Father can be an enemy country

Chapter 501 Good luck, eat chicken tonight

Chapter 501 Good luck, eat chicken tonight

"Wang Bi, I'm the Jiangxi chief envoy, you can't listen to a fake!" Xiong Qitai was still clamoring.

"What a joke, you little character like me doesn't know me, do you think Wang Bi doesn't know me?" The sixth child smiled contemptuously at Xiong Qitai.

"I am a humble minister, but I give a banquet every New Year's Day, and I also attend the banquet. I have the honor to offer wine to His Highness a few times." Wang Bi said loudly.He was not surprised at all that His Highness King Chu appeared here.

Because boss Zhu attached great importance to the army, when Lao Liu left Beijing, he had already sent a secret envoy to Wang Bi to tell him that the king of Chu had also come to Nanchang.Order him to secretly protect His Highness, and obey orders at any time...

That's why Lao Liu was confident and bold to show his cards to Xiong Qitai, just because he had Wang Bi's trump card.

It was just now that he saw Wang Bi coming through the crack of the door, so he dared to single-handedly pretend to be Boyi...

"The last general pays homage to His Highness!" Wang Bi then led the crowd to pay homage to the King of Chu.Although all the soldiers under his command were ignorant, they made the adults bow down when they saw it, and hurriedly bowed down together, shouting thousand years old, thousand years old, thousand years old.

"Let's get back together." The King of Chu nodded, and said in a deep voice: "This king came to Chang under the order to investigate the case of Liu Canzheng's murder. After investigation, it was found that the murderer was the chief minister Xiong Qitai and his accomplices."

After a pause, Zhu Zhen ordered: "Wang Bi!"

"The minister is here!" Wang Bi replied loudly.

"My king ordered you to immediately lead the troops to seal down the chief secretary's yamen, cooperate with the inspector Zeng Tai, arrest all the people involved in the case, and seal up all the documents and documents in the yamen!" The king of Chu ordered in a deep voice.

"Follow the order!" Wang Bi loudly accepted the order.He also asked for instructions to leave a thousand soldiers and horses to protect His Royal Highness, but was declined by the King of Chu.

"This king has his own guards, so there is no need for the general to worry about him." The king of Chu smiled faintly, pointed to the distance and said, "Let them come here."

Following what His Highness pointed out, Wang Bi saw more than 200 guards in uniform.Under the leadership of Hu Xian, they walked out of the ruins where they were hiding and lined up to them.

This is Lao Liu's backhand hidden in Qingshan Lake. Today's showdown is going to happen, so they are naturally called here.If Wang Bi was not around, the sixth child would wait for them to show up first, and then show up.

Of course, my own safety is guarded by my own people. His Royal Highness King Chu focuses on a stable...

In order to prevent Xiong Qitai from being silenced, the sixth child ordered Wang Bi to hand him over to his guards.

There is another unexpected discovery beside Xiong Qitai, that is, the old beggar...

"Hey, isn't this the deputy gang leader?" Zhu Zhenxuan looked at the shivering old beggar, and said with a smile: "I said, why are you so hostile to me? It turns out that you have already ordered the hairline and attracted the horse."

"My lord, my lord, please forgive me..." The old beggar kowtowed like a pounding garlic, pleading bitterly: "The villain is also obeying the imperial court's orders, please report it enthusiastically."

"Well, it makes sense." The sixth child scratched his cheek and said, "In your eyes, Xiong Qitai is the governor of a province, and his orders are the orders of the government. It is indeed not illegal to obey him."

"Yes, yes, yes, the villain is a law-abiding citizen." The old beggar saw a glimmer of hope, and nodded desperately.

"But, you are a traitor of the beggar gang, isn't that right?" Little did he know that Lao Liu had a bad taste of playing tricks on people.

The old beggar was taken aback when he heard the words: "This... But His Highness is from the imperial court."

"But this king is also the leader of the Beggar Gang, and you presided over the joining ceremony." King Chu sneered and said, "Then deal with you according to the gang rules!"

He hadn't passed the gang leader's addiction yet, so he immediately ordered someone to sneak him into the treasure hall, and opened the execution hall on the spot to interrogate the traitor.

In the treasure hall, the censer, portraits, and objects that had just been removed were all put back.The biggest feature of the beggar gang is 'poor', so no matter what the ritual is, it's just this set of guys.

Zhu Zhen sat upright beside the incense table, Shu Laibao and the leaders of the beggar gang lined up on the left and right, glaring at the deputy gang leader who was kneeling under the hall.

"Old Bangcai, you were hungry and sick back then, and you collapsed in a random graveyard. We brought you back, cured you, took you in, and even made you the vice gang leader! Didn't you keep saying that you would never betray? What? To betray us with the heart of a wolf?!"

"Hehe, leader of the gang, oh, you are also the deputy leader of the gang now." Lao Bangcai laughed teasingly, "Is the deputy leader of our beggar gang very valuable?"

"Why is it worthless?!" Shu Laibao said angrily: "Not only do you not have to go to the street to beg for food, but all the money everyone begged for is in your custody. When you share wine and meat during festivals and festivals, you always get the first one! You know How many brothers are jealous?"

"Hahaha, that's still a beggar, worthless!" Old Bangcai laughed, looked at Shu Laibao with complicated eyes and said:

"You really can't blame me. I have persuaded you many times to sell that man for a high price. The brothers can also live a good life with a meal of wine and meat, and they will never have to be beggars again."

"But you are lucky, you just stick to those ridiculous broken rules, you would rather put your brothers in danger than protect him to death." Lao Bangcai said depressedly:

"Actually, I have been enduring it before, but today the reward has risen to [-] guan, I really can't bear it anymore. I don't understand, you are so willing to be a beggar? You can be a beggar if you want to, and you can't let the brothers , will accompany you to be a beggar for the rest of your life, right?"

"You understand now!" At this moment, Gang Leader Hong said, "Shu Laibao has much better vision than you. You were leading the brothers in the gang to the road of death. Shu Laibao took you away. A road with unlimited future!"

"Clan leader, it's useless to talk too much. This person has committed a heinous crime by lighting hairlines and leading horses. According to gang rules, he should be sentenced to death!" Shu Laibao clasped his fists in a hateful voice.

"Execute." Chief Hong said in a deep voice.

"Obey!" Shu Laibao accepted the order in a deep voice, and Hou Er presented a big rooster.Shu Laibao took it, held the rooster, and sang:

"Wearing red tassels on the head, stepping on the mud, falling into the world and crying every night. I caught you today to testify, and turned my back on this chicken."

After finishing speaking, he waved the command flag and said, "Execution!"

There was a group of gangsters holding Lao Bangcai tightly, and then Chen San picked up the bamboo tube from the desk and stabbed Lao Bangcai's eye socket...

Amidst the heart-piercing screams, Lao Bangcai had his eyes gouged out, ears pierced, and nose cut off. Finally, a basin of clean water washed away the blood from his body, and he was thrown out of the hall, leaving him to fend for himself.

In the end, Shu Laibao chopped off the chicken's head with a single knife, and sternly said to the helpers who were so frightened that their faces were pale: "The rules of the gang must not be violated, you should do it yourself!"

"Obey!" All the beggars hurriedly responded in unison, never before.

"Please speak to the leader!" Shu Laibao handed back the command flag, clasped his fists and said loudly.

"Oh..." Lao Liu swallowed secretly. He wanted to be addicted to being a gang leader, but he didn't expect to watch a horror movie instead.Nima, the gang culture really cannot be examined in detail.If you take a closer look, you will have blood splattered all over your face.

"Since we killed the chicken, let's stew it for everyone. Good luck, let's eat chicken tonight." Leader Hong said in a lecture.

"Yes, there is an order from the guild leader, good luck, chicken tonight!" Shu Laibao repeated loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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