highly recommend you."

As one of the two largest brokerage companies in the industry, WMA's strong recommendation will allow its actors to enter the third round of auditions. If the director and casting director are their own family members, the chances of winning will further increase.

Martin knew this very well, and said, "Do you have any good character recommendations?"

Thomas took a printout and said eagerly: "The project of Castle Rock Films, "The Crazy Hostage", with two protagonists."

Martin flipped through the printouts, which contained simple scripts, character settings, and introductions. After careful recall, he didn't have any impression.

This is a project carefully selected by Thomas: "The production budget is 800 million US dollars, family carnival type, I expect the salary will not be less than 30 US dollars, family carnival has always been a market."

Martin closed the printout: "Are you sure a group of adults holding weapons and fighting in Disneyland is a successful family carnival theme?"

Thomas asked, "What's the problem?"

"I don't feel good." Martin took another printout, a Universal project.

Thomas said: "George Romero is going to remake Land of the Dead. This is one of the main roles. The competition may be very fierce."

Martin has one and only one impression of this film, the zombie watching fireworks.

Choose the protagonist carefully, and he took it aside.

Thomas was also not in a hurry to choose, and took out another copy to Martin: "Dimension Films' project "Brothers Grimm" is a fantasy genre, taking the overseas financing route, the funds mainly come from Germany, two protagonists are set, and the first protagonist has been determined." For Matt Damon, the second lead is planned to use lower-paid newcomers."

Martin refused without hesitation: "All fantasy films are PASS."

Louise had told him that Germany was Hollywood's toilet for money laundering.

Who knows how much the film actually cost.

Thomas emphatically reminded: "The success of the "Lord of the Rings" series triggered a fantasy boom."

Martin said: ""Van Helsing" was released earlier this month, and it has been two weeks now. How bad is the box office and word-of-mouth?" He simply said: "I have no interest in fantasy and epic."

"You miss a lot of opportunities that way," Thomas said.

Martin didn't want to pester him because he couldn't tell: "I trust Louise Mayer's judgment."

"But she invested in Alexander the Great..."

"Louis has already regretted it." Martin's words were like a knife: "When it comes to film selection, I believe in the professionalism of a producer."

That is to say, my agent is unprofessional?Thomas opened his mouth, but he couldn't refute, because compared to the professionalism of film selection, let alone producers who face the first-line market, most agents are not even as good as managers around stars.

It's like a producer asking film critics how to make a film so that there is a market, and it will fall into the ditch [-]%.

"It's good to choose carefully, but you have to understand that we don't have a wide range of options," Thomas said.

Martin nodded slightly and asked, "Is that all?"

"Those who can be called the protagonists, that's all for the time being. It is impossible to recruit actors at the same time for the movies in the next two years. Some crews or companies rarely cooperate with WMA." Thomas made Martin realize the reality: "Although the company does not have super It’s huge, but the intention to cooperate layer by layer, to our place, it’s all leftovers from the stars.”

Martin understood this: "Nothing else?"

Thomas pointed to the computer screen: "There are still some villains, but I don't recommend... No, I firmly oppose you choosing a villain, unless the villain is like a protagonist."

Martin started talking again: "People like me are of course born to be the protagonist. To be a villain? If this protagonist kills this one, the next one will be killed by another protagonist, and it will be over soon!"

He asked Thomas: "You want me to be completely ruined by the choice I made because of urgency?"

As these words fell into his ears, Thomas' fiery heart and brain calmed down a little, he patted his forehead, and accepted the reality of being P: "My fault, the success of the Saturn Award, the company's attention... I was too excited. "

Seeing that he had calmed down, Martin said, "Let's continue watching."

The rest are supporting roles, and the new films of the company's two major directing clients, Michael Bay and Eastwood, all recruit supporting roles.

The former is called "Escape from Clone Island" and the latter is "Million Dollar Baby".

Playing small supporting roles in this type of film, Martin has little to no promotion, unless the pay is very high, which is obviously impossible.

Thomas discovered that the company's system was updated, and new projects and roles were automatically pushed to his OA. He quickly clicked on it and asked Martin to come over and read: "The project that uses young actors in an all-round way has confirmed that a female lead is Blake Lively, and Five main characters, three women and two men."

Martin asked, "Have you decided on the name?"

"Adapted from Brasheers' novel of the same name "Summer of Jeans." Thomas said: "The adaptation should continue to use this name."

Martin had seen the film and thought it was a girl's movie, and asked, "Two male characters?"

Thomas said: "A football coach, a Greek guy." He was surprised: "It's too ridiculous, the budget is 2500 million U.S. dollars!"

Hearing the money, Martin became interested: "If the salary of the character is high, sign up for me. I'm very poor recently." He added: "It's fine if the salary is low."

Thomas wrote it down: "Others, do you think there is no suitable one?"

"It's really difficult to choose a suitable role." There are indeed a lot of resources, but in Martin's eyes, the quality is worrying, and many of them are still pitfalls. The success rate of movies is relatively low, and it is normal to have more pitfalls.

Thomas smiled: "Projects with high investment naturally have to find stars with strong appeal."

"Pay attention to the salary in the summer of jeans." Martin warned, and then said something else: "Do you have time in the evening, accompany me to a party."

Thomas said, "I'm dating a lady..."

Martin sighed: "Wes Craven asked me to discuss the script with the French director Alexandre Ajia." He specifically emphasized: "A horror film script created with me as the absolute protagonist."

"I didn't hear you before." Thomas was quite helpless.

Martin said: "The story comes from the collision of ideas between the two directors. Before they finalized the framework, they were full of uncertainty. I can't tell you what is uncertain. Their agent also went, and I didn't bring an agent. It seems uncomfortable. respect."

Thomas was embarrassed and gritted his teeth: "I'll go!"

 I was busy all day yesterday, and I didn't have time to code words. I haven't finished writing the second update yet, so I have to send it later.

(End of this chapter)

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